diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/AsphyxiaUI.toc b/AsphyxiaUI/AsphyxiaUI.toc
index 8241277..87bbea2 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/AsphyxiaUI.toc
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/AsphyxiaUI.toc
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
## Interface: 50001
## Title: AsphyxiaUI - Core
## Notes:
-## Version: 6.0
-## Author: Sinaris, Merith
-## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: AsphyxiaUISaved
+## Version: 6.0.0
+## Author: Sinaris
+## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: AsphyxiaUISaved, ClickCast
## RequiredDeps: AsphyxiaUI_Config, Tukui
## OptionalDeps: Blizzard_CombatText, !ClassColors, Clique, DBM-Core, Omen, Recount, Skada, TinyDPS
## X-oUF: oUFTukui
+## Website: www.natias.de
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/API.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/API.lua
index 57bb8a2..fe930d5 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/API.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/API.lua
@@ -24,20 +24,6 @@ local function Animate( self, x, y, duration )
self.anim.out1:SetScript( "OnFinished", function() self:Hide() end )
-local function CreateBorder( self, shadow )
- if( self:GetFrameStrata() == "BACKGROUND" ) then self:SetFrameStrata( "LOW" ) end
- local border = CreateFrame( "Frame", nil, self )
- border:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", S.Scale( -2 ), S.Scale( 2 ) )
- border:SetPoint( "BOTTOMRIGHT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT", S.Scale( 2 ), S.Scale( -2 ) )
- border:SetTemplate( "Default" )
- if( shadow == true ) then
- border:CreateShadow( "Default" )
- end
- border:SetFrameLevel( self:GetFrameLevel() )
local function CreateOverlay( frame )
if( frame.overlay ) then return end
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Filter/Announce.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Filter/Announce.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aa728c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Filter/Announce.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
+local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
+S.AnnounceSpells = {
+ [20707] = true,
+ [20484] = true,
+ [61999] = true,
+ [2565] = true,
+ [871] = true,
+ [12975] = true,
+ [114207] = true,
+ [47788] = true,
+ [33206] = true,
+ [34477] = "player",
+ [115176] = true,
+ [115203] = true,
+ [115213] = true,
+ [48707] = true,
+ [55233] = true,
+ [48792] = true,
+ [31850] = true,
+ [498] = true,
+ [642] = true,
+ [106922] = true,
+ [61336] = true,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Filter/CombatText.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Filter/CombatText.lua
index b68dfd1..995dfe4 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Filter/CombatText.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Filter/CombatText.lua
@@ -24,46 +24,44 @@ if( S.myclass == "WARLOCK" ) then
S.aoespam[30108] = true
S.aoespam[348] = true
S.aoespam[980] = true
- S.aoespam[85455] = true
- S.aoespam[85421] = true
+ S.aoespam[80240] = true
S.aoespam[42223] = true
+ S.aoespam[689] = true
+ S.aoespam[89420] = true
S.aoespam[5857] = true
- S.aoespam[47897] = true
+ S.aoespam[129476] = true
+ S.aoespam[103103] = true
+ S.aoespam[86040] = true
+ S.aoespam[124915] = true
S.aoespam[47960] = true
S.aoespam[50590] = true
S.aoespam[30213] = true
S.aoespam[89753] = true
S.aoespam[20153] = true
- S.aoespam[129476] = true
- S.aoespam[124915] = true
- S.aoespam[115422] = true
- S.aoespam[86040] = true
- S.aoespam[115832] = true
- S.aoespam[115625] = true
- S.aoespam[104318] = true
+ S.aoespam[103988] = true
+ S.aoespam[108371] = true
+ S.aoespam[115707] = true
if( C["combattext"]["healing"] == true ) then
- S.healfilter[28176] = true
- S.healfilter[96379] = true
S.healfilter[63106] = true
- S.healfilter[54181] = true
S.healfilter[89653] = true
- S.healfilter[79268] = true
- S.healfilter[30294] = true
+ S.healfilter[125314] = true
+ S.healfilter[108366] = true
+ S.healfilter[108359] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "DRUID" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
S.aoespam[774] = true
- S.aoespam[64801] = true
S.aoespam[48438] = true
S.aoespam[8936] = true
S.aoespam[33763] = true
S.aoespam[44203] = true
S.aoespam[81269] = true
+ S.aoespam[102792] = true
S.aoespam[8921] = true
S.aoespam[93402] = true
- S.aoespam[5570] = true
S.aoespam[42231] = true
+ S.aoespam[106998] = true
S.aoespam[50288] = true
S.aoespam[78777] = true
S.aoespam[61391] = true
@@ -73,21 +71,20 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "DRUID" ) then
S.aoespam[62078] = true
S.aoespam[779] = true
S.aoespam[33745] = true
+ S.aoespam[77758] = true
S.aoespam[1079] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "PALADIN" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
- S.aoespam[20167] = true
- S.aoespam[94289] = true
+ S.aoespam[20167] = true
S.aoespam[53652] = true
S.aoespam[85222] = true
S.aoespam[82327] = true
- S.aoespam[86452] = true
+ S.aoespam[121129] = true
S.aoespam[81297] = true
- S.aoespam[2812] = true
+ S.aoespam[119072] = true
S.aoespam[53385] = true
S.aoespam[31803] = true
- S.aoespam[20424] = true
S.aoespam[42463] = true
S.aoespam[101423] = true
S.aoespam[88263] = true
@@ -97,31 +94,29 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "PALADIN" ) then
elseif( S.myclass == "PRIEST" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
S.aoespam[47750] = true
+ S.aoespam[23455] = true
S.aoespam[139] = true
S.aoespam[596] = true
- S.aoespam[56161] = true
S.aoespam[64844] = true
S.aoespam[32546] = true
S.aoespam[77489] = true
S.aoespam[34861] = true
- S.aoespam[23455] = true
S.aoespam[33110] = true
S.aoespam[63544] = true
S.aoespam[81751] = true
- S.aoespam[94472] = true
+ S.aoespam[94472] = 81751
S.aoespam[47666] = true
- S.aoespam[15237] = true
+ S.aoespam[132157] = true
S.aoespam[589] = true
S.aoespam[34914] = true
S.aoespam[2944] = true
- S.aoespam[63675] = true
S.aoespam[15407] = true
S.aoespam[49821] = true
S.aoespam[87532] = true
S.aoespam[14914] = true
if( C["combattext"]["healing"] == true ) then
- S.healfilter[2944] = true
+ S.healfilter[127626] = true
S.healfilter[15290] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "SHAMAN" ) then
@@ -131,8 +126,10 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "SHAMAN" ) then
S.aoespam[1064] = true
S.aoespam[51945] = true
S.aoespam[61295] = true
- S.aoespam[61295] = true
S.aoespam[98021] = true
+ S.aoespam[114911] = true
+ S.aoespam[118800] = true
+ S.aoespam[114942] = true
S.aoespam[421] = true
S.aoespam[45297] = true
S.aoespam[8349] = true
@@ -141,11 +138,12 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "SHAMAN" ) then
S.aoespam[8187] = true
S.aoespam[8050] = true
S.aoespam[25504] = true
+ S.aoespam[3606] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "MAGE" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
- S.aoespam[44461] = true
S.aoespam[44457] = true
+ S.aoespam[44461] = true
S.aoespam[2120] = true
S.aoespam[12654] = true
S.aoespam[11366] = true
@@ -153,14 +151,15 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "MAGE" ) then
S.aoespam[42208] = true
S.aoespam[122] = true
S.aoespam[1449] = true
- S.aoespam[92315] = true
S.aoespam[83853] = true
S.aoespam[11113] = true
- S.aoespam[88148] = true
- S.aoespam[84721] = true
- S.aoespam[82739] = true
- S.aoespam[83619] = true
S.aoespam[120] = true
+ S.aoespam[114923] = true
+ S.aoespam[114954] = true
+ S.aoespam[7268] = true
+ S.aoespam[113092] = true
+ S.aoespam[44425] = true
+ S.aoespam[84721] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "WARRIOR" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
@@ -168,24 +167,28 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "WARRIOR" ) then
S.aoespam[46968] = true
S.aoespam[6343] = true
S.aoespam[1680] = true
- S.aoespam[94009] = true
- S.aoespam[12721] = true
+ S.aoespam[115767] = true
S.aoespam[50622] = true
S.aoespam[52174] = true
+ S.aoespam[118000] = true
+ S.aoespam[76858] = true
if( C["combattext"]["healing"] == true ) then
- S.healfilter[23880] = true
+ S.healfilter[117313] = true
S.healfilter[55694] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "HUNTER" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
S.aoespam[2643] = true
S.aoespam[83077] = true
- S.aoespam[88453] = true
- S.aoespam[88466] = true
- S.aoespam[1978] = true
+ S.aoespam[118253] = true
S.aoespam[13812] = true
S.aoespam[53301] = true
+ S.aoespam[63468] = true
+ S.aoespam[118459] = true
+ S.aoespam[120699] = true
+ S.aoespam[131900] = true
+ S.aoespam[34655] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "MONK" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
@@ -193,24 +196,27 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "MONK" ) then
S.aoespam[125953] = 115175
S.aoespam[126890] = true
S.aoespam[117640] = true
+ S.aoespam[132463] = true
+ S.aoespam[124101] = true
S.aoespam[117952] = true
- S.aoespam[107270] = true
- S.aoespam[101546] = true
- S.aoespam[128531] = true
S.aoespam[117418] = true
+ S.aoespam[120274] = true
+ S.aoespam[128531] = true
+ S.aoespam[123725] = true
+ S.aoespam[107270] = true
+ S.aoespam[132467] = true
+ S.aoespam[125033] = true
+ S.aoespam[123586] = true
elseif( S.myclass == "DEATHKNIGHT" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
S.aoespam[55095] = true
S.aoespam[55078] = true
- S.aoespam[55536] = true
S.aoespam[48721] = true
S.aoespam[49184] = true
S.aoespam[52212] = true
- S.aoespam[47541] = true
S.aoespam[55050] = true
- S.aoespam[98957] = true
- S.aoespam[59754] = true
+ S.aoespam[119980] = true
S.aoespam[49020] = true
S.aoespam[66198] = 49020
S.aoespam[49998] = true
@@ -219,14 +225,12 @@ elseif( S.myclass == "DEATHKNIGHT" ) then
S.aoespam[66216] = 45462
S.aoespam[49143] = true
S.aoespam[66196] = 49143
- S.aoespam[56815] = true
- S.aoespam[66217] = 56815
- S.aoespam[45902] = true
- S.aoespam[66215] = 45902
elseif( S.myclass == "ROGUE" ) then
if( C["combattext"]["mergeaoespam"] == true ) then
S.aoespam[51723] = true
+ S.aoespam[121411] = true
+ S.aoespam[122233] = true
S.aoespam[2818] = true
S.aoespam[8680] = true
S.aoespam[5374] = true
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Functions.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Functions.lua
index e4961a6..8766ebf 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Functions.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/Functions.lua
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
+S.ClassColor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[S.myclass]
S.CreateFontString = function( normalfont )
if( normalfont ) then
return C["media"]["font"], 12, "THINOUTLINE"
@@ -17,15 +19,13 @@ S.CreateFontString = function( normalfont )
function S.SetModifiedBackdrop( self )
- local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[S.myclass]
- self:SetBackdropColor( color.r * 0.15, color.g * 0.15, color.b * 0.15 )
- self:SetBackdropBorderColor( color.r, color.g, color.b )
+ self:SetBackdropColor( S.ClassColor.r * 0.15, S.ClassColor.g * 0.15, S.ClassColor.b * 0.15 )
+ self:SetBackdropBorderColor( S.ClassColor.r, S.ClassColor.g, S.ClassColor.b )
function S.SetOriginalBackdrop( self )
- local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[S.myclass]
if( C["general"]["classcolortheme"] == true ) then
- self:SetBackdropBorderColor( color.r, color.g, color.b )
+ self:SetBackdropBorderColor( S.ClassColor.r, S.ClassColor.g, S.ClassColor.b )
self:SetTemplate( "Default" )
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function S.update_alpha( self )
function S.fadeOut( self )
- UIFrameFadeOut( self, .4, 1, 0 )
+ UIFrameFadeOut( self, 0.4, 1, 0 )
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function S.fadeIn( p )
p.frame:SetScript( "OnUpdate", S.update_alpha )
p:SetScript( "OnShow", function()
- UIFrameFadeIn( p, .4, 0, 1 )
+ UIFrameFadeIn( p, 0.4, 0, 1 )
end )
p.fadeOut = S.fadeOut
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/load_core.xml b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/load_core.xml
index 52c876e..1891a09 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Core/load_core.xml
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Core/load_core.xml
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua
index d9d6284..11b1772 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Chinese.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "zhCN" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua
index 6f8c088..8d0d3a5 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/English.lua
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
-- GameTooltip
@@ -39,6 +40,11 @@ L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the m
-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
@@ -48,17 +54,19 @@ L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
-- Changelog, seperate Addon
L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
-L.Changelog_VERSION = ""
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
-L.Faq_VERSION = ""
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
[1] = "Informations",
@@ -212,6 +220,7 @@ if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
@@ -227,10 +236,22 @@ if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua
index dadf372..20d1a60 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/French.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "frFR" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua
index 5907d06..be5f01e 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/German.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "deDE" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua
index 3679e13..c895c0d 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Korean.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "koKR" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua
index e8847b0..d75e741 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Portuguese.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "ptBR" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua
index 22f1b90..7783c1d 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Russian.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "ruRU" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua
index 6f328ba..ff10f38 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Spanish.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "esES" or S.client ~= "esMX" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua
index 4d7ec3c..19026c8 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Locales/Taiwan.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,254 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( S.client ~= "zhTW" ) then return end
+-- Global
+L.Global_ADDON_TITLE = "AsphyxiaUI"
+L.Global_ADDON_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 - Sinaris, EU - Das Syndikat"
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE1 = "Whats up, |cff00AAFF" .. S.myname .. "!|r Thank you for using |cffFF6347AsphyxiaUI " .. GetAddOnMetadata( "AsphyxiaUI", "Version" ) .. "|r."
+L.Global_WELCOME_MESSAGE2 = "For detailed Information |cff00FFFFvisit www.tukui.org or https://github.com/Sinaris/AsphyxiaUI"
+-- Popups
+L.Popups_SELECT_RAID_LAYOUT = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
+L.Popups_ENABLE_CHAT_BACKGROUNDS = "AsphyxiaUI needs to have the chatbackground enabled."
+-- Tooltip
+L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT = "Loading Talents..."
+L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS = "No Talents"
+L.Tooltip_ITEMID = "Item ID:"
+L.Tooltip_SPELLID = "Spell ID:"
+L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN = "Inspect Frame is open."
+-- GameTooltip
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_CURRENCYBARS = "Show or hide currency datapanels."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_DATAPANELS = "Show or hide datatext panels below the actionbar."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_MINIMAP = "Show or hide the minimap."
+L.Gametooltip_SWITCH_RAIDLAYOUT = "Switch raidlayout."
+L.Gametooltip_SHOW_HIDE_REPUTATION = "Show or hide reputation panels below the minimap."
+-- Modules
+L.Actionbars_LOCK = "|cffe45050Locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_UNLOCK = "|cff50e468Unlocked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK = "Actionbars |cffe45050locked|r"
+L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK = "Actionbars |cff50e468unlocked|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_SHOW = "|cff00FF00Grid enabled|r"
+L.Grid_GRID_HIDE = "|cffFF0000Grid disabled|r"
+L.Mail_STOPPED = "Stopped, inventory is full."
+L.Mail_UNIQUE = "Stopped. Found a duplicate unique item in bag or in bank."
+L.Mail_COMPLETE = "All done."
+L.Mail_NEED = "Need a mailbox."
+L.Mail_MESSAGES = "messages"
+L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER = "Mouse Bindings"
+-- Changelog, seperate Addon
+L.Changelog_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - Changelog"
+L.Changelog_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+-- F.A.Q., seperate Addon
+L.Faq_TITLE = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI|r - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_VERSION = "6.0.0"
+ [1] = "Informations",
+ [2] = "Unitframes",
+ [3] = "Actionbars",
+ [4] = "Panels, Nameplates",
+ [5] = "Minimap, Chat",
+ [6] = "Extra Addons, Skins",
+ [7] = "Reported Issues",
+ [8] = "Credits",
+ [9] = "Donations",
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_0 = "|cff00AAFFAsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q.|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_1 = "|cff00AAFFInformation|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_2 = "|cff00AAFFUnitframes|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_3 = "|cff00AAFFActionbars|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_4 = "|cff00AAFFPanels, Nameplates|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_5 = "|cff00AAFFMinimap, Chat|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_6 = "|cff00AAFFExtra Addons, Skins|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_7 = "|cff00AAFFReported Issues|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_8 = "|cff00AAFFCredits|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_TITLE_9 = "|cff00AAFFDonations|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_1 = "AsphyxiaUI - F.A.Q."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_2 = "Welcome to the F.A.Q. from AsphyxiaUI!\n\nThis F.A.Q. will help you to find the important settings and commands for AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_0_3 = "Please select a category."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_1 = "AsphyxiaUI is a heavily modified version of Tukui. AsphyxiaUI is a complete UI replacement."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_2 = "For detailed information visit:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_3 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_5 = "You can use the following slash-commands:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_1_6 = "|cffEAC117/testui|r - Test mode for unitframes.\n|cffEAC117/ab|r - Actionbar configuration."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_1 = "There are four different unitframe layouts. You can change them without editing the original LUA files."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_2 = "Follow these steps to change the unitframe layout:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_3 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_4 = "Goto: Asphyxia. Now you can see a inputbox named 'AsphyxiaUI Layout'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_5 = "You can choose between asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 and asphyxia4. More layouts will be added soon."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_2_6 = "After changing the layout click onto 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the unitframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_1 = "There is a seperate config ui for the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_2 = "Click onto 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the actionbars."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_3 = "Now click onto 'Actionbar Config'."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_3_5 = "Now you can change the actionbars to whatever you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_1 = "There is a seperate 'Control Panel' at the bottom of the screen."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_2 = "Left button: after clicking this button the UI will be reloaded and the default AsphyxiaUI settings will be loaded."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_3 = "Middle button: open the AsphyxiaUI Control Panel."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_4 = "Right button: reload the UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_5 = "The AsphyxiaUI nameplates have several tweaks. You can enable or disable the debuff and cc tracking into the Tukui ConfigUI.\nFollow this steps to change the settings:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_4_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat)\nGoto: Nameplates\nNow you can enable or disable the debuff and/or cc tracking onto the nameplates."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_1 = "You can show or hide the minimap by clicking the left button at the minimap. There are also the buttons for the help frame and the Tukui version frame."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_2 = "The minimap buttons are skinned too. So if you are using DBM, Skada or other addons with a seperate minimap button, this button will be skinned as well."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_3 = "You can change the height and/or width of the chatframes."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_4 = "Follow this steps to change the chat frames:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_5 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Chat"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_5_6 = "There are two inputfields names chatheight and chatwidth. You can change the default values to whatever you want.\n\nAfter you are done click 'Apply Settings' on the bottom of the Tukui ConfigUI. After the reload the chatframes are changed."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_1 = "There are some extra addons included into AsphyxiaUI. You will find some credits and other informations about this under the 'Credits' section."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_2 = "AsphyxiaUI has some nice and cool looking skins for the following AddOns:\nBalancePowerTracker, BigWigs, DeadlyBossMods, DeuxVox, Omen, Recount, Skada and TinyDPS."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_3 = "You can change these settings by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_4 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: Addon Skins.\n\nNow you can enable or disable the needed skins. You can also activate the embed right for Skada or Recount."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_5 = "The default Blizzard-Frames are also skinned to match the rest of the AsphyxiaUI. If you don't like them you can disable it by follow these steps:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_6_6 = "Open the Tukui ConfigUI (type /tc into your chat) and goto: General\n\nNow you can enable or disable the skinning for the Blizzard-Frames."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_1 = "I worked hard, very hard. So, i know that there are some issues into the AsphyxiaUI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_2 = "If you found something that looks ugly or if you think that can be a bug, error or whatever, let me know."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_4 = "You can post your erros here (please read the guidline to report bugs and erros):"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_7_6 = "|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r\nor\n|cff00FFFFhttps://github.com/Sinaris|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_1 = "First: Asphyxia, the creator of this UI. Thank you for this awesome job. I hope the 'new' AsphyxiaUI is that what you want."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_2 = "Some other credits goto: Caith, Caellian, Shestak, Haste, Tekkub, Alza, Roth, P3lim, Tulla, Hungtar, hankthetank, Ishtara, Haleth and others..."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_4 = "Special thanks to: Asi, my forum bitch! xD Also i have to thank Nisha and BuG. Both people are very helpfull and helped me a lot to finish my work."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_8_6 = "If i missed someone, let me know it and i will add them onto the list."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_1 = "It's not easy to create a new UI, giving support for all other users and pushing updates as much as i can."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_2 = "Feel free to give some donations for this UI."
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_3 = "You can do this here:\n|cff00FFFFhttp://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=74|r"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_5 = "I have to say thank you to the following donators:"
+L.Faq_CONTENT_TEXT_FIELD_9_6 = "|cff00AAFF |r"
if( TukuiConfigUILocalization ) then
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.global = "AsphyxiaUI"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.globalunitframelayout = "Unitframe layout (asphyxia, asphyxia2, asphyxia3 or asphyxia4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databars = "Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsframerate = "FPS position (Default: 1)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsmemory = "Memory position (Default: 3)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreps = "Reputations: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarssettings = "Settings: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsreputation = "Enable Reputation-Bars under the minimap."
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarsdurability = "Durability position (Default: 4)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarscurrency = "Enable Currency-Bars under the Databars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.databarslatency = "Latency position (Default: 2)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattext = "Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextenable = "Enable Combat Text"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextblizzheadnumbers = "Use blizzard damage/healing output (above mob/player head)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagestyle = "Change default damage/healing font above mobs/player heads (needs to restart WoW)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamage = "Show outgoing damage in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealing = "Show outgoing healing in it's own frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthots = "Show periodic healing effects in healing frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextoverhealing = "Show outgoing overhealing"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextpetdamage = "Show your pet damage"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdotdamage = "Show damage from your dots"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdamagecolor = "Display damage numbers depending on school of magic"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritprefix = "Symbol that will be added before crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextcritpostfix = "Symbol that will be added after crit"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticons = "Show outgoing damage icons"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexticonsize = "Icon size of spells in outgoing damage frame, also has effect on dmg font size"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttreshold = "Minimum damage to show in damage frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexthealtreshold = "Minimum healing to show in incoming/outgoing healing messages"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextscrollable = "Allows you to scroll frame lines with mousewheel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmaxlines = "Max lines to keep in scrollable mode (more lines = more memory)"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattexttimevisible = "Time(seconds) a single message will be visible"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextstopvespam = "Automaticly turns off healing spam for priests in shadowform"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdkrunes = "Show deathknight rune recharge"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextkillingblow = "Tells you about your killingblows"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespam = "Merges multiple aoe damage spam into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextmergeaoespamtime = "Time in seconds aoe spell will be merged into single message"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdispel = "Tells you about your dispels"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextinterrupt = "Tells you about your interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.combattextdirection = "Scrolling Direction('top'(goes down) or 'bottom'(goes up))"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatwidth = "Height of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatheight= "Width of the chat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.chatjustifyRight= "Justify Right right chat frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbar = "Castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarticks = "Show Ticks"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarclasscolor = "Castbar in classcolor"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarnointerruptcolor = "Color if spell cant interrupt"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.castbarcastbarcolor = "Choose color of the castbar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltiptalents = "Show the Talentspecialization |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipitemlevel = "Show the average itemlevel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsymbiosis = "Show the abilty you get from Symbiosis |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipicon = "Show the icon in Ablilty-tooltips |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipsepllitemids = "Show Spell-ID or Item-ID in tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.tooltipreforge = "Show what is refoged in gear tooltip |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodules = "AsphyxiaUI Modules"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesalertcombat = "Alert Combat"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesafkcamera = "AFK Screensaver |cFFFF0000*New and AWESOME*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesbnetpanel = "Battle.NET Panel |cFFFF0000*Not done yet!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleslocationpanel = "Location panel"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesachscreen = "Automatic achievement screenshots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesminimapbuttons = "Skin minimap buttons |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmoduleshattrick = "Show or hide helmet and/or cloak"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmicromenu = "Default micromenu below the location panel |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesmail = "Easy Mail"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesaddonmanager = "InGame Addon-Manager"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesnickalert = "Nick-Alert: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesitemlevelongearandslots = "Show Item-Level on Character-Slots |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesclickcast = "Enable click-to-cast |cFFFF0000*New*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesinterrupts = "Announce successful interrupts"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.intmodulesspells = "Announce spells"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldowns = "Raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsenable = "Enable raidcooldowns"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinparty = "Party"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinraid = "Raid"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.raidcooldownsshowinarena = "Arena"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_shapeshift = "Enable vertical stance bar"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarmainswap = "Swap actionbar 1 and 2"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.actionbarvertical_rightbars = "Enable vertical right bars"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesclassicons = "Enable classicons on player and target frame"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradient = "Gradient health color: |cFFFF0000*Please edit the Config-File for this option or the UI will be broken!*|r"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesfader = "Enable unitframe fader"
+ TukuiConfigUILocalization.unitframesgradienthealth = "Enable gradient health on unitframes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Buttons.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Buttons.lua
index 56db640..e0ff61c 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Buttons.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Buttons.lua
@@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ end
local function LockCheck( index )
if( AsphyxiaUISaved.actionbarsLocked == true ) then
- Toggle[index].Text:SetText( "unlock" )
+ Toggle[index].Text:SetText( L.Actionbars_UNLOCK )
elseif AsphyxiaUISaved.actionbarsLocked == false then
- Toggle[index].Text:SetText( "lock" )
+ Toggle[index].Text:SetText( L.Actionbars_LOCK )
@@ -428,10 +428,10 @@ for i = 1, 6 do
if( AsphyxiaUISaved.actionbarsLocked == true ) then
AsphyxiaUISaved.actionbarsLocked = false
- print( L.AsphyxiaUI_Actionbars_Buttons_Text_Unlocked )
+ print( L.Actionbars_BARSUNLOCK )
elseif( AsphyxiaUISaved.actionbarsLocked == false ) then
AsphyxiaUISaved.actionbarsLocked = true
- print( L.AsphyxiaUI_Actionbars_Buttons_Text_Locked )
+ print( L.Actionbars_BARSLOCK )
LockCheck( i )
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Style.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Style.lua
index 1135a7e..3fc898e 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Style.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Actionbars/Style.lua
@@ -6,21 +6,22 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
local function ActionBarStyleButtons( self )
local name = self:GetName()
+ local action = self.action
+ local Button = self
local Count = _G[name .. "Count"]
local Btname = _G[name .. "Name"]
local HotKey = _G[name .. "HotKey"]
+ local normal = _G[name .. "NormalTexture"]
Count:Point( "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 2 )
Count:SetFont( S.CreateFontString() )
- if( C["actionbar"]["macrotext"] ~= true ) then
- if( Btname ) then
- Btname:SetText( "" )
- Btname:Kill()
- end
- else
- if( Btname ) then
+ if( Btname and normal and C["actionbar"]["macro"] == true ) then
+ local query = GetActionText( action )
+ if( query ) then
+ local text = string.sub( query, 1, 5 )
+ Btname:SetText( text )
Btname:SetAlphaGradient( 0, Button:GetWidth() )
Btname:SetFont( S.CreateFontString() )
@@ -42,14 +43,13 @@ hooksecurefunc( "ActionButton_Update", ActionBarStyleButtons )
function S.ShowHighlightActionButton( self )
if( self.overlay ) then
- local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[S.myclass]
ActionButton_HideOverlayGlow( self )
self.shine = SpellBook_GetAutoCastShine()
self.shine:SetParent( self )
self.shine:SetPoint( "CENTER", self, "CENTER" )
- AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart( self.shine, color.r, color.g, color.b )
+ AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart( self.shine, S.ClassColor.r, S.ClassColor.g, S.ClassColor.b )
for _, sparkle in next, self.shine.sparkles do
sparkle:SetHeight( sparkle:GetHeight() * 2 )
@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ end
hooksecurefunc( "ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow", S.ShowHighlightActionButton )
hooksecurefunc( "ActionButton_HideOverlayGlow", S.HideHighlightActionButton )
-S.SetDefaultActionButtonCooldownFont = C.media.asphyxia
\ No newline at end of file
+S.SetDefaultActionButtonCooldownFont = C["media"]["asphyxia"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Databars/Currency.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Databars/Currency.lua
index 4e7bedc..6376ec6 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Databars/Currency.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Databars/Currency.lua
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ if( C["databars"]["currency"] ~= true ) then return end
local CurrencyData = {}
local tokens = {
- { 61, 250 }, -- Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token
- { 81, 250 }, -- Dalaran Cooking Award
- { 241, 250 }, -- Champion Seal
- { 361, 200 }, -- Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token
- { 390, 3000 }, -- Conquest Points
- { 391, 2000 }, -- Tol Barad Commendation
- { 392, 4000 }, -- Honor Points
- { 395, 4000 }, -- Justice Points
- { 396, 4000 }, -- Valor Points
- { 402, 250 }, -- Chef's Award
- { 416, 300 }, -- Mark of the World Tree
+ { 61, 250 },
+ { 81, 250 },
+ { 241, 250 },
+ { 361, 200 },
+ { 390, 3000 },
+ { 391, 2000 },
+ { 392, 4000 },
+ { 395, 4000 },
+ { 396, 4000 },
+ { 402, 250 },
+ { 416, 300 },
local function updateCurrency()
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AFKCamera.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AFKCamera.lua
index 95841ad..fa1409b 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AFKCamera.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AFKCamera.lua
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( C["intmodules"]["afkcamera"] ~= true ) then return end
-local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[S.myclass]
local PName = S.myname
local PLevel = S.level
local PClass = UnitClass( "player" )
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.PlayerNameText = AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop:CreateFontString( n
AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.PlayerNameText:SetPoint( "LEFT", AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop, "LEFT", 25, 15 )
AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.PlayerNameText:SetFont( C["media"]["font"], 28, "OUTLINE" )
AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.PlayerNameText:SetText( PName )
-AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.PlayerNameText:SetTextColor( color.r, color.g, color.b )
+AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.PlayerNameText:SetTextColor( S.ClassColor.r, S.ClassColor.g, S.ClassColor.b )
AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.GuildText = AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop:CreateFontString( nil, "OVERLAY" )
AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop.GuildText:SetPoint( "LEFT", AsphyxiaUIAFKPanelTop, "LEFT", 25, -3 )
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AlertCombat.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AlertCombat.lua
index b76d42e..68bf917 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AlertCombat.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/AlertCombat.lua
@@ -2,4 +2,174 @@
-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
-local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
\ No newline at end of file
+local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
+if( C["intmodules"]["alertcombat"] ~= true ) then return end
+local speed = .057799924
+local font = C["media"]["asphyxia"]
+local fontflag = "MONOCHROMEOUTLINE"
+local fontsize = 16
+local GetNextChar = function( word, num )
+ local c = word:byte( num )
+ local shift
+ if not c then return "", num end
+ if( c > 0 and c <= 127 ) then
+ shift = 1
+ elseif( c >= 192 and c <= 223 ) then
+ shift = 2
+ elseif( c >= 224 and c <= 239 ) then
+ shift = 3
+ elseif( c >= 240 and c <= 247 ) then
+ shift = 4
+ end
+ return word:sub( num, num + shift - 1 ), ( num + shift )
+local updaterun = CreateFrame( "Frame" )
+local flowingframe = CreateFrame( "Frame", nil, UIParent )
+ flowingframe:SetFrameStrata( "HIGH" )
+ flowingframe:SetPoint( "CENTER", UIParent, 0, 170 )
+ flowingframe:SetHeight( 64 )
+local flowingtext = flowingframe:CreateFontString( nil, "OVERLAY" )
+flowingtext:SetFont( font, fontsize, fontflag )
+flowingtext:SetShadowOffset( 1, -1 )
+local rightchar = flowingframe:CreateFontString( nil, "OVERLAY" )
+rightchar:SetFont( font, 60, fontflag )
+rightchar:SetShadowOffset( 1, -1 )
+rightchar:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" )
+local count, len, step, word, stringE, a, backstep
+local nextstep = function()
+ a, step = GetNextChar( word, step )
+ flowingtext:SetText( stringE )
+ stringE = stringE .. a
+ a = string.upper( a )
+ rightchar:SetText( a )
+local backrun = CreateFrame( "Frame" )
+local updatestring = function( self, t )
+ count = count - t
+ if( count < 0 ) then
+ count = speed
+ if( step > len ) then
+ self:Hide()
+ flowingtext:SetText( stringE )
+ rightchar:SetText()
+ flowingtext:ClearAllPoints()
+ flowingtext:SetPoint( "RIGHT" )
+ flowingtext:SetJustifyH( "RIGHT" )
+ rightchar:ClearAllPoints()
+ rightchar:SetPoint( "RIGHT", flowingtext, "LEFT" )
+ rightchar:SetJustifyH( "RIGHT" )
+ self:Hide()
+ count = 1.456789
+ backrun:Show()
+ else
+ nextstep()
+ end
+ end
+updaterun:SetScript( "OnUpdate", updatestring )
+local backstepf = function()
+ local a = backstep
+ local firstchar
+ local texttemp = ""
+ local flagon = true
+ while a <= len do
+ local u
+ u, a = GetNextChar( word, a )
+ if( flagon == true ) then
+ backstep = a
+ flagon = false
+ firstchar = u
+ else
+ texttemp = texttemp .. u
+ end
+ end
+ flowingtext:SetText( texttemp )
+ firstchar = string.upper( firstchar )
+ rightchar:SetText( firstchar )
+local rollback = function( self, t )
+ count = count - t
+ if( count < 0 ) then
+ count = speed
+ if( backstep > len ) then
+ self:Hide()
+ flowingtext:SetText()
+ rightchar:SetText()
+ else
+ backstepf()
+ end
+ end
+backrun:SetScript( "OnUpdate", rollback )
+local allertrun = function( f, r, g, b )
+ flowingframe:Hide()
+ updaterun:Hide()
+ backrun:Hide()
+ flowingtext:SetText( f )
+ local l = flowingtext:GetWidth()
+ local color1 = r or 1
+ local color2 = g or 1
+ local color3 = b or 1
+ flowingtext:SetTextColor( color1 * .95, color2 * .95, color3 * .95 )
+ rightchar:SetTextColor( color1, color2, color3 )
+ word = f
+ len = f:len()
+ step,backstep = 1,1
+ count = speed
+ stringE = ""
+ a = ""
+ flowingtext:SetText( "" )
+ flowingframe:SetWidth( l )
+ flowingtext:ClearAllPoints()
+ flowingtext:SetPoint( "LEFT" )
+ flowingtext:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" )
+ rightchar:ClearAllPoints()
+ rightchar:SetPoint( "LEFT", flowingtext, "RIGHT" )
+ rightchar:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" )
+ rightchar:SetText( "" )
+ updaterun:Show()
+ flowingframe:Show()
+SlashCmdList.ALLEYRUN = function( lol )
+ allertrun(lol)
+local a = CreateFrame( "Frame" )
+a:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" )
+a:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" )
+a:SetScript( "OnEvent", function( self, event )
+ if( UnitIsDead( "player" ) ) then return end
+ if( event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" ) then
+ allertrun( "LEAVING COMBAT", 0.1, 1, 0.1 )
+ else
+ allertrun( "ENTERING COMBAT", 1, 0.1, 0.1 )
+ end
+end )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/Click2Cast.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/Click2Cast.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c606175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/Click2Cast.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
+local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
+if( C["intmodules"]["clickcast"] ~= true ) then return end
+local SpellBinder = CreateFrame( "Frame", "SpellBinder", SpellBookFrame, "ButtonFrameTemplate" )
+SpellBinder:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", SpellBookFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 100, 0 )
+SpellBinder:SetSize( 300, 400 )
+_G["SpellBinderPortrait"]:SetTexture( "Interface\\Spellbook\\Spellbook-Icon" )
+SpellBinder.title = _G["SpellBinderTitle"] or SpellBinder:CreateFontString( "SpellBinderTitle", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal" )
+SpellBinder.title:SetPoint( "TOP", _G["SpellBinder"], "TOP", 0, -5 )
+SpellBinder.title:SetText( L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER )
+SpellBinder.sbOpen = false
+SpellBinder.spellbuttons = {}
+ClickCastFrames = _G.ClickCastFrames or {}
+for i, v in pairs( {
+ "PlayerFrame", "PetFrame",
+ "PartyMemberFrame1", "PartyMemberFrame2", "PartyMemberFrame3", "PartyMemberFrame4", "PartyMemberFrame5",
+ "PartyMemberFrame1PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame2PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame3PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame4PetFrame", "PartyMemberFrame5PetFrame",
+ "CompactPartyFrameMemberSelf", "CompactPartyFrameMemberSelfBuff1", "CompactPartyFrameMemberSelfBuff2", "CompactPartyFrameMemberSelfBuff3", "CompactPartyFrameMemberSelfDebuff1", "CompactPartyFrameMemberSelfDebuff2", "CompactPartyFrameMemberSelfDebuff3",
+ "CompactPartyFrameMember1Buff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember1Buff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember1Buff3", "CompactPartyFrameMember1Debuff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember1Debuff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember1Debuff3",
+ "CompactPartyFrameMember2Buff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember2Buff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember2Buff3", "CompactPartyFrameMember2Debuff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember2Debuff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember2Debuff3",
+ "CompactPartyFrameMember3Buff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember3Buff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember3Buff3", "CompactPartyFrameMember3Debuff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember3Debuff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember3Debuff3",
+ "CompactPartyFrameMember4Buff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember4Buff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember4Buff3", "CompactPartyFrameMember4Debuff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember4Debuff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember4Debuff3",
+ "CompactPartyFrameMember5Buff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember5Buff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember5Buff3", "CompactPartyFrameMember5Debuff1", "CompactPartyFrameMember5Debuff2", "CompactPartyFrameMember5Debuff3",
+ "TargetFrame", "TargetFrameToT",
+ "FocusFrame", "FocusFrameToT",
+ "Boss1TargetFrame", "Boss2TargetFrame", "Boss3TargetFrame", "Boss4TargetFrame",
+ "ArenaEnemyFrame1", "ArenaEnemyFrame2", "ArenaEnemyFrame3", "ArenaEnemyFrame4", "ArenaEnemyFrame5",
+} )
+ if( _G[v] ) then
+ ClickCastFrames[_G[v]] = true
+ end
+hooksecurefunc( "CreateFrame", function( ftype, name, parent, template )
+ if( template and template:find( "SecureUnitButtonTemplate" ) ) then
+ ClickCastFrames[_G[name]] = true
+ end
+end )
+hooksecurefunc( "CompactUnitFrame_SetUpFrame", function( frame, ... )
+ ClickCastFrames[frame] = true
+end )
+local ScrollSpells = CreateFrame( "ScrollFrame", "SpellBinderScrollFrameSpellList", _G["SpellBinderInset"], "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate" )
+ScrollSpells.child = CreateFrame( "Frame", "SpellBinderScrollFrameSpellListChild", ScrollSpells )
+ScrollSpells:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", _G["SpellBinderInset"], "TOPLEFT", 0, -5 )
+ScrollSpells:SetPoint( "BOTTOMRIGHT", _G["SpellBinderInset"], "BOTTOMRIGHT", -30, 5 )
+ScrollSpells:SetScrollChild( ScrollSpells.child )
+SpellBinder.makeSpellsList = function( self, scroll, delete )
+ local oldb
+ scroll:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT" )
+ scroll:SetSize( 270, 300 )
+ if( delete ) then
+ i = 1
+ while _G[i .. "_cbs"] do
+ _G[i .. "_fs"]:SetText( "" )
+ _G[i .. "_texture"]:SetTexture( nil )
+ _G[i .. "_cbs"].checked = false
+ _G[i .. "_cbs"]:ClearAllPoints()
+ _G[i .. "_cbs"]:Hide()
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ for i, spell in ipairs( DB.spells ) do
+ v = spell.spell
+ if( v ) then
+ local bf = _G[i .. "_cbs"] or CreateFrame( "Button", i .. "_cbs", scroll )
+ spell.checked = spell.checked or false
+ if( i == 1 ) then
+ bf:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", scroll, "TOPLEFT", 10, -10 )
+ bf:SetPoint( "BOTTOMRIGHT", scroll, "TOPRIGHT", -10, -34 )
+ else
+ bf:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", oldb, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2 )
+ bf:SetPoint( "BOTTOMRIGHT", oldb, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -26 )
+ end
+ bf:EnableMouse( true )
+ bf.tex = bf.tex or bf:CreateTexture( i .. "_texture", "OVERLAY" )
+ bf.tex:SetSize( 22, 22 )
+ bf.tex:SetPoint( "LEFT" )
+ bf.tex:SetTexture( spell.texture )
+ if( IsAddOnLoaded( "Aurora" ) or C["general"]["blizzardreskin"] == true ) then
+ bf.tex:SetTexCoord( 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9 )
+ end
+ bf.delete = bf.delete or CreateFrame( "Button", i .. "_delete", bf )
+ bf.delete:SetSize( 16, 16 )
+ bf.delete:SetPoint( "RIGHT" )
+ bf.delete:SetNormalTexture( "Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-Up" )
+ bf.delete:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor( 0.8, 0, 0 )
+ bf.delete:SetPushedTexture( "Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-Up" )
+ bf.delete:SetHighlightTexture( "Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-Up" )
+ bf.delete:SetScript( "OnClick", function( self )
+ for j, k in ipairs( DB.spells ) do
+ if( k ~= spell ) then
+ k.checked = false
+ _G[j .. "_cbs"]:SetBackdropColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+ end
+ end
+ spell.checked = not spell.checked
+ SpellBinder.DeleteSpell()
+ end )
+ bf:SetScript( "OnEnter", function( self )
+ bf.delete:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor( 1, 0, 0 )
+ self:SetBackdrop( { bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8" } )
+ self:SetBackdropColor( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7 )
+ end )
+ bf:SetScript( "OnLeave", function( self )
+ bf.delete:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor( 0.8, 0, 0 )
+ self:SetBackdrop( nil )
+ end )
+ bf.fs = bf.fs or bf:CreateFontString( i .. "_fs", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal" )
+ bf.fs:SetText( spell.modifier .. spell.origbutton )
+ bf.fs:SetPoint( "RIGHT", bf.delete, "LEFT", -4, 0 )
+ for frame, j in pairs( ClickCastFrames ) do
+ local f
+ if( frame and type( frame ) == "table" ) then
+ f = frame:GetName()
+ end
+ if( f and DB.frames[frame] ) then
+ if( _G[f]:CanChangeAttribute() or _G[f]:CanChangeProtectedState() ) then
+ if( _G[f]:GetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "type" .. spell.button ) ~= "menu" ) then
+ _G[f]:RegisterForClicks( "AnyDown" )
+ if( spell.button:find( "harmbutton" ) ) then
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute( spell.modifier .. spell.button, spell.spell )
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "type-" .. spell.spell, "spell" )
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "spell-" .. spell.spell, spell.spell )
+ DB.keys[spell.modifier .. spell.button] = spell.spell
+ DB.keys[spell.modifier .. "type-" .. spell.spell] = "spell"
+ DB.keys[spell.modifier .. "spell-" .. spell.spell] = spell.spell
+ else
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "type" .. spell.button, "spell" )
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "spell" .. spell.button, spell.spell )
+ DB.keys[spell.modifier .. "type" .. spell.button] = "spell"
+ DB.keys[spell.modifier .. "spell" .. spell.button] = spell.spell
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ bf:Show()
+ oldb = bf
+ end
+ end
+SpellBinder.makeFramesList = function( self )
+ for frame, value in pairs( ClickCastFrames ) do
+ local v
+ if( frame and type( frame ) == "table" ) then
+ v = frame:GetName()
+ end
+ if( v ) then
+ DB.frames[frame] = DB.frames[frame] or true
+ end
+ end
+SpellBinder.ToggleButtons = function()
+ for i = 1, SPELLS_PER_PAGE do
+ SpellBinder.spellbuttons[i]:Hide()
+ if( SpellBinder.sbOpen and SpellBookFrame.bookType ~= BOOKTYPE_PROFESSION ) then
+ local slot = SpellBook_GetSpellBookSlot( SpellBinder.spellbuttons[i]:GetParent() )
+ if( slot ) then
+ local spellname, subtype = GetSpellBookItemName( slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType )
+ if( spellname ) then
+ SpellBinder.spellbuttons[i]:Show()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ SpellBinder:makeFramesList()
+ SpellBinder:makeSpellsList( ScrollSpells.child, true )
+ if( SpellBinder:IsVisible() ) then
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetChecked( true )
+ else
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetChecked( false )
+ end
+hooksecurefunc( "SpellBookFrame_Update", function()
+ if( SpellBinder.sbOpen ) then
+ SpellBinder:ToggleButtons()
+ end
+end )
+SpellBinder.OpenButton = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "SpellBinderOpenButton", _G["SpellBookSkillLineTab1"], "SpellBookSkillLineTabTemplate" )
+SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetNormalTexture( "Interface\\ICONS\\INV_Mushroom_08" )
+SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetScript( "OnShow", function( self )
+ if( SpellBinder:IsVisible() ) then
+ self:SetChecked( true )
+ end
+ local num = GetNumSpellTabs()
+ local lastTab = _G["SpellBookSkillLineTab" .. num]
+ self:ClearAllPoints()
+ self:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", lastTab, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -17 )
+ self:SetScript( "OnEnter", function( self )
+ GameTooltip:ClearLines()
+ GameTooltip:SetOwner( self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT" )
+ GameTooltip:AddLine( L.Spellbinder_BINDERHEADER )
+ GameTooltip:Show()
+ end )
+ self:SetScript( "OnLeave", function()
+ GameTooltip:Hide()
+ end )
+end )
+SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetScript( "OnClick", function( self )
+ if( InCombatLockdown() ) then
+ SpellBinder:Hide()
+ return
+ end
+ if( SpellBinder:IsVisible() ) then
+ SpellBinder:Hide()
+ SpellBinder.sbOpen = false
+ else
+ SpellBinder:Show()
+ SpellBinder.sbOpen = true
+ end
+ SpellBinder:ToggleButtons()
+end )
+_G["SpellBinderCloseButton"]:SetScript( "OnClick", function( self )
+ SpellBinder:Hide()
+ SpellBinder.sbOpen = false
+ SpellBinder:ToggleButtons()
+end )
+hooksecurefunc( SpellBookFrame, "Hide", function()
+ SpellBinder:Hide()
+ SpellBinder.sbOpen = false
+ SpellBinder:ToggleButtons()
+end )
+SpellBinder.DeleteSpell = function()
+ local count = table.getn( DB.spells )
+ for i, spell in ipairs( DB.spells ) do
+ if( spell.checked ) then
+ for frame, j in pairs( ClickCastFrames ) do
+ local f
+ if( frame and type( frame ) == "table" ) then
+ f = frame:GetName()
+ end
+ if( f ) then
+ if( _G[f]:CanChangeAttribute() or _G[f]:CanChangeProtectedState() ) then
+ if( _G[f]:GetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "type" .. spell.button ) ~= "menu" ) then
+ if( spell.button:find( "harmbutton" ) ) then
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute(spell.modifier .. spell.button, nil )
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute(spell.modifier .. "type-" .. spell.spell, nil )
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute(spell.modifier .. "spell-" .. spell.spell, nil )
+ else
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "type" .. spell.button, nil )
+ _G[f]:SetAttribute( spell.modifier .. "spell" .. spell.button, nil )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tremove( DB.spells, i )
+ end
+ end
+ SpellBinder:makeSpellsList( ScrollSpells.child, true )
+local addSpell = function( self, button )
+ if( SpellBinder.sbOpen ) then
+ local slot = SpellBook_GetSpellBookSlot( self:GetParent() )
+ local spellname, subtype = GetSpellBookItemName( slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType )
+ local texture = GetSpellBookItemTexture( slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType )
+ if( spellname ~= 0 and ( ( SpellBookFrame.bookType == BOOKTYPE_PET ) or ( SpellBookFrame.selectedSkillLine > 1 ) ) ) then
+ local originalbutton = button
+ local modifier = ""
+ if( IsShiftKeyDown() ) then
+ modifier = "Shift-" .. modifier
+ end
+ if( IsControlKeyDown() ) then
+ modifier = "Ctrl-" .. modifier
+ end
+ if( IsAltKeyDown() ) then
+ modifier = "Alt-" .. modifier
+ end
+ if( IsHarmfulSpell( slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType ) ) then
+ button = format( "%s%d", "harmbutton", SecureButton_GetButtonSuffix( button ) )
+ originalbutton = "|cffff2222(harm)|r " .. originalbutton
+ else
+ button = SecureButton_GetButtonSuffix(button)
+ end
+ for i, v in pairs( DB.spells ) do
+ if( v.spell == spellname ) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ tinsert( DB.spells, {
+ ["id"] = slot,
+ ["modifier"] = modifier,
+ ["button"] = button,
+ ["spell"] = spellname,
+ ["rank"] = rank,
+ ["texture"] = texture,
+ ["origbutton"] = originalbutton,
+ } )
+ SpellBinder:makeSpellsList( ScrollSpells.child, false )
+ end
+ end
+SpellBinder.UpdateAll = function()
+ if( InCombatLockdown() or UnitAffectingCombat( "player" ) ) then
+ SpellBinder.SheduleUpdate()
+ return
+ end
+ SpellBinder:makeFramesList()
+ SpellBinder:makeSpellsList( ScrollSpells.child, true )
+SpellBinder.SheduleUpdate = function()
+ SpellBinder.updated = false
+ if( InCombatLockdown() or UnitAffectingCombat( "player" ) ) then
+ SpellBinder:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT" )
+ SpellBinder:SetScript( "OnEvent", function( self )
+ SpellBinder.UpdateAll()
+ if( SpellBinder.updated ) then
+ SpellBinder:UnregisterEvent( "PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT" )
+ end
+ end )
+ else
+ SpellBinder.UpdateAll()
+ end
+SpellBinder:RegisterEvent( "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE" )
+SpellBinder:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" )
+SpellBinder:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LOGIN" )
+SpellBinder:RegisterEvent( "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" )
+SpellBinder:RegisterEvent( "ZONE_CHANGED" )
+SpellBinder:SetScript( "OnEvent", function( self, event, ... )
+ if( event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" ) then
+ ClickCast = _G.ClickCast or {}
+ ClickCast[UnitName( "player" )] = _G.ClickCast[UnitName( "player" )] or {}
+ DB = ClickCast[UnitName( "player" )]
+ DB.spells = DB.spells or {}
+ DB.frames = DB.frames or {}
+ DB.keys = DB.keys or {}
+ SpellBinder:makeFramesList()
+ SpellBinder:makeSpellsList( ScrollSpells.child, true )
+ for i = 1, SPELLS_PER_PAGE do
+ local parent = _G["SpellButton" .. i]
+ local button = CreateFrame( "Button", "SpellBinderFakeButton" .. i, parent )
+ button:SetID( parent:GetID() )
+ button:RegisterForClicks( "AnyDown" )
+ button:SetAllPoints( parent )
+ button:SetScript( "OnClick", addSpell )
+ button.shine = SpellBook_GetAutoCastShine()
+ button.shine:Show()
+ button.shine:SetParent( button )
+ button.shine:SetAllPoints()
+ AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart( button.shine )
+ button:Hide()
+ SpellBinder.spellbuttons[i] = button
+ end
+ self:UnregisterEvent( "PLAYER_LOGIN" )
+ elseif( event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" or event == "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE" or event == "ZONE_CHANGED" or event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" ) then
+ SpellBinder.UpdateAll()
+ end
+end )
+if IsAddOnLoaded("Aurora") then
+ local F, C = unpack(Aurora)
+ SpellBinder:StripTextures()
+ SpellBinderInset:StripTextures()
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:StripTextures()
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\ICONS\\INV_Mushroom_08")
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetCheckedTexture(C.media.checked)
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetHighlightTexture():SetTexture(1, 1, 1, 0.3)
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetHighlightTexture():SetAllPoints(SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetNormalTexture())
+ F.CreateBG(SpellBinder.OpenButton)
+ F.CreateSD(SpellBinder.OpenButton, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)
+ F.CreateBD(SpellBinder)
+ F.CreateSD(SpellBinder)
+ F.ReskinClose(SpellBinderCloseButton)
+ F.ReskinScroll(SpellBinderScrollFrameSpellListScrollBar)
+elseif C.general.blizzardreskin then
+ SpellBinder:StripTextures()
+ SpellBinderInset:StripTextures()
+ SpellBinder:CreateBackdrop("Transparent")
+ SpellBinder.backdrop:Point("TOPLEFT", -18, 0)
+ SpellBinder.backdrop:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 9)
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:StripTextures()
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\ICONS\\INV_Mushroom_08")
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetNormalTexture():ClearAllPoints()
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetNormalTexture():Point("TOPLEFT", 2, -2)
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetNormalTexture():Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2)
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:CreateBackdrop("Default")
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton.backdrop:SetAllPoints()
+ SpellBinder.OpenButton:StyleButton()
+ SpellBinderScrollFrameSpellList:StripTextures()
+ SpellBinderScrollFrameSpellList:SetTemplate("Overlay")
+ S.SkinCloseButton(SpellBinderCloseButton)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/Mail.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/Mail.lua
index aff4047..b1396f7 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/Mail.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/Mail.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( C["intmodules"]["mail"] ~= true
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidCooldowns.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidCooldowns.lua
index d359fa8..1cf5b5b 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidCooldowns.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidCooldowns.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( C["raidcooldowns"]["enable"] ~= true ) then return end
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidbuffReminder.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidbuffReminder.lua
index db7ac93..9674d8f 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidbuffReminder.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/RaidbuffReminder.lua
@@ -1,225 +1,218 @@
-local T, C, L, G = unpack(Tukui)
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
+local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
---Setup Caster Buffs
local function SetCasterOnlyBuffs()
Spell1Buff = {
- 77747, -- Burning Wrath
- 109773, -- Dark Intent
- 1459, -- Arcane Brilliance
+ 77747,
+ 109773,
+ 1459,
- Spell2Buff = { --Total Stats
- 24907, -- Moonkin Aura
- 51470, -- Elemental Oath
- 49868, -- Mind Quickening
+ Spell2Buff = {
+ 24907,
+ 51470,
+ 49868,
- Spell3Buff = { --Total Stats
- 117667, --Legacy of The Emperor
- 1126, -- Mark of The Wild
- 20217, -- Blessing Of Kings
+ Spell3Buff = {
+ 117667,
+ 1126,
+ 20217,
- Spell4Buff = { --Total Stamina
- 469, -- Commanding Shout
- 6307, -- Imp. Blood Pact
- 21562, -- Power Word: Fortitude
+ Spell4Buff = {
+ 469,
+ 6307,
+ 21562,
- Spell5Buff = { --Total Mana
- 116956, --Grace of Air
- 19740, -- Blessing of Might
+ Spell5Buff = {
+ 116956,
+ 19740,
- Spell6Buff = { --Crit
- 1459, -- Arcane Brilliance
- 24932, -- Leader of The Pact
- 116781, -- Legacy of the White Tiger
+ Spell6Buff = {
+ 1459,
+ 24932,
+ 116781,
---Setup everyone else's buffs
local function SetBuffs()
- Spell1Buff = { -- Attack Speed
- 30809, -- Unleashed Rage
- 113742, -- Swiftblade's Cunning
- 55610, -- Improved Icy Talons
+ Spell1Buff = {
+ 30809,
+ 113742,
+ 55610,
- Spell2Buff = { -- 5% crit
- 1459, -- Arcane Brilliance
- 24932, -- Leader of The Pact
- 116781, -- Legacy of the White Tiger
+ Spell2Buff = {
+ 1459,
+ 24932,
+ 116781,
- Spell3Buff = { --Total Stats
- 1126, -- "Mark of the wild"
- 20217, --"Greater Blessing of Kings",
- 117667, --Legacy of The Emperor
+ Spell3Buff = {
+ 1126,
+ 20217,
+ 117667,
- Spell4Buff = { --Total Stamina
- 469, -- Commanding Shout
- 6307, -- Imp. Blood Pact
- 21562, -- Power Word: Fortitude
+ Spell4Buff = {
+ 469,
+ 6307,
+ 21562,
- Spell5Buff = { --Mastery
- 116956, --Grace of Air
- 19740, -- Blessing of Might
+ Spell5Buff = {
+ 116956,
+ 19740,
- Spell6Buff = { --Total AP
- 19506, -- Trueshot Aura
- 6673, -- Battle Shout
- 57330, -- Horn of Winter
+ Spell6Buff = {
+ 19506,
+ 6673,
+ 57330,
---Main Script
-local function OnAuraChange(self, event, arg1, unit)
- if (event == "UNIT_AURA" and arg1 ~= "player") then
+local function OnAuraChange( self, event, arg1, unit )
+ if( event == "UNIT_AURA" and arg1 ~= "player" ) then
- --If We're a caster we may want to see differant buffs
- if T.Role == "Caster" or T.Role == "Healer" then
+ if( S.Role == "Caster" or S.Role == "Healer" ) then
- for i, Spell1Buff in pairs(Spell1Buff) do
+ for i, Spell1Buff in pairs( Spell1Buff ) do
local spellname = select(1, GetSpellInfo(Spell1Buff))
- if UnitAura("player", spellname) then
- Spell1Frame:SetAlpha(1)
- Spell1Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell1Buff)))
+ if( UnitAura( "player", spellname ) ) then
+ Spell1Frame:SetAlpha( 1 )
+ Spell1Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell1Buff ) ) )
Spell1Frame.id = Spell1Buff
- Spell1Frame:SetAlpha(0.2)
- Spell1Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell1Buff)))
+ Spell1Frame:SetAlpha( 0.2 )
+ Spell1Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell1Buff ) ) )
Spell1Frame.id = Spell1Buff
- end
- for i, Spell2Buff in pairs(Spell2Buff) do
- local spellname = select(1, GetSpellInfo(Spell2Buff))
- if UnitAura("player", spellname) then
- Spell2Frame:SetAlpha(1)
- Spell2Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell2Buff)))
+ end
+ for i, Spell2Buff in pairs( Spell2Buff ) do
+ local spellname = select( 1, GetSpellInfo( Spell2Buff ) )
+ if( UnitAura( "player", spellname ) ) then
+ Spell2Frame:SetAlpha( 1 )
+ Spell2Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell2Buff ) ) )
Spell2Frame.id = Spell2Buff
- Spell2Frame:SetAlpha(0.2)
- Spell2Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell2Buff)))
+ Spell2Frame:SetAlpha( 0.2 )
+ Spell2Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell2Buff ) ) )
Spell2Frame.id = Spell2Buff
- end
- for i, Spell3Buff in pairs(Spell3Buff) do
- local spellname = select(1, GetSpellInfo(Spell3Buff))
- if UnitAura("player", spellname) then
- Spell3Frame:SetAlpha(1)
- Spell3Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell3Buff)))
+ end
+ for i, Spell3Buff in pairs( Spell3Buff ) do
+ local spellname = select( 1, GetSpellInfo( Spell3Buff ) )
+ if( UnitAura( "player", spellname ) ) then
+ Spell3Frame:SetAlpha( 1 )
+ Spell3Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell3Buff ) ) )
Spell3Frame.id = Spell3Buff
- Spell3Frame:SetAlpha(0.2)
- Spell3Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell3Buff)))
+ Spell3Frame:SetAlpha( 0.2 )
+ Spell3Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell3Buff ) ) )
Spell3Frame.id = Spell3Buff
- for i, Spell4Buff in pairs(Spell4Buff) do
- local spellname = select(1, GetSpellInfo(Spell4Buff))
- if UnitAura("player", spellname) then
- Spell4Frame:SetAlpha(1)
- Spell4Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell4Buff)))
+ for i, Spell4Buff in pairs( Spell4Buff ) do
+ local spellname = select( 1, GetSpellInfo( Spell4Buff ) )
+ if( UnitAura( "player", spellname ) ) then
+ Spell4Frame:SetAlpha( 1 )
+ Spell4Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell4Buff ) ) )
Spell4Frame.id = Spell4Buff
- Spell4Frame:SetAlpha(0.2)
- Spell4Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell4Buff)))
+ Spell4Frame:SetAlpha( 0.2 )
+ Spell4Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell4Buff ) ) )
Spell4Frame.id = Spell4Buff
- for i, Spell5Buff in pairs(Spell5Buff) do
- local spellname = select(1, GetSpellInfo(Spell5Buff))
- if UnitAura("player", spellname) then
- Spell5Frame:SetAlpha(1)
- Spell5Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell5Buff)))
+ for i, Spell5Buff in pairs( Spell5Buff ) do
+ local spellname = select( 1, GetSpellInfo( Spell5Buff ) )
+ if( UnitAura( "player", spellname ) ) then
+ Spell5Frame:SetAlpha( 1 )
+ Spell5Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell5Buff ) ) )
Spell5Frame.id = Spell5Buff
- Spell5Frame:SetAlpha(0.2)
- Spell5Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell5Buff)))
+ Spell5Frame:SetAlpha( 0.2 )
+ Spell5Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell5Buff ) ) )
Spell5Frame.id = Spell5Buff
- end
- for i, Spell6Buff in pairs(Spell6Buff) do
- local spellname = select(1, GetSpellInfo(Spell6Buff))
- if UnitAura("player", spellname) then
- Spell6Frame:SetAlpha(1)
- Spell6Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell6Buff)))
+ end
+ for i, Spell6Buff in pairs( Spell6Buff ) do
+ local spellname = select( 1, GetSpellInfo( Spell6Buff ) )
+ if( UnitAura( "player", spellname ) ) then
+ Spell6Frame:SetAlpha( 1 )
+ Spell6Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell6Buff ) ) )
Spell6Frame.id = Spell6Buff
- Spell6Frame:SetAlpha(0.2)
- Spell6Frame.t:SetTexture(select(3, GetSpellInfo(Spell6Buff)))
+ Spell6Frame:SetAlpha( 0.2 )
+ Spell6Frame.t:SetTexture( select( 3, GetSpellInfo( Spell6Buff ) ) )
Spell6Frame.id = Spell6Buff
- end
+ end
-local RBRWidth = ((TukuiMinimap:GetWidth() - 6) / 6) + 4
+local RBRWidth = ( ( TukuiMinimap:GetWidth() - 6 ) / 6 ) + 4
-local raidbuff_reminder = CreateFrame('Frame', 'RaidBuffReminder', Minimap)
-raidbuff_reminder:Point('TOPLEFT', TukuiMinimap, 'TOPRIGHT', 4, 0)
-raidbuff_reminder:Point('BOTTOMLEFT', TukuiMinimap, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 4, 0)
+local raidbuff_reminder = CreateFrame( "Frame", "RaidBuffReminder", Minimap )
+raidbuff_reminder:SetTemplate( "TRansparent" )
+raidbuff_reminder:Width( RBRWidth )
+raidbuff_reminder:Point( "TOPLEFT", TukuiMinimap, "TOPRIGHT", 4, 0 )
+raidbuff_reminder:Point( "BOTTOMLEFT", TukuiMinimap, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 4, 0 )
raidbuff_reminder:CreateShadow( "Default" )
-raidbuff_reminder:SetScript("OnEvent", OnAuraChange)
-raidbuff_reminder:SetScript("OnMouseUp", microMenuGenerator)
---Function to create buttons
-local function CreateButton(name, relativeTo, firstbutton, lastbutton)
- local button = CreateFrame("Button", name, RaidBuffReminder)
- button:SetTemplate('Default')
- button:Size(RBRWidth - 4)
- if firstbutton == true then
- button:Point("TOP", relativeTo, "TOP", 0, -2)
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_AURA" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED" )
+raidbuff_reminder:RegisterEvent( "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" )
+raidbuff_reminder:SetScript( "OnEvent", OnAuraChange )
+raidbuff_reminder:SetScript( "OnMouseUp", microMenuGenerator )
+local function CreateButton( name, relativeTo, firstbutton, lastbutton )
+ local button = CreateFrame( "Button", name, RaidBuffReminder )
+ button:SetTemplate( "Default" )
+ button:Size( RBRWidth - 3 )
+ if( firstbutton == true ) then
+ button:Point( "TOP", relativeTo, "TOP", 0, -2 )
- button:Point("TOP", relativeTo, "BOTTOM", 0, -1)
+ button:Point( "TOP", relativeTo, "BOTTOM", 0, -1 )
- if lastbutton == true then
- button:Point("BOTTOM", RaidBuffReminder, "BOTTOM", 0, 2)
+ if( lastbutton == true ) then
+ button:Point( "BOTTOM", RaidBuffReminder, "BOTTOM", 0, 2 )
- button.t = button:CreateTexture(name..".t", "OVERLAY")
- button.t:SetTexCoord(.08, .92, .08, .92)
- button.t:Point("TOPLEFT", 2, -2)
- button.t:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2)
- button:SetScript("OnMouseUp", microMenuGenerator)
+ button.t = button:CreateTexture( name .. ".t", "OVERLAY" )
+ button.t:SetTexCoord( 0.08, 0.92, 0.08, 0.92 )
+ button.t:Point( "TOPLEFT", 2, -2 )
+ button.t:Point( "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2 )
+ button:SetScript( "OnMouseUp", microMenuGenerator )
return button
---Create Buttons
-CreateButton("Spell1Frame", RaidBuffReminder, true)
-CreateButton("Spell2Frame", Spell1Frame, false)
-CreateButton("Spell3Frame", Spell2Frame, false)
-CreateButton("Spell4Frame", Spell3Frame, false)
-CreateButton("Spell5Frame", Spell4Frame, false)
-CreateButton("Spell6Frame", Spell5Frame, false, true)
+ CreateButton( "Spell1Frame", RaidBuffReminder, true )
+ CreateButton( "Spell2Frame", Spell1Frame, false )
+ CreateButton( "Spell3Frame", Spell2Frame, false )
+ CreateButton( "Spell4Frame", Spell3Frame, false )
+ CreateButton( "Spell5Frame", Spell4Frame, false )
+ CreateButton( "Spell6Frame", Spell5Frame, false, true )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/SpellAnnouncements.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/SpellAnnouncements.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a9004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/SpellAnnouncements.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
+local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
+if( C["intmodules"]["spells"] ~= true ) then return end
+local AnnounceTo = SAY
+local Announce = S.AnnounceSpells
+local Name = UnitName( "player" )
+local GUID = UnitGUID( "player" )
+local format = string.format
+local tremove = tremove
+local tinsert = tinsert
+local unpack = unpack
+local select = select
+local UnitAura = UnitAura
+local SendChatMessage = SendChatMessage
+local WaitTable = {}
+local OnUpdate = function( self, elapsed )
+ local Count = #WaitTable
+ local i = 1
+ while ( i <= Count ) do
+ local Table = tremove( WaitTable, i )
+ local Delay = tremove( Table, 1 )
+ local Func = tremove( Table, 1 )
+ local Args = tremove( Table, 1 )
+ if( Delay > elapsed ) then
+ tinsert( WaitTable, i, {
+ Delay - elapsed, Func, Args
+ } )
+ i = i + 1
+ else
+ Count = Count - 1
+ Func( unpack( Args ) )
+ end
+ end
+local Delay = function( delay, func, ... )
+ if( type( delay ) ~= "number" or type( func ) ~= "function" ) then
+ return false
+ end
+ if( not AutoAnnounceWaitFrame ) then
+ local WaitFrame = CreateFrame( "Frame", "AutoAnnounceWaitFrame", UIParent )
+ WaitFrame:SetScript( "OnUpdate", OnUpdate )
+ end
+ tinsert( WaitTable, {
+ delay, func, { ... }
+ } )
+ return true
+local OnEvent = function( self, event, ... )
+ local Time, Type, HideCaster, SourceGUID, SourceName, SourceFlags, SourceRaidFlags, DestGUID, DestName, DestFlags, DestRaidFlags, SpellID, SpellName = ...
+ if( SourceGUID ~= GUID ) then
+ return
+ end
+ if( Announce[SpellID] and Type == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" ) then
+ if( not DestName ) then
+ DestName = SourceName
+ end
+ local Duration = select( 6, UnitAura( DestName, SpellName ) )
+ local SpellString = "\124cff71d5ff\124Hspell:" .. SpellID .. "\124h[" .. SpellName .. "]\124h\124r"
+ if( DestName ~= Name ) then
+ if( Duration == nil ) then
+ SendChatMessage( SpellString .. " is up on " .. DestName .. "!", AnnounceTo )
+ else
+ SendChatMessage( SpellString .. " is up on " .. DestName .. " for " .. Duration .. " seconds!", AnnounceTo )
+ end
+ else
+ SendChatMessage( SpellString .. " is up for " .. Duration .. " seconds!", AnnounceTo )
+ end
+ Delay( Duration, SendChatMessage, SpellString .. " is down.", AnnounceTo )
+ end
+local AnnounceFrame = CreateFrame( "Frame" )
+AnnounceFrame:RegisterEvent( "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED" )
+AnnounceFrame:SetScript( "OnEvent", OnEvent )
+local ValidTypes = {
+ ["SAY"] = true,
+ ["YELL"] = true,
+ ["RAID"] = true,
+ ["PARTY"] = true,
+ ["BATTLEGROUND"] = true,
+local SetAnnounceTo = function( msg )
+ local ChatType = msg:upper()
+ if( not ValidTypes[ChatType] ) then
+ print( msg .. " |cff00AAFFis not a valid option|r." )
+ print( "|cff00AAFFPlease choose|r SAY/RAID/PARTY/BATTLEGROUND." )
+ else
+ AnnounceTo = ChatType
+ print( "|cff00AAFFAutoAnnounce set to|r " .. msg )
+ end
+SlashCmdList["AUTOANNOUNCE"] = SetAnnounceTo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/SpellInterrupts.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/SpellInterrupts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5df4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/SpellInterrupts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
+local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
+if( C["intmodules"]["interrupts"] ~= true ) then return end
+local AsphyxiaUIInterruptAnnounce = CreateFrame( "Frame" )
+AsphyxiaUIInterruptAnnounce:RegisterEvent( "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED" )
+AsphyxiaUIInterruptAnnounce:SetScript( "OnEvent", function( self, _, ... )
+ local _, event, _, sourceGUID, _, _, _, _, destName, _, _, _, _, _, spellID = ...
+ if( not ( event == "SPELL_INTERRUPT" and sourceGUID == UnitGUID( "player" ) ) ) then return end
+ if( GetNumGroupMembers() > 0 ) then
+ SendChatMessage( INTERRUPTED .. " " .. destName .. ": " .. GetSpellLink( spellID ), "RAID" )
+ elseif( GetNumSubgroupMembers() > 0 and not UnitInRaid( "player" ) ) then
+ SendChatMessage( INTERRUPTED .. " " .. destName .. ": " .. GetSpellLink( spellID ), "PARTY" )
+ else
+ SendChatMessage( INTERRUPTED .. " " .. destName .. ": " .. GetSpellLink( spellID ), "SAY" )
+ end
+end )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/load_extras.xml b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/load_extras.xml
index 8ab9ddd..957411c 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/load_extras.xml
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Extras/load_extras.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@@ -13,4 +13,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Panels/AsphyxiaUI_ControlPanel.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Panels/AsphyxiaUI_ControlPanel.lua
index ec8638a..81e0e8c 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Panels/AsphyxiaUI_ControlPanel.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Panels/AsphyxiaUI_ControlPanel.lua
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ for i = 1, getn( AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtons ) do
AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtonsButtons[i]:SetAttribute( "type", "macro" )
AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtonsButtons[i]:SetAttribute( "macrotext", unpack( AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtons[i] ) )
- --AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtonsButtons[i]:SetFrameStrata( "BACKGROUND" )
AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtonsButtons[i]:CreateOverlay( AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtonsButtons[i] )
AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtonsButtons[i]:HookScript( "OnEnter", S.SetModifiedBackdrop )
AsphyxiaUIControlPanelButtonsButtons[i]:HookScript( "OnLeave", S.SetOriginalBackdrop )
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Reforge.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Reforge.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae87d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Reforge.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-- Project: AsphyxiaUI Version 6.0
+local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
+if( C["tooltip"]["enable"] ~= true or C["tooltip"]["reforge"] ~= true ) then return end
+local StatNames = {
+local ReforgeIDs = {
+ { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 1, 4 }, { 1, 5 }, { 1, 6 }, { 1, 7 }, { 1, 8 },
+ { 2, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 2, 4 }, { 2, 5 }, { 2, 6 }, { 2, 7 }, { 2, 8 },
+ { 3, 1 }, { 3, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 3, 5 }, { 3, 6 }, { 3, 7 }, { 3, 8 },
+ { 4, 1 }, { 4, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 4, 5 }, { 4, 6 }, { 4, 7 }, { 4, 8 },
+ { 5, 1 }, { 5, 2 }, { 5, 3 }, { 5, 4 }, { 5, 6 }, { 5, 7 }, { 5, 8 },
+ { 6, 1 }, { 6, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 6, 4 }, { 6, 5 }, { 6, 7 }, { 6, 8 },
+ { 7, 1 }, { 7, 2 }, { 7, 3 }, { 7, 4 }, { 7, 5 }, { 7, 6 }, { 7, 8 },
+ { 8, 1 }, { 8, 2 }, { 8, 3 }, { 8, 4 }, { 8, 5 }, { 8, 6 }, { 8, 7 },
+local function ReforgeInfo( self )
+ local name, item = self:GetItem()
+ if( item ) then
+ local regions = { self:GetRegions() }
+ local itemLink = select( 2, GetItemInfo( item ) )
+ for i = 1, #regions do
+ local region = regions[i]
+ if( region and region:GetObjectType() == "FontString" ) then
+ local text = region:GetText()
+ if( text and text == REFORGED ) then
+ local rid = tonumber( itemLink:match( "item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%d+:(%d+)" ) )
+ local info = ReforgeIDs[rid - 113 + 1]
+ if( info[1] and info[2] ) then
+ region:SetText( text .. " (" .. StatNames[info[1]] .. " -> " .. StatNames[info[2]] .. ")" )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+GameTooltip:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
+ItemRefTooltip:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
+ItemRefShoppingTooltip1:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
+ItemRefShoppingTooltip2:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
+ItemRefShoppingTooltip3:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
+ShoppingTooltip1:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
+ShoppingTooltip2:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
+ShoppingTooltip3:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Symbiosis.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Symbiosis.lua
index 1b32c3a..f36bbe9 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Symbiosis.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Symbiosis.lua
@@ -35,13 +35,15 @@ local stabledruid = {
GameTooltip:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetUnit", function( self )
local unit = ( select( 2, self:GetUnit() ) ) or ( GetMouseFocus() and GetMouseFocus():GetAttribute( "unit" ) ) or ( UnitExists( "mouseover" ) and "mouseover" ) or nil
if( unit ) then
- if( UnitIsPlayer( unit ) and UnitFactionGroup( unit ) == UnitFactionGroup( "player" ) ) then
+ if( UnitIsPlayer( unit ) and not UnitIsEnemy( unit, "player" ) ) then
for i = 1, 40 do
if( select( 11, UnitAura( unit, i, "HELPFUL" ) ) == 110309 ) then return end
local uclass = select( 2, UnitClass( unit ) )
local ulevel = UnitLevel( unit )
- local spec = SPEC_CORE_ABILITY_TEXT[select( 1, GetSpecializationInfo( GetSpecialization() ) )]
+ local uspec = GetSpecialization()
+ if( not uspec ) then return end
+ local spec = SPEC_CORE_ABILITY_TEXT[select( 1, GetSpecializationInfo( uspec ) )]
local spellID
if( S.class == "DRUID" and S.level >= 87 and uclass ~= "DRUID" ) then
spellID = stabledruid[uclass][spec]
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Talents.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Talents.lua
index 8c80174..7f0aa18 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Talents.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Talents.lua
@@ -6,65 +6,133 @@ local S, C, L, G = unpack( Tukui )
if( C["tooltip"]["enable"] ~= true or C["tooltip"]["talents"] ~= true ) then return end
-local ttt = CreateFrame( "Frame", "GameTooltipTalents" )
-local maxtree, left, leftText
-local function TalentQuery()
- if( CanInspect( "mouseover" ) ) then
- if( UnitLevel( "mouseover" ) ) > 9 then
- local talentline = nil
- for i = 1, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
- local left, leftText
- left = _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. i]
- leftText = left:GetText()
- if( leftText == TALENTS .. ": " ) then
- talentline = 1
- end
- end
+local gtt = GameTooltip
+local GetTalentTabInfo = GetTalentTabInfo
+local TALENTS_PREFIX = TALENTS..":|cffffffff "
+local CACHE_SIZE = 25
+local INSPECT_DELAY = 0.2
+local INSPECT_FREQ = 2
+local ttt = CreateFrame( "Frame", "TipTacTalents" )
+local cache = {}
+local current = {}
+lastInspectRequest = 0
- if( not talentline ) then
- if( InspectFrame and InspectFrame:IsShown() ) then
- GameTooltip:AddLine( TALENTS .. ": |cffff0000Inspect Frame is open|r" )
- elseif( Examiner and Examiner:IsShown() ) then
- GameTooltip:AddLine( TALENTS .. ": |cffff0000Examiner Frame is open|r" )
- else
- talentsGUID = UnitGUID( "mouseover" )
- NotifyInspect( "mouseover" )
- ttt:RegisterEvent( "INSPECT_READY" )
- GameTooltip:AddLine( SPECIALIZATION .. ": |cffffffff" .. L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT .. "|r" )
- end
- GameTooltip:Show()
+ttt.cache = cache
+ttt.current = current
+local function GatherTalents( mouseover )
+ if( mouseover == 1 ) then
+ local currentSpecID = GetInspectSpecialization( "mouseover" )
+ local currentSpecName = currentSpecID and select( 2, GetSpecializationInfoByID( currentSpecID ) ) or L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT
+ current.tree = currentSpecName
+ else
+ local currentSpec = GetSpecialization()
+ local currentSpecName = currentSpec and select( 2, GetSpecializationInfo( currentSpec ) ) or L.Tooltip_NO_TALENTS
+ current.tree = currentSpecName
+ end
+ if( mouseover == 0 ) then
+ gtt:AddLine( TALENTS_PREFIX .. current.tree )
+ elseif( gtt:GetUnit() ) then
+ for i = 2, gtt:NumLines() do
+ if( ( _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. i]:GetText() or "" ):match( "^" .. TALENTS_PREFIX ) ) then
+ _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. i]:SetFormattedText( "%s%s", TALENTS_PREFIX, current.tree )
+ break
+ local cacheSize = CACHE_SIZE
+ for i = #cache, 1, -1 do
+ if( current.name == cache[i].name ) then
+ tremove( cache, i )
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if( #cache > cacheSize ) then
+ tremove( cache, 1 )
+ end
+ if( cacheSize > 0 ) then
+ cache[#cache + 1] = CopyTable( current )
+ end
-local function TalentText()
- if( UnitExists( "mouseover" ) ) then
- local maxtree = GetInspectSpecialization( "mouseover" )
- if( maxtree and maxtree > 0 ) then
- for i = 1, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
- left = _G[GameTooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft" .. i]
- leftText = left:GetText() or ""
- if( leftText ~= "" and leftText:match( "^" .. SPECIALIZATION ) ) then
- left:SetText( SPECIALIZATION .. ": |cffffffff" .. select( 2, GetSpecializationInfoByID( maxtree ) ) .. "|r" )
- end
- GameTooltip:Show()
+ttt:SetScript( "OnEvent", function( self, event, guid )
+ self:UnregisterEvent( event )
+ if( guid == current.guid ) then
+ GatherTalents( 1 )
+ end
+end )
+ttt:SetScript( "OnUpdate", function( self, elapsed )
+ self.nextUpdate = ( self.nextUpdate - elapsed )
+ if( self.nextUpdate <= 0 ) then
+ self:Hide()
+ if( UnitGUID( "mouseover" ) == current.guid ) then
+ lastInspectRequest = GetTime()
+ self:RegisterEvent( "INSPECT_READY" )
+ if( InspectFrame ) then
+ InspectFrame.unit = "player"
+ NotifyInspect( current.unit )
- GameTooltip:UnregisterEvent( "INSPECT_READY" )
- maxtree = nil
+end )
+gtt:HookScript( "OnTooltipSetUnit", function( self, ... )
+ ttt:Hide()
+ local _, unit = self:GetUnit()
+ if( not unit ) then
+ local mFocus = GetMouseFocus()
+ if( mFocus and mFocus.unit ) then
+ unit = mFocus.unit
+ end
+ end
+ if( not unit or not UnitIsPlayer( unit ) ) then
+ return
+ end
-ttt:RegisterEvent( "UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT" )
-ttt:SetScript( "OnEvent", function( _, event, arg )
- if( event == "UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT" ) then
- TalentQuery()
- elseif( event == "INSPECT_READY" ) then
- if( talentsGUID == arg ) then
- TalentText()
+ local level = UnitLevel( unit )
+ if( level > 9 or level == -1 ) then
+ wipe( current )
+ current.unit = unit
+ current.name = UnitName( unit )
+ current.guid = UnitGUID( unit )
+ if( UnitIsUnit( unit, "player" ) ) then
+ GatherTalents( 0 )
+ return
+ end
+ local isInspectOpen = ( InspectFrame and InspectFrame:IsShown() ) or ( Examiner and Examiner:IsShown() )
+ local cacheLoaded = false
+ for _, entry in ipairs( cache ) do
+ if( current.name == entry.name and not isInspectOpen ) then
+ self:AddLine( TALENTS_PREFIX .. entry.tree )
+ current.tree = entry.tree
+ cacheLoaded = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if( CanInspect( unit ) and not isInspectOpen ) then
+ local lastInspectTime = GetTime() - lastInspectRequest
+ ttt.nextUpdate = ( lastInspectTime > INSPECT_FREQ ) and INSPECT_DELAY or ( INSPECT_FREQ - lastInspectTime + INSPECT_DELAY )
+ ttt:Show()
+ if( not cacheLoaded ) then
+ self:AddLine( TALENTS_PREFIX .. L.Tooltip_LOADING_TALENT )
+ end
+ elseif( isInspectOpen ) then
+ self:AddLine( TALENTS_PREFIX .. L.Tooltip_INSPECTOPEN )
end )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Tooltip.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Tooltip.lua
index 4a3ddc3..9107dc7 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Tooltip.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/Tooltip.lua
@@ -121,50 +121,4 @@ end )
GameTooltip:HookScript( "OnUpdate", function( self, ... )
TooltipUpdateTooltip( self )
-end )
-local StatNames = {
-local ReforgeIDs = {
-{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}, {1, 6}, {1, 7}, {1, 8},
-{2, 1}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 7}, {2, 8},
-{3, 1}, {3, 2}, {3, 4}, {3, 5}, {3, 6}, {3, 7}, {3, 8},
-{4, 1}, {4, 2}, {4, 3}, {4, 5}, {4, 6}, {4, 7}, {4, 8},
-{5, 1}, {5, 2}, {5, 3}, {5, 4}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8},
-{6, 1}, {6, 2}, {6, 3}, {6, 4}, {6, 5}, {6, 7}, {6, 8},
-{7, 1}, {7, 2}, {7, 3}, {7, 4}, {7, 5}, {7, 6}, {7, 8},
-{8, 1}, {8, 2}, {8, 3}, {8, 4}, {8, 5}, {8, 6}, {8, 7},
-local function ReforgeInfo(self)
-local name, item = self:GetItem()
-if item then
-local regions = {self:GetRegions()}
-local itemLink = select(2, GetItemInfo(item))
-for i = 1, #regions do
-local region = regions[i]
-if region and region:GetObjectType() == "FontString" then
-local text = region:GetText()
-if text and text == REFORGED then
-local rid = tonumber(itemLink:match("item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+:%-?%d+:%-?%d+:%d+:(%d+)"))
-local info = ReforgeIDs[rid - 113 + 1]
-if info[1] and info[2] then
-region:SetText(text.." ("..StatNames[info[1]].." -> "..StatNames[info[2]]..")")
-GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
-ItemRefTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
-ItemRefShoppingTooltip1:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
-ItemRefShoppingTooltip2:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
-ItemRefShoppingTooltip3:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
-ShoppingTooltip1:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
-ShoppingTooltip2:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
-ShoppingTooltip3:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", ReforgeInfo)
\ No newline at end of file
+end )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/load_tooltip.xml b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/load_tooltip.xml
index 75458e2..7c4ce55 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/load_tooltip.xml
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Modules/Tooltip/load_tooltip.xml
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia.lua
index 16c1253..53c1eb3 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia.lua
@@ -914,7 +914,6 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:SetPoint( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia2.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia2.lua
index ec991d3..73aed02 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia2.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia2.lua
@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:Point( "BOTTOM", G.Panels.LeftChatBackground, "TOP", 0, 5 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:SetFrameLevel( 12 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:SetAlpha( 1 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:HookScript( "OnLeave", function( self ) self:SetAlpha( 1 ) end )
@@ -470,7 +471,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:SetHeight( S.Scale( 20 ) )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:Point( "BOTTOMRIGHT", AsphyxiaUIUnitframesPlayerCastbarMover, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar.bg:SetVertexColor( 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 )
if( C["unitframes"]["cbicons"] == true ) then
@@ -988,7 +990,6 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:SetPoint( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia3.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia3.lua
index 34d4378..d4fc192 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia3.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia3.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Health:Size( 233, 26 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:Size( 180, 47 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, "TOPRIGHT", 15, 0 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -142,7 +144,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:Point( "BOTTOM", G.Panels.LeftChatBackground, "TOP", 0, 5 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:SetFrameLevel( 12 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:SetAlpha( 1 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:HookScript( "OnLeave", function( self ) self:SetAlpha( 1 ) end )
@@ -468,7 +471,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:SetHeight( S.Scale( 20 ) )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:Point( "BOTTOMRIGHT", AsphyxiaUIUnitframesPlayerCastbarMover, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar.bg:SetVertexColor( 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 )
if( C["unitframes"]["cbicons"] == true ) then
@@ -546,7 +550,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:Size( 233, 26 )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -578,7 +583,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:Size( 180, 47 )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:Point( "TOPLEFT", G.UnitFrames.Target.Health, "TOPLEFT", -15, 0 )
- G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.Target.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -652,7 +658,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.Target, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -28 )
- G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar.bg:SetVertexColor( 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 )
if( C["unitframes"]["cbicons"] == true ) then
@@ -767,7 +774,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:Size( 130, 15 )
G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -795,7 +803,8 @@ do
TargetTargetPower:Size( 130, 2 )
TargetTargetPower:Point( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, -7 )
TargetTargetPower:SetStatusBarTexture( C["media"]["normTex"] )
- TargetTargetPower:CreateBorder( true )
+ TargetTargetPower:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ TargetTargetPower.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
local TargetTargetPowerBackground = TargetTargetPower:CreateTexture( nil, "BORDER" )
TargetTargetPowerBackground:SetAllPoints( TargetTargetPower )
@@ -885,7 +894,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:Size( 130, 15 )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -912,7 +922,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:Size( 130, 2 )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:SetPoint( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, -7 )
- G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
@@ -950,7 +961,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -982,7 +994,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -996,7 +1009,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:Point( "TOPLEFT", G.UnitFrames.Focus, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
@@ -1088,7 +1102,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -1120,7 +1135,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -1134,7 +1150,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:Point( "TOPLEFT", G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
@@ -1228,7 +1245,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -1260,7 +1278,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -1274,7 +1293,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar.bg:Kill()
@@ -1390,7 +1410,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -1422,7 +1443,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -1436,7 +1458,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar.bg:Kill()
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia4.lua b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia4.lua
index 28abcbe..0f65b71 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia4.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI/Unitframes/Layouts/Asphyxia4.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Health:Size( 233, 20 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:Size( 243, 18 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:Point( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, 9 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -135,7 +137,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:Point( "BOTTOM", G.Panels.LeftChatBackground, "TOP", 0, 5 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:SetFrameLevel( 12 )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:SetAlpha( 1 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Experience:HookScript( "OnLeave", function( self ) self:SetAlpha( 1 ) end )
@@ -461,7 +464,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:SetHeight( S.Scale( 20 ) )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:Point( "BOTTOMRIGHT", AsphyxiaUIUnitframesPlayerCastbarMover, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2 )
- G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Player.Castbar.bg:SetVertexColor( 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 )
if( C["unitframes"]["cbicons"] == true ) then
@@ -539,7 +543,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:Size( 233, 20 )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -571,7 +576,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:Size( 243, 18 )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:Point( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.Target.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, 9 )
- G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.Target.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.Player.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -638,7 +644,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.Target, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -10 )
- G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Target.Castbar.bg:SetVertexColor( 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 )
if( C["unitframes"]["cbicons"] == true ) then
@@ -753,7 +760,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:Size( 130, 15 )
G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -781,7 +789,8 @@ do
TargetTargetPower:Size( 130, 2 )
TargetTargetPower:Point( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.TargetTarget.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, -7 )
TargetTargetPower:SetStatusBarTexture( C["media"]["normTex"] )
- TargetTargetPower:CreateBorder( true )
+ TargetTargetPower:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ TargetTargetPower.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
local TargetTargetPowerBackground = TargetTargetPower:CreateTexture( nil, "BORDER" )
TargetTargetPowerBackground:SetAllPoints( TargetTargetPower )
@@ -871,7 +880,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:Size( 130, 15 )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -898,8 +908,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:Size( 130, 2 )
G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:SetPoint( "TOP", G.UnitFrames.Pet.Health, "BOTTOM", 0, -7 )
- G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Pet.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
@@ -936,7 +946,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -968,7 +979,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.Focus.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -982,7 +994,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:Point( "TOPLEFT", G.UnitFrames.Focus, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.Focus.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
@@ -1074,7 +1087,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -1106,7 +1120,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -1120,7 +1135,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:Point( "TOPLEFT", G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames.FocusTarget.Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
@@ -1214,7 +1230,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -1246,7 +1263,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -1260,7 +1278,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Boss" .. i].Castbar.bg:Kill()
@@ -1376,7 +1395,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:Size( 200, 26 )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:SetFrameLevel( 5 )
- G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health.bg:SetTexture( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 )
if( C["unitframes"]["unicolor"] == true ) then
@@ -1408,7 +1428,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:SetFrameLevel( G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health:GetFrameLevel() + 2 )
- G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power.value = S.SetFontString( G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health, S.CreateFontString() )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Power.value:Point( "LEFT", G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Health, "LEFT", 4, 1 )
@@ -1422,7 +1443,8 @@ do
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:ClearAllPoints()
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:SetHeight( 20 )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -16 )
- G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:CreateBorder( true )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
+ G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
G.UnitFrames["Arena" .. i].Castbar.bg:Kill()
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog.toc b/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog.toc
index 68a8872..d4500ce 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog.toc
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog/AsphyxiaUI_Changelog.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
## Interface: 50001
## Title: AsphyxiaUI - Changelog
## Notes:
-## Version: 6.0
-## Author: Sinaris, Merith
+## Version: 6.0.0
+## Author: Sinaris
## RequiredDeps: AsphyxiaUI, Tukui
+## Website: www.natias.de
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_Config/AsphyxiaUI_Config.toc b/AsphyxiaUI_Config/AsphyxiaUI_Config.toc
index 6952f0c..9ab8d7e 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_Config/AsphyxiaUI_Config.toc
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_Config/AsphyxiaUI_Config.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
## Interface: 50001
## Title: AsphyxiaUI - Config
## Notes:
-## Version: 6.0
-## Author: Sinaris, Merith
+## Version: 6.0.0
+## Author: Sinaris
## RequiredDeps: AsphyxiaUI
+## Website: www.natias.de
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_Config/Config/Config.lua b/AsphyxiaUI_Config/Config/Config.lua
index 7b13bd2..b5e9aad 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_Config/Config/Config.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_Config/Config/Config.lua
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ C["tooltip"] = {
["spellitemids"] = true,
["talents"] = true,
["symbiosis"] = true,
+ ["reforge"] = true,
C["datatext"] = {
@@ -136,6 +137,9 @@ C["intmodules"] = {
["minimapbuttons"] = true,
["micromenu"] = true,
["mail"] = true,
+ ["clickcast"] = true,
+ ["spells"] = true,
+ ["interrupts"] = true,
C["unitframes"] = {
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ.toc b/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ.toc
index 0b7a231..095493f 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ.toc
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ/AsphyxiaUI_FAQ.toc
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
## Interface: 50001
## Title: AsphyxiaUI - FAQ
## Notes:
-## Version: 6.0
-## Author: Sinaris, Merith
+## Version: 6.0.0
+## Author: Sinaris
## RequiredDeps: AsphyxiaUI, Tukui
+## Website: www.natias.de
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/AsphyxiaUI_Raid.toc b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/AsphyxiaUI_Raid.toc
index d22ad38..5c98826 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/AsphyxiaUI_Raid.toc
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/AsphyxiaUI_Raid.toc
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
## Interface: 50001
## Title: AsphyxiaUI - Raid DPS/Tank Layout
## Notes:
-## Version: 6.0
-## Author: Sinaris, Merith
+## Version: 6.0.0
+## Author: Sinaris
## RequiredDeps: Tukui, AsphyxiaUI, AsphyxiaUI_Config
## X-oUF: oUFTukui
+## Website: www.natias.de
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/Unitframes/Raid.lua b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/Unitframes/Raid.lua
index 8c08ea5..af8a6a8 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/Unitframes/Raid.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid/Unitframes/Raid.lua
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ S.PostUpdateRaidUnit = function( self )
-- misc
+ self.panel:Kill()
self:SetBackdropColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
- self.panel:Kill()
local panel = CreateFrame( "Frame", nil, self )
panel:SetTemplate( "Transparent" )
panel:Point( "TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", 2, 2 )
@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ S.PostUpdateRaidUnit = function( self )
self.Health:SetAllPoints( self )
self.Health:SetStatusBarTexture( C["media"]["normTex"] )
- --self.Health:CreateBackdrop( "Default" )
- --self.Health.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )
self.Health:SetFrameLevel( 2 )
self.Health.colorDisconnected = false
self.Health.colorClass = false
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing.toc b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing.toc
index 409c94c..111aa39 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing.toc
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing.toc
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
## Interface: 50001
## Title: AsphyxiaUI - Raid Healing Layout
## Notes:
-## Version: 6.0
-## Author: Sinaris, Merith
+## Version: 6.0.0
+## Author: Sinaris
## RequiredDeps: Tukui, AsphyxiaUI, AsphyxiaUI_Config
## X-oUF: oUFTukui
+## Website: www.natias.de
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/Unitframes/Raid.lua b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/Unitframes/Raid.lua
index 620b216..b507ef5 100644
--- a/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/Unitframes/Raid.lua
+++ b/AsphyxiaUI_Raid_Healing/Unitframes/Raid.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,13 @@ S.PostUpdateRaidUnit = function( self )
self:SetBackdropColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
- --self.Power:Kill()
+ local panel = CreateFrame( "Frame", nil, self )
+ panel:SetTemplate( "Transparent" )
+ panel:Point( "TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", 2, 2 )
+ panel:Point( "BOTTOMLEFT", self, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -2 )
+ panel:SetFrameLevel( 1 )
+ self.panel = panel
-- health
@@ -46,8 +52,7 @@ S.PostUpdateRaidUnit = function( self )
self.Health:SetAllPoints( self )
self.Health:SetStatusBarTexture( C["media"]["normTex"] )
- self.Health:CreateBorder( true )
- self.Health:SetFrameLevel( 1 )
+ self.Health:SetFrameLevel( 2 )
self.Health.colorDisconnected = false
self.Health.colorClass = false
self.Health:SetStatusBarColor( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1 )
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index d773d11..28b053d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
AsphyxiaUI - v6: Changelog
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
index 44fa7fc..2ecabcc 100644
--- a/LICENSE.md
+++ b/LICENSE.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
AsphyxiaUI - v6: License
-Copyright 20011-2012 Sinaris, Merith
+Copyright 20011-2012 Sinaris
The contents of this addon, excluding third-party resources, are
copyrighted to their authors with all rights reserved.
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ to license all versions over v5 under stricter terms.
All rights not explicitly addressed in this license are reserved by
the copyright holders.
-You can write us at _L.EMAIL_ for reporting abuse.
\ No newline at end of file
+You can write us at natias@natias.de for reporting abuse.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ToDoList.md b/ToDoList.md
index 77031ab..ae1f767 100644
--- a/ToDoList.md
+++ b/ToDoList.md
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ AsphyxiaUI - v6: ToDo List
- **AsphyxiaUI**
+ - Unitframes
+ - Adding missing unitframe layouts
- **AsphyxiaUI Config**
- **AsphyxiaUI Raid DPS and Tank Layout**