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MCSDetect on large datasets on clusters

A helpful step-by-step guide to allow you to run MCSDetect on 100s of cells at the same time.

NOTE The below steps are very detailed, but in practice they take ~ 5 minutes or less to execute (minus actual compute time).

Table of Contents

0. What you will need

  • Access to the cluster
  • SSH setup
  • Data is stored on the cluster in the following format (do NOT use spaces in naming please)
- Topdirectory
--- Replicate number (directory named 1, 2, ...)
    --- Treatment (directory named e.g. "GP78+", "HT-1080", ...)
        --- SeriesXYZ (directory that holds the image data for 1 (segmented deconvolved cell), where XYZ is an integer, e.g. "Series123")
            --- channel01.tif (3D 16bit image file containing mitochondria channel, name ending with "1.tif")
            --- channel02.tif (ER channel, ending with "2.tif")

Scheduling large (Terabytes) data is time consuming, and you do not want to waste your own time finding out some of your data isn't properly organized. We will validate your dataset to ensure no errors lead to wasted time.

In this guide we will refer to your username on the cluster as `$USER'.

In Linux command line, $VAR references a variable, e.g. $HOME is your home directory, typically /home/$USER.

1. Login

ssh $

This should result in something like:

[bcardoen@cedar1 ~]$ 

(bcardoen is my user name, '~' means you're in your home directory

1.1 Viewing variable names

echo $USER
echo $HOME

This will print something like

[bcardoen@cedar1 ~]$ echo $USER
[bcardoen@cedar1 ~]$ echo $HOME
[bcardoen@cedar1 ~]$ 

We will instruct you to set variables, this is easily done:

export MYVAR="somevalue"

Let's test this, it should show:

[bcardoen@cedar1 ~]$ export MYVAR="somevalue"
[bcardoen@cedar1 ~]$ echo $MYVAR

Great, now let's move on

OPTIONAL (but HIGHLY recommended)

Once login is succesful, we will start a tmux session to ensure any network interruptions do not break your workflow


If you want to reconnect to an existing session:

tmux -t 0  # to reconnect to session 0

If you want to view which sessions are active

tmux list

Note that there are multiple login servers, if you can't find your session, ensure you login to the right now (cedar1 vs cedar5).

ssh $ 

2. Validate data

2.1 Create a new clean working directory

This directory will hold intermediate files needed during processing.

export EXPERIMENT="/scratch/$USER/myexperiment"
mkdir -p $EXPERIMENT

2.2 Get DataCurator

For the next step we'll need to download DataCurator to validate your dataset layout. You can obtain it here, but an optimized version is ready for download too:

module load singularity
singularity pull --arch amd64 library://bcvcsert/datacurator/datacurator:latest
chmod u+x datacurator_latest.sif

2.3 Acquire computational resource

You'll need your group id, which is of the form rrg-yourpi or def-yourpi

export MYGROUP="rrg-mypi" # Replace this with something valid for you
salloc --mem=64GB --account=$MYGROUP --cpus-per-task=16 --time=3:00:00 

This will log you in to a compute node with 16 cores, 64GB, for 3 hours.

You should see something like this:

[bcardoen@cedar5 myexperiment]$ salloc --mem=62G --account=$MYGROUP --cpus-per-task=16 --time=3:00:00 
salloc: Pending job allocation 60557708
salloc: job 60557708 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 60557708 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 60557708
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes cdr568 are ready for job
[bcardoen@cdr568 myexperiment]$ 

Note how the prompt changed from bcardoen@cedar5 to bcardoen@cdr568, you are now no longer in a login node, but a compute node, where you have the resources (62GB RAM and 16 cores) to use.

2.4 Copy recipe

DataCurator needs a recipe to verify, this recipe can be found online. Let's download it to our experiment directory


This will show something like:

[bcardoen@cdr568 myexperiment]$ wget
--2023-02-21 06:32:40--
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1308 (1.3K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘recipe.toml’

recipe.toml                                                 100%[=========================================================================================================================================>]   1.28K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-02-21 06:32:40 (63.9 MB/s) - ‘recipe.toml’ saved [1308/1308]

Let's check what we have in our experiment directory:

ls -t . # List all files in our current (.) directory

Should show:

[bcardoen@cdr568 myexperiment]$ ls -t .
recipe.toml  datacurator_latest.sif

2.5 Update recipe

We need to update this template with the data locations: Let us assume the data you want to process is located in

export DATA="/project/myresearchgroup/mydata"
export OUTPUT="/project/myresearchgroup/myoutput"

You can either do this with an editor, or with these commands:

sed -i "s|INPUT|${DATA}|" recipe.toml      # Replace the string 'INPUT' with the correct data directory
sed -i "s|OUTPUT|${OUTPUT}|" recipe.toml   # Replace the string 'OUTPUT' with the output directory

If you now check the recipe these 2 lines should be changed to your data

inputdirectory = "INPUT"
# will be
inputdirectory = "/project/myresearchgroup/mydata"
# and
              {name="out", aggregator=[[["change_path", "OUTPUT"],"filepath","sort","unique","shared_list_to_file"]]},
# will be
              {name="out", aggregator=[[["change_path", "/project/myresearchgroup/myoutput"],"filepath","sort","unique","shared_list_to_file"]]},

NOTE If your channels are 0.tif and 1.tif, rather than 1.tif and 2.tif, please edit the template to reflect this:

sed -i "s|1,2|0,1|" recipe.toml ## Optional if you need to change channels

2.6 Configure Slack/Owncloud uploading [Optional]

See DataCurator documentation

2.7 Validate your data with DataCurator

module load singularity
export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH="/scratch/bcardoen,$SLURM_TMPDIR" # Make sure DC can access the data  
export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK                 # Tell DC to use all 16 cores
./datacurator_latest.sif -r recipe.toml                       # Execute the recipe

This will do the following:

  • Build lists for batch processing of all valid files in in.txt and out.txt
  • Report any data that isn't matching the recipe in errors.txt
  • Compute intensity statistics of all valid data in channels.csv
  • Compute object statistics of all valid data in objects.csv

Wait for it to complete (depending on your data size 1-20 minutes).

The result when it finished will look somewhat like this

[ Info: 2023-02-21 07:11:27 DataCurator.jl:2271: Writing to channels.csv
[ Info: 2023-02-21 07:11:27 DataCurator.jl:2101: Finished processing dataset located at /home/bcardoen/scratch/MERCS/MS_01_19_2023_3D_STED_SYNJ_FLAG_568_MITO_532_ER_488
[ Info: 2023-02-21 07:11:27 DataCurator.jl:2105: Dataset processing completed without early exit
[ Info: 2023-02-21 07:11:27 curator.jl:168: Writing counters to counters.csv
[ Info: 2023-02-21 07:11:27 curator.jl:180: Complete with exit status proceed
[bcardoen@cdr568 myexperiment]$ 

Let's review what DataCurator computed for us:

ls -t .

Should give

[bcardoen@cdr568 myexperiment]$ ls -t .
channels.csv  counters.csv  in.txt  objects.csv  out.txt  errors.txt  recipe.toml  datacurator_latest.sif

3 Schedule the dataset

In your current directory you should now have 2 files

  • in.txt
  • out.txt

We will ask the cluster to process all cells listed in in.txt, with output to be stored in out.txt.

3.1 Create a scheduling task

Let's get a prepared script to do just that


Make it executable

chmod u+x

3.2 Update with your information (email, group)

You need to change this script to match your account in 3 places:

  • Nr of cells
export MYEMAIL=""
export MYGROUP="rrg-mypi"
NCELLS=`wc -l in.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
sed -i "s|CELLS|${NCELLS}|"
sed -i "s|EMAIL|${MYEMAIL}|"
sed -i "s|ACCOUNT|${MYGROUP}|"
sed -i "s|1,2|0,1|" ## Optional if you need to change channels

3.3 Download MCSDetect

Next, we need to make sure the MCS detect singularity image is in place

singularity pull --arch amd64 mcsdetect.sif library://bcvcsert/subprecisioncontactdetection/mcsdetect_f35_j1.7:j1.8

This should download the file mcsdetect.sif in your current directory.

ls -t .


mcsdetect.sif  channels.csv  counters.csv  in.txt  objects.csv  out.txt  errors.txt  recipe.toml  datacurator_latest.sif

Set it executable

chmod u+x mcsdetect.sif


Now it's time to submit the job


This will be the result

[bcardoen@cdr568 myexperiment]$ sbatch 
Submitted batch job 60568508

You will get email updates on job progression, and in the current direcotry .out files will be saved that contain logs of all the jobs. For example, for this job the email had the following subject:

Slurm Array Summary Job_id=60568508_* (60568508) Began

Output will be saved in directory $OUTPUT.

3.5 View progress

squeue -u $USER

Will show you the status of your current running jobs, for example:

60566608 bcardoen rrg-hamarneh    interactive   R    2:39:41     1   16        N/A     62G cdr568 (None) 
60568508_[2-58] bcardoen rrg-hamarneh  PD   18:00:00     1    6        N/A    116G  (Priority) 

This shows on the first line the interactive job we're using for validation and the current session, the second line is the 58 cells being processed.

After some time you'll see in your experiment directory the output and logs of the individual jobs. You usually don't need them, but if something goes wrong they can be invaluable

ls -t .


[bcardoen@cdr568 myexperiment]$ ls  counters.csv            errors.txt  log_02_21_2023_HH08_13.txt  log_02_21_2023_HH08_28.txt  log_02_21_2023_HH08_30.txt  objects.csv  recipe.toml           slurm-60568508_2.out  slurm-60568508_4.out
channels.csv    datacurator_latest.sif  in.txt      log_02_21_2023_HH08_27.txt  log_02_21_2023_HH08_29.txt  mcsdetect.sif               out.txt      slurm-60568508_1.out  slurm-60568508_3.out  slurm-60568508_5.out

Logs are saved in format log_MM_DD_YYYY_HH_MM.txt and $JOBID_CELLID.out. For example, the 5th cell is log file slurm-60568508_5.out.

You can open these while they are being processed to view progress:

tail -n 10 slurm-60568508_5.out

If something goes wrong you can cancel jobs:

scancel JOBID

4 Post

You can now run the postprocessing on the output, see instructions.

You can do this with the singularity image (mcsdetect.sif). Let's create a new directory where to store the postprocessing:

export POSTDATA="/scratch/$USER/post"
mkdir -p $POSTDATA

We'll need the data output directory you used earlier:

export OUTPUT="/project/myresearchgroup/myoutput"

Navigate to the directory you created earlier


make sure the mcsdetect.sif is in this directory

Download a script for you to do the postprocessing

chmod u+x

Update the script with your variables: Please make sure the variables are correctly set as done above

sed -i "s|EMAIL|${MYEMAIL}|"        # Your email
sed -i "s|MYACCOUNT|${MYACCOUNT}|"  # Your cluster account
sed -i "s|POSTOUTPUT|${POSTDATA}|"  # The location where you want the postprocessed results
sed -i "s|INPUT|${OUTPUT}|"         # The computed contacts location, previously saved in $OUTPUT

Then submit


If you want to change the parameters, please edit the script (using nano, vim, ..)

You'll get an email when your results are done.

5 Export your results

I recommend using Globus to export results efficiently.

  • Log in to Globus using your cluster ID
  • Select $POSTDATA as the source for the transfer
  • Select a directory on your target computer as the target
  • Execute You'll get an email if the transfer completed.

5.1 [Optional] Compress the results

See wiki

5.2 [Optional] Selectively extract results

You can use DataCurator to write a recipe that, for example, only collects CSV files of the contacts, and sends them to OwnCloud. Or compute statistics of the contacts, mitochondria, etc, etc. Examples are in DC documentation, and execution is the same as in step 3.

6 Troubleshooting

If you run into problems or something is not clear, please create a new issue