All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, markdownlint, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated to Senzing 3.10.3
- updated docker images
- removed stream-loader and queues
- move from init-postgres to init-database docker image
- Updated to Senzing 3.9.0
- updated docker images
- Updated to Senzing 3.6.0
- updated docker images
- Updated to Senzing 3.5.3
- updated docker images
- Updated to Senzing 3.5.2
- updated docker images
- Updated to Senzing 3.4.0
- Updated database parameters
- Updated to Senzing 3.3.1
- Updated to Senzing 3.3.0
- No further need for EFS, remove it
- map version selection to list of images
- Senzing License as environment variable #98
- Update to Senzing v3.2 #107
- Remove initContainer
- Remove EcsTaskDefinitionInstallSenzing
- Remove Apt image
- Update database version #109
- Update to be web-app-demo #111
- added SecondsBeforeTimeout setting
- updated to support different engine config depending on database config
- updated how we output image versions. there is apparently a new restriction: "Cannot export output ImageVersions with length 1205. Max length of 1024 exceeded."
- updated resource names to allow for 21 char stack names
- updated readme to reflect stack name character limit
- updated readme to include additional text.
- added image versions to stack output
- changed UserPoolDomain to include random suffix
- updated to Senzing version 3.1.0
- updated Docker images to latest stable
- no changes, release created to test automation
- update images to 3.0.0
- update Senzing version to 3.0.0
- migrated from yum to apt installer
- remove "-withinfo" for loader and redoer
- update dashboards
- update to 3.0.0 paths
- add new truth set
- create new truth set data sources
- update certificate python to 3.8 and add
to the
- redoer queue parameters: ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyRedoerLoader targetValue = 20
- add private API server URL
- Removed Jupyter
- removed flowlogs
- updated image versions
- updated to new yum image
- extended subnets
- Added XTERM env var
- Updated versions of docker images
- Updated policy to allow pulling images from private ECR
- Updated lambda function error reporting
- Initial version based on basic and database cluster