For development, we should open SibcheStoreKit.xcworkspace
file in Xcode and then edit the plugin.
After editing, we should select version for our new release and after then, we should edit SibcheStoreKit.podspec
file and increment the version. Also we should increment version in Xcode project of plugin to our new version (we should increment Framework file)
After implementing your feature/bug, you should build the plugin (.framework
) file. For this purpose, you should change your schema to SBStoreKit Library
(Up left side of xcode). Then build the project. In building process, we will create SibcheStoreKit.framework
file into ./SibcheStoreKit/Framework/SibcheStoreKit.framework
path. Now you should zip it and upload to github releases.
First you should login to cocoapods with our developer account:
pod trunk register
pod trunk me # ==> Your identity and your projects
Then we should commit and push the release to the git. After making release & tag, we can run cocoapods publishing command on project directory
pod trunk push SibcheStoreKit.podspec