A collection of Nagios Plugins I've written for production unix environments.
A few of the scripts like check_service.sh and check_volume.sh are designed to be run in heterogenous unix environments and should work on Linux, OSX, AIX, and the BSD's provided a bash or bash-compatible shell to interpret them.
Each script has detailed usage presentable via the ``-h'' option and some of scripts include extended usage examples within the top commented section of the script.
One way to run the plugins requiring elevated privileges is to configure sudo on each monitored machine to allow the nagios user to execute the plug-ins in the plug-in directory as root:
$ visudo # Use visudo to edit the sudoers file , or :
$ echo ’Defaults:nagios !requiretty ’ >> /etc/sudoers
$ echo ’nagios ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/local/nagios/libexec/∗’ >> /etc/sudoers
If that is the case be sure to limit write permissions for the scripts so that one cannot simply update the scripts with malicious code.
check_load.sh - Check a system's load (run queue) via ``uptime''.
check_service.sh - Check the status of a system service.
check_volume.sh - Check free space for a volume or partition.
check_file_growth - Check whether a file is growing in size (e.g. Monitor for stale log files).
check_osx_raid.sh - Check RAID status of a disk. (Find degraded and failing arrays).
check_osx_smart.sh - Check S.M.A.R.T status of a disk. (Find failing disks).
check_osx_temp.sh - Check temperature of system components. (Find systems running hot).
check_ossec.sh - Perform multiple checks for a OSSEC server (e.g. Find a disconnected agent).
check_bro.sh - Perform multiple checks for a Bro cluster (e.g. Find stopped workers).