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File metadata and controls

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Customising and extending: Adding a new search service

There are two fundamental requirements for creating a new search service integration. It must:

  • Implement the IndexingInterface specification
  • Be registered in Injector as the concretion for IndexingInterface

Let's walk through this bit by bit.

Index Configuration

IndexConfiguration is used in a singleton pattern throughout the service. Depending on your service you might also need to define an index variant whenever IndexConfiguration is instantiated.

This could be done through setting the value of an environment variable to the contructor parameter.

      index_variant: '`SEARCH_ENGINE_PREFIX`'

The IndexingInterface specification

There are several methods that a class must implement as part of this spec.

use SilverStripe\SearchService\Interfaces\IndexingInterface;
use SilverStripe\SearchService\Interfaces\DocumentInterface;

class MySearchProvider implments IndexingInterface
   // implementations here
    class: MyProject\MySearchProvider

In all the examples below, we do not have to worry about batching documents into suitably sized chunks. That work is handled by another service (Indexer). Assume in all these implementations that the array of documents is appropriately sized.

All methods that rely on API calls should throw IndexingServiceException on error.

addDocument(DocumentInterface $document): self

This method is responsible for adding a single document to the indexes. Keep in mind, the DocumentInterface object that is passed to this function is self-aware of the indexes it is assigned to. Be sure to check each item's shouldIndex() method, as well.

Return value should be the unique ID of the document.

public function addDocument(DocumentInterface $document): ?string
    if (!$document->shouldIndex()) {
        return null;
    $fields = DocumentBuilder::singleton()->toArray($document);
    $indexes = IndexConfiguration::singleton()->getIndexesForDocument($document);
    foreach (array_keys($indexes) as $indexName) {
        // your custom API call here
    return $document->getIdentifier();


Tip: Consider passing DocumentBuilder and IndexConfiguration as a constructor arguments to your indexing service.

addDocuments(array $documents): self

Same as addDocument(), but accepts an array of DocumentInterface objects. It is recommended that the addDocument() method works as a proxy for addDocuments(), e.g. $this->addDocuments([$document]).

Tip: Build a map of index names to documents to minimise calls to your API.

    'index-1' => [$doc1, $doc2],
    'index-2' => [$doc1, $doc3, $doc8],

removeDocument(DocumentInterface $doc): ?string

Removes a document from its indexes.

Return value should be the unique ID of the document.

public function removeDocument(DocumentInterface $document): ?string
    $indexes = IndexConfiguration::singleton()->getIndexesForDocument($document);
    foreach (array_keys($indexes) as $indexName) {
        // your custom API call here

    return $document->getIdentifier();

removeDocuments(array $documents): array

Same as removeDocument(), but accepts an array of DocumentInterface objects. It is recommended that the removeDocument() method works as a proxy for removeDocuments(), e.g. $this->removeDocuments([$document]).

Return value should be an array of the Document IDs that were removed

Tip: Build a map of index names to documents to minimise calls to your API.

    'index-1' => [$id1, $id2],
    'index-2' => [$id1, $id3, $id8],

getDocument(string $id): ?DocumentInterface

Gets a single document from an index. Should check each index and get the first one to match it.

public function getDocument(string $id): ?array
    foreach (array_keys(IndexConfiguration::singleton()->getIndexes()) as $indexName) {
        // Your API call here
        $result = $myAPI->retrieveDocumentFromIndex(        
        if ($result) {
            return DocumentBuilder::singleton()->fromArray($result);
    return null;

Tip: Consider passing DocumentBuilder and IndexConfiguration as a constructor arguments to your indexing service. (See the ConfigurationAware trait).

getDocuments(array $ids): array

Same as getDocument(), but accepts an array of identifiers. It is recommended that the getDocument() method works as a proxy for rgetDocuments(), e.g. $this->getDocuments([$id]).

return type should be an array of DocumentInterface.

listDocuments(string $indexName, ?int $limit = null, int $offset = 0): array

This method is expected to list all documents in a given index, with some pagination parameters.

return type should be an array of DocumentInterface.

public function listDocuments(string $indexName, ?int $pageSize = null, int $currentPage = 0): array
    // Your API call here    
    $request = new ListDocuments($this->environmentizeIndex($indexName));
    $response = $this->getClient()->appSearch()
    // Convert your reponse body into DocumentInterface objects
    $documents = [];
    return $documents;

getDocumentTotal(string $indexName): int

This method is expected to return the total number of documents in an index.

public function getDocumentTotal(string $indexName): int
    // Your API call here
    $response = $myAPI->listDocuments(

    return $response['metadata']['total'];

configure(): void

A catch-all implementation that handles configuring the search service during the build step. The build step is invoked during dev/build or explicitly in the SearchConfigure task.

Configuration can include operations like creating/removing indexes, defining a schema, and more.

This method should rely heavily on the IndexConfiguration class to guide its operations, along with the getOptions() method of the Field objects, which can be used for adding arbitrary configuration data to the index (e.g. data types).

Return value should be an array describing the current Schema for each index.

public function configure(): array
    foreach ($indexesToCreate as $index) {

validateField(string $field): void

Validate that the field is acceptable for the search service. If not, throw IndexConfigurationException.

public function validateField(string $field): void
    if (!preg_match('/[a-z0-9]+/', $field)) {
        throw new IndexConfigurationException('Fields can only be lowercase and numbers');

The DocumentBuilder service

The DocumentBuilder service should be used in all indexing service implementations to ensure that the necessary metadata gets stamped on each document before it is shipped off to the index. It has toArray(): array and fromArray(): ?DocumentInterface methods that either prepares a document for the search service, or interprets one that has been retrieved from it, respectively.

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