Date: 2024-07-25
To enhance the networking capabilities within our Kubernetes cluster, we need to integrate advanced networking and service mesh solutions. Cilium will provide improved networking and security, while Istio will manage traffic and enhance observability, security, and reliability of microservices.
We will integrate Cilium for networking and security policies, and Istio for service mesh capabilities within our Kubernetes cluster. These tools will be used to manage network traffic, security policies, and service-to-service communication.
- Enhanced network security and observability.
- Improved traffic management and service reliability.
@startuml k8s_nodes_network
' Define KubernetesPuml for URL inclusion
!define KubernetesPuml
' Include common Kubernetes components
!includeurl KubernetesPuml/kubernetes_Common.puml
!includeurl KubernetesPuml/kubernetes_Context.puml
' Include specific components for nodes and Cilium
!includeurl KubernetesPuml/OSS/KubernetesNode.puml
!includeurl KubernetesPuml/OSS/KubernetesPod.puml
!includeurl KubernetesPuml/OSS/KubernetesSvc.puml
' Include C4 model
skinparam backgroundColor #FEFEFE
skinparam handwritten false
left to right direction
' Define simple blocks for Kubernetes Ingress and Gateway API
rectangle "NGINX Ingress" as nginx_ingress #98FB98
rectangle "Gateway API" as gateway_api #FF69B4
' Define C4 Context
System_Boundary(k8s_cluster, "K8s Cluster") {
' Define Nodes
KubernetesNode(talos_bxi_ihe, "talos-bxi-ihe\nStatus: Ready\nRoles: <none>\nAge: 78d\nVersion: v1.30.3", "#ffcccc")
KubernetesNode(talos_coj_emd, "talos-coj-emd\nStatus: Ready\nRoles: <none>\nAge: 78d\nVersion: v1.30.3", "#ccffcc")
KubernetesNode(talos_dks_th8, "talos-dks-th8\nStatus: Ready\nRoles: <none>\nAge: 78d\nVersion: v1.30.3", "#ccccff")
KubernetesNode(talos_t8v_b87, "talos-t8v-b87\nStatus: Ready\nRoles: control-plane\nAge: 78d\nVersion: v1.30.3", "#ffcc00")
' Define Cilium pods
KubernetesPod(cilium_pod1, "cilium-pod1", "#ffd700")
KubernetesPod(cilium_pod2, "cilium-pod2", "#ffd700")
KubernetesPod(cilium_pod3, "cilium-pod3", "#ffd700")
KubernetesPod(cilium_pod4, "cilium-pod4", "#ffd700")
' Define Istio
KubernetesPod(istio_pod, "Istio Pod", "#87CEEB")
' Define Networking
Rel(talos_bxi_ihe, cilium_pod1, "Network with Cilium")
Rel(talos_coj_emd, cilium_pod2, "Network with Cilium")
Rel(talos_dks_th8, cilium_pod3, "Network with Cilium")
Rel(talos_t8v_b87, cilium_pod4, "Network with Cilium")
' Network connections between nodes
Rel_Left(talos_bxi_ihe, talos_coj_emd, "Inter-node Network")
Rel_Left(talos_coj_emd, talos_dks_th8, "Inter-node Network")
Rel_Left(talos_dks_th8, talos_t8v_b87, "Inter-node Network")
' Define Relationships for Istio, NGINX Ingress, and Gateway API
Rel(istio_pod, nginx_ingress, "Ingress Traffic")
Rel(istio_pod, gateway_api, "Gateway Traffic")