Fired when the actionbar page changes, typically when you press the pageup or pagedown button.
- arg1: the mouse button used to click the button. Known values: "LeftButton", "RightButton"
Fired when the actionbar numbers appear, typically when you drag a spell to the actionbar.
- arg1: the mouse button used to drag the spell. Known values: "LeftButton", "RightButton"
Fired when any actionbar slot's contents change.
- arg1: the number of the slot that changed
Fired when the cooldown for an actionbar or inventory slot starts or stops. Also fires when you log into a new area.
- arg1: if the cooldown is starting, the mouse button used to click the button. Known values: "leftButton"
- if the cooldown is stopping or you are logging into a new zone, this is nil
Fired when the state of anything on the actionbar changes. This includes cooldown and disabling.
- arg1: the mouse button used to click the button. Known values: "LeftButton", "RightButton"
- can also be nil
Fired when something in the actionbar or your inventory becomes usable again (after eating or drinking a potion, for example).
This event fires whenever an AddOn is loaded (fires once for each AddOn loaded if multiple AddOns are being loaded), whether that is during the inital Loading Phase or when an AddOn is loaded using the LoadAddOn("addonname") or UIParentLoadAddon("addonname") function. This event always fires after that Saved Variables of the AddOn that just finished loading have been loaded from the disk.
- arg1: name of the AddOn that was just loaded
Fired when the game attempts to autobind bind-on-equip items.
Fired when you begin automatically following an ally.
- arg1: The unit you are following. Not necessarily your target (in case of right-clicking a group member's portrait or using the "/follow" command).
Fired when the player ceases following an ally
Fired when a bag is closed
- arg1: container ID
Fired when a bag (NOTE: This is NOT fired for player containers, it's for those bag-like objects that you can remove items from but not put items into) is opened.
- arg1: container ID
Fired when a bags inventory changes
- arg1: container ID
Fired when a cooldown update call is sent to a bag
- arg1: container ID
Fired when the bank window is closed
Fired when the bank frame is opened
Fired when Enchanting an unbound item.
Fired when the player's character points are changed.
Fired when the client recieves a chat message.
- arg1: TODO
- arg2: TODO
- arg3: TODO
- arg4: channel length
Fired when the client receives an AFK auto-response
- arg1: AFK response message
- arg2: author
Fired for alliance specific events in the battleground such as assaulting a graveyard.
- arg1: Battleground Message (eg. "The Alliance has taken the Blacksmith!")
Fired for horde specific events in the battleground such as assaulting a graveyard.
- arg1: Battleground Message (eg. "The Horde has taken the Blacksmith!")
Fired for non faction specific events in the battlegrounds such as the battle start announcement.
Fired when the client recieves a channel message.
- arg1: chat message
- arg2: author
- arg3: language
- arg4: channel name with number ex: "5. General - Stormwind City"
- zone is always current zone even if not the same as the channel name
- arg5: target
- second player name when two users are passed for a CHANNEL_NOTICE_USER (E.G. x kicked y)
- arg6: AFK/DND/GM "CHAT_FLAG_"..arg6 flags
- arg7: zone ID used for genaric system channels (General, Trade, LookingForGroup and LocalDefense)
- not used for custom channels or if you joined an Out-Of-Zone channel ex: "General - Stormwind City"
- arg8: channel number
- arg9: channel name without number
- zone is always current zone even if not the same as the channel name
Fired when someone joins a chat channel you are in
- arg1: seems to be empty
- arg2: Name of the player that joined
- arg3: seems to be empty again
- arg4: Number and name of the channel (e.g. "5. MyOwnChannel")
- arg8: Channel number
- arg9: Channel name without number
Fired when a creature hits another creature
- arg1: chat message
Fired when a creature misses another creature
- arg1: chat message
Fired when a creature hits a party member
- arg1: chat message
Fired when a creature misses a party memeber
- arg1: chat message
Fired when a creature hits you
- arg1: chat message
Fired when a creature misses you
- arg1: chat message
Fired when you successfully kill a worthy pvp opponent
- arg1: chat message (format: "%s dies, honorable kill Rank: %s (Estimated Honor Points: %d)")
Fired when any hostile (NPC or player) dies near you.
- arg1: complete text from combat-log (e.g. "Snowshoe Rabbit dies.")
Fired when you gain reputation from killing a creature or finishing a quest.
Fired when a you hit a creature. Also called when you hurt yourself by falling, drowning or burning on a campfire.
- arg1: localized chat message
Fired when a you miss a creature
- arg1: chat message
Fired when you gain xp from killing a creature or finishing a quest. Does not fire if you gain no xp from killing a creature.
- arg1: chat message
Fired when the client receives a Do-Not-Disturb auto-response
- arg1: DND response message
- arg2: author
Fired on sending or revicing a custom emote (one used by /e, /emote or a send chat message command with the emote flag)
- arg1: Message that was sent/received.
- arg2: Name of the player who sent the message.
Fired when a message is sent or received in the Guild channel.
- arg1: Message that was sent/received.
- arg2: Name of the player who sent the message.
- arg3: Language the message was spoken in. (See CHAT_MSG_SAY for example code)
Fired when a unit loots an item.
- arg1: Message that was sent/received.
- arg1: Text of message.
Fired when a message is sent or received in the Guild Officer channel.
- arg1: Message that was sent/received.
- arg2: Name of the player who sent the message.
- arg3: Language the message was spoken in.(See CHAT_MSG_SAY for example code)
Fired when a message is sent or received in the Party channel.
- arg1: Message that was sent/received.
- arg2: Name of the player who sent the message.
- arg3: Language the message was spoken in.(See CHAT_MSG_SAY for example code)
Fires when a player speaks in /raid chat.
Fired when a warning message is sent or received from the raid leader.
Fired when a message is sent or received in the Say channel.
- arg1: chat message
- arg2: author
- arg3: language
- arg4: channel name with number
- arg5: unknown (empty string)
- arg6: unknown (empty string)
- arg7: unknown (appears to be channel number)
- arg8: channel number ("0")
- arg9: channel name without number
_Example:_Place this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY");
in the <OnLoad>
section of your MyMod.xml file. Then, have an if (event == "CHAT_MSG_SAY") then MyMod_Say(event, arg1, arg2, arg3); end
line, or something like it, in the <OnEvent>
section of your MyMod.xml file. Then, have a function like the following in your MyMod.lua file:
function MyMod_Say(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)
PrevMsg = arg1;
PrevPlyr = arg2;
PrevLang = arg3;
This would store the previous message, player who said it, and language it was said in into some variables.
Fired when some chat messages about skills are displayed.
- arg1: The content of the chat message. arg1 formats are found in Blizzard's
. Some possibilities:ERR_SKILL_GAINED_S
(eg. "You have gained the Blacksmithing skill.")ERR_SKILL_UP_SI
(eg. "Your skill in Cooking has increased to 221.")
Fired whenever a buff or debuff wears off of a mob, npc, or another player. Examples: Thorns, Trueshot Aura, Recently Bandaged. arg1 is the full chat text, i.e. "Thorns fades from Someguy."
Fired whenever a buff or debuff wears off - examples, Prowl, Mark of the Wild, Cat Form, or Disarm. arg1 is the full chat text, i.e. "Prowl fades from you."
Fired when a mob begins casting a beneficial spell and again when the casting is completed. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Examples: Mob begins to cast Heal. Mob's Heal heals Mob for 20.
Fired when a creature casts a damage spell on a raid member who is not in your group. Also triggered when a pet is damaged by a creature's spell. Ex: Ragnaros' Wrath of Ragnaros hits PlayerName for 1000.
Fired when a mob completes casting a harmful spell on you. (The message for the mob beginning to cast is given by CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_DAMAGE.) arg1 is the full combat chat text and includes results of the cast or skill use (e.g. hit, resist, dodge). Examples: Mob's Poison hits you for 10. Mob's Melee Special was dodged. Mob's Nuke was resisted.
Fired when a buff (or possibly item) damages an opponent in response to an action... IE Thorns.
Fired when you fail to successfully cast a spell, for one of several reasons. arg1 is the full combat chat text and includes the reason. Examples: You fail to cast Heal: Interrupted. You fail to perform Bear Form: Not enough mana.
Fired when a non-hostile player begins casting a spell or using a skill. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Some examples: Someguy casts Reinforced Armor +40 on Someguys's Pants. Someguy begins to cast Elixir of Whatever. Someguy begins to cast Conjure Food. Someguy begins to cast Summon Felsteed.
Fired when a mob gains an "insta-cast" beneficial effect. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Examples: Mob gains Defensive Stance. Mob gains Rushing Charge. Mob gains Demon Skin.
example: "Highland Strider suffers 8 Fire damage from your Fireball."
Fired when a non-hostile player gains a "buff" effect. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Some examples: Someguy gains Arcane Intellect. Someguy gains Aspect of the Pack. Someguy gains Felsteed.
For some weird reason, this event is fired when someone heals yourself or another player, eg "Priest's Flash Heal critically heals you for 2342" Haven't tested any other conditions as of yet.
Fired when a buff is cast on self. (Unknown if external buff triggers this). Arg 1 is "You gain $foo" Where $foo is the name of the buff. Also called for each "tick" of recurring effects, such as "heal-over-time" spells. Example: You gain 10 health from Rejuvenation. --Syllani
Fired (possibly among other times) when you are debuffed - so Disarm, Silenced, etc. I know the name doesn't match, but if you want to verify, enable printing this in your chat log. Get into combat and get debuffed. After combat, scroll back up, and while the debuff message is onscreen, change the chat color of this message, and you will see it change... Very strange. I assume this is named after poisons or diseases, but I haven't actually tested if those trigger this. See CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF if you want to know when it wears off (both buffs and debuffs). This is accurate as of US Release 1.2.4 (4222), tested by hacking Scrolling Combat Text. arg1 is the full text of the debuff message, e.g. "You are Disarmed." This is also fired during the Gnomish Death Ray's channel. This is indeed triggered by poison / disease. arg1 messages in the form of: "You suffer 3 damage from Scorpid's Poison" or "You are afflicted by Something" come from this event. --Syllani
Fired when you cast a beneficial spell. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Examples: Your Heal heals you for 50. Your Regrowth critically heals Someguy for 100.
Fired whenever you cast a damage-dealing spell. arg1 holds the exact same string that is posted to the Battle Log (Something like "SpellXY hits EnemyPQ with 42 damage")
Fired when a system chat message (they are displayed in yellow) is received.
- arg1: The content of the chat message. arg1 formats are found in Blizzard's
. Some possibilities:ERR_LEARN_RECIPE_S
(eg. "You have learned how to create a new item: Bristle Whisker Catfish.")MARKED_AFK_MESSAGE
(eg. "You are now AFK: Away from Keyboard")
Fired for emotes with an emote token. /dance, /healme, etc
- arg1: Emote Message
- arg2: Name of person who emoted
Fired when a whisper is received from another player.arg1 = text sent.arg2 = player who sent whisper.arg6 = status of player (AFK or DND)Note: the rest of the arguments seem to be nil, although arg7 and arg8 are 0. I have yet to discover their meaning.
Fired when a whisper is sent to another player.Arg1 = text sent.Arg2 = player whisper sent to.Arg3 = Language message was sent in (even though the other player, if of the same faction, can read the message regardless, and doesn't even see what language you sent it in).
Fired when a message is sent or received in the Yell channel.
- arg1: Message that was sent/received.
- arg2: Name of the player who sent the message.
- arg3: Language the message was spoken in. (See CHAT_MSG_SAY for example code)
Fired when the tooltip needs to be wiped
Fired when the guild dress frame is closed
Fired when the world map is hidden.
loss in exchange for his body back.
Fired when the player is in range of his body.
Fired when the player is out of range of his body.
Fired when a crafting skill window closes. Crafting skills are Enchanting, ,...
- arg1: The mouse button used to close the window.
Fired when a crafting skill window opens. Crafting skills are Enchanting, ,...
- arg1: The mouse button used to open the window.
Fired when a crafting event is updating.
Fired when the spell being cast is changed.
Fired when the player single-clicks terrain. This excludes doodads, NPCs and other PCs.
Fired when a CVar is changed
- arg1: cvarname
- arg2: value
Fired when the player attempts to destroy an item.
- arg1: item name
Fired when a duel is finished.
Fired when the player is still in the bounds of the duel.
Fired when the player leaves the bounds of the duel
Fired when the player is challenged to a duel
- arg1: opponent name
Fired when the player attempts to equip bind on equip loot.
Fired when the chat line needs to be processed.
- arg1: Chat line
Fired when...
- You log in
- Open the friends window (twice)
- Switch from the ignore list to the friend's list
- Switch from the guild, raid, or who tab back to the friends tab (twice)
- Add a friend
- Remove a friend
- Friend comes online
- Friend goes offline
Fired when you close the talk window for an npc (Seems to be called twice)
- arg1: The mouse button used to close the window (nil if closed when you go out of range)
Fired when you talk to an npc (Quest dialogue boxes and Vending boxes do not call this event)
Fired when the guild invitation is declined.
Fired when you are invited to join a guild.
- arg1: guild inviter
- arg2: guild name
Fired when the client's guild info cache has been updated after a call to GuildRoster().
Fired when a player is added or removed from the ignore list. Event is called twice. Not certain why it is called twice.
Fired when the countdown to boot a player from an instance starts.
Fired when the countdown to boot a player from an instance stops.
Fired when an item is pushed onto the "inventory-stack". For instance when you manufacture something with your trade skills or picks something up. arg1 - the stack size (i.e. how many copies of this item fit in a single inventory slot) arg2 - the path to the item's icon
Fired when an items text begins displaying
Fired when the items text has completed its viewing and is done.
Fired when the item's text can continue and is ready to be scrolled.
Fired when an item is in the process of being translated.
Fired when a new spell/ability is added to the spellbook. e.g. When training a new or a higher level spell/ability. arg1 - Number of the tab which the spell/ability is added to
Fired when the player attempts to take 'bind-on-pickup' loot
Fired when a player ceases looting a corpse.
Fired when a corpse is looted
Fired when loot is removed from a corpse. arg1 - Slot number
Fired when the opened inbox changes in any way. For example when the inbox list is loaded after the frame has been opened, or when a mail item changes from new to read.
Fired when an item is dragged to or from the Send Item box in an outgoing mail message.
Fired when a mail has been successfully sent to the mailbox of the recipient, it is also called when the mailbox is opened for some reason ... bug?
Fired when the mailbox is opened.
Fired when all memory allocated to the UI is exhausted.
- arg1: Current memory limit (in MB).
Fired when WoW recovers from an out of memory error.
Fired when a merchant frame closes.
Fired when the merchant frame is shown.
Fired when a merchant updates
Fired when the minimap is pinged.
- arg1: UnitId of the one that created the ping (ie "player" or any of the group members)
- arg2: x
- arg3: y
Fired when the minimap scaling factor is changed. This happens, generally, whenever the player moves indoors from outside, or vice versa. There are no arguments to this event. To test the player's location, compare the minimapZoom
and minimapInsideZoom
CVars with the current minimap zoom level (see GetZoom).
This event does not relate to the + and - minimap zoom buttons.
Fired when the mirror timer is paused.
- arg1: pause duration
Fired when some sort of timer starts.
- arg1: timer
- arg2: value
- arg3: maxvalue
- arg4: scale
- arg5: paused
- arg6: label
Fired when a mirror timer is stopped.
Fired when the guild dress frame is opened.
Fired when you decline a party invite.
Fired when a player invite you to party.
- arg1: team leader name
Fired when the player's leadership changed. Referred to as buggy.
Fired when the party's loot method changes
Fired when the player's party changes. As of 1.8.3 this event also fires when players are moved around in a Raid and when a player leaves the raid. This holds true even if the changes do not affect your party within the raid. This event is called twice when the event PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED
is called. This event is generated whenever someone rejects an invite and your in a group, also generated obviously when someone joins or leaves the group. Also, if for instance you have 3 people in your group and you invite a 4th, it will generate 4 events. If you call GetNumPartyMembers()
it will return 0, 1, 2, and 3. First event returing zero, 2nd event returning 1, etc etc.
Fired when a specific party member is offline or dead
- arg1: Player Name
Fired when a specific party member is still connected
- arg1: Player Name
Fired when the player's pet begins attacking.
Fired when the player's pet ceases attack
Fired when the pet bar should be hidden. (dismiss/die)
Fired when the Pet bar is supposed to be displayed
Fired when the pet bar is updates.
Fired when a pet spell cooldown starts. It is not called when cooldown ends.
Fired when the One of the six bag slots bank changes. Does not fire when an item is added to or removed from a bank bag, only when a bag is added or removed from the bag slots.
Fired when the One of the slots in the pleyer's 24 bank slots has changed. Does not fire when an item is added to or removed from a bank bag.
Fired when the player:
- Releases from death to a graveyard.
- Feigns Death with the hunter skill.
- Lands from a jump or fall.
- Accepts a resurrect before releasing their spirit.
This is not called when the player is alive after being a ghost. PLAYER_UNGHOST
is triggered in that case.
Called when a buff or debuff is either applied to a unit or is removed from the player. (Further details to follow, study needed).
- Druid: This event is also called when a Druid changes Form (or changes Prowl state when in Cat Form). arg1 - arg9 are all nil in these cases. These args are probably nil for other classes as well. Also, this event can be called multiple times per Form change.
Fired when the player is camping
arg1 is always 'player' not the number of combo points you have. Use the function GetComboPoints(); to get the exact number of combo points you have.
Fires after the PLAYER_CONTROL_LOST event, when control has been restored to the player.
Fires whenever the player is unable to control the character. Examples are when afflicted by fear or when using a taxi.
Fired when the player has died.
Fired when the player enters the world, enters/leaves an instance, or respawns at a graveyard. Also fires any other time the player sees a loading screen. To check if the player is entering an instance, check GetPlayerMapPosition to see if both X and Y are zero.
Fired when a player engages auto-attack. Note that firing a gun or a spell, or getting aggro, does NOT trigger this event.
From a post by Dhrago on the WoW forums:
are for MELEE combat only. They fire when you initiate autoattack and when you turn it off. However, any spell or ability that does not turn on autoattack does not trigger it. Nor does it trigger when you get aggro.
You probably want PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED (happens when you lose aggro).
This event fires when a Unit's flags change (eg: due to /afk, /dnd, etc.)
- arg1: The [UnitId](" title="API TYPE UnitId) affected, eg: "player"
- NOTE: WoW appears to condense simultaneous flag changes into a single event. If you are currently AFK and not(DND) but you type /dnd you'll see two Chat Log messages ("You are no longer AFK" and "You are now DND: Do Not Disturb") but you'll only see a single PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED event.
Fired when the players opponents die or he dies
Fired when a player logs out and possibly at other situations as well
Fired when a player levels up.
- arg1: New player level. Note that UnitLevel("player") will most likely return an incorrect value when called in this event handler or shortly after, so use this value.
- arg2: Hit points gained from leveling.
- arg3: Mana points gained from leveling.
- arg4: Talent points gained from leveling. Should always be 1 unless the player is between levels 1 to 9.
- arg5 - arg9: Attribute score increases from leveling. Strength (5) / Agility (6) / Stamina (7) / Intellect (8) / Spirit (9).
Triggered immediately before PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD on login and UI Reload, but NOT when entering/leaving instances.
Sent when the player logs out or the UI is reloaded, after PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD, but before variables are saved.
Fired whenever the player gains or looses money.
Fired when a player's pet changes.
Fired when you slay another player
Fired when the player hits the quit button.
Fired whenever you get aggro, as normal regen rates are disabled during combat.
Fired a few seconds after ending combat, as regen rates return to normal.
- arg1: holds the same value as GetTime() yields.
Fired when the player trades money
Fired when the player is alive after being a ghost. Called after one of:
- Performing a successful corpse run and the player accepts the 'Resurrect Now' box.
- Accepting a resurrect from another player after releasing from a death.
- Zoning into an instance where the player is dead.
- When the player accept a resurrect from a Spirit Healer.
The player is alive when this event happens. This is not called when the player is resurrected before releasing. PLAYER_ALIVE is triggered in that case.
Fired when the player starts or stops resting, ei when entering/leaving inns/major towns.
Fired when the player's XP is updated (due quest completion or killing)
Fired when the playtime state changes.
Fired when the player needs to confirm he wishes to accept a quest.
- arg1: npc name?
- arg2: quest name?
Fired when the player hits the "Continue" button in the quest-information page, before the "Complete Quest" button. As far as i can tell this is only ever called when you complete a quest, but just before you actually complete the quest(as stated above)
Fired when the player is given a more detailed view of his quest.
Fired whenever the quest frame changes (Detail to Progress to Reward, etc.) or is closed.
Fired when a quest is offered
Fired when the quest items are updated
This event is fired very often. This includes, but is not limited to: viewing a quest for the first time in a session in the Quest Log; (once for each quest?) every time the player changes zones across an instance boundry; every time the player picks up a non-grey item; every time the player performs a quest activity, such as killing a mob for a quest.
Fired when a player is viewing the status of their quest.
Fired whenever a raid is formed or disbanded, players are leaving or joining a raid (unsure if rejected join requests also fire the event), or when looting rules are changed (regardless of being in raid or party!)
Fired when the player must confirm an enchantment replacement.
- arg1: enchantmentname
- arg2: item name
Fired when another player resurrects you
- arg1: player name
Fired when a screenshot fails.
Fired when a screenshot is successfully taken.
Fired when a spellcaster begins channelling
- arg1: Duration (in milliseconds)
- arg2: Spell Name On version 1.2.1, this event doesnt seem to work.
Fired when a channelling spell is updated.
- arg1: remaining Duration (in milliseconds)
Fired when a spellcast duration is increased
- arg1: Disruption time
Fired when a spell fails.
Fired when a spellcast is interrupted
Fired when a spellcast is begun. This event seems to work if the spell has a casting time. For instant, there is no SPELLCAST_START but SPELLCAST_STOP.
- arg1: Spell Name
- arg2: Duration (arg2 seems to be in milliseconds ex. 1.5 second cast time shows as 1500
Fired when a spell cast stops. Called twice when the spell is channelled. Once at start, once at completion.
Fired when:
- Learning new stuff that goes in the spellbook.
- Opening the spellbook.
- Changing/Equiping weapons. (Changes the Attack icon)
arg1: nil when the char learns stuff. Also when changing weapons and shapeshifting. In addition it seems to be called on regular intervals for no apparent reason.
arg1: # when the user opens the spellbook.
arg1: 'LeftButton' when using the mouse to open the spellbook or to browse through the pages and tabs of the open spellbook.
Fired when spell cooldown starts.
- arg1: if the spell is triggered by keypress, returns the GetTime() output in string format. Otherwise, it will return "LeftButton" or "RightButton"
Fires when you enter combat or die.
Fired when a group loot item is being rolled on.
- arg1: The rollID of the item being rolled on.
- arg2: The roll time.
Fired when a system message occurs.
- arg1: message
- arg2: red
- arg3: green
- arg4: blue
Fired when it is possible to save a tabard.
Fired when the taxi frame is closed.
Fired when the taxi viewer is opened
Fired when the client recieved a time played message.
- arg1: Total time
- arg2: Current time at this level
Event was removed in version 1700. See OnTooltipAddMoney Fired when a tooltip has money added to it.
- arg1: tooltip name
- arg2: money amount
Fired when the tooltip anchor should be reset
Fired when the status of the player and target accept buttons has changed
- arg1: Player has agreed to the trade (1) or not (0)
- arg2: Target has agreed to the trade (1) or not (0)
Fired when the trade window's money value is changed.
Fired when the specified player itme will be changed by the trade.
- arg1: item
Fired when the the player must confirm an enchantment replacement in the trade window.
- arg1: enchantment
- arg2: item name
Fired when another player wishes to trade with you.
- arg1: player name
Fired when a trade attempt is cancelled.
Fired when the Trade window appears after a trade request has been accepted or auto-accepted
Fired when a trade skill window is closed.
Fired when a trade skill window is opened.
Fired immediately after TRADE_SKILL_SHOW, after something is created via tradeskill, or anytime the tradeskill window is updated (filtered, tree folded/unfolded, etc.)
Fired when a specific item will be altered during the trade.
- arg1: item
Fired when the trade window is changed.
Fired when the trainer is closed.
Fired when the trainer window needs to update.
Fired when the interface creates an error message. These are the red messages that show in the top middle of the screen. "Your inventory is full." is one example.
- arg1: message
Fired when the interface generates a message. These are the yellow messages in the top middle of the window. "No fish are hooked." is one example.
- arg1: message
Fired when a units attack is affected.
Fired when a unit's attack power changes.
Fired when your attack speed is being listed or affected
Fired when an buff, debuff, status, or item bonus was gained by or faded from a player, NPC, or mob.
- arg1: the [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) of the entity NOTE: This event is fired not only when a unit's buffs change, but when you change targets as well! -Myrrion
Seems like the same as UNIT_AURA above (including arguments) but only for short buffs. As a Paladin, it was triggered each time I gained a 30 second buff (Paladin Seals), lost/canceled it, or switched targets from another player to myself. Needs more testing with other classes etc.
Fired when an npc or player participates in combat
- arg1: the [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) of the entity
- arg2: Action,Damage,etc (e.g. DODGE, WOUND, MISS, PARRY...)
- arg3: Critical indicator (e.g. CRITICAL)
- arg4: The numeric damage
- arg5: Damage type in numeric value (0 - physical; 1 - holy; 2 - fire; 5 - shadow; 6 - arcane)
Fired when the units melee damage changes. Be warned that this often gets fired multiple times, for example when you change weapons.
Fired when a units defense is affected
Fired when the unit's mana stype is changed.
- arg1: unit name
Fired when the unit's flags are changed.
Fired whenever a units energy is affected.
- arg1: the name of the unit whose energy is affected
Seen unit names:
- player
Fired when a target's faction is announced.
Same as UNIT_MANA, except for certain classes. Hunter used to use focus, but now they use mana. But it is still used when a pets energy changes.
Not studied
Fired whenever a units health is affected. It is so important that it gets called twice when it's about the player (might do the same for other things too)
- arg1: the name of the unit whose health is affected
Seen unit names:
- player, pet, target, mouseover, party1..4, partypet1..4
Fired when the player equips or unequips an item. This is also be called if your target, [mouseover](" title="API TYPE UnitId) or party member changes equipment (untested for hostile targets). This event is also raised when a new item is placed in the player's inventory, taking up a new slot. If the new item(s) are placed onto an existing stack or when two stacks already in the inventory are merged, the event is not raised. When an item is moved inside the inventory or to the bank, the event is not raised. The event is raised when an existing stack is split inside the player's inventory.
- arg1: the [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) of the entity
Fired whenever the level of a unit is submitted (e.g. when clicking a unit or someone joins the party)
- arg1: the [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) of the entity whose level is submitted
Fired whenever a unit's mana change either by usage or by regeneration. The event is also called when a unit is click on. Only gets called once, unlike its more important brother, UNIT_HEALTH.
- arg1: the [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) of the entity
Fired when a unit's maximum energy changes.
Fired when a unit's maximum focus changes.
Not studied
Fired when a unit's maximum health changes.
Fired when a unit's maximum mana changes.
Fired when a unit's maximum rage changes.
Fired when the unit's 3d model changes.
Fired when a unit's name changes.
- arg1: the [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) of the entity whose name changed
Fired when a unit's pet changes.
- arg1: The [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) of the entity whose pet changed
Fired when a units portrait changes.
- arg1: Unit name
Fired when the UI is loaded, and when player PVP status is changed or updated.
- arg1: the unit whose pvp status has changed (ie. "player")
Fired whenever a units rage is affected.
- arg1: the name of the unit whose rage is affected
Seen unit names:
- player
Fired when a unit's ranged damage changes.
Fired when a unit's ranged attack power changes.
Fired when the units resistance changes
Fired when a spell misses
- arg1: Unit Name. arg1 can be 'target' 'mouseover' 'player' or 'partyX' possibly also 'raidX' in party and raid the 'X' represents the number
- arg2: action. arg2 can be 'RESISTED' 'DODGED' 'PARRIED' or 'BLOCKED'
Fired when a units stats are being passed to the player/thing
Fired in Warsong Gulch whenever the flag status changes (picked up, dropped, etc).
Fired whenever you join the queue, change the instance, enter the instance, or leave the instance. Which is nice.
Fired when the keybindings are changed. Fired after completion of [SaveBindings()](" title="API SaveBindings).
Fired when the chat colour needs to be updated.
- arg1: Chat type
- arg2: red
- arg3: green
- arg4: blue
Fired when there's a reason to update the chat windows.
Fired when the mouseover object needs to be updated. Fired when the target of the [UnitID](" title="API TYPE UnitId) 'mouseover' has changed. No Arguments.
Fired when the player enters the world and enters/leaves an instance, if there is mail in the player's mailbox. Fired when new mail is received. Fired when mailbox window is closed if the number of mail items in the inbox changed (I.E. you deleted mail) Does not appear to trigger when auction outbid mail is received... may not in other cases as well
Fired when the player changes his shape
Fired within Battlefields when certain things occur such as a flag being captured.
Fired during the loading phase of the UI to indicate that the Saved Variables of all AddOns that will be loaded during the initial load (or reload) of the UI have have been read into memory from their files.
Fired when the client receives the result of a SendWho() request from the server. use API SetWhoToUI to manipulate this functionality.
Fired when the world map should be updated.
Fired when the player enters a new zone. Zones are the smallest named subdivions of the game world and are contained within areas (also called regions). Whenever the text over the minimap changes, this event is fired.
Fired when a player enters a new zone within a city.
Fired when the user enters a new zone and a new area. e.g. moving from Duskwood to Stranglethorn Vale. In interface terms, this is anytime you get a new set of channels. The ZONE_CHANGED events are mutually exclusive!
This doesn't seem to be sent for WorldDefense - it comes in on CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL and totally skips the ZONE_UNDER_ATTACK code in the client. Is the same true for LocalDefense?