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- Could add more clues?
- the red house has an even number of trees (this is a glorified "numeric or")
- the red house has more than 3 trees (this is a glorified "numeric or")
- the red house does not have the most or fewest trees (this is a glorified "numeric or")
Hiking accessory: poles hat water bottle sunglasses handkerchief. Miles. Elevation. Trail name.
Vacation. Destination. Number days. Start day. Airline.
Road trip. States. Number states. Miles. Car models.
Commuter . Mode of transport. Minutes. Job.
Afternoon beverage. Time. Cup color.
Jigsaw. Number pieces. Subject.
House. Number trees. Color. Accessory swing dog fence flag chimney etc
Bird species. Number.
Tree planted. Years ago.
Fruit tree. Base tree.
Hike feature stream lake forest prairie
Zoo animal
Day of week