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How to make a release?

Considering the main project repository is setup as "upstream" remote for git...

  1. Pull and check dependencies are there.
git pull upstream `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
pip install -U pip wheel twine git-semver medikit
  1. Update version.txt with the new version number
VERSION_FILE=`python --name | sed s@\\\.@/@g`/
git fetch upstream --tags
echo "__version__ = '"`git semver --next-patch`"'" > $VERSION_FILE

And maybe update the frozen dependencies and makefile content (medikit managed projects only)

make update-requirements

Generate a changelog...

git log --oneline --no-merges --pretty=format:"* %s (%an)" `git tag | tail -n 1`..

And paste it to project changelog, then format a bit. Everything that only concerns non-code stuff should be removed (documentation, etc.) and maybe some commits grouped so it's more readable for an human, and more logically organized than the raw git log.

vim docs/changelog.rst

If you have formating to do, now is the time...

QUICK=1 make format && git add -p .
  1. Run a full test, from a clean virtualenv
make clean install test docs
  1. Create the git release
git commit -m "release: "`python --version`
git tag -am `python --version` `python --version`

# Push to origin
git push origin `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` --tags

# Push to upstream
git push upstream `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` --tags
  1. (open-source) Create the distribution in a sandbox directory & upload to PyPI (multi python versions).
pip install -U twine; (VERSION=`python --version`; rm -rf .release; mkdir .release; git archive `git rev-parse $VERSION` | tar xf - -C .release; cd .release/; for v in 3.5 3.6 3.7; do pip$v install -U wheel; python$v sdist bdist_egg bdist_wheel; done; twine upload dist/*-`python --version`*)

And maybe, test that the release is now installable...

(name=`python --name`; for v in 3.5 3.6 3.7; do python$v -m pip install -U virtualenv; python$v -m virtualenv -p python$v .rtest$v; cd .rtest$v; bin/pip --no-cache-dir install $name; bin/python -c "import $name; print($name.__name__, $name.__version__);"; cd ..; rm -rf .rtest$v; done; )

Note that for PRERELEASES, you must add --pre to pip install arguments.

(name=`python --name`; for v in 3.5 3.6 3.7; do python$v -m pip install -U virtualenv; python$v -m virtualenv -p python$v .rtest$v; cd .rtest$v; bin/pip --no-cache-dir install --pre $name; bin/python -c "import $name; print($name.__name__, $name.__version__);"; cd ..; rm -rf .rtest$v; done; )
  1. (private) Build containers, push and patch kubernetes
make release push rollout
  1. (private, old gen) Deploy with capistrano
cap (pre)prod deploy

All this process is currently being migrated to "medikit pipelines" (alpha feature).

medikit pipeline release start

Use at own risks