Fulcio may also be used with a pkcs11 capable device such as a SoftHSM. You will also need pkcs11-tool
You will need to specify CGO_ENABLED=1
, since PKCS11 support requires C libraries.
⚠️ A SoftHSM does not provide the same security guarantees as a hardware-based HSM. Use for testing only.
You will need pkcs11-tool
. On Debian, you can install the necessary tools with:
apt-get install softhsm2 opensc
To configure a SoftHSM:
Create a config/crypto11.conf
"Path" : "/usr/lib64/softhsm/libsofthsm.so",
"TokenLabel": "fulcio",
"Pin" : "2324"
And a config/softhsm2.conf
directories.tokendir = /tmp/tokens
objectstore.backend = file
log.level = INFO
Make sure /tmp/tokens
mkdir /tmp/tokens
Export the config/softhsm2.conf
export SOFTHSM2_CONF=`pwd`/config/softhsm2.conf
# Note: these pins match config/crypto11.conf above
softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label fulcio --pin 2324 --so-pin 2324
pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib64/softhsm/libsofthsm.so --login --login-type user --keypairgen --id 1 --label PKCS11CA --key-type EC:secp384r1
- Note: you can import existing keys and import using pkcs11-tool, see pkcs11-tool manual for details
Now that your keys are generated, you can use the fulcio createca
command to generate a Root CA. This command
will also store the generated Root CA into the HSM by the delegated id passed to --hsm-caroot-id
fulcio createca --org=acme --country=UK --locality=SomeTown --province=SomeProvince --postal-code=XXXX --street-address=XXXX --hsm-caroot-id 99 --out myrootCA.pem
fulcio createca
will return a root certificate if used with the -o
fulcio serve --ca pkcs11ca --hsm-caroot-id 99
⚠️ A SoftHSM does not provide the same security guarantees as a hardware-based HSM. Use for testing only.
PKCS11CA has only been validated against a SoftHSM. In theory this should also work with all PCKS11 compliant HSM's, but to date we have only tested against a SoftHSM.