@prefix : . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @base . rdf:type owl:Ontology ; skos:definition """A minimalist ontology for magnitude and units of measure, without examples. Recent changes: revised annotations hasStandardUnit is not a sub property of hasUnitOfMeasure comment annotations are not part of the model and can be removed. rdfs:isDefinedBy annotations are not included. Author: Phil Blackwood""" . ################################################################# # Annotation properties ################################################################# ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition skos:definition rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#example skos:example rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel skos:prefLabel rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#scopeNote skos:scopeNote rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ################################################################# # Object Properties ################################################################# ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#categorizedBy :categorizedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "an existing gist 9.6.0 property (no change)" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#hasPrecision :hasPrecision rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:range :Magnitude ; skos:definition """Used to express the accuracy of a measurement. Informally, this is usually stated as \"plus or minus\" some value. For example, the weight is 519 kg, plus or minus 0.5 kg. More formally, many measurement methods have normally distributed errors. If the method is well-calibrated, the average error is zero. Under these conditions, if precision is defined to represent two standard deviations of the error, then \"plus or minus\" means \"with 95% probability\".""" ; skos:prefLabel "has precision" ; skos:scopeNote "The precision should use the same unit of measure as the measurement." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#hasStandardUnit :hasStandardUnit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( :Aspect :UnitOfMeasure ) ] ; rdfs:range :StandardUnit ; skos:definition "Relates a non-standard unit of measure, or an aspect, to a standard unit." ; skos:prefLabel "has standard unit" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#hasUnitOfMeasure :hasUnitOfMeasure rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:domain :Magnitude ; rdfs:range :UnitOfMeasure ; skos:definition "Identifies the unit of measure associated with a magnitude." ; skos:prefLabel "has unit of measure" . ################################################################# # Data properties ################################################################# ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#conversionFactor :conversionFactor rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:domain :UnitOfMeasure ; rdfs:range [ rdf:type rdfs:Datatype ; owl:unionOf ( xsd:double owl:rational ) ] ; skos:definition """Used to convert a unit of measure to its standard unit. The rule for converting from a non-standard unit of measure to a standard unit is: add the conversion offset (the default is zero) then multiply by the conversion factor To convert from a standard unit back to a non-standard unit: divide by the conversion factor then subtract the conversion offset (the default is zero)""" ; skos:example """To convert degrees Fahrenheit to kelvin, the conversion offset is 459.67 and the conversion factor is 5/9. 32 degF = ((32 + 459.67) x 5/9) K = 273.15 K""" , """To convert kilometers to meters, the conversion factor is 1000. 6 km = (6 x 1000) m""" , """To convert miles per hour to meters per second, the conversion factor is 0.44704 50 mph = (50 x 0.44704) m/s""" ; skos:prefLabel "conversion factor" ; skos:scopeNote """When adding a new unit of measure, look up the conversion factor online or convert individual components as in the following example: convert foot pound to kg meter start with foot x pound, and rewrite this with individual conversions: (foot to meter) x (pound to kg) 0.3048 x 0.4536 0.1383 is the conversion factor of foot pound to kg meter Example 2: watt hours per mile watt x hour / mile (watt to watt of power) x (hour to second) / (mile to meter) 1 x 3600 / 1609.344 2.237 is the conversion factor for wh/mi to ws/m You would use this is you wanted to compare watt hours per mile with watt hours per kilometer (efficiency of electric vehicles).""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#conversionOffset :conversionOffset rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:domain :UnitOfMeasure ; rdfs:range xsd:double ; rdfs:seeAlso "conversionFactor" ; skos:definition """Used to convert a unit of measure to its standard unit when their scales have different zero-points. Typically used with temperature scales.""" ; skos:prefLabel "conversion offset" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#numericalValue :numericalValue rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "New data property suggested by Michael Uschold." ; skos:definition "A numerical value (decimal, double, fraction, etc.)" ; skos:prefLabel "numerical value" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#symbol :symbol rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment """replacement for unitSymbol in gist 9.6.0 (more generic without sacrificing clarity)""" ; skos:definition """The standard symbol for a descriptor, with no special characters. For example, \"km\" for kilometer or \"F\" for force.""" ; skos:prefLabel "symbol" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#symbolHTML :symbolHTML rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment """replacement for unitSymbolHTML in gist 9.6.0 (more generic without sacrificing clarity)""" ; skos:definition "The symbol in HTML format, e.g. if Unicode is not available." ; skos:prefLabel "symbol HTML" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#symbolUnicode :symbolUnicode rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment """replacement for unitSymbolUnicode in gist 9.6.0 (more generic without sacrificing clarity)""" ; skos:definition """The symbol in Unicode format, e.g. to show exponents. When it is available, Unicode is preferred over HTML format.""" , "symbol Unicode" . ################################################################# # Classes ################################################################# ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#Aspect :Aspect rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Category ; skos:definition "A measurable characteristic such as the cycle time of a process, the height of an object, or the loyalty of a customer." ; skos:prefLabel "Aspect" ; skos:scopeNote """To make an aspect re-usable, its name should not include a type of thing or a unit. For example, instead of _road_miles use _length. An aspect can be related to a standard unit to help ensure consistency between aspects and units of measure.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#Category :Category rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "identical to Category in gist 9.6.0" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#Magnitude :Magnitude rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:equivalentClass [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :categorizedBy ; owl:someValuesFrom :Aspect ] [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :hasUnitOfMeasure ; owl:someValuesFrom :UnitOfMeasure ] [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :numericalValue ; owl:someValuesFrom [ rdf:type rdfs:Datatype ; owl:unionOf ( xsd:double owl:rational ) ] ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "Disjoint With: same as in gist 9.6.0" ; skos:definition """A quantity or amount of some measurable characteristic of a thing. For example, the height of the Eiffel Tower. A magnitude can be a measurement or a reference value. A magnitude is desribed by identifying the measurable characteristic (aspect), a unit of measure, and a numerical value. A precision can also be provided to describe the accuracy of the value.""" ; skos:prefLabel "Magnitude" ; skos:scopeNote """Magnitudes with the same unit of measure can be compared or used in calculations. For example: \"Joe is 2 inches taller than his father.\" \"We are 60% of the way to our goal.\" \"The average weight is 43.2 pounds.\" Use the aspects to help determine if a calculation or comparison makes sense. Sometimes values need to be converted to standard units first, e.g. to compare values in yards with values in miles, convert all the values to the standard unit meter.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#StandardUnit :StandardUnit rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :UnitOfMeasure ; rdfs:seeAlso "International System of Units" ; skos:definition """A standard unit provides a way to work with magnitudes recorded in different units. For example, to work with a mix of feet and kilometers, first convert to meters. A standard unit can be a simple unit like a meter, or it can be a unit created by combining simple units, like meters per second. gist adds two units (bit and US Dollar) to the base units of the International System of Units.""" ; skos:prefLabel "Standard Unit" ; skos:scopeNote """A best practice is for each standard unit to have a distinct physical meaning. For example, instead of watt, define watt-of-power and watt-of-radiant-flux as separate units. The cases where units can be subdivided this way are outlined in the Brochure of the International System of Units. Having a distinct physical meaning for each unit of measure can help prevent errors during calculations. The other way to ensure calculations are meaningful is to look at the aspects of the magnitudes. When creating a new standard unit, make sure it is not a duplicate by breaking it down to simple units as in the International System of Units, where a \"coherent unit\" can be written as a product of powers of base units. All standard units should be coherent. The base units are: ampere bit candela kelvin kilogram meter mole one second US Dollar""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#UnitOfMeasure :UnitOfMeasure rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "Disjoint With: same as in gist 9.6.0" ; skos:definition "A unit of measure such as feet, yards, meters, miles per hour, etc." ; skos:prefLabel "Unit of Measure" ; skos:scopeNote "Each unit of measure only needs to be defined once. Any magnitude that refers to it will \"snap together\" with the existing instance of the unit of measure." . ################################################################# # Individuals ################################################################# ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_USDollar :_USDollar rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for monetary value. Defined by gist to supplement the International System of Units.""" ; skos:scopeNote "Currency conversion rates vary over time." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_amount_of_data :_amount_of_data rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "The aspect of data that is measured in bits (standard unit)." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_ampere :_ampere rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for electrical current. From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_average :_average rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "An aspect of a set of numbers or magnitudes." ; skos:scopeNote """Magnitudes can be averaged if they have the same unit of measure. The unit of measure of the average is the same as that of the quantities averaged. If the magnitudes are in different units of measure, but have a common standard unit, convert them to the standard unit and then take the average. A magnitude that is an average has two aspects. For example, to record an average speed, there is one aspect for average and one for speed.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_bit :_bit rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for an amount of data. Defined by gist to supplement the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_candela :_candela rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for luminous intensity of light. From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_count :_count rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "The aspect of a collection that is measured by counting, with standard unit one." ; skos:scopeNote """May also be used with units of measure like dozen, pair, or ream. May be used in combination with average to express an average count.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_distance :_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "The spatial aspect that is measured in meters (standard unit)." ; skos:scopeNote "The term \"distance\" is used instead of the term \"length\" as in the International System of Units. This allows the term \"length\" to be used along with \"width\" and \"height\" to describe physical objects." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_duration :_duration rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "The aspect that is measured in seconds (standard unit)." ; skos:scopeNote "The term \"duration\" is used instead of \"time\" as in the International System of Units. This allows the term \"time\" be used for an instant of time, e.g. the time at which an event occurred." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_electrical_current :_electrical_current rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition """The aspect of electricity that is measured in amperes (standard unit). From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_kelvin :_kelvin rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for thermodynamic temperature. From the International System of Units.""" ; skos:scopeNote "The value 0 K is also called absolute zero." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_kilogram :_kilogram rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for mass. From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_luminous_intensity :_luminous_intensity rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition """The aspect of light that is measured in candelas (standard unit). From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_mass :_mass rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition """The aspect of a physical object that is measured in kilograms (standard unit). From the International System of Units.""" ; skos:scopeNote "Commonly used to describe weight as well as mass." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_meter :_meter rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for distance. From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_mole :_mole rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for the amount of a substance. From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_monetary_value :_monetary_value rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "The aspect of value that is measured in US Dollars (standard unit)." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_one :_one rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for _quantity. From the International System of Units.""" ; skos:scopeNote """The unit of measure for any aspect that is purely numeric such as a count or a ratio where the units cancel each other out. \"Our net promoter score was 8.4 last month.\" \"The collection has 412 items.\" \"The spacecraft is half-way to Mars.\" According the International System of Units, this unit of measure is typically not made explicit (it is included here for completeness). When the units of measure of a ratio cancel each other out, they can still be displayed if it helps clarify the meaning, e.g. m/m.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_precision :_precision rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "An aspect of a measurement method that indicates how much variability is introduced by random error. More precise methods have less random variability." ; skos:example """The length of a bridge is 3015 meters, measured by surveying methods. If we know the standard deviation of the measurement error is .01 m, then we would record the precision as .02 m as follows: \"length of bridge\" hasAspect _distance; decimalValue 3015 ; unitOfMeasure _meter ; hasPrecision [ magnitude of the precision ] . where the [ magnitude of the precison ]: \"precision of measurement of length of bridge\" hasAspect _precision ; decimalValue .02 ; unitOfMeasure _meter .""" ; skos:scopeNote """For most practical purposes, the precision can be thought of as fuzziness around an individual measurement. The precision is recorded with each measurement to reflect the precision of the method at the time the measurement was made. Gist uses the convention of defining precision as two standard deviations of the distribution of measurement error (measurement - true value). Compared to the definitions of the International System of Units, gist uses the traditional True Value Approach, assumes the measurement method is well-calibrated, and takes the perspective of an individual measurement. For applications requiring conformance to the more sophisticated concepts of the International System of Units, see the definitions of precision, trueness, and accuracy in the document JCGM 200: 2018 of the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_second :_second rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :StandardUnit ; skos:definition """The standard unit for duration of time. From the International System of Units.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_speed :_speed rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "The aspect of motion that is measured in meters per second (standard unit)." ; skos:scopeNote "The term \"speed\" is used instead of \"velocity\" as in the International System of Units. This allows the term \"velocity\" to be used to describe speed in a certain direction." . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_standard_deviation :_standard_deviation rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition "An aspect of a set of numbers or probability distribution that indicates variation." ; skos:scopeNote """The standard deviation can be calculated if the quantities all have the same unit of measure. The standard deviation has the same unit of measure as the quantities involed. If the magnitudes are in different units of measure, but have a common standard unit, convert them to the standard unit before doing the calculation.""" . ### https://ontologies.semanticarts.com/pdb/magnitude#_temperature :_temperature rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Aspect ; skos:definition """The aspect of a physical substance measured by degrees kelvin (standard unit). The International System of Units refers to this aspect as thermodynamic temperature.""" . ### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi