The controller is installed into Kubernetes with reasonable defaults. However, there are some settings that can be overridden using environment variables in controller.yaml
The following environment variables are available:
Environment Variable | Description |
Override the default context timeout used for all Custom Resource Definition reconciliation operations. |
Specify the Kaniko container image to be used for the runtime image build instead of the default, for example . |
Set the namespace to be used to store the shipwright-build-controller lock, by default it is in the same namespace as the controller itself. |
Override the LeaseDuration , which is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership. |
Override the RenewDeadline , which is the duration that the acting leader will retry refreshing leadership before giving up. |
Override the RetryPeriod , which is the duration the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions. |
The number of concurrent reconciles by the build controller. A value of 0 or lower will use the default from the controller-runtime controller Options. Default is 0. |
The number of concurrent reconciles by the buildrun controller. A value of 0 or lower will use the default from the controller-runtime controller Options. Default is 0. |
The number of concurrent reconciles by the buildstrategy controller. A value of 0 or lower will use the default from the controller-runtime controller Options. Default is 0. |
The number of concurrent reconciles by the clusterbuildstrategy controller. A value of 0 or lower will use the default from the controller-runtime controller Options. Default is 0. |
Burst to use for the Kubernetes API client. See Config.Burst. A value of 0 or lower will use the default from client-go, which currently is 10. Default is 0. |
QPS to use for the Kubernetes API client. See Config.QPS. A value of 0 or lower will use the default from client-go, which currently is 5. Default is 0. |