Below we provide examples that demonstrate LoMRF weight learning capabilities in the domain of temporal reasoning. Recall that sources from the following examples are located in the LoMRF-data project (follow the instructions in Download Example Data).
In this example we demonstrate how to perform weight learning for activity recognition, using a small fragment of the first set of the CAVIAR dataset. We use the approach that is proposed by Skarlatidis et. al. (2014, 2015), that employs the Probabilistic Event Calculus formalism as presented in the Section Quick Start and the knowledge base that is defined in the Temporal Inference Examples.
Recall that in Section Knowledge Base we presented a special type of formulas, named Definite Clauses, as well as their properties and their limitations regarding predicate completion (for details see the works of McCarthy, 1980 and Lifschitz, 1994).
The training data is composed of ground facts of the input event predicates StartTime/1
, Happens/2
, Close/4
, OrientationMove/3
, ground function mappings (e.g., for the functions enter/1
, walking/1
, running/1
, etc.), as well as ground facts of the annotation predicates HoldsAt/2
For example, consider the following fragment:
// Input events:
Enter_ID0 = enter(ID0)
Enter_ID1 = enter(ID1)
Exit_ID0 = exit(ID0)
Exit_ID1 = exit(ID1)
Walking_ID0 = walking(ID0)
Walking_ID1 = walking(ID1)
Running_ID0 = running(ID0)
Running_ID1 = running(ID1)
Active_ID0 = active(ID0)
Active_ID1 = active(ID1)
Inactive_ID0 = inactive(ID0)
Inactive_ID1 = inactive(ID1)
// Output composite events (fluents):
Move_ID0_ID0 = move(ID0, ID0)
Move_ID0_ID1 = move(ID0, ID1)
Move_ID1_ID0 = move(ID1, ID0)
Move_ID1_ID1 = move(ID1, ID1)
Meet_ID0_ID0 = meet(ID0, ID0)
Meet_ID0_ID1 = meet(ID0, ID1)
Meet_ID1_ID0 = meet(ID1, ID0)
Meet_ID1_ID1 = meet(ID1, ID1)
// Facts
HoldsAt(Meet_ID0_ID1, 174)
HoldsAt(Meet_ID0_ID1, 175)
HoldsAt(Meet_ID0_ID1, 176)
// ... sequence of facts ...
Happens(Walking_ID0, 100)
Happens(Walking_ID1, 100)
OrientationMove(ID0, ID1, 100)
Close(ID0, ID1, 34, 100)
// ... sequence of facts ...
Happens(Active_ID0, 170)
Happens(Active_ID1, 170)
// ... sequence of facts ...
As we have seen in Temporal Inference Examples, the knowledge base contains, among others, the predicates with signatures InitiatedAt/2
and TerminatedAt/2
. These predicates form the head of the definite clauses that represent the domain-dependent axioms in our Activity Recognition example. However the supervision of InitiatedAt/2
and TerminatedAt/2
is missing from the training data. Therefore, InitiatedAt/2
and TerminatedAt/2
from hidden variables in the resulting Markov Network and supervised learning cannot be performed.
To overcome this problem, we are apply a Knowledge Base transformation step (for details see Skarlatidis et. al (2014, 2015)). In brief, all logical definitions of InitiatedAt/2
and TerminatedAt/2
can be represented as equivalences for each composite event separately. Consider, for example, the following fragment of definitions for the composite event meeting, without any weight value:
InitiatedAt(meet(p1,p2), t) :- Happens(active(p1), t) ^ !Happens(running(p2), t) ^ Close(p1,p2,25,t)
InitiatedAt(meet(p1,p2),t) :- Happens(inactive(p1),t) ^ !Happens(running(p2),t) ^ !Happens(active(p2),t) ^ Close(p1,p2,25,t)
This can be written as:
InitiatedAt(meet(p1,p2), t) <=> (Happens(active(p1), t) ^ !Happens(running(p2), t) ^ Close(p1,p2,25,t)) v (Happens(inactive(p1),t) ^ !Happens(running(p2),t) ^ !Happens(active(p2),t) ^ Close(p1,p2,25,t))
Furthermore, each Event Calculus domain-independent axiom can be specialised according to the constants and function symbols that appear in the head predicate of each domain-dependent definition. In our example, for instance, the head predicate InitiatedAt(meet(p1,p2), t)
contains the function symbol meet/2
. Therefore, we can specialise the Event Calculus domain-independent axiom by substituting the fluent
variable with the function symbol meet/2
// the original inertia axiom
!HoldsAt(f, t) ^ !InitiatedAt(f, t) => !HoldsAt(f, t++).
// is specialised as:
!HoldsAt(meet(p1,p2), t) ^ !InitiatedAt(meet(p1,p2), t) => !HoldsAt(meet(p1,p2), t++).
This process is being applied for all head predicates of all definite clauses.
Finally, we can replace InitiatedAt(meet(p1,p2), t)
with the corresponding equivalence. With that process, the knowledge base is translated into an equivalent one and the InitiatedAt/2
and TerminatedAt/2
predicates are completely eliminated. As a result, we do not need the supervision for InitiatedAt/2
and TerminatedAt/2
and the training problem is now fully supervised.
In brief, LoMRF can automatically rewrite definite clause definitions, in order to create such equivalences and simplify the knowledge base by applying the following transformation:
- Rewrite all definite clauses as equivalencies.
- All axioms that contain the target head predicates are specialised, with respect to the constants and function that appear in the head predicates.
- Replace all predicates with their equivalencies.
- (optional step) Compute the Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) of the theory.
All these steps can be applied by the lomrf compile
command-line tool of LoMRF:
lomrf compile -i theory.mln -o theory_cnf.mln -cnf -w remove_all -pcm simplification
Where '-i theory.mln' is the original input theory MLN file, '-o theory_cnf.mln' is the resulting output file, '-cnf' specifies that all clauses in the resulting theory are in CNF form, '-w remove_all' specifies that all weights from formulas will be removed and '-pcm simplification' applied the whole transformation step (i.e., all first three steps).
Once we have applied the preprocessing step, we can proceed to the weight learning step. Recall that sources from the examples are located in the LoMRF-data project (follow the instructions in Download Example Data). The files of this example are the following:
- Knowledge base files:
- Main MLN file in CNF:
- Definitions of moving activity:
- Definitions of meeting activity:
- Main MLN file in CNF:
- Training file for batch learning:
- Training files for online learning:
- Non-evidence predicates:
-ne HoldsAt/2
- Input MLN theory:
-i theory_cnf.mln
- Input training data:
-t training.db
- Resulting output MLN theory:
-o learned.mln
- Enable loss augmented inference (also known as separation oracle) using the Hamming loss function by adding to the objective function during inference additional loss terms:
- Specify the learning algorithm, i.e., Max-Margin (default), Adagrad or CDA:
Max-Margin Learning
lomrf wlearn -alg MAX_MARGIN -i theory_cnf.mln -t training.db -o learned.mln -ne HoldsAt/2 -lossAugmented
Online Learning using AdaGrad or CDA
lomrf wlearn -alg ADAGRAD -i theory_cnf.mln -t ./training/online -o learned.mln -ne HoldsAt/2
lomrf wlearn -alg CDA -i theory_cnf.mln -t ./training/online -o learned.mln -ne HoldsAt/2 -lossAugmented