Vagrantfile_pairing creates a CentOS/7 environment that hosts a number of development tools. These tools meet the requirements here. Ensure that you meet the "Vagrant Box prerequisites" listed in before attempting to start the vagrant box.
Spin up the VM by executing the command below :
export VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile_pairing
clear && vagrant destroy --force && vagrant up --color
All resources developed during the pair programming exercise will be stored in the ./Vagrantfile_pairing_folder
If you need a tool that is not available in this environment, you may use that tool in a container form. As an example, see the command below for Maven:
alias mvn='docker run -it --rm --name maven --network host -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/usr/src/maven -w /usr/src/maven maven mvn'
mvn --version
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME/.m2
docker run --rm --name eclipse-che -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD:/data eclipse/che start
git clone
cd Equal_Experts_tech_test
An other example Test Ansible role in a container
docker container stop $(docker container ps -aq)
(This will stop all running containers)docker container rm $(docker container ps -aq)
(This will remove all containers)docker container run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD:/tmp -w /tmp/ansible/roles/install-jenkins sudo molecule test