A quick remark about maintaining this package.
The illustrating example is contained in a private library, as Hackage doesn't yet support public libraries.
To upload documentation on Hackage containing the example, first run:
cabal haddock acts --enable-documentation --haddock-for-hackage cabal haddock acts-examples --enable-documentation --haddock-for-hackage
Then manually transfer the files Acts-Examples-{...}.html
and src/Acts.Examples.{...}.html
from dist-newstyle/build/{arch}/{ghc-ver}/acts-{ver}/l/acts-examples/doc/html/acts-{ver}-docs
to dist-newstyle/build/{arch}/{ghc-ver}/acts-{ver}/doc/html/acts-{ver}-docs
Create a gzipped tarball with tar -czvf acts-{ver}.tar.gz acts-{ver}-docs
, and upload to hackage with cabal upload -d acts-{ver}-docs.tar.gz --publish