diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua index b35daeb..1a8eef0 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua index 8f0ac2e..321d943 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua @@ -163,10 +163,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua index 642c19c..8bf4cba 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua index ef532f2..9649916 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua index ea272b4..f0a4864 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua index ad8f323..07a077c 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua index 34edea4..185ee14 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua index c5ca6c7..ea658cb 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "" diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua index 25763cb..f26105f 100644 --- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua +++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php? L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Other credits goes to the following addon creators:\n\n|cff00FFFFAchievementsScreenshot:|r Blamdarot\n|cff00FFFFAlertCombat:|r Alleykat\n|cff00FFFFAutoRole:|r iSpawnAtHome\n|cff00FFFFChatBar:|r Favorit\n|cff00FFFFClick2Cast:|r Fernir\n|cff00FFFFCombatText:|r Affli\n|cff00FFFFHatTrick:|r tekkub\n|cff00FFFFItemLevelOnGearAndSlots:|r JerichoHM\n|cff00FFFFMail:|r Kemayo\n|cff00FFFFMicroMenu, MinimapButtons, RaidBuffReminder, SpellInterrupts:|r Elv22\n|cff00FFFFNickAlert:|r Hydra\n|cff00FFFFRaidCooldowns:|r Allez\n|cff00FFFFSpellAnnouncements:|r Duffed\n|cff00FFFFUnitframeFader:|r p3lim" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work. I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. He founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Guy. Thanks for helping me." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "" -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." -L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_3 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "I also have to say thanks to Slapaxx. She founds some other bugs and reported them very well. Great Girl. Thanks for helping me." +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_5 = "" +L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list." L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "" L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = ""