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689 lines (588 loc) · 47.4 KB

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689 lines (588 loc) · 47.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, markdownlint, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[8.0.0] - 2024-12-2

The 8.0.0 release updates the version of @angular required to 18 and typescript to 4.5.x.

Bugs fixes

#705 #706 #708 #709

[7.0.0] - 2024-10-04

The 7.0.0 release features several new components that use the new DataMart interface(statistics calculation api) made available only in the Senzing POC API Server. Using the Senzing REST API Sever without the new components(data sample browsing, and datasource's summary, Cross-Source comparison) is still possible but not advised for brand new installations.


  • Why and Why Not reports now show scores for all scoring features regardless of match key inclusion. #686
  • Graph datasource colors can now be unselected by choosing pure white or black using the color picker. #690
  • Why not modal could not horizontally scroll properly. #588
  • Graph filter switch for "Directly Related Only" removed in due to confusion between it and the "Hide Indirect Links" checkbox. #590
  • On "Why" screen the best matching value should be at the top on the left. #592
  • "Re-Eval" button incorrectly showing up for singleton entities in the detail widget. #606


  • Donut chart that breaks down how many records have been loaded for each datasource. #608
    • Added SzRecordStatsDonutChart component.
    • Added SzDataMartService service to interact with poc-server endpoints
    • Added SzCountStatsForDataSourcesResponse, SzStatCountsForDataSources, SzRecordCountDataSource models
    • List widget that shows how many records have been loaded for each datasource.
    • Added SzShortNumberPipe to display the amount of records in the shortest format ie 12060 records will show 12.1K etc
    • Added SzDecimalPercentPipe to format percent values from decimal inputs.
  • License wiget showing the current license expiry, record limit and how close a particular install is to it's limits. #616
    • SzLicenseInfoComponent component to show the current expiration and limit of license and how many records have been loaded so far.
  • Venn Diagram cross-source comparison chart. Shows how many records of each type(duplicates, possible relations, disclosed etc) are present in each datasource selected and the amount of each present in both selected datasources(the overlapping part of the diagram). #614
    • SzCrossSourceSummaryComponent is responsible for drawing the five venn diagrams. each of which are instances of SzVennDiagramsComponent.
    • SzVennDiagramsComponent displays a single circle if only one datasource is selected, or two circles if two datasources are selected with the overlapping part of the circle being the records that are present in both datasources.
    • SzCrossSourceStatistics is a wrapper that contains both the pulldowns AND the venn diagrams
    • SzCrossSourceSelectComponent - this is a component wrapper for the select pulldowns themselves that allow a user to select two datasources to display in the venn diagrams.
    • SzDataMartService the service used to coordinate between components which datasources are selected, make api requests, set preferences etc.
    • SzDataMartPrefs stores state for parameters of the service/components and emits on changes.
    • SzElementResizeObserverDirective allows listening for resize events on dom elements. (used for setting the width of pulldowns to the same as the width of the visible pulldown control which is responsive)
  • Sample set Data Table. The new Data Table component shows a sampleset of particular types of records for a specific datasource or datasources and allows paging through the result set. #627
    • SzTooltipComponent tooltip that floats above collapsed or limited table cells spawned by the SzTooltipDirective attribute.
    • SzOrderedMapEntries
    • SzDataMartPrefs stores persistent preferences like default selected data sources, match level etc.
    • SzDataTable generic component that can be fed data and displays data with formatting in a tabular format.
    • SzCrossSourceResultsDataTable extends SzDataTable with functions and properties specific to displaying the sample results of cross source analysis query.
    • SzCrossSourcePagingComponent is a paging component for navigating through the sampling data table results.
    • SzCrossSourceStatistics Wrapper component for the comparing stats of one datasource with their mutual stat type of another datasource. Uses the Venn Diagram chart to show the overlap and a special Data Table specific to displaying a sample set from the selected type of stats for the two selected data sources.
  • The following events types have been added:
    • SzStatsSampleTableLoadingEvent
    • SzCrossSourceSummarySelectionEvent
    • SzCrossSourceSummarySelectionClickEvent
    • sampleDataSourceChangeEvent
    • SzStatSampleSetPageChangeEvent
    • SzDataTableCellEvent
  • The following enums have been added:
    • SzCrossSourceSummaryCategoryType
    • SzStatSampleEntityTableRowType
    • SzCrossSourceSummaryCategoryTypeToMatchLevel
  • The following models have been added:
  • SzStatSampleEntityTableItem
  • SzDataTableEntity
  • SzDataTableRelatedEntity
  • SzStatSampleEntityTableRowEntity
  • SzStatSampleEntityTableRow
  • SzDataTableRelationsPagingParameters
  • SzDataTableEntitiesPagingParameters
  • SzStatSampleSetParameters
  • SzCrossSourceSummaryRequests
  • SzCrossSourceSummaryResponses
  • SzCrossSourceCount

relevant tickets: #588 #590 #592 #606 #608 #614 #616 #627 #690 #689

[6.1.0] - 2023-09-06

The major feature being added for this release is the inclusion a a new "How" report component. The How api functions are meant to provide information on HOW records in an entity came together or were pushed apart during resolution. The Visual How component will illustrate the final entity and allow the user to walk back through the entities resolution steps, branching off when singletons are merged in or virtual entities are created from the result of previous record resolution steps.


  • new graph icons. see #499
  • match keys are now shown by default in the graph. #496
  • new why and why not report column formatting to match g2Explorer. #558 #551
  • why and why not datatransforms changed to match g2Explorer. #529


  • "How" entity report component(s) added. see #438
    • Added SzHowEntityComponent component which is the only component that should be used at an implementation level. The other components listed below are components that this component uses to create things like different color cards, nested trees, navigation, groups etc.
    • Added SzHowNavComponent component which is used to provide quick step jumping based on filter criteria.
    • Added SzHowStepNodeComponent component which represents a node in the step tree. Nodes are different that Steps since they can be other trees, groups, and recurse. Step nodes will contain SzHowStepCardComponent, SzHowStepStackComponent, SzHowFinalEntityCardComponent, SzHowSingletonCardComponent, and/or nested SzHowStepNodeComponent components.
    • Added SzHowStepStackComponent component which represents a collapsible group of ADD Record steps found in sequence.
    • Added SzHowStepCardBase which serves as a base class for card permutations.
      • SzHowStepCardComponent is the card component representing a Add Record, Singleton, Merge, Interim.
      • SzHowSingletonCardComponent represents a step or a non-resolved state with a single record that was not merged in.
      • SzHowFinalEntityCardComponent represents the top level node for a final state in a tree.
  • "How" UI service(SzHowUIService) that provides inter-op, eventing, and caching for different How components to use a shared service so things only need to be parsed/transformed once, and if something changes all the components can be notified etc.

relevant tickets: #438 #496 #499 #513 #516 #525 #527 #529 #531 #534 #538 #545 #547 #548 #551 #555 #557 #558 #565 #567 #571 #572 #574 #581

[6.0.0] - 2023-01-20


  • Angular Framework updated to version 15. As of 6.0.0 release this package now requires @angular@~15.0.0 to compile and run. Updating to angular 15 resolves major dependency compatibility issues so we can apply the latest security patches to the library. For information updating your project from a previous angular version to ~15.0.0 see the Angular Update Guide
  • Angular Material updated to version 15. As of 6.0.0 release this package now requires v15 of angular material library. Since the compiled version of this package defines it's dependency as a peer dependency it's worth mentioning that your project will need to import it to function properly. ng add @angular/material@15.
  • D3.js updated to version 7. version 5 was exposing a security defect in d3.color(see SNYK-JS-D3COLOR-1076592) that had no patches available until version 7. see #466


  • forceSimulation property removed from SzRelationshipNetworkComponent base class. (no one should be directly using this anyways)

[5.1.1] - 2022-10-31


  • Added "hide indirect links" UI control to graph filtering component.
  • Added suppressL1InterLinks to graph preferences
  • Added linkColor to graph preferences
  • Added indirectLinkColor to graph preferences
  • Added Link Color section to graph filter component
  • Added Data Sources list to graph hover tooltip
  • Added "Why Not" button/report to "Possible Matches" section in the entity detail component.


  • Match keys on graph entity link(s) are now in a vertically centered multi-line list.
  • Bugfix for match key labels. (see #383)
  • Entity detail embedded graph now defaults to collapsed nodes when relationships are <= 10
  • showMatchKeys UI/UX parameter renamed to showLinkLabels to avoid confusion with matchKeyFilters and showMatchKeyTokens which are functional/behavior parameters.
  • Graph api call pattern changed to an initial entity request followed by a minimal entity-networks call to retrieve the necessary data. This new surface pattern dramatically decreases the time needed to initially render a graph with a large about of relationships.
  • Graph entity name label no longer clips with ellipsis.
  • Graph entity name now performs a hard word wrap to display the full name on multiple lines

relevant tickets: #309 #364 #383 #407 #413 #414 #415 #416 #417 #422 #423 #432 #433 #436 #439

[5.1.0] - 2022-07-27

  • there is now a new unlimited ui option for maximum entities allowed.
  • there is now a new unlimited ui option for maximum build out allowed.
  • the upper limit of the maximum entities ui slider is now dynamically set from the initial query.
  • match key token counts now feature condensed notation instead of ellipsis.


  • the following event emitters added to SzGraphFilterComponent
    • matchKeyTokenSelectionScopeChanged when the user switches from CORE to EXTRANEOUS match key token scope
  • the following getters and setters added to SzGraphFilterComponent
    • maxEntitiesLimit the maximum value that the slider control will allow. default is 200.
    • unlimitedMaxEntities ignore the maxEntities value and always pull up to 40000
    • unlimitedMaxScope ignore the buildOut value and always pull up to 10
  • the following getters and setters added to SzGraphComponent
    • unlimitedMaxEntities
    • unlimitedMaxScope
    • maxEntitiesFilterLimit
  • the following event emitters on SzGraphComponent
    • renderStarted not sure why this didn't exist since renderComplete did
    • dataLoading for more flexible state sensing
    • onPreflightRequestComplete so we can get the total relationship count to populate the maxEntitiesFilterLimit
  • the following properties/getters/setters added to SzRelationshipNetworkComponent
    • noMaxEntitiesLimit sets whether or not to ignore the value set in maxEntities
    • noMaxScopeLimit sets whether or not to ignore the value set in buildOut
  • the following event emitters added to SzRelationshipNetworkComponent
    • onTotalRelationshipsCountUpdated is emitted with the value of how many total relationships are possible to display according to the data in the focal entities related entities.
    • renderStarted wasn't wired correctly. works now
    • dataLoading when a data request has been initiated.
    • dataLoaded which is like requestComplete but instead of a boolean it returns the data response
  • the following preferences added to SzGraphPrefs
    • unlimitedMaxEntities
    • unlimitedMaxScope
  • getEntitiesByIds method added to SzSearchService to get data for multiple entities by their id's in the form of Observable<SzEntityData[]>


  • Changed the behavior of showCoreMatchKeyTokenChips to automatically set matchKeyTokenSelectionScope to CORE.
  • Changed the complete match key display to a comma deliminated list of tokens on each line for readability
  • Changed the shouldDataSourceBeDisplayed method in SzGraphFilterComponent to allow for passing an empty array to showDataSources so we can initialize with an empty list that will prevent showing datasources before the list is ready.
  • Changed the SzStandaloneGraphComponent component to initialize the value of showDataSources in the filter component to NOT initially show data sources until the data can be properly rendered. (prevents FOC, see above)
  • the following getters and setters added to SzGraphFilterComponent
    • maxEntities the maximum number of entities to display on the graph
  • the following changes made to SzRelationshipNetworkComponent
    • dataRequested changed to BehaviorSubject (lifecycle bugfix)
    • requestStarted fixed
    • requestComplete fixed
    • getNetwork signature changed to getNetwork(entityIds: SzEntityIdentifier[], maxDegrees: number, buildOut: number, maxEntities: number)
    • the following event emitters have been rewired so that they are just proxies of the observeable event streams for uniformity/reliability:
      • onRequestStarted
      • onRequestCompleted
      • onRenderStarted
      • onRenderCompleted
      • onNoResults
      • onDataRequested
      • onDataLoaded
      • onDataUpdated
      • scaleChanged

relevant tickets: #343 #344 #347 #348 #350 #355 #358

[5.0.0] - 2022-07-01

This release adds new functionality around expanding and collapsing related entities in Network Graph related components. We've moved the @senzing/sdk-graph-components to the scope of this package for easier maintenance and installation(now you just need this package instead of two). We're also adding the Why Not component that can be embedded between two or more entities to generate a report to show why two entities/records did not resolve.


  • The SzWhyEntitiesComparisonComponent added for doing WHY comparison between entities. Adds the ability to run "Why Not" Reports from within the context of the search results and graph.
  • The following input parameters added to SzSearchResultsComponent:
    • showWhyComparisonButton enables a multi-select button behavior for search results that when clicked allows a user to click to toggle selection of an entity in the results then click the button to show a WHY NOT report for differences between those two entities.
  • The follwing getters and setters added to SzEntityDetailComponent
    • showGraphContextMenu enables the built-in context menu for entity nodes on the graph embedded in the entity detail component.
    • showGraphLinkContextMenu enables the built-in context menu for relationship lines/labels on the graph embedded in the entity detail component.
    • graphMatchKeyTokenSelectionScope possible values are "CORE" and "EXTRANEOUS". core sets the scope of match key token filtering to just entities directly related to the focused/primary entity of the graph. defaults to EXTRANEOUS.
  • The following Event Emitters added to SzEntityDetailComponent
    • graphRelationshipContextMenuClick is emitted when a user right clicks on relationship lines/labels in the embedded graph component.
    • graphRelationshipClick is emitted when a user clicks on relationship lines/labels in the embedded graph component.
  • The following properties added to SzGraphComponent and are inheirited by SzStandaloneGraphComponent and SzEntityDetailGraphComponent.
    • matchKeyTokenSelectionScope possible values are "CORE" and "EXTRANEOUS". core sets the scope of match key token filtering to just entities directly related to the focused/primary entity of the graph. defaults to EXTRANEOUS.
  • The following methods added to SzGraphComponent and are inheirited by SzStandaloneGraphComponent and SzEntityDetailGraphComponent.
    • canRemoveNode(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) returns boolean if an entity on canvas can be removed(root nodes, and primary query nodes cannot).
    • canExpandNode(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) returns boolean if a node has hidden related entities that can be shown on canvas.
    • removeNode(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) removes a single node and any directly related nodes
    • collapseNode(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) hide all visible(expanded) entities related to a specific entity that are themselves not related to any other visible entities.
    • expandNode(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) show any entities that are related to a specific entity that are currently not on the canvas.
  • The following event emitters added to SzGraphComponent
    • relationshipContextMenuClick is emitted when a user right clicks on relationship lines/labels in the embedded graph component.
    • relationshipClick is emitted when a user clicks on relationship lines/labels in the embedded graph component.
  • The following methods added to SzEntityDetailComponent
    • isGraphEntityRemovable(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) can a specific entity node be removed from canvas.
    • showGraphEntityRelationships(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) show any entities that are related to a specific entity that are currently not on the canvas.
    • hideGraphEntityRelationships(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) hide all visible(expanded) entities related to a specific entity that are themselves not related to any other visible entities.
    • hideGraphEntity(entityId: SzEntityIdentifier) remove single node and any directly related nodes that are only related to the entity specified.
  • SzRelationshipNetworkComponent moved from @senzing/sdk-graph-components
  • SzRelationshipNetworkInputComponent moved from @senzing/sdk-graph-components
  • SzRelationshipNetworkLookupComponent moved from @senzing/sdk-graph-components
  • SzRelationshipPathComponent moved from @senzing/sdk-graph-components
  • The following methods added to SzRelationshipNetworkComponent
    • canExpandNode does a node have hidden related nodes that can be displayed.
    • expandNode show all hidden nodes related to the node specified.
    • canRemoveNode can a node be removed.
    • removeNode removes a single node, all it's related and/or both.
    • center centers the graph viewport.
    • addExistingNodeData used for data merge/transform operation.
    • addLinksToNodeData used for data merge/transform operation.
    • asEntityNetworkData gets the state of graph nodes/links as EntityNetworkData
    • onLinkClick when a user clicks on a relationship link line or label.
    • onLinkDblClick when a user double clicks on a relationship link line or label.
    • onLinkContextClick when a user right clicks on a relationship link line or label.
    • getNodeByIdQuery returns a D3.Selection of the node that matches the entity id provided.
    • getNodesByIdQuery returns a D3.Selection of the nodes that match the entity ids provided.
    • getHiddenNodeIds return an array of entity ids for nodes that exist on canvas but are not currently visible.
    • updateHiddenRelationshipCounts update the relationship count bubble inside a entity node with the value from numberRelatedHidden.
    • getRelatedNodesByIdQuery returns a D3.Selection of nodes that match the entity ids provided
    • updateIsHiddenForLinks ensure that a link node(line) is not visible if one of the connected nodes is not visible
    • getEntityNodeClass get the css classes as a space separate string to apply to an entity node.
    • getEntityLinkClass get the css classes as a space separate string to apply to an entity link node(line).
    • getEntityLinkLabelClass get the css classes as a space separate string to apply to an entity link node.
    • expandCollapseToggle toggles the collapsed or expanded nodes related to a node
    • updateHasCollapsedRelationships after a collapse or expand event all of the nodes on canvas's properties related to collapse/expand must be updated in order to calculate whether or not a node still has hidden related entities.
  • The following event emitters added to SzRelationshipNetworkComponent
    • relationshipClick when a user clicks on a relationship link line or label.
    • relationshipDblClick when a user double clicks on a relationship link line or label.
    • relationshipContextMenuClick when a user right clicks on a relationship link line or label.
    • onDataUpdated when new data is added to the store representing the state of the graph this event is emitted with the result of asEntityNetworkData()
    • onShowRelatedEntities event emitted when the user expands or collapses a entity nodes related nodes.
    • onHideRelatedEntities event emitted when the user expands or collapses a entity nodes related nodes.
  • Major refactoring around the draw mechanism inside SzRelationshipNetworkComponent.addSvg() method reorganized or rewritten. The following subroutines added:
    • getNodeVisibilityClass returns a array with the string of sz-node-state-hidden if node is supposed to be hidden. (used for css queries)
    • setNodePositionsAsCircle takes a selection of entity nodes and places their X,Y positions on an arc path(circle) around a central point.
    • applyPositionToNodes takes the X/Y values set on a node's data property and converts them to CSS transform properties
    • updateLinksForNodes when a node(s) position has changed this sub is called to keep the end of the link path attached to the node being moved
    • attachEventListenersToNodes attach internal handlers for things like click, drag, mouseover events to a selection of nodes so handlers are called.
    • stopEventListenersForNodes remove event handers for a selection of nodes
    • attachEventListenersToLinks attach internal handlers for things like click, drag, mouseover events to a selection of nodes so handlers are called.
    • polarToCartesian dependency for drawing concentric rings
    • describeArc dependency for drawing concentric rings
    • circleCoord dependency for drawing concentric rings
    • getRingSchemaForNodes gets a object describing a ring based drawing layout for nodes
    • drawNodesInRings takes a collection of entities and lays them out in increasing diameter along rings around an X and Y origin.
    • drawLinks draws the links between entity nodes on svg canvas
    • drawNodes draws the entity nodes on svg canvas
    • onExpandCollapseClick event handler for when a node's expand or collapsed glyph is clicked on.
  • SzRelationshipNetworkComponent.onNodeContextClick added the following to the contextMenuClick event emitter so the context menu could be positioned correctly.
    • eventPageX the x position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.
    • eventPageY the y position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.
  • SzRelationshipNetworkComponent.contextMenuClick
    • eventPageX the x position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.
    • eventPageY the y position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.


  • The following methods have been removed from SzRelationshipNetworkComponent
    • onSimulationCycle gravity simulation has been removed in favor or concentric ring algorithm.
    • unlockForcePosition gravity simulation has been removed in favor or concentric ring algorithm.
    • lockForcePosition gravity simulation has been removed in favor or concentric ring algorithm.
    • fade used to highlight directly related nodes by changing the opacity of all unrelated nodes
    • linkfade used to highlight directly related nodes by changing the opacity of all unrelated nodes
    • onNodeDragEnded no longer needed


  • _graphIds property on SzGraphComponent type changed from number[] to SzEntityIdentifier[]
  • graphIds property getter and setter on SzGraphComponent type changed from number[] to SzEntityIdentifier[]
  • reload method in SzGraphComponent parameter type changed to string | number | SzEntityIdentifier | SzEntityIdentifier[]
  • Major refactoring around the draw mechanism inside SzRelationshipNetworkComponent. Almost all of the routiines in addSvg method reorganized or rewritten. The following subroutines added
    • onNodeContextClick added the following to the contextMenuClick event emmitter so the context menu could be positioned correctly.
      • eventPageX the x position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.
      • eventPageY the y position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.
    • contextMenuClick
      • eventPageX the x position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.
      • eventPageY the y position on the page non-relative that the event occurred at.

relevant tickets: #280 #299 #302 #304 #307 #310 #311 #313 #315 #319 #321

[4.0.0] - 2022-05-09

This update brings the models in line with the changes for the 3.0.0 release of the senzing rest api server and rest api specification.


  • showMatchKeyFilters property added to sz-standalone-graph tag. specifying a value of false will hide the Filter By Match Key section of the embedded graph controls. (defaults to true)
  • showMatchKeyFilters property added to sz-graph-filter tag. specifying a value of false will hide the Filter By Match Key list of checkboxes. (defaults to true)
  • SzWhyEntityComponent component for displaying results from the api server's respective why endpoints(/entities/{entityId}/why).
  • parseSzIdentifier function added to src/lib/common/utils.ts
  • nonTextTrim function added to src/lib/common/utils.ts
  • SzWhySelectionMode
  • showWhyFunction input attribute added to SzEntityDetailComponent. Turns on the availability of "Why" related functions(Why button under icon, why buttons in the records section) in the entity detail component.
  • whySelectionMode input attribute added to SzEntityDetailComponent. Turns on the availability of "Why" related functions(Why button under icon, why buttons in the records section) in the entity detail component. values are NONE|SINGLE|MULTI
  • openWhyComparisonModalOnClick input attribute added to SzEntityDetailComponent. setting to false will mean that the integrator will be responsible for responding to "Why" events(recordsWhyButtonClick,headerWhyButtonClick), the component will no longer display a modal on click by default.
  • The following getters/setters, and methods to SzEntityDetailComponent
    • showRecordWhyUtilities - explicitly hide or show the why buttons on individual records.
    • showEntityWhyFunction - explicitly hide or show the why button under the icon.
    • onCompareRecordsForWhy() - is what is called when a recordsWhyButtonClick event is invoked.
    • onHeaderWhyButtonClick() - is what is called when a headerWhyButtonClick event is invoked.
  • The following event emitters to SzEntityDetailComponent
    • recordsWhyButtonClick - is emitted when a user clicks a why button from within the context of a record.
    • headerWhyButtonClick - is emitted when a user clicks a why button underneath the icon in the header.
  • The graph filters found in the SzStandaloneGraphComponent can now show a tag cloud of Match Key Tokens. If setting the showMatchKeyTokenFilters="true" you should also set the showMatchKeyFilters]="false" since the two options are exclusive and will interfere with proper function of the other.


  • the following methods removed SzAdminService
    • addEntityClasses()
    • addEntityTypes()
    • addEntityTypesForClass()
    • getCurrentConfig()
    • getDefaultConfig()
    • getEntityClass()
    • getEntityType()
    • getEntityTypeByClass()
    • listEntityClasses()
    • listEntityTypes()
    • listEntityTypesByClass()
  • the following parameters removed from SzAdminService.loadBulkRecords()
    • entityType
    • mapEntityTypes
    • mapEntityType
  • the following properties removed from SzBulkDataService
    • _entityTypes
    • entityTypeMap
    • entityTypes
  • the following event emitters from SzBulkDataService
    • onEntityTypesChange
    • onEntityTypeMapChange
  • the following methods removed from SzBulkDataService
    • updateEntityTypes()
    • getEntityTypeMapFromAnalysis()
    • changeEntityTypeName()
    • createEntityTypes()
  • the following parameters removed from SzBulkDataService.load()
    • entityTypeMap
  • SzEntityTypesService
  • SzSearchResultEntityData.matchScore property

[3.0.0] - 2021-12-17


  • Angular Framework Updated to version 13. As of 3.0.0 release this package now requires @angular@~13.0.0 to compile and run. Updating to angular 13 resolves major dependency compatibility issues so we can apply the latest security patches to the library. For information updating your project from a previous angular version to ~13.0.0 see the Angular Update Guide
  • SzSearchComponent.resultCleared event emitter payload is now of type void and not SzEntitySearchParams.
  • Small bugfix to properly clip the graph scale ui control when graph section in entity detail is collapsed.


  • Admin Import example and related code. The admin load functionality has been deprecated since there is just too much movement of the methodology and complexity used to achieve this functionality for it be practical to expose it via the sdk-components-ng package. For a working example of how to implement load and analyze functionality see the consuming Entity Search Web App repository.
  • Angular Schematics support. see #253

relevant tickets: #253 #252 #251 #250

[2.2.6] - 2021-11-23


  • SzEntityDetailGraphComponent
    • showZoomControl input setter for whether or not to show zoom controls.
    • showZoomControl getter for whether or not zoom controls are shown.
    • zoomControlPosition input setter for where the zoom control shows up on the embedded graph.
    • zoomControlPosition getter for where the zoom control shows up on the embedded graph.
    • graphZoom input setter for the current zoom level of the graph.
    • graphZoom getter for the current zoom level of the graph.
    • onGraphZoom() handler for proxying zoom state of graph component to local scope.
    • zoomIn() zooms the graph in.
    • zoomOut() zooms the graph out.
  • SzStandaloneGraphComponent
    • showZoomControl input setter for whether or not to show zoom controls.
    • showZoomControl getter for whether or not zoom controls are shown.
    • zoomControlPosition input setter for where the zoom control shows up on the embedded graph.
    • zoomControlPosition getter for where the zoom control shows up on the embedded graph.
    • graphZoom input setter for the current zoom level of the graph.
    • graphZoom getter for the current zoom level of the graph.
    • onGraphZoom() handler for proxying zoom state of graph component to local scope.
    • zoomIn() zooms the graph in.
    • zoomOut() zooms the graph out.
  • SzEntityDetailComponent
    • graphZoomControlPosition input setter for where the zoom control shows up on the embedded graph.
    • graphShowZoomControl input setter for whether or not to show zoom controls on embedded graph.

relevant tickets: #245 #240

[2.2.5] - 2021-11-01

  • Graph now allows the user to be able to show/hide entities on the graph control whos' relationships belong to specific match keys present in the graph in the filters control.
  • Search by Datasource/RecordId now gets the full SzEntityData instead of just the SzEntityRecord
  • Old behavior(to return just SzEntityRecord instead of SzEntityData) relocated from SzSearchService.getEntityByRecordId to SzSearchService.getRecordById
  • Various new CSS Variables added for styling granularity relevant to senzing-garage/entity-search-web-app#213

relevant tickets: #232 #233 #235

[2.2.4] - 2021-08-06

  • API Client package updated to version 2.3.0
  • Compatibility updates for Senzing OAS 2.7.0 specification
  • Compatibility updates for Senzing Rest Server@2.7.0
  • Preferences has several models added to facilitate stateful storage of Stream Loading features found in the [POC Server] extensions:
    • AdminStreamConnProperties, AdminStreamAnalysisConfig, AdminStreamLoadConfig, AdminStreamUploadRates in src/lib/models/data-admin.ts
    • SzAdminPrefs added to src/lib/services/sz-prefs.service.ts

relevant tickets: #204 #226

[2.2.3] - 2021-06-14

  • Passing additional or custom headers are necessary in certain operation scenario's, ie: passing X-Amz-Security-Token to a Cognito enabled API Gateway address after user authentication.
    • Methods added to SzConfigurationService :
      • addHeaderToApiRequests
      • removeHeaderFromApiRequests
    • Accessors added to SzConfigurationService :
      • additionalApiRequestHeaders
    • @Input() Accessor added to SzConfigurationComponent :
      • additionalHeaders
  • Code Cleanup (various commented out or unused variables removed)
  • Graph entity datasource colors are now reorderable via drag. Color with highest priority is shown when a graph entity belongs to multiple datasources.

relevant tickets: #111, #219, #223

[2.2.2] - 2021-03-17

  • Patch release for @angular@~11.0.0 compatibility. See #207

relevant tickets: #207

[2.2.1] - 2021-01-27

  • Entities with no "relatedEntities" present in data model cause blank UI on detail view

relevant tickets: #202

[2.2.0] - 2020-12-31

  • Select Identifiers in Search Form feature added. #191
  • Angular Material added to peerDependencies. #192
  • Package now supports basic install schematics: ng add @senzing/sdk-components-ng. #190

[2.1.2] - 2020-11-03

  • API Client package updated to the Senzing OAS 2.2.0 specification.
  • Web Components code integrated as a child project in to the the sdk-components-ng repository. see ticket #169. Documentation for @senzing/sdk-components-web now available here.
  • Bugfixes: #169, #170, #173, #174, #175, #176, #177, #178, #179, #180, #181

[2.1.1] - 2020-10-02

  • Bugfixes for graph node filtering, color application by datasource, tooltips, redraw and source race conditions.
  • Added Entity Id to entity detail component

relevant tickets: #162, #159, #152, #137

[2.1.0] - 2020-09-21

Maintenence release for framework upgrade to Angular 10: see

Major updates to most dependency versions have also been made which should improve file sizes, security, and stability.

The following Senzing projects have also been updated to operate on Angular 10, see the following links for associated tickets:

[2.0.0] - 2020-07-12

Compatibility release for interacting with the 2.0.0 senzing-rest-api-spec and senzing-api-server. For information on specifics of endpoint changes see below:

[1.3.0] - 2020-02-06

Added to 1.3.0

Added in components that can be used for bulk analysis and bulk loading. The components and services are specifically to facilitate admin functionality.

[1.2.0] - 2019-12-11

Added to 1.2.0

New "Search By Id" component, "record viewer" component, search history type-ahead, various bugfixes, rest-client updates, admin service, and basic folio models.

  • new components:
    • SzSearchByIdComponent Component
    • SzEntityRecordViewerComponent
  • new models/classes:
    • SzSearchByIdFormParams interface
    • SzAdminService
    • SzFolioItem
    • SzFolio
    • SzSearchParamsFolioItem extends SzFolioItem
    • SzSearchParamsFolio extends SzFolio
    • SzSearchHistoryFolioItem extends SzSearchParamsFolioItem
    • SzSearchHistoryFolio extends SzSearchParamsFolio
  • new services:
    • SzFoliosService
  • new events:
    • SzSearchService.parametersChanged
    • SzSearchService.resultsChanged
    • SzSearchService.searchPerformed
  • new dependencies:
    • ngx-json-viewer
  • new examples:
    • search-by-id
  • relevant tickets

[1.1.0] - 2019-11-11

Added to 1.1.0

  • pop out graph icon
  • new "example/search-in-graph" project to show search integrating directly with graph
  • new SzPrefDictComponent for displaying pref(s) that are object/key/value based(ie json object)
  • added dataSourceColors configuration to SzPreferencesComponent
  • added SzEntityDetailGraphFilterComponent
  • added SzStandaloneGraphComponent, a embeddable graph components designed to run in it's own context or near-to.
  • added new SzDataSourcesService class for retrieving the datasources from the api server instance.
  • modified existing SzGraphComponent code, adding all new properties to keep feature parity with SzStandaloneGraphComponent's implementation.
  • added new layout-rail layout for ... well, exactly what it sounds like, a rail version of the entity detail component.
  • relevant tickets

[1.0.9] - 2019-09-23

Added to 1.0.9

  • Added SzPrefsService
  • Added SzPreferencesComponent
  • CSS for responsive breakpoint(s) and/or reflow on narrow width
  • Various UI/UX layout bugfixes
  • Graph should reload on entityIdChange
  • Graph should collapse on 0 results
  • Include "other data" in records area.
  • Text highlighting no longer triggers click-thru
  • Search identifiers drop-down should auto-update on api config change
  • relevant tickets:

[1.0.8] - 2019-07-30

Added to 1.0.8

  • Graph decoupling
  • Graph enhancements
  • Bring graph dependency up to 0.0.4
  • smarter entity icon inference
  • fix for identifier searches sending the wrong parameter format to the api server
  • fix for PDF service ignoring filename parameter
  • relevant issues:

[1.0.7] - 2019-07-19

Added to 1.0.7

  • Allow title of At a Glance graph component to be set from outside
  • At a Glance now Relationships at a Glance
  • Consume version of sdk-graph-components with fixes for node drifting
  • Change Relationships at a Glance buildout to 1

[1.0.6] - 2019-07-11

Added to 1.0.6

  • added "print to PDF" service.
  • now uses separate sdk-graph-components package for embedded graphs.
  • Removed all graph components from package and moved code to /deprecated folder. will be removed in future release.
  • Update all graph component references to use separate package namespace
  • Changed default api server port to 8080, this way you can run the services directly against a default docker image of the senzing-api-server. factors in to e2e.
  • Updated documentation to reflect changes
  • Added better css classes to components to allow for more precise e2e test cases
  • bugfix for constant redraw issue on "possible matches" node #47
  • relevant issues:

[1.0.5] - 2019-06-05

Added to 1.0.5

fixes, features for:


  • D3 integration in to Entity Detail component as "At a Glance"
  • Src Path updates and refactoring to support automated building on windows
  • SzRelationshipNetworkInputComponent
  • SzRelationshipNetworkLookupComponent component
  • SzRelationshipNetworkUploadComponent component
  • remove extraneous div in sz-search markup
  • remove extra padding/margins from search component wrapper
  • add onKeyEnter handler to submit search when search button is hidden/not present
  • Add New CSS Theme Variables:
    • --sz-search-results-name-color
    • --sz-search-results-name-hover-color
    • --sz-search-results-name-font-weight
    • --sz-search-input-hover-border-color
    • --sz-search-input-focus-border-color
    • --sz-search-results-color
    • --sz-search-results-a-hover-color
    • --sz-search-results-name-color
    • --sz-search-results-name-hover-color
    • --sz-search-results-name-font-weight
    • --sz-search-results-name-min-width
    • --sz-search-results-transition