The best source of docs is the main ReactOnRails.js file. Here's a quick summary. No guarantees that this won't be outdated!
* Main entry point to using the react-on-rails npm package. This is how Rails will be able to
* find you components for rendering.
* @param components (key is component name, value is component)
* Allows registration of store generators to be used by multiple react components on one Rails
* view. store generators are functions that take one arg, props, and return a store. Note that
* the setStore API is different in tha it's the actual store hydrated with props.
* @param stores (key is store name, value is the store generator)
* Allows retrieval of the store by name. This store will be hydrated by any Rails form props.
* Pass optional param throwIfMissing = false if you want to use this call to get back null if the
* store with name is not registered.
* @param name
* @param throwIfMissing Defaults to true. Set to false to have this call return undefined if
* there is no store with the given name.
* @returns Redux Store, possibly hydrated
getStore(name, throwIfMissing = true )
* Set options for ReactOnRails, typically before you call ReactOnRails.register
* Available Options:
* `traceTurbolinks: true|false Gives you debugging messages on Turbolinks events
* `exceptionLogger: function (optional) Caught exceptions will be passed to this function