project.ext { springVersion = "3.2.2.RELEASE" grailsVersion = "2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT" slf4jVersion = "1.7.2" groovyVersion = System.getProperty('groovyVersion') ?: '2.1.2' } def groovyMajorVersion = groovyVersion[0..2] def spockDependency = "org.spockframework:spock-core:0.7-groovy-2.0" def groovyProjects() { subprojects.findAll { project -> isGroovyProject(project) } } def isGroovyProject(project) { def isGrailsPlugin ="grails-plugins") def isDocumentation ="documentation") !isGrailsPlugin && !isDocumentation } configurations { all*.exclude group: "commons-logging" } apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'project-report' ext { isCiBuild = project.hasProperty("isCiBuild") } allprojects { repositories { if(!isCiBuild) { mavenLocal() } mavenCentral() maven { url "" } } configurations { all { resolutionStrategy { def cacheHours = isCiBuild ? 1 : 24 cacheDynamicVersionsFor cacheHours, 'hours' cacheChangingModulesFor cacheHours, 'hours' } } } } task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '1.5' } subprojects { ext { // releaseType = "RELEASE" releaseType = "BUILD-SNAPSHOT" //releaseType = "RC3" isCiBuild = project.hasProperty("isCiBuild") isBuildSnapshot = releaseType == "BUILD-SNAPSHOT" } version = "2.0.0.${releaseType}" group = "org.grails" def isStandardGroovyMavenProject = isGroovyProject(project) if (isStandardGroovyMavenProject) { apply plugin: 'groovy' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'maven' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'signing' sourceCompatibility = "1.6" targetCompatibility = "1.6" /* apply from: "file:${rootDir}/clover.gradle"*/ install.doLast { def gradleArtifactCache = new File(gradle.gradleUserHomeDir, "cache") configurations.archives.artifacts.findAll { it.type == "jar" && !it.classifier }.each { artifact -> // Gradle's cache layout is internal and may change in future versions, this is written for gradle 1.0-milestone-3 def artifactInCache = file("${gradleArtifactCache}/${}/${}/jars/${}-${version}.jar") if (artifactInCache.parentFile.mkdirs()) { artifactInCache.withOutputStream { destination -> artifact.file.withInputStream { destination << it } } } } } } def isGormDatasource ="grails-datastore-gorm-") && !"tck") && !"plugin-support") def isDocumentationProject ="grails-documentation") dependencies { if (isStandardGroovyMavenProject) { groovy group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: 'groovy-all', version: groovyVersion testCompile 'junit:junit:4.8.2' testCompile (spockDependency) { transitive = false } } if ( == "grails-datastore-gorm-tck") { compile spockDependency } } if (isDocumentationProject) { configurations { documentation } dependencies { documentation group: 'org.grails', name: 'grails-docs', version: '2.0.0' project(":grails-datastore-core") documentation "org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:$slf4jVersion" documentation "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:$slf4jVersion" documentation "org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:$slf4jVersion" } task docs << { ant.taskdef (name: 'docs', classname : 'grails.doc.ant.DocPublisherTask') { classpath { configurations.documentation.resolve().each { f -> pathelement(location:f) } } }"src/docs", dest:destinationDir, properties:"src/docs/") } docs.ext.destinationDir = "${buildDir}/docs" task clean << { ant.delete(dir:buildDir) } } if (isGormDatasource) { dependencies { testCompile project(":grails-datastore-gorm-tck") } // We need to test against the TCK. Gradle cannot find/run tests from jars // without a lot of plumbing, so here we copy the class files from the TCK // project into this project's test classes dir so Gradle can find the test // classes and run them. See grails.gorm.tests.GormDatastoreSpec for on the TCK. // helper, used below. def toBaseClassRelativePathWithoutExtension = { String base, String classFile -> if (classFile.startsWith(base)) { def sansClass = classFile[0 .. classFile.size() - ".class".size() - 1] def dollarIndex = sansClass.indexOf('$') def baseClass = dollarIndex > 0 ? sansClass[0..dollarIndex - 1] : sansClass def relative = baseClass - base - '/' relative } else { null } } test { maxHeapSize = '1024m' } test.doFirst { def tckClassesDir = project(":grails-datastore-gorm-tck").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir def thisProjectsTests = // surely there is a less hardcoded way to do this copy { from tckClassesDir into sourceSets.test.output.classesDir include "**/*.class" exclude { details -> // Do not copy across any TCK class (or nested classes of that class) // If there is a corresponding source file in the particular modules // test source tree. Allows a module to override a test/helper. def candidatePath = details.file.absolutePath def relativePath = toBaseClassRelativePathWithoutExtension(tckClassesDir.absolutePath, candidatePath) if (relativePath == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("$candidatePath does not appear to be in the TCK") } project.file("src/test/groovy/${relativePath}.groovy").exists() } } } } if (isStandardGroovyMavenProject) { task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) { classifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allSource } task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:javadoc) { classifier = 'javadoc' from javadoc.destinationDir } artifacts { archives jar archives sourcesJar archives javadocJar } signing { sign configurations.archives required { !isBuildSnapshot && gradle.taskGraph.hasTask(uploadArchives) } } configure(install.repositories.mavenInstaller) { pom.whenConfigured { pom -> def dependency = pom.dependencies.find { dep -> dep.artifactId == 'slf4j-simple' } dependency?.optional = true } pom.project { licenses { license { name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0' url '' distribution '' } } } } uploadArchives { description = "Does a maven deploy of archives artifacts" // add a configuration with a classpath that includes our s3 maven deployer configurations { deployerJars } dependencies { deployerJars "" } repositories.mavenDeployer { beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) } repository(url: "") { authentication(userName: project.hasProperty("sonatypeUsername") ? project.sonatypeUsername : null, password: project.hasProperty("sonatypePassword") ? project.sonatypePassword : null) } snapshotRepository(url: "") { authentication(userName: project.hasProperty("artifactoryPublishUsername") ? project.artifactoryPublishUsername : null, password: project.hasProperty("artifactoryPublishPassword") ? project.artifactoryPublishPassword : null) } pom.project { name 'Grails GORM' packaging 'jar' description 'GORM - Grails Data Access Framework' delegate.url '' licenses { license { name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0' url '' distribution 'repo' } } scm { delegate.url '' connection '' developerConnection '' } licenses { license { name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0' delegate.url '' distribution 'repo' } } developers { developer { id 'graemerocher' name 'Graeme Rocher' } developer { id 'jeffscottbrown' name 'Jeff Brown' } developer { id 'burtbeckwith' name 'Burt Beckwith' } } } } } } } configurations { build } repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { build "com.cenqua.clover:clover:3.0.2" build "org.apache.ant:ant-junit:1.8.1" build "org.apache.ant:ant-nodeps:1.8.1" } task allDocs(dependsOn: getTasksByName("docs", true)) << { def docTasks = getTasksByName("docs", true) def groovydocTasks = getTasksByName("groovydoc", true) allDocsDir = "$buildDir/docs" mkdir allDocsDir def stores = [] for(task in docTasks) { def dir = task.destinationDir def projectName = if (projectName.endsWith("core")) { mkdir "$allDocsDir/manual" fileTree { from dir }.copy { into "$allDocsDir/manual" } def groovydocTask = groovydocTasks.find { "core" } if (groovydocTask != null) { mkdir "$allDocsDir/api" groovydocTask.actions.each { it.execute(groovydocTask) } fileTree { from groovydocTask.destinationDir }.copy { into "$allDocsDir/api"} } } else { def storeName = projectName["grails-documentation-".size()..-1] stores << storeName def docsDir = "$allDocsDir/$storeName" mkdir docsDir def groovydocTask = groovydocTasks.find { == "grails-datastore-$storeName" } if (groovydocTask == null) groovydocTask = groovydocTasks.find { == "grails-datastore-gorm-$storeName" } if (groovydocTask != null) { mkdir "$docsDir/api" groovydocTask.actions.each { it.execute(groovydocTask) } fileTree { from groovydocTask.destinationDir }.copy { into "$docsDir/api"} } mkdir "$docsDir/manual" fileTree { from dir }.copy { into "$docsDir/manual" } } def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine() def binding = [ datastores:stores.collect { "<li><a href=\"$it/index.html\">GORM for ${it[0].toUpperCase()}${it[1..-1]}</a></li>" }.join(System.getProperty("line.separator")) ] def template = engine.createTemplate(new File("src/docs/resources/core.template")).make(binding) new File("$allDocsDir/index.html").text = template.toString() for(store in stores) { def index = "$allDocsDir/$store/index.html" def storeName = "${store[0].toUpperCase()}${store[1..-1]}".toString() binding = [ datastore:storeName ] template = engine.createTemplate(new File("src/docs/resources/datastore.template")).make( binding ) new File(index).text = template.toString() } } } task test(dependsOn: getTasksByName("test", true)) << { def reportsDir = "${buildDir}/reports" // Aggregate the test results ant.taskdef( name: 'junitreport2', classname: "", classpath: ) def testReportsDir = new File("${reportsDir}/tests") if (testReportsDir.exists()) { testReportsDir.deleteDir() } testReportsDir.mkdirs() ant.junitreport2(todir: testReportsDir) { subprojects.each { def testResultsDir = "${it.buildDir}/test-results" if (new File(testResultsDir).exists()) { fileset(dir: testResultsDir) { include(name: "TEST-*.xml") } } } report(todir: testReportsDir) } // Aggregate the coverage results if (project.hasProperty("withClover")) { def db = "clover/clover.db" def mergedDb = "${buildDir}/${db}" def cloverReportsDir = "${reportsDir}/clover" ant.taskdef(resource: "cloverlib.xml", classpath: ant."clover-merge"(initstring: mergedDb) { subprojects.each { def projectCloverDb = "${it.buildDir}/${db}" if (new File(projectCloverDb).exists()) { cloverdb(initstring: projectCloverDb) } } } ant."clover-report"(initstring: mergedDb) { current(outfile:"${cloverReportsDir}/clover.xml") } ant."clover-html-report"(initstring: mergedDb, outdir:"${cloverReportsDir}/html") } }