The following issues were closed in this release:
- The is_executable check in the Which method when run on Windows is unnecessary. #880
- Fixed #712 #879
- Added missing method DataType::getDataTypeName() #864
- Removed unused methods in StringHelper #863
- Fixed ConsoleInputHandler for symfony 4 #862
- Fixed regression test 309 for win #860
- Fixed FileUtils::contentEquals #859
- ConsoleInputHandler isn't Symfony 4 compatible #858
- Added multiple property file inclusion. #856
- Fixed wrong init value #855
- Fixed FatalError in ZendGuardFileSet #854
- Optimized api build file #852
- Fixed grammar for phpdoc2 task. #851
- Removed more include statements #850
- Removed includes/requires from test sources. #849
- Removed unused ident #846
- Added SvnProp* tasks #845
- Updated supported php version #844
- Added ClasspathAware trait. #843
- Get rid of FunctionParam class. #842
- Added selectors to the grammar file. #841
- Removed hhvm build from travis - added php nightly #839
- Removed unused methods. #838
- Fixed method call on duplicated targets. #837
- Removed includes for phing own classes #836
- Removed IterableFileSet #835
- Removed settings of deprecated ini options #834
- Simplified Character::isLetter() #833
- Made DateSelector::setMillis() public #832
- Improved error/exception reporting in Task::perform() #831
- Added public setter/getter to reference object. #830
- Target attrib of PhingTask must not be empty. #827
- Included Listener/Logger chapter in master.xml #822
- Updated documentation - FileSyncTask #820
- Fixed call to a private member var. #819
- Fixed exclude/include groups for phpunit 6. #818
- Git branch #817
- GitBranchTask failes with git >= 2.15.0 #816
- Fixed composer install issue #815
- Bump minimum PHP version to 7.0+ #813
- PharPackageTask wrong format of path in webstub and/or clistub when building on Windows #809
- Cannot make work PHPUnit 6 #802
- Can't install dev-master version using Composer #799
- Fixed generation of html reportfiles. #798
- Init feature #796
- Added type aware traits. #783
- Added regex attrib to the filename selector. #782
- Added casesensitive and handledirsep attribs to the regexp mapper. #781
- Added casesensitive and handledirsep attribs to the glob mapper. #780
- Added multline attribute to containsregexp selector. #779
- Added negate, regexp, casesensitive attribs to linecontainsregexp filter #778
- Added negate attribute to the
filter. #777 - Fixed log method - HttpGetTask. #771
- Added stopwatch name to log output. #767
- feature request: stopwatch should show name as well #765
- stopwatch includes autoloader #764
- Fix: php.ini variable evaluation and "Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered" #761
- Added ability logging exceptions. #760
- Added location setting to all task defined. #759
- Added DependSet task. #757
- Added FileList support to the TouchTask #756
- Added osfamily attribute to ExecTask #755
- Fixed usage of filelist if PathConvert uses a reference. #754
- Superseded #302 Remove S3 PEAR dependency #748
- Added relentless task. #746
- StatisticsListener #744
- Default exclude task #740
- Fixed PropertyConditions behavior. #739
- Fixed deprecated function calls. #737
- SCA with Php Inspections (EA Extended) #731
- Added PHPLoc ^4 support. #729
- PHPLoc Task: Wrong class name in CSV Formatter #725
- PHPLoc task Wrong class name for XML Logger class #724
- HttpRequestTask doesn't support POST application/json #715
- SassTask: Consider removing/embeding the dependency on Pear::System #710
- Parallel Task: Call to a member function push() on null in ... Manager.php:237 #706
- Dynamic path for composer task #701
- patchTask not shell escaping file paths #693
- Relative Symlinks #684
- NullPointerException when phploc is used without a formatter #683
- Always interpret basedir as relative to project's root #668
- phpunit task is not compatible with PHPUnit 6.0 #659
- symfony/yaml dependency improvemnt #658
- Deprecate the PEAR channel #657
- Making phing compatible with phive ( #633
- Phing Strict Build Mode #626
- Adding 0 and 1 strings as true and false values in StringHelper. #590
- PHPUnitReportTask fails with XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() unable to read phar:/usr/local/bin/phing/etc/str.replace.function.xsl (Trac #1240) #584
- Unit test for various Git and SVN related tasks fails if locale is not 'en' or 'C' (Trac #1213) #577
- Phingcall should have the options returnProperty (Trac #1209) #576
- add task for git archive or git checkout-index (Trac #1182) #573
- Error overwriting symlinks on copy or move (Trac #1096) #562
- Support in chmod, chown, delete, echo, copy, foreach and move tasks (Trac #1026) #559
- ComposerTask when composer is installed in the system (Trac #1008) #558
- phing should get a strict mode (Trac #918) #554
- Add 'hide input' attribute to InputTask (Trac #885) #553
- Find build.xml file in parent directory tree (Trac #864) #551
- includePath using project.basedir is failing under certain conditions (Trac #586) #537
- Properties not being set on subsequent sets. (Trac #511) #535
- Build Progress Bar (Trac #305) #532
- Document that in a FileSet include/exclude "foo/" means "foo/**" #367
- Make basedir property (including its default value) a path relative to the buildfile #358
- Remove S3 PEAR dependency #302
- Consider the strings "1" and "0" to be true and false, respectively. #261
- Phing Strict Build Mode #159
The following pull requests were merged in this release:
- The is_executable check in the Which method when run on Windows is unnecessary. #880
- Fixed #712 #879
- Added missing method DataType::getDataTypeName() #864
- Removed unused methods in StringHelper #863
- Fixed ConsoleInputHandler for symfony 4 #862
- Fixed regression test 309 for win #860
- Fixed FileUtils::contentEquals #859
- Added multiple property file inclusion. #856
- Fixed wrong init value #855
- Fixed FatalError in ZendGuardFileSet #854
- Optimized api build file #852
- Fixed grammar for phpdoc2 task. #851
- Removed more include statements #850
- Removed includes/requires from test sources. #849
- Removed unused ident #846
- Added SvnProp* tasks #845
- Updated supported php version #844
- Added ClasspathAware trait. #843
- Get rid of FunctionParam class. #842
- Added selectors to the grammar file. #841
- Removed hhvm build from travis - added php nightly #839
- Removed unused methods. #838
- Fixed method call on duplicated targets. #837
- Removed includes for phing own classes #836
- Removed IterableFileSet #835
- Removed settings of deprecated ini options #834
- Simplified Character::isLetter() #833
- Made DateSelector::setMillis() public #832
- Improved error/exception reporting in Task::perform() #831
- Added public setter/getter to reference object. #830
- Target attrib of PhingTask must not be empty. #827
- Included Listener/Logger chapter in master.xml #822
- Updated documentation - FileSyncTask #820
- Fixed call to a private member var. #819
- Fixed exclude/include groups for phpunit 6. #818
- Git branch #817
- Fixed composer install issue #815
- Fixed generation of html reportfiles. #798
- Added type aware traits. #783
- Added regex attrib to the filename selector. #782
- Added casesensitive and handledirsep attribs to the regexp mapper. #781
- Added casesensitive and handledirsep attribs to the glob mapper. #780
- Added multline attribute to containsregexp selector. #779
- Added negate, regexp, casesensitive attribs to linecontainsregexp filter #778
- Added negate attribute to the
filter. #777 - Fixed log method - HttpGetTask. #771
- Added stopwatch name to log output. #767
- Fix: php.ini variable evaluation and "Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered" #761
- Added ability logging exceptions. #760
- Added DependSet task. #757
- Added FileList support to the TouchTask #756
- Added osfamily attribute to ExecTask #755
- Fixed usage of filelist if PathConvert uses a reference. #754
- Superseded #302 Remove S3 PEAR dependency #748
- Added relentless task. #746
- StatisticsListener #744
- Default exclude task #740
- Fixed PropertyConditions behavior. #739
- Fixed deprecated function calls. #737
- SCA with Php Inspections (EA Extended) #731
- Added PHPLoc ^4 support. #729
- Dynamic path for composer task #701
- Phing Strict Build Mode #626
- Adding 0 and 1 strings as true and false values in StringHelper. #590
- Document that in a FileSet include/exclude "foo/" means "foo/**" #367
- Make basedir property (including its default value) a path relative to the buildfile #358
This patch release fixes the following issue:
- Allow Symfony 4 #807
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- Append, Property, Sleep, Sonar and Truncate tasks
- Improved PHP 7.1 compatibility
- Various typo and bug fixes, documentation updates
This release will most likely be the last minor update in the 2.x series. Phing 3.x will drop support for PHP < 5.6.
The following issues were closed in this release:
- phing should get a strict mode (Trac #918) #554
- Can not delete git folders on windows (Trac #956) #556
- Relative symlinks (Trac #1124) #567
- Tests fail under windows (Trac #1215) #578
- stripphpcomments matches links in html (Trac #1219) #579
- OS detection fails on OSX (Trac #1227) #581
- JsHintTask fails when reporter attribute is not set (Trac #1230) #582
- An issue with 'file' attribute of 'append' task (v2.15.1) #595
- An issue with 'append' task when adding a list of files in a directory (v2.15.1) #597
- Git auto modified file with phing vendor #613
- phar file not working - \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser' not found #614
- JSHint - Support of specific config file path #615
- PHP notice on 7.1: A non well formed numeric value encountered #622
- Sass task fails when PEAR is not installed #624
- sha-512 hash for phing-latest.phar #629
This release fixes a regression introduced in 2.15.1:
- #593 - Changed behavior in filtering in 2.15.1
This release fixes a missing include and two bugs:
- [] delete fileset /foo.php deletes /
- [] PhingFile getPathWithoutBase does not work for files outside basedir
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- PHP 7.0 compatibility was improved
- Phing grammar was updated
- Tasks to work with Mercurial were added
- Various typo and bug fixes, documentation updates
The following tickets were closed in this release:
- [] Error in SassTask on PHP 7
- [] Fatal error in SassTask when Sass gem is not installed
- [] PHP_CLASSPATH Enviroment Variable
- [] ApigenTask issue
- [] The phpunit-code-coverage version 4.x breaks the phing-tasks-phpunit component
- [] ftpdeploy : [PHP Error] require_once(PEAR.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory [line 251 of site\vendor\phing\phing\src\Task\Ext\FtpDeploy.php]
- [] Phing gitlog task not return last commit when committer's system time is set forward
- [] First tstamp task is generating wrong timestamp
- [] IsProperty(True/False)Condition doesn't support the 'name' attribute
- [] FailTask with nested condition always fails
- [] Command line argument with "|" character must be quoted
- [] Add documentation for Smarty and ReplaceRegexp tasks
- [] Add Mercurial support
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- Phing can now emit a specific status code on exit after failing
- Added IsPropertyTrue/IsPropertyFalse conditions
- Added IsWritable / IsReadable selectors
- Added GitDescribe task
- Added CutDirs mapper
- Line breaks in property files on Windows machines fixed
- FileSync task now supports excluding multiple files/directories
- Various typo and bug fixes, documentation updates
The following tickets were closed in this release:
- [] ExecTask documentation has incorrect escape attribute default value
- [] phpunit task -- problem when listener depends on bootstrap
- [] symfonyConsoleTask does not quote path to console
- [] SymfonyConsoleTask's checkreturn / propertyname are not documented
- [] ResolvePath just concatenates if "dir" attribute is present
- [] HttpGetTask should catch HTTP_Request2_Exception, throw BuildException
- [] version-compare condition typo in documentation
- [] misworded sentence in documentation
- [] IsFailure condition always evaluates to TRUE
- [] JsHintTask fails when filename contains double quotes
- [] PropertyTask resolving UTF-8 special chars in file attribute
- [] Update relax-ng schema
- [] Provide SHA512 sum of all generated archives for a release
- [] Verification of changelog file fails when your file is in a directory added in your classpathref
- [] ReplaceTokensWithFile doesn't support begintoken/endtokens with / in them
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- '-listener' command line argument
- SSL connections in FtpDeploy task
- IsFailure condition
- Crap4J PHPUnit formatter
- FirstMatch mapper
- PhpArrayMapLines filter
- NotifySend, Attrib tasks
- Json and Xml command line loggers
- Property parser now supports YAML files
- PHPUnit 5.x supported
- PHP 7 fixes
- Updated Apigen support
- PhpCodeSniffer task can now populate a property with used sniffs
- PHPMD and PhpCodeSniffer task can now cache results to speed up subsequent runs
- Various typo and bug fixes, documentation updates
The following tickets were closed in this release:
- [] JSHint and space in the path of the workspace (Windows 7)
- [] Case insensitive switch doesn't work
- [] Add ability to ignore symlinks in zip task
- [] Add support for formatters for PhpLoc task
- [] Disable compression of phing.phar to make it work on hhvm
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- Retry, Tempfile, Inifile tasks
- 'keepgoing' command line mode
- Fileset support in the Import task
- EscapeUnicode, Concat filters
- Profile logger
- Composite mapper
- Various typo and bug fixes
The following tickets were closed in this release:
- [] When UntarTask fails to extract an archive it should tell why
- [] PackageAsPath Task exists in 2.11, but not in documentation
- [] WaitFor task has maxwaitunit attribute, not WaitUnit
- [] Triple "B.37.1 Supported Nested Tags" header
- [] Wrong type of record task loglevel attribute
- [] Duplicated doc for Apply task, spawn attribute
- [] PHPUnitReport task: package name detection no longer works
- [] Target 'phing.listener.AnsiColorLogger' does not exist in this project.
- [] There is no native method for manipulating .ini files.
- [] phing parallel task should handle workers dying unexpectedly
- [] RegexTask processes backslashes incorrectly
- [] Coverage Report broken for Jenkins PHP Clover
- [] Parameter getValue is null when parameter is equal to 0
- [] phpdoc2 via phar
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- PharData and EchoProperties tasks
- 'silent' and 'emacs' command line modes
- Improvements to FileHash and FtpDeploy tasks
- SuffixLines and Sort filters
The following tickets were closed in this release:
- [] Implement pharLocation attribute for PHP_Depend task
- [] Implement pharLocation attribute for PHPMD task
- [] Fatal error in PHPMDTask
- [] Showwarnings doesn't work
- [] Allow more than one code standard review for PHP_CodeSniffer.
- [] Allow for fuzzy parameter for phpcpdPHPCPD
- [] add depth param to GitCloneTask
- [] Update phpcpd & phploc tasks to work with phar versions
- [] Phar version did not provide colorized output
- [] Incremental uploads in ftp deploy task
This release fixes the following tickets:
- [] Phing can't work PHPUnit(PHAR)
- [] [PHP Error] include_once(PHP/PPMD/Renderer/XMLRenderer.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
- [] Socket condition does not work
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- 'user.home' property on Windows fixed
- Various documentation updates
- Added support for listeners configured via phpunit.xml config
- Basename task
- Dirname task
- Diagnostics task
- FilesMatch condition
- HasFreeSpace condition
- PathToFileSet task
- PhingVersion task/condition
- PropertyRegex task
- Recorder task
- Socket condition
- Xor condition
The following tickets were closed in this release:
- [] PhpCodeSnifferTask incompatible with PHP_CS 2.2.0
- [] include task can't really have mode
- [] Phing and PHPMD via composer both
- [] Documentation lists covereage-report styledir as required.
- [] phpunit task ignores excludeGroups, groups attributes
- [] Add socket condition
- [] Removing .phar from the phar file makes it crash
- [] Phing 2.8.1 does not support PDepend 2.0
- [] ZPK Packaging for zend server
- [] recorder task
This releases fixes a Windows regression and adds the following new functionality:
- Http condition
- Switch task
- Throw task
The following tickets were closed in this release:
- [] Phing fails to call itself with Exec task
- [] ZIP task ignores ${phing.dir}
- [] phing+windows copy file path
- [] Add http condition
- [] Can't read version information file
- [] Resetting Phing::$msgOutputLevel
This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- Phing now supports HHVM
- Stopwatch task added
- Unit test coverage increased
- Source code formatted to PSR-2
- Various bugs and documentation errors fixed
Additionally, the following Trac tickets (see were fixed in this release:
- [] PHPMD Task does not support the format tag
- [] Exclude extra files from composer package
- [] Reduce PhingCall/Foreach log messages
- [] DefaultLogger is not default logger
- [] ParallelTask - error in subtask should fail build
- [] obfuscation-key option for IoncubeEncoderTask does not work
- [] copytask haltonerror = "false" function failure when source dir not exists
- [] Add documentation for Manifest task
- [] ManifestTask md5 hash vs FileHashTask md5 hash not the same
- [] Imported target won't run until there is one with the same name in main build.xml
- [] ApplyTask outputProperty doesn't append
- [] Untar task does not preserve file permissions
- [] Please fix the syntax error in PHP Lint
- [] ArchiveComment Parameter for ZipTask
- [] ReferenceExistsCondition returns true for all UnknownElements
- [] phing -l is listing imported targets twice
- [] Support for running on HHVM
- [] pdepend task does not find dependencies when installed by composer
- [] PHPUnitTask formatter does not create directory if specified "todir" does not exist
- [] Phingcall and Import issues
- [] Composer task has no documentation
- [] SymlinkTaks overwrite fails if target doesn't exist
- [] includePathTask: Allow appending and replacing
- [] several phpunit task problems
- [] Attribute logoutput to property task
- [] Can't delete all subdirectories without directory itself
- [] Reformat Phing source code to PSR-2
This patch release fixes two regressions.
- [] #1111 breaks PHPLint task
- [] Property "X" was circularly defined.
This patch release fixes a regression preventing Phing from being used on machines where PEAR is not installed, as well as another (unrelated) issue.
- [] PHP Fatal Error using Phing on machines without PEAR
- [] setting PhpLintTask interpreter
New or improved functionality:
- The rsync task can now handle remote connections without specifying a username
- The rsync task now creates remote directories as needed by default
- Support for PHP MD 2.*
- Various tasks now support dependencies loaded through composer
- AutoloaderTask added
- Various bugs and documentation errors fixed
Additionally, the following Trac tickets (see were fixed in this release:
- [] pdosqlexec doesn't throw exception for the non-first SQL instruction
- [] Add .git and associated files to defaultexcludes attribute
- [] PHPUnitTask: attributes 'groups' and 'excludeGroups' not documented
- [] Phing is not compatible with PHPMD 2.0.0 beta
- [] Add (optional) external deps to suggest section in composer.json
- [] Add composer / PHAR installation instructions to README & web pages
- [] Allow loading of externals through composer [meta ticket]
- [] Phing is not compatible with PHPUnit 4.x
- [] PearPackageFileSet copies files with baseinstalldir incorrectly
- [] Conditions section (5.8) does not correctly link to mentioned tasks
- [] pdepend task does not find dependencies when installed by composer
- [] Support for .dist files
- [] Included JSmin has non-free license
- [] includePathTask: talk about appending/prepending
New or improved functionality:
- Support for PHP CodeSniffer 1.5, PHP Copy&Paste Detector 2.0 and PHPLOC 2.0
- Composer support for PHPCPD and PhpDocumentor tasks
- Fixed / improved error handling in various places
- More unit / regression tests added
- Various bugs and documentation errors fixed
Additionally, the following Trac tickets (see were fixed in this release:
- [] PhpDocumentor2Task: add support for default package name
- [] Tasks in root target are executed twice
- [] Documentation of AvailableTask does not link to conditions page
- [] IoncubeEncoderTask does not support PHP 5.4
- [] Phing silently died, when cant read build.xml
- [] PHPCS 1.5.0 breaks PHPCodeSniffer Task
- [] Formatter 'brief' not implemented when using Unittest task
- [] PHPCPD 2.0 breaks PHPCPD Task
- [] AvailableTask throws exception when filepath contains duplicates
- [] phing exits with return code 0 when there is unknown argument
- [] pdo exception thrown from pdosqlexec not properly handled
- [] filesyncTask: problem (error?) with verbose (-v) option
- [] Missing or erroneous definition in phing-grammar.rng
- [] Add composer support for phpdoc2 task
- [] phing 2.6.1 - impossible upgrade
- [] PHPLocTask broken with recent phploc updates
- [] Using fileset in echo does not list subdirectories
- [] Fix UnknownElement wrapping and configuring
- [] phpcpd tasks does not find dependencies when installed by composer
- [] Improving debuggability of errors in custom code
- [] FileSync Port
- [] JsMin task creates directories with 0700 permissions
- [] Change visibility of FailTask variables
- [] MailTask backend configuration
- [] Invalid error about refid attribute when specifying multiple targets
- [] certain liquibase tasks (rollback, tag and update) do not check return value
- [] Clarify pdoexec autocommit/transactions
- [] GitCommit: add fileset support
- [] Improve documentation about including custom tasks
- [] Selenium with PHPUnit: browser configurations are not processed
- [] svn switches: recursive
- [] phpunitreport: broken html for test suite names containing "/"
- [] Namespace support for extensions (PSR0 support)
This patch release fixes a regression when setting properties in then/else blocks.
Note: the fix currently disables support for custom conditions, full support will be restored in Phing 2.7.0.
- [] Properties within then/else blocks are not expanded
New or improved functionality:
- Docbook5 documentation is now the main documentation; output targets are 'hlhtml', 'chunkhtml', 'hlpdf', 'epub' and 'webhelp'
- HttpRequest task supports POST request
- PharPackage task supports PKCS#12 certificate stores
- WikiPublish task was added
- Smarty task is now compatible with Smarty 3
- A new logger 'TargetLogger' was added, displaying the execution time for each target
- Composer task and package were updated
- More unit / regression tests added
- Various bugs and documentation errors fixed
Additionally, the following Trac tickets (see were fixed in this release:
- [] PropertyTask docs is wrong
- [] Error in ApplyTask->executeCommand()
- [] PhpDocumentor2 task broken with latest phpdoc version
- [] RegexpMapper uses deprecated PREG_REPLACE_EVAL
- [] PHPLocTask fails when installed via composer
- [] Argument 1 passed to IniFileTokenReader::setFile() must be an instance of PhingFile
- [] [PHP Error] Illegal string offset 'filename' [line 149 of /usr/share/pear/phing/tasks/ext/ExtractBaseTask.php]
- [] phing does not allow phpunit to echo
- [] Problem with spaces in output redirection path
- [] <gitcommit .../> does not work because task definition is missing in + another bug
- [] 2 php syntax bugs in GitCommitTask
- [] Make phing.phar work out of the box
- [] phing-2.5.0.phar Can't load default task list
- [] passthru will redirect stderr
- [] Prompting for a property value when it is not set results in a repeated input message
- [] Git Commit Task missing from docs
- [] FileUtil::copyFile(): $preserveLastModified causes empty symlink target file
- [] FileSyncTask missing from docbook5 documentation
- [] phing unit tests nice on all platforms
- [] Load phpdepend dependency only when they are used
- [] Move to docbook5 documentation
- [] pdosqlexec: add delimiterType=none (default), clarify delimiter documentation (was: pdosqlexec triggers segmentation fault)
This release addresses the following issues:
- [] svncommit: invalid switch ignoreexternals
- [] phpunit Task doesn't support @codeCoverageIgnore[...] comments
- [] SvnCopyTask: remove "force" from documentation
- [] TokenSource does not work
- [] PHPUnit task does not report diffs for failed assertions
- [] Proper handling of STDOUT and STDERR
- [] XSLT task fails with fatal error on PHP 5.4
- [] DbDeploy: infinite loop in case if directory not found
- [] DbDeploy: checkall output isn't informative
- [] Documentation of Dbdeploy task
- [] Bug in SvnListTask Version 2.4.14
- [] Property wrapped in if/then structure is not substituted by it's value
- [] Paths becoming part of S3 file names on Windows
- [] Add PHP extension check to Available Task
- [] Properly document how to load environment variables as properties
- [] S3Put throws "Source is not set" exception
- [] SymfonyConsoleTask improvements: checkreturn and output of command
- [] AvailableTask does not work on unix domain sockets
- [] <target hidden="true> is undocumented
- [] ZendGuardEncode under Windows 7
- [] DbDeployTask applied_by username is hardcoded and cannot be changed
- [] phpcodesniffertask does not work on CSS and JS files
- [] SshTask Methods Options
- [] JSL Lint Task - Halt on warning
- [] Add preservepermissions flag to copy task
- [] Add ApplyTask
- [] -D option doesn't work with a space after it
- [] Phar package does not work on Windows platforms
This release addresses the following issues:
- [] phing/phingdocs bad md5sum
- [] If task with "equals" directly in "project" tag does not work
- [] Typo in tasks/ext/dbdeploy/DbmsSyntaxOracle.php
- [] Add username/password to svn info/lastrevision/list/log task docs
- [] XSLT filter fails when libxslt security present in php
Starting from this version, Phing releases and release numbers will follow the Semantic Versioning ( principle.
This release updates the composer package, adds a phploc task and improved support for phpDocumentor 2 and IonCube 7, improves the unit tests, clarifies the documentation in a number of places, and addresses the following issues:
- [] PHPLoc 1.7 broken
- [] PHP_CodeSniffer throws errors with CodeSniffer 1.4.0
- [] Can not pass empty string (enclosed in double quotes) as exec task argument
- [] Fatal error with ZipTask when zip extension is not loaded
- [] PHPCPD upgrade breaks PHPCPD task
- [] FtpDeployTask: Missing features and patch for them (chmod and only change if different)
- [] Problem with spaces in error redirection path.
- [] Update to PEAR::VersionControl_SVN 0.5.0
- [] Introduce build file property that contains the build file's directory
- [] path with special characters does not delete
- [] Replace DIR
- [] Add filterchain support to the property task
- [] TarTask should raise error if zlib extension not installed
- [] Cannot redeclare class phpDocumentor\Bootstrap
- [] SvnBaseTask and subversion 1.7
- [] phpunitreport create html's classes files in wrong folder
- [] phpdoc2 example has error
- [] error in includepath when calling more than once
- [] Phing will run bootstrap before first task but clean up autoloader before second task
- [] Concatenate property lines ending with backslash
- [] Symfony console task: space within the arguments, not working on windows
- [] Allow custom child elements
- [] Documentation error for CvsTask setfailonerror
- [] Error throwing in PDOSQLExecTask breaking trycatch
- [] svnlist fails on empty directories
- [] Dbdeploy does not retrieve changelog number with oracle
- [] Silent fail on delete tasks
- [] Add phploc task
- [] phpcpd task should check external dep in main()
- [] Code coverage not showing "not executed" lines
- [] MoveTask ignores fileset
- [] GrowlNotifyTask to be notified on long-task when they are finished
- [] Allow custom conditions
- [] Allow loading of phpunit.xml in phpunit task
- [] ReplaceRegexp problem with newline as replace string
- [] Add 'level' attribute to resolvepath task
- [] JslLint Task is_executable() broken
- [] ParallelTask.php is not PHP 5.2 compatible
- [] SvnBaseTask: getRecursive
- [] Custom build log mailer
- [] an ability to turn phpLint verbose ON and OFF
- [] Can't find ParallelTask.php
- [] ReplaceTokens can't work with '/' char
- [] Can't find ParallelTask.php
- [] Git Clone clones into wrong directory
- [] static call to a non-static function PhingFile.php::getTempdir()
- [] PropertyTask with file. Can't use a comment delimiter in the value.
- [] PHP Error with HttpGetTask
- [] Several minor errors in documentation of core tasks
- [] RNG grammar hasn't been updated to current version
- [] Typo in documentation - required attributes for project
- [] Symfony 2 Console Task
- [] Add support for RNG grammar in task XmlLint
- [] RNG grammar is wrong for task 'foreach'
- [] symlink task - overwrite not working
- [] "verbose" option should print fileset/filelist filenames before execution, not afterwards
- [] Prevent weird bugs: raise warning when a target tag contains no ending tag
- [] JSL-Check faulty
- [] ExecTask documentation has incorrect escape attribute default value
- [] Exec task args with special characters cannot be escaped
- [] SelectorUtils::matchPath matches */._ matches dir/file._name
- [] Type selector should treat symlinks to directories as such
- [] Make it easy to add new inherited types to phing: Use addFileset instead of createFileset
- [] Support for filelist in UpToDateTask
- [] fix CvsTask documentation
- [] More detailed backtrace in debug mode (patch)
- [] Extend mail task to include attachments
- [] schema file for editors and validation
- [] Run a task on BuildException
- [] PHPMDTask should check external dep in main()
- [] DocBlox task breaks with version 0.17.0: function getThemesPath not found
- [] dbdeploy undo script SQL is not formatted correctly
- [] rSTTask: add debug statement when creating target directory
- [] phingcall using a lot of memory
- [] Documentation for SvnUpdateTask is outdated
- [] [patch] Add overwrite option to Symlink task
- [] Adding the "trust-server-cert" option to SVN tasks
- [] Fix notice in SimpleTestXmlResultFormatter
- [] phpunitreport path fails on linux
- [] AvailableTask resolving symbolic links
- [] SVN tasks do not always show error message
- [] Untar : allow overwriting of newer files when extracting
- [] PharTask is very slow for big project
- [] Add waitFor task
- [] Incompatibility when copying from Windows to Linux on ScpTask
- [] talk about invalid property values
- [] More descriptive error messages in PharPackageTask
- [] Properties: global or local in tasks?
- [] Allow ChownTask to change only group
- [] verbose level in ExpandPropertiesFilter
- [] Class 'PHPCPD_Log_XML' not found in /home/m/www/elvis/vendor/phpcpd/PHPCPD/Log/XML/PMD.php on line 55
- [] Fix PHPUnit 3.6 / PHP_CodeCoverage 1.1.0 compatibility
- [] Bad example for the selector
- [] phing executable has bug in ENV/PHP_COMMAND
- [] PhpUnitTask overwrites autoload stack
- [] PhpCodeSnifferTask doesn't pass files encoding to PHP_CodeSniffer
- [] CoverageReportTask fails with "runtime error" on PHP 5.4.0beta1
- [] DbDeploy does not support pdo-dblib
- [] ReplaceTokensWithFile - postfix attribute ignored
- [] PhpLintTask performance improvement
- [] Fix rSTTask to avoid the need of PEAR every time
- [] Corrected spelling of name
- [] EchoTask: Fileset support
- [] rSTTask unittests fix
- [] rSTTask documentation: fix examples
- [] Add pearPackageFileSet type
- [] method execute doesn't exists in CvsTask.php
- [] Refactor DocBlox task to work with DocBlox 0.14+
- [] SvnExportTask impossible to export current version from working copy
- [] phplint task error summary doesn't display the errors
- [] ScpTask: mis-leading error message if 'host' attribute is not set
- [] Support for filelist in UpToDateTask
- [] Keep the RelaxNG grammar in sync with the code/doc
- [] Writing Tasks/class properties: taskname not correctly used
- [] PlainPHPUnitResultFormatter does not display errors if @dataProvider was used
- [] [PATCH] Add mapper support to ForeachTask
- [] 2 validargs to input task does not display defaults correctly
This is a hotfix release.
- [] Fix PHP 5.3 dependency in CoverageReportTask
- [] Fix for Ticket #744 breaks PHPCodeSnifferTask's nested formatters
This release fixes and improves several tasks (particularly the DocBlox task), adds OCI/ODBC support to the dbdeploy task and introduces a task to render reStructuredText.
- [] Undefined offset: 1 [line 204 of /usr/share/php/phing/tasks/ext/JslLintTask.php]
- [] PharPackageTask: metadata should not be required
- [] The DocBlox task does not load the markdown library.
- [] CoverageReportTask incorrectly considers dead code to be unexecuted
- [] Gratuitous unit test failures on Windows
- [] SelectorUtils::matchPath() directory matching broken
- [] DocBloxTask throws an error when using DocBlox 0.12.2
- [] Grammar error in ChmodTask documentation
- [] PharPackageTask Web/Cli stub path is incorrect
- [] ExecTask: support
- [] ExecTask: Unit tests and refactoring
- [] Declaration of Win32FileSystem::compare()
- [] Enable process isolation support in the PHPUnit task
- [] Improve "can't load default task list" message
- [] MkdirTask mode param mistake
- [] PHP_CodeSniffer formatter doesn't work with summary
- [] ExecTask docs: link in os attribute
- [] ExecTask: missing docs for "output", "error" and "level"
- [] PHPMDTask: "InvalidArgumentException" with no globbed files.
- [] Making the jsMin suffix optional
- [] PHPCPDTask: omitting 'outfile' attribute with 'useFIle="false"'
- [] CopyTask can't copy broken symlinks when included in fileset
- [] DeleteTask cannot delete dangling symlinks
- [] Implement filepath support in Available Task
- [] rSTTask to render reStructuredText
- [] Add support to Oracle (OCI) in DbDeployTask
- [] ODBC in DbDeployTask
- [] copy task bails on symbolic links (filemtime)
- [] PDO cannot handle PL/Perl function creation statements in PostgreSQL
This release fixes a large number of issues, improves a number of tasks and adds several new tasks (SVN log/list, DocBlox and LoadFile).
- [] execTask fails to chdir if the chdir parameter is a symlink to a dir
- [] phpunitreport: styledir not required
- [] CopyTask fails when todir="" does not exist
- [] Clarify documentation for using AvailableTask as a condition
- [] setIni() fails with memory_limit not set in Megabytes
- [] TouchTask: file not required?
- [] mkdir: are parent directories created?
- [] Fix for mail task documentation
- [] expectSpecificBuildException fails to detect wrong exception message
- [] typo in docs: "No you can set"
- [] Advanced task example missing
- [] Missing links in Writing Tasks: Summary
- [] Case problem in "Writing Tasks" with setMessage
- [] missing links in "Package Imports"
- [] Setting more then two properties in command line not possible on windows
- [] Add loadfile task
- [] Add documentation for patternset element to user guide
- [] CoverageReportTask doesn't recognize UTF-8 source code
- [] phpunit Task doesn't support @codeCoverageIgnore[...] comments
- [] Class 'GroupTest' not found in /usr/share/php/phing/tasks/ext/simpletest/SimpleTestTask.php on line 158
- [] foreach doesn't work with filelists
- [] Support DocBlox
- [] Improve documentation about selectors
- [] SshTask Adding (+propertysetter, +displaysetter)
- [] SvnLogTask and SvnListTask
- [] Loading custom tasks should use the autoloading mechanism
- [] phpunit report does not work with a single testcase
- [] phpunitreport: make tables sortable
- [] IoncubeEncoderTask improved
- [] new listener HtmlColorLogger
- [] DbDeployTask::getDeltasFilesArray has undefined variable
- [] fix CvsTask documentation
- [] DirectoryScanner: add darcs to default excludes
- [] Empty Default Value Behaves Like the Value is not set
- [] Document how symbolic links and hidden files are treated in copy task
- [] __toString for register slots
- [] Hiding the command that is executed with "ExecTask"
- [] optionally skip version check in codesniffer task
- [] fileset not selecting folders
- [] PDOSQLExec task doesn't close the DB connection before throw an exception or at the end of the task.
- [] ERROR: option "-o" not known with phpcs version 1.3.0RC2 and phing/phpcodesniffer 2.4.4
- [] Add verbose mode for SCPTask
- [] ignored autocommit="false" in PDOTask?
- [] CoverageThresholdTask needs exclusion option/attribute
- [] Coverage threshold message is too detailed...
- [] PhpDocumentor prematurely checks for executable
- [] Would be nice to have -properties= CLI option
- [] Attribute "title" is wanted in CoverageReportTask
- [] Tweak test failure message from PHPUnitTask
- [] PhpLintTask don't log all errors for each file
- [] Make PatchTask silent on FreeBSD
- [] Support of filelist in CodeCoverageTask
- [] pearpkg2: unable to specify different file roles
- [] jslint warning logger
This release fixes several issues, and reverts the changes that introduced the ComponentHelper class.
- [] Wrong example of creating task in stable documentation.
- [] Many erratas on the "Getting Started"-page.
- [] Messages of ReplaceTokens should be verbose
- [] 2.4.4 packages contains .rej and .orig files in release tarball
- [] "phing -q" does not work: "Unknown argument: -q"
- [] php print() statement outputting to stdout
- [] PDOSQLExec fails with Fatal error: Class 'LogWriter' not found in [...]/PDOSQLExecFormatterElement
- [] 2.4.5RC1 requires PHPUnit erroneously
- [] PhpLintTask outputs all messages (info and errors) to same loglevel
- [] phpcodesniffer task changes Phing build working directory
- [] BUG: AdhocTaskdefTask fails when creating a task that extends from an existing task
- [] v 2.4.4 broke taskdef for tasks following PEAR naming standard
- [] Add support to PostgreSQL in DbDeployTask
- [] Add HTTP_Request2 to optional dependencies
- [] typo in ReplaceRegexpTask
- [] Wrong version for optional Services_Amazon_S3 dependency
- [] PhpDependTask no more compatible with PDepend since 0.10RC1
- [] Ssh/scp task: Move ssh2_connect checking from init to main
- [] command line "-D" switch not handled correctly under windows
- [] Wrong file set when exclude test// is used
This release fixes several issues.
- [] FilterChain without ReplaceTokensWithFile creator
- [] Taskdef in phing 2.4.3 was broken!
- [] PhpLintTask don't flag files that can't be parsed as bad files
- [] Mail Task don't show recipients list on log
- [] Add (optional) dependency to VersionControl_Git and Services_Amazon_S3 packages
- [] Same line comments in property files are included in the property value
- [] XmlLintTask - check well-formedness only
- [] Boolean properties get incorrectly expanded
- [] Wrong file set when exclude test// is used
- [] DbDeployTask: Undo script wrongly generated
This release adds tasks to interface with Git and Amazon S3, adds support for PHPUnit 3.5, and fixes numerous issues.
- [] UnixFileSystem::compare() is broken
- [] Add haltonerror attribute to copy/move tasks
- [] XmlProperty creating wrong properties
- [] SVN commands fail on Windows XP
- [] xmlproperty - misplaced xml attributes
- [] Task "phpcodesniffer" broken, no output
- [] ImportTask don't skipp file if optional is set to true
- [] [PATCH] Compatibility with PHPUnit 3.5.
- [] UpToDate not override value of property when target is called by phingcall
- [] STRICT Declaration of UnixFileSystem::getBooleanAttributes() should be compatible with that of FileSystem::getBooleanAttributes()
- [] Patch to force PhpDocumentor to log using phing
- [] SVN Switch Task
- [] Ability to convert encoding of files
- [] ScpTask doesn't finish the transfer properly
- [] The new attribute version does not work
- [] d51PearPkg2Task: Docs link wrong
- [] JslLintTask: wrap conf parameter with escapeshellarg
- [] Install documentation incorrect/incomplete
- [] DbDeployTask: Undo script wrongly generated
- [] Task for downloading a file through HTTP
- [] cachefile parameter of PhpLintTask also caches erroneous files
- [] XmlLintTask does not stop buid process when schema validation fails
- [] d51pearpkg2: setOptions() call does not check return value
- [] pearpkg2: extdeps and replacements mappings not documented
- [] pearpkg2: minimal version on dependency automatically set max and recommended
- [] pearpkg2: maintainers mapping does not support "active" tag
- [] Need SvnLastChangedRevisionTask to grab the last changed revision for the current working directory
- [] [PHP Error] file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in phpcpdesniffer task
- [] Version tag doesn't increment bugfix portion of the version
- [] Properties not being set on subsequent sets.
- [] to show test name when testing fails
- [] formatter type "clover" of task "phpunit" doesn't generate coverage according to task "coverage-setup"
- [] FtpDeployTask is very silent, error messages are not clear
- [] Should be able to ignore a task when listing them from CLI
- [] Add Git Support
- [] Phing.php setIni() does not honor -1 as unlimited
- [] Patch to allow -D with no "="
- [] PHP Documentor Task not correctly documented
- [] Add repository url support to SvnLastRevisionTask
- [] static function call in PHPCPDTask
- [] References to Core types page are broken
- [] __autoload not being called
- [] Add executable attribute in JslLint task
- [] PearPackage Task fatal error trying to process Fileset options
- [] Allow files in subdirectories in ReplaceTokensWithFile filter
- [] PHP Errors in PDOSQLExecTask
- [] ReplaceTokensWithFile filter does not allow HTML translation to be switched off
- [] Make handling of incomplete tests when logging XML configurable
- [] Bug in FileUtils::copyFile() on Linux - when using FilterChains, doesn't preserve attributes
- [] Bug in ChownTask with verbose set to false
- [] ExportPropertiesTask does not export all the initialized properties
- [] HttpRequestTask should NOT validate output if regex is not provided
- [] Bad Comparisons in FilenameSelector (possibly others)
- [] CPanel can't read Phing's Zip Files
- [] Add a multiline option to regex replace filter
- [] ChownTask throws exception if group is given
- [] CopyTask does not accept a FileList as only source of files
- [] coverage of abstract class/method is always ZERO
- [] incomplete logging in coverage-threshold
- [] PatchTask should support more options
- [] Broken Links in coverage report
- [] version tag in project node
- [] FtpDeployTask error
- [] PHPCodeSniffer Task throws Exceptions
- [] Fileset's dir should honor expandsymboliclinks
- [] ZipTask creates ZIP file but doesn't set file/dir attributes
- [] PatchTask
- [] SVNCopy task is not documented
- [] Add documentation describing phpdocext
- [] PhpCodeSnifferTask fails to generate a checkstyle-like output
- [] HttpRequestTask is very desirable
- [] public key support for scp and ssh tasks
- [] Windows phing.bat can't handle PHP paths with spaces
- [] Phing download link broken in bibliography
- [] Error in Documentation in Book under Writing a simple Buildfile
- [] would be nice to create CoverateThresholdTask
- [] integrate Phing with PHP Mess Detector and PHP_Depend
- [] FtpDeployTask is extremely un-verbose...
- [] Ability to specify the default build listener in build file
- [] SvnExport task documentation does not mention "revision" property
- [] ExportProperties class incorrectly named
- [] Typo in setExcludeGroups function of PHPUnitTask
- [] Minor improvement for PhpLintTask
- [] PhpLintTask: retrieving bad files
- [] PDOSQLExecTask does not recognize "delimiter" command
- [] PhpEvalTask calculation should not always returns anything
- [] Allow setting alias for Phar files as well as a custom stub
- [] Delete directories fails on '[0]' name
- [] some error with svn info
- [] an ability to turn phpLint verbose ON and OFF
- [] I can't get a new version of Phing through PEAR
- [] Add fileset/filelist support to scp tasks
- [] PHPUnitTask 'summary' formatter produces a long list of results
- [] Support for Clover coverage XML
- [] PhpDocumentorExternal stops in method constructArguments
- [] Error using ResolvePath on Windows
- [] DbDeployTask only looks for -- //@UNDO (requires space)
- [] PDOSQLExecTask requires both fileset and filelist, rather than either or
- [] PharPackageTask fails to compress files
- [] Fix differences in zip and tar tasks
- [] prefix parameter for tar task
- [] Docs: PharPackageTask 'compress' attribute wrong
- [] Code coverage shows incorrect results Part2
- [] Beautify directory names in zip archives
- [] IoncubeEncoderTask noshortopentags
- [] PhpCpd output to screen
- [] Directory ignored in PhpCpdTask.php
- [] Add prefix parameter to ZipTask
- [] FtpDeployTask: invalid default transfer mode
- [] How to use PhpDocumentorExternalTask
- [] PHPUnit error handler issue
- [] PHPUnit task bootstrap file included too late
- [] Code coverage shows incorrect results
- [] ReplaceToken boolean problems
- [] error in docs for echo task
- [] grammar errors
- [] Can't build simple build.xml file
- [] Bug in PHPCodeSnifferTask
- [] && transfers into & in new created task
- [] startdir and 'current directory' not the same when build.xml not in current directory
- [] Patch - xmlproperties Task
- [] Resolve task class names with PEAR/ZEND/etc. naming convention
- [] Excluded files may be included in Zip/Tar tasks
- [] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite
- [] Broken link in "Getting Started/More Complex Buildfile"
- [] Phing 2.4rc1 via pear is not usable
- [] 2.4.0-rc1 download links broken
- [] PHPUnit task fails with formatter type 'xml'
- [] 403 for Documentation (User Guide) Phing HEAD
- [] PDOSQLExecTask should accept filelist subelement
- [] Add API documentation
- [] Can't get phpunit code coverage to export as XML
- [] Bug in PHPCodeSnifferTask
- [] SvnLastRevisionTask fails when locale != EN
- [] Documentation for tasks Chmod and Chown
- [] JslLint task fails to escape shell argument
- [] PHPUnit / Coverage tasks do not deal with bootstrap code
- [] Phing ignores public static array named $browsers in Selenium tests
- [] custom-made re-engine in SelectorUtils is awful slow
- [] PHAR signature setting
- [] Use intval to loop through files
- [] XmlLogger doesn't ensure proper ut8 encoding of log messages
- [] Conditions: uptodate does not work
- [] UpToDateTask documentation says that nested FileSet tags are allowed
- [] "DirectoryScanner cannot find a folder/file named ""0"" (zero)"
- [] Add revision to svncheckout and svnupdate
- [] "<filterchain id=""xxx""> and <filterchain refid=""xxx""> don't work"
- [] phpdoc task not parsing and including RIC files in documentation output
- [] Simpletest sometimes reports an undefined variable
- [] PhpCodeSnifferTask lacks of haltonerror and haltonwarning attributes
- [] Make haltonfailure attribute for ZendCodeAnalyzerTask
- [] SimpleTestXMLResultFormatter
- [] Fileset support for the TouchTask?
- [] Replaceregexp filter works in Copy task but not Move task
- [] Command-line option to output the description attribute text
- [] Documentation of Task Tag SimpleTest
- [] ExecTask should return command output as a property (different from passthru)
- [] PhingCall crashes if an AdhocTask is defined
- [] Svn copy task
- [] Add facility for setting resolveExternals property of DomDocument object in XML related tasks
- [] Undefined property in XincludeFilter class
- [] Import Task fix/improvement
- [] Add Phar support (task) to Phing
- [] Add documentation to PHK package task
- [] Add PHK package task
- [] PhpCodeSnifferTask has mis-named class, patch included
- [] PHPUnit 3.3RC1 error in phpunit task adding files to filter
- [] [patch] ReplaceRegExp
- [] Allow properties to be recursively named.
- [] phpunit code coverage file format change
- [] Archive_Zip fails to extract on Windows
- [] UnZip task reports success on failure on Windows
- [] Unneeded warning in Untar task
- [] Ignore dead code in code coverage
- [] Add extra debug resultformatter to the simpletest task
- [] foreach on a fileset
- [] Extend taskdef task to allow property file style imports
- [] New task: Import
- [] Phing test brocken but no failure entry if test case class has no test method
- [] TAR task
- [] Delete task won't delete all files
- [] phing test successful while phpunit test is broken
- [] Separate docs from phing package
- [] File::exists() returns false on existing but broken symlinks
- [] CopyTask shoul accept filelist subelement
- [] task doesn't support filters
- [] Terminal output disappears and/or changes color
- [] Support for copying symlinks as is
- [] Make file perms configurable in copy task
- [] Cache the results of PHPLintTask so as to not check unmodified files
- [] "ExecTask attribute ""passthru"" to make use of the PHP function ""passthru"""
- [] svn tasks doesn't work
- [] task does not work
- [] Incorrect PhpDoc package of SimpleTestResultFormatter
- [] Incorrect error detecting in XSLT filter
- [] Contains condition fails on case-insensitive checks
- [] The release package is not the one as the version(2.3.2) suppose to be
- [] Problem with the Phing plugin with Hudson CI Tool
- [] Comment syntax for dbdeploy violates standard
- [] DateSelector.php bug
- [] dbdeploy failes with MySQL strict mode
- [] Syntax error in dbdeploy task
- [] XSL Errors in coverage-report task
- [] AnsiColorLogger should not be final
- [] PHPUnit 3.3RC1 incompatibility with code coverage
- [] Using CDATA with ReplaceTokens values
- [] Warning on iterating over empty keys
- [] Illeal use of max() with empty array
- [] Error processing reults: SQLSTATE [HY000]: General error: 2053 when executing inserts or create statements.
- [] getPhingVersion + printVersion should be public static
- [] Timestamp in Phing Properties for Echo etc
- [] CCS nav bug on site
- [] debug statement in Path datatype for DirSet
- [] See failed tests in console
- [] Phing pear install nor working
- [] Log incomplete and skipped tests for phpunit3
- [] FtpDeployTask reports FTP port as FTP server on error
- [] ExecTask shows no output from running command
- [] Bug in SummaryPHPUnit3ResultFormatter
- [] Several PHP errors in XSLTProcessor
- [] Do not show passwords for svn in log
- [] typo in foreach task documentation
- [] Fatal error: Call to undefined method PHPUnit2_Framework_TestResult::skippedCount() in /usr/local/lib/php/phing/tasks/ext/phpunit/PHPUnitTestRunner.php on line 120
- [] simpletestformaterelement bad require
- [] Missing Software Dependence in documentation
- [] Path class duplicates absolute path on subsequent path includes
- [] AnsiColorLogger colors cannot be changed by
- [] Add new chown task
- [] Clear support of PHPUnit versions
- [] Memory limit in phpdoc
- [] output messages about errors and warnings in JslLint task
- [] boolean attributes of task PhpCodeSniffer are wrong
- [] PhpCodeSnifferTask should be able to output file
- [] Error in documentation task related to copy task
- [] XSLT does not handle multiple testcase nodes for the same test method
- [] Reworked PhpDocumentorExternalTask
- [] ReplaceRegexp problem with newline as replace string
- [] PhpLintTask: optional use a different PHP interpreter
- [] Installation guide out of date (phing fails to run)
- [] AvailableTask::_checkResource ends up with an exception if resource isn't found.
- [] ExecTask returnProperty
- [] Add PHP_CodeSniffer task
- [] "Improve Phing's ability to work as an ""embedded"" process"
- [] Additional attribute for SvnUpdateTask
- [] Invalid error message in delete task when deleting directory fails.
- [] PDO SQL exec task unable to handle multi-line statements
- [] phing delete task sometimes fails to delete file that could be deleted
- [] SvnLastRevisionTask fails if Subversion is localized (Spanish)
- [] haltonincomplete attribute for phpunit task
- [] Manifest Task
- [] Error when skip test
- [] Akismet says content is spam
- [] Add test name in printsummary in PHPUnit task
- [] PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD defined more than once
- [] PlainPHPUnit3ResultFormatter filteres test in stack trace
- [] Undefined variable in PhingTask.php
- [] Undefined variable in SummaryPHPUnit3ResultFormatter
- [] PhingCallTask should call setHaltOnFailure
- [] Add documentation for TidyFilter
- [] printsummary doens work in PHP Unit task
- [] Only write ConfigurationExceptions to stdout
- [] Cleanup installation documentation.
- [] passing aarguments to phing
- [] Spurious PHP Error from XSLT Filter
- [] unable to include phpdocumentor.ini in PHPDoc-Task
- [] FTP upload task
- [] Add differentiation for build loggers that require explicit streams to be set
- [] Add 'value' alias to XSLTParam type.
- [] broken phpunit2-frames.xsl
- [] Allow results from selector to be loosely type matched to true/false
- [] SvnLastRevisionTask cannot get SVN revision number on single file
- [] XincludeFilter PHP Error
- [] Add new formatter support for PDOSQLExecTask
- [] Change CreoleTask to use tagname instead of
- [] Add support for PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite subclasses in fileset of test classes
- [] Failed build results in empty log.xml
- [] Add stripwhitespace filter
- [] Add @pattern alias for @name in
- [] phing/etc directory missing (breaking PHPUnit)
- [] Fatal error in PDOSQLExecTask when using filesets
- [] fails when it encounters symlink pointing to non-writable file
- [] Suggestion to add attribute to PDOSQLExecTask for fetch_style
- [] sqlite select failure
- [] result of PHP-Unit seems to be incorrect
- [] add group-option to PHPUnit-Task
- [] using TestSuites in fileset of PHPUnit-Task
- [] remove dependency to PEAR in PHPUnit-Task
- [] Illegal offset type PHP notice in CopyTask
- [] Example for PhpDocumentor task has typographical errors and a wrong attribute.
- [] SvnCheckout task only makes non-recursive checkouts.
- [] Add 'recursive' attribute to svncheckout task.
- [] Attribute os of ExecTask is not working
- [] add source file attribute for code coverage xml report
- [] Error in documenation: AppendTask
- [] Typo in documentation
- [] is missing in the doc completely
- [] Error in documentation
- [] Typo in documentation
- [] PearPackage2Task Replacements don't seem to work
- [] BUILD FAILED use JsLintTask
- [] PhpDocumentorTask fails when trying to use parsePrivate attribute.
- [] custom tasks have this->project == null
- [] CoverageSetupTask and autoloaders
- [] Test unit don't report notice or strict warnings
- [] "Add ""errorproperty"" attribute to PhpLintTask"
- [] SvnLastRevisionTask doesn't work with repositoryUrl
- [] "document ""haltonfailure"" attribute for phplint task"
- [] FileSystemUnix::normalize method: Improve handling
- [] delete dir and mkdir are incompatible
- [] Inconsistent newlines in PHP files
- [] Improve detection for PHPUnit3
- [] "XmlLogger improperly handling ""non-traditional"" buildfile execution paths"
- [] Error when use markTestIncomplete in test
- [] Allow escaped dots in classpaths
- [] (SVN doc) ${phing.version} and ${php.version} are different!
- [] taskdef doesn't support fileset
- [] Overhaul PhpDocumentor task
- [] files excluded by fileset end up in .tgz but not .zip
- [] Phing commandline args don't support quoting / spaces
- [] Semantical error in PhingFile::getParent()
- [] "Remove use of getProperty(""line.separator"") in favor of PHP_EOL"
- [] "Add ""-p"" alias for project help"
- [] Create Project class constants for log levels (replacing PROJECT_MSG_*)
- [] mkdir and delete tasks don't work properly together
- [] Xinclude filter
- [] Add PDO SQL execution task
- [] Incorrectly set PHP_CLASSPATH in phing.bat
- [] Convert all loggers/listeners to use streams
- [] Build listeners currently not working
- [] Configured -logger can get overridden
- [] phing.buildfile.dirname built-in property
- [] Path::listPaths() broken for DirSet objects.
- [] FileList.getListFile method references undefined variable
- [] TaskHandler passing incorrect param to ProjectConfigurator->configureId()
- [] _makeCircularException seems to have an infinite loop
- [] <match>-syntax does not work correctly with preg_*()
- [] Cannot get phing to work with PHPUnit 3
- [] Supported PHPUnit2_Framework_TestSuite and PHPUnit2_Extensions_TestSetup sub-classes for the PHPUnit2Task and CoverageReportTask tasks
- [] Implement changes to use PHPUnit2 3.0 code coverage information
- [] Description about integrating into CruiseControl
- Refactored parser to support many tags as children of base tag (HL)
- Added new IfTask (HL)
- Added "spawn" attribute to ExecTask (only applies to *nix)
- Several bugfixes & behavior imporvements to ExecTask (HL, MR, Ben Gollmer)
- Bugfixes & refactoring for SVNLastRevisionTask (MR, Knut Urdalen)
- Fixed reference copy bug (HL, Matthias Pigulla)
- Added SvnExportTask (MR)
- Added support for FileList in DeleteTask. (HL)
- Added support for using setting Properties using CDATA value of tag. (HL)
- Added ReferenceExistsCondition (Matthias Pigulla)
- Added Phing::log() static method & integrated PHP error handling with Phing logging (HL)
- Added new task to run the ionCube Encoder (MR)
- Added new HTML Tidy filter (HL)
- Added PhpLintTask (Knut Urdalen)
- Added XmlLintTask (Knut Urdalen)
- Added ZendCodeAnalyzerTask (Knut Urdalen)
- Removed CoverageFormatter class (MR). NOTE: This changes the usage of the collection of PHPUnit2 code coverage reports, see the updated documentation for the CoverageSetupTask
- Added Unzip and Untar tasks contributed by Joakim Bodin
- [], [49] Fixed bugs in TarTask related to including empty directories (HL)
- [] Fixed bug related to copying empty dirs. (HL)
- [] Fixed PHPUnit2 tasks to work with PHPUnit2-3.0.0 (MR)
- [] Fixed bug with using PHPDocumentor 1.3.0RC6 (MR)
- [] Fixed top-level (no target) IfTask behavior (Matthias Pigulla)
- [] Removed some lingering E_STRICT errors, bugs with 5.1.x and PHP >= 5.0.5 (HL)
- [] Fixed 'phing' script to also run on non-bash unix /bin/sh
- Numerous documentation improvements by many members of the community (Thanks!)
- Added support for specifying 4-char mask (e.g. 1777) to ChmodTask. (Hans Lellelid)
- Added .svn files to default excludes in DirectoryScanner.
- Updated PHPUnit2 BatchTest to use class detection and non-dot-path loader. (Michiel Rook)
- Added support for importing non dot-path files (Michiel Rook)
- Add better error message when build fails with exception (Hans Lellelid)
- Fixed runtime error when errors were encountered in AppendTask (Hans Lellelid)
- Renamed File -> PhingFile to avoid namespace collisions (Michiel Rook)
- Add ZipTask to create .zip files (Michiel Rook)
- Removed redudant logging of build errors in Phing::start() (Michiel Rook)
- Added tasks to execute PHPUnit2 testsuites and generate coverage and test reports. (Michiel Rook, Sebastian Bergmann)
- Added SvnLastRevisionTask that stores the number of the last revision of a workingcopy in a property. (Michiel Rook)
- Added MailTask that sends a message by mail() (Michiel Rook, contributed by Francois Harvey)
- New IncludePathTask () for adding values to PHP's include_path. (Hans Lellelid)
- Fix to Phing::import() to not attempt to invoke __autoload() in class_exists() check. (Hans Lellelid)
- Fixed AppendTask to allow use of only as source. (Hans Lellelid)
- Removed dependency on posix, by changing posix_uname to php_uname if needed. (Christian Stocker)
- Fixed issues: (Michiel Rook)
- [] ExtendedFileStream does not work on Windows
- [] CoverageFormatter problem on Windows
- [] DOMElement warnings in PHPUnit2 tasks
- [] RuntimeException conflicts with SPL class
- [] It is not possible to execute it with PHP5.1
- [] Add Passthru option to ExecTask
- [] Blank list on foreach task will loop once
- [] Problem with
- [] Phpunit2report missing XSL stylesheets
- [] Warnings when output dir does not exist in PHPUnit2Report
- Minor fixes to make Phing run under E_STRICT/PHP5.
- Fix to global/system properties not being set in project. (Matt Zandstra)
- Fixes to deprecated return by reference issues w/ PHP5.0.0
- Brought up-to-date w/ PHP5.0.0RC3
- Fixed several bugs in ForeachTask
- Fixed runtime errors and incomplete inheriting of properties in PhingTask
- Added support to AppendTask
- Brought up-to-date w/ PHP5.0.0RC1 (Hans)
- Fixed bug in seting XSLT params using XSLTask (Hans, Jeff Moss)
- Fixed PHPUnit test framework for PHPUnit-2.0.0alpha3
- Added "Adhoc" tasks, which allow for defining PHP task or type classes within the buildfile. (Hans)
- Added PhpEvalTask which allows property values to be set to simple PHP evaluations or the results of function/method calls. (Hans)
- Added new phing.listener.PearLogger listener (logger). Also, the -logfile arg is now supported. (Hans)
- Fixed broken ForeachTask task. (Manuel)
- Added PEAR installation framework & ability to build Phing into PEAR package.
- Added TarTask using PEAR Archive_Tar
- Added PearPackageTask which creates a PEAR package.xml (using PEAR_PackageFileManager).
- Added ResolvePathTask which converts relative paths into absolute paths.
- Removed System class, due to namespace collision w/ PEAR.
- Basic "working?" tests performed with all selectors.
- Added selectors: TypeSelector, ContainsRegexpSelector
- CreoleSQLExec task is now operational.
- Corrected non-fatal bugs in: DeleteTask, ReflexiveTask
- All core Phing classes now in PHP5 syntax (no "var" used, etc.)
- CopyTask will not stop build execution if a file cannot be copied (will log and continue to next file).
- New abstract MatchingTask task makes it easier to create your own tasks that use selectors.
- Removed redundant calls in DirectoryScanner ( scanning now much faster).
- Fixed fatal errors in File::equals()
- Fixed ReplaceTokens filter to correctly replace matched tokens
- Changed "project.basedir" property to be absolute path of basedir
- Made IntrospectionHelper more tollerant of add*() and addConfigured*() signatures
- New CvsTask and CvsPassTask for working with CVS repositories
- New TranslateGettext filter substitutes _("hello!") with "hola!" / "bonjour!" / etc.
- More consistent use of classhints to enable auto-casting by IntrospectionHelper
- Fixed infinite loop bug in FileUtils::normalize() for paths containing "/./"
- Fixed bug in CopyFile/fileset that caused termination of copy operation on encounter of unreadable file
- First release of Phing 2, an extensive rewrite and upgrade.
- Refactored much of codebase, using new PHP5 features (e.g. Interfaces, Exceptions!)
- Many, many, many bugfixes to existing functionality
- Restructuring for more intuitive directory layout, change the parser class names.
- Introduction of new tasks: AppendTask, ReflexiveTask, ExitTask, Input, PropertyPrompt
- Introduction of new types: Path, FileList, DirSet, selectors, conditions
- Introduction of new filters: ReplaceRegexp
- Introduction of new logger: AnsiColorLogger
- Many features from ANT 1.5 added to existing Tasks/Types
- New "Register Slot" functionality allows for tracking "inner" dynamic variables.