A package to perform hyperparameter optimization. Currently supports random search, latin hypercube sampling and Bayesian optimization.
This package was designed to facilitate the addition of optimization logic to already existing code. I usually write some code and try a few hyper parameters by hand before I realize I have to take a more structured approach to finding good hyper parameters. I therefore designed this package such that the optimization logic is wrapped around existing code, and the user only has to specify which variables to optimize and candidate values (ranges) for these variables.
In order to add hyper-parameter optimization to the existing pseudo code
a = manually_selected_value
b = other_value
cost = train_model(a,b)
we wrap it in @hyperopt
like this
ho = @hyperopt for i = number_of_samples,
a = candidate_values,
b = other_candidate_values
cost = train_model(a,b)
- The macro
takes a for-loop with an initial argument determining the number of samples to draw (i
below). - The sample strategy can be specified by specifying the special keyword
sampler = Sampler(opts...)
. Available options areRandomSampler()
,CLHSampler(dims=[Continuous(), Categorical(2), Continuous(), ...])
,Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=RandomSampler())
. - The subsequent arguments to the for-loop specifies names and candidate values for different hyper parameters (
a = LinRange(1,2,1000), b = [true, false], c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1000))
below). - A useful strategy to achieve log-uniform sampling is logarithmically spaced vector, e.g.
c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1000))
. - In the example below, the parameters
can be used within the expression sent to the macro and they will hold a new value sampled from the corresponding candidate vector each iteration.
The resulting object ho::Hyperoptimizer
holds all the sampled parameters and function values and has minimum/minimizer
and maximum/maximizer
properties (e.g., ho.minimizer
). It can also be plotted using plot(ho)
(uses Plots.jl
). The exact syntax to use for various samplers is shown in the testfile, which should be fairly readable.
using Hyperopt
f(x,a,b=true;c=10) = sum(@. x + (a-3)^2 + (b ? 10 : 20) + (c-100)^2) # Function to minimize
# Main macro. The first argument to the for loop is always interpreted as the number of iterations
ho = @hyperopt for i=50,
sampler = RandomSampler(), # This is default if none provided
a = LinRange(1,5,1000),
b = [true, false],
c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1000))
print(i, "\t", a, "\t", b, "\t", c, " \t")
x = 100
@show f(x,a,b,c=c)
1 3.910910910910911 false 0.15282140360258697 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 10090.288832348499
2 3.930930930930931 true 6.1629662551329405 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 8916.255534433481
3 2.7617617617617616 true 146.94918006248173 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 2314.282265997491
4 3.6666666666666665 false 0.3165924111983522 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 10057.226192959602
5 4.783783783783784 true 34.55719936762139 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 4395.942039196544
6 2.5895895895895897 true 4.985373463873895 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 9137.947692504491
7 1.6206206206206206 false 301.6334347259197 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 40777.94468684398
8 1.012012012012012 true 33.00034791125285 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 4602.905476253546
9 3.3583583583583585 true 193.7703337477989 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 8903.003911886599
10 4.903903903903904 true 144.26439512181574 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 2072.9615255755252
11 2.2332332332332334 false 119.97177354358843 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 519.4596697509966
12 2.369369369369369 false 117.77987011971193 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 436.52147646611473
13 3.2182182182182184 false 105.44427935261685 f(x, a, b, c=c) = 149.68779686009242
iterations: Int64 50
params: Tuple{Symbol,Symbol,Symbol}
candidates: Array{AbstractArray{T,1} where T}((3,))
history: Array{Any}((50,))
results: Array{Any}((50,))
sampler: Hyperopt.RandomSampler
julia> best_params, min_f = ho.minimizer, ho.minimum
(Real[1.62062, true, 100.694], 112.38413353985818)
julia> printmin(ho)
a = 1.62062
b = true
c = 100.694
We can also visualize the result by plotting the hyperoptimizer
This may allow us to determine which parameters are most important for the performance etc.
The type Hyperoptimizer
is iterable, it iterates for the specified number of iterations, each iteration providing a sample of the parameter vector, e.g.
ho = Hyperoptimizer(10, a = LinRange(1,2,50), b = [true, false], c = randn(100))
for (i,a,b,c) in ho
println(i, "\t", a, "\t", b, "\t", c)
1 1.2244897959183674 false 0.8179751164732062
2 1.7142857142857142 true 0.6536272580487854
3 1.4285714285714286 true -0.2737451706680355
4 1.6734693877551021 false -0.12313108128547606
5 1.9795918367346939 false -0.4350837079334295
6 1.0612244897959184 true -0.2025613848798039
7 1.469387755102041 false 0.7464858339748051
8 1.8571428571428572 true -0.9269021128132274
9 1.163265306122449 true 2.6554272337516966
10 1.4081632653061225 true 1.112896676939024
If used in this way, the hyperoptimizer can not keep track of the function values like it did when @hyperopt
was used. To manually store the same data, consider a pattern like
ho = Hyperoptimizer(10, a = LinRange(1,2), b = [true, false], c = randn(100))
for (i,a,b,c) in ho
res = computations(a,b,c)
push!(ho.history, [a,b,c])
and CLHSampler
support categorical variables which do not have a natural floating point representation, such as functions:
@hyperopt for i=20, fun = [tanh, σ, relu]
# or
@hyperopt for i=20, sampler=CLHSampler(dims=[Categorical(3), Continuous()]),
fun = [tanh, σ, relu],
param = LinRange(0,1,20)
train_network(fun, param)
is a good baseline and the default if none is chosen. Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=RandomSampler())
runs the expression with varying amount of resources, allocating more resources to promising hyperparameters. See below for more info on Hyperband
If number of iterations is small, LHSampler
work better than random search. Caveat: LHSampler
needs all candidate vectors to be of equal length, i.e.,
hob = @hyperopt for i=100, sampler = LHSampler(),
a = LinRange(1,5,100),
b = repeat([true, false],50),
c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,100))
where all candidate vectors are of length 100. The candidates for b
thus had to be repeated 50 times.
The categorical CLHSampler
circumvents this
hob = @hyperopt for i=100,
sampler=CLHSampler(dims=[Continuous(), Categorical(2), Continuous()]),
a = LinRange(1,5,100),
b = [true, false],
c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,100))
Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=RandomSampler())
Implements Hyperband: A Novel Bandit-Based Approach to Hyperparameter Optimization. The maximum amount of resources is given by R
and the parameter η
roughly determines the proportion of trials discarded between each round of successive halving. When using Hyperband
the expression inside the @hyperopt
macro takes the following form
ho = @hyperopt for resources=50, sampler=Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=RandomSampler()), a = LinRange(1,5,1800), c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1800))
if state === nothing # Query if state is initialized
res = optimize(resources, a, b) # if state is uninitialized, start a new optimization using the selected hyper parameters
res = optimize(resources, state=state) # If state has a value, continue the optimization from the state
minimum(res), get_state(res) # return the minimum value and a state from which to continue the optimization
a (simple) working example using Hyperband
and Optim is
using Optim
f(a;c=10) = sum(@. 100 + (a-3)^2 + (c-100)^2)
hohb = @hyperopt for resources=50, sampler=Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=RandomSampler()), a = LinRange(1,5,1800), c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1800))
if !(state === nothing)
a,c = state
res = Optim.optimize(x->f(x[1],c=x[2]), [a,c], SimulatedAnnealing(), Optim.Options(f_calls_limit=round(Int, resources)))
Optim.minimum(res), Optim.minimizer(res)
and a more complicated example that also explores different Optim optimizers as the inner optimizer is
hohb = @hyperopt for resources=50, sampler=Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=RandomSampler()),
algorithm = [SimulatedAnnealing(), ParticleSwarm(), NelderMead(), BFGS(), NewtonTrustRegion()],
a = LinRange(1,5,1800),
c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1800))
if state !== nothing
algorithm, x0 = state
x0 = [a,c]
println(resources, " algorithm: ", typeof(algorithm).name.name)
res = Optim.optimize(x->f(x[1],c=x[2]), x0, algorithm, Optim.Options(time_limit=resources+1, show_trace=false))
Optim.minimum(res), (algorithm, Optim.minimizer(res))
Hyperband can also be called by itself with a more standard optimizer interface.
In this case, the objective function takes a scalar resources
and a vector of
parameters, and returns the objective value and a vector of parameters.
using Hyperopt
using Optim: optimize, Options, minimum, minimizer
f(a;c=10) = sum(@. 100 + (a-3)^2 + (c-100)^2)
objective = function (resources::Real, pars::AbstractVector)
res = optimize(x->f(x[1],c=x[2]), pars, SimulatedAnnealing(), Options(time_limit=resources/100))
minimum(res), minimizer(res)
candidates = (a=LinRange(1,5,300), c=exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,300))) # A vector of vectors also works, but parameters will not get nice names in plots
hohb = hyperband(objective, candidates; R=50, η=3, threads=true)
BOHB: Robust and Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization at Scale refines Hyperband by replacing the random sampler by a bayesian-optimization-based sampler. Now you can use it by simply replace the sampler in Hyperband
as BOHB(dims=[<dims>...])
using Optim
hb = @hyperopt for i=18, sampler=Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=RandomSampler()), a = LinRange(1,5,800), c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1800))
if state !== nothing
a,c = state
res = Optim.optimize(x->f(x[1],c=x[2]), [a,c], NelderMead(), Optim.Options(f_calls_limit=i))
Optim.minimum(res), Optim.minimizer(res)
# Using BOHB with same setting, remember to specify dimension types!
bohb = @hyperopt for i=18, sampler=Hyperband(R=50, η=3, inner=BOHB(dims=[Hyperopt.Continuous(), Hyperopt.Continuous()])), a = LinRange(1,5,800), c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1800))
if state !== nothing
a,c = state
res = Optim.optimize(x->f(x[1],c=x[2]), [a,c], NelderMead(), Optim.Options(f_calls_limit=i))
Optim.minimum(res), Optim.minimizer(res)
- The macro
works in the same way as@hyperopt
but distributes all computation on available workers. The usual caveats apply, code must be loaded on all workers etc. - The macro
to evaluate the objective on all available threads. Beware of high memory consumption if your objective allocates a lot of memory.