Project Description.
"Space Traveler's Hub" is a simple website that allows a users to check through the variety of space rockets and missions made available by Space X and choose a combination of missions and rockets that catches their fancy.
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Webpack
- Git & Github
No live demo yet
This project is part of a training series to highlight the need for proper documentation, best practices, and writing clean codes with html, css, Javascript,React, and React-redux.
- Have an IDE installed on your computer to be able to view the code locally.
- Have a good working knowledge of Git and Github and well as React.
- Open a command line terminal (Git bash preferrably) and navigate to a directory where you would like to save the work folder using cd.
- Clone the repository with git clone
- To get the curent working tree, git fetch --all, then checkout to "dev" branch.
- Finally, display the content of the ./public/index.html by starting the webpack dev server doing the following:
- navigate to the root directory with a command line terminal
- run 'npm start'
- IDE preferrably VScode
- using command line terminal in the root directory install the following:
- node modules with npm install
- For any individual who wishes to practice and master webpack usage, basic HTML,CSS and Javascript
- For practice of HTML5, CSS and Javascript technologies.
👤 Wale Olapetan
- GitHub: @wale-prog
- Twitter: @Wale_Petan
- LinkedIn: @walepetan
👤 Shahnawa Ali
- GitHub: @shahnawaza75
- Twitter: @shahnawaza75
- LinkedIn: @shahnawaza75
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Shoutout to Robertson for being amazing.
- Microverse.
This project is MIT licensed.