Development has moved to with discussion on the LibreELEC forum here:
service.librespot is an LibreELEC service addon based on librespot (, an open source client library for Spotify. librespot enables applications to use Spotify's service, without using the official but closed-source libspotify.
service.librespot must be built from within the LibreELEC build system. The contents of the sevice.librespot directory must be copied to '/packages/addons/service/librespot'.
Currently, only x86_64, RPi and RPi2 builds are possible.
The librespot library is not compiled directly as of yet. If you know how to compile Rust from within LibreELEC feel free to add.
Currently the addon panics on x86_64 (others untested) on first start (if avahi running). See TODO file.