mode := dev or prod
base_dir := root directory of application
image := container image name for the application
version := version for the $image
config_source := config file to read config data for the application
config_path := path of $config_source
To run this application, use the following command:
docker-compose -f ./build/dev/docker-compose.yml up -d
export CONFIG_SOURCE=config.yaml
export CONFIG_PATH=./build/dev
air -c .air.toml
To remove dependencies after stopping the application, use the following command:
docker-compose -f ./build/dev/docker-compose.yml down
To run this application in containerized environment, use the following command:
./ $mode $base_dir $image $version $config_source $config_path
export CONFIG_SOURCE=config.yaml
export CONFIG_PATH=./build/dev
./ dev . upgraded-disco v0.0.1 config.yaml ./build/dev
To stop containerized setup, use the following command:
./ $mode $base_dir
./ dev .