A Collection of Github Repository Useful for Web and Blockchain Developers. If I Found Useful One Next time I'll Add it here.
🎉 Credits To All Github Account Holders 👏 Thanks For Creating Knowledgeble and Useful Github Repositories.
- Become-A-Full-Stack-Web-Developer
- fullstack-web-developer-path
- design-resources-for-developers - Html, css Templates etc.,
- webDevsCom - Goto website in description - Portfolio's, Git Repositories etc., - All kinds of resources for Developers
- Developer Road Map
- 30-Seconds-Of-Code
- Awesome-Cheatsheets
- CSS-Protips
- css-reference
- magic-of-css
- awesome-css-grid
- Gridgarden - A game for learning CSS grid layout
- 33-JS-Concepts
- You-Dont-Know-JS
- Front-End-Checklist
- Front-End-Performance-Checklist
- Front-End-Design-Checklist
- Project-checklist - A checklist of things to do before releasing your project
- Clean-Code-Javascript
- Javascript-algorithms
- Modern Web-Dev
- Web-dev for Beginners
- Essential Javascript Links
- twbs/bootstrap: The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- Frontend Development - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
- How-web-works
- jwasham/awesome-cheatsheet: awesome cheatsheet
- bradtraversy/50projects50days: 50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS
- bradtraversy/vanillawebprojects: Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries
- lauragift21/awesome-learning-resources: 🔥 Awesome list of resources on Web Development.
- lmas3009/cleandocs-template: A documentation template built using HTML, Tailwindcss, and Javascript
- joelthorner/doc-template: Dev documentation template (one file)
- markodenic/web-development-resources: Awesome Web Development Resources.
- inazense/Useful-devs-awesome-list: Awesome list with useful resources for developers
- swup - Complete, flexible, extensible and easy to use page transition library for your static web.
- Public-API's - A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
- Awsome Interview Questions - A curated list of lists of technical interview questions.
- Coding-interview-university: A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- Everything you need to prepare for your technical interview
- Javascript-Questions
- Front End Interview questions
- tech-interview-handbook: 💯 Curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers
- Computer-Science-Resources: A list of resources in different fields of Computer Science (multiple languages)
- Computer Science Papers - Security Data Science Papers, Best Paper Awards in Computer Science etc.,
- awesome-deep-learning-papers
- Technical-Subjects: The Repository Contains All the Technical Stuff's Related To SDE
- angular-interview-questions
- reactjs-interview-questions
- Everything you need to know to get the job.
- cs-job-advice
- InterviewGuide
- fishercoder1534/Leetcode: Solutions to LeetCode problems; updated daily. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more.
- IDeserve/learn: Algorithms, Data Structures, Programming Interviews
- VGraupera/1on1-questions: Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
- FAQGURU/FAQGURU: A list of interview questions. This repository is everything you need to prepare for your technical interview.
- dipakkr/A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students: ✅ Curated list of resources for college students
- Twipped/InterviewThis: An open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers
- ErikCH/DevYouTubeList: List of Development YouTube Channels
- Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit
- every-programmer-should-know
- App-ideas - Use Pull Request for more Ideas.
- Free-programming-books and Free-Subject-books
- Github Cheetsheet
- 100 days of ML code
- Learn Go
- Free For Developers
- The Art of command Line
- The Algorithms
- algorithms - Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python.
- Project-based-learning: Curated list of project-based tutorials
- minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings: The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
- you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Loops: Avoid The One-off Problem, Infinite Loops, Statefulness and Hidden intent.
- Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics - Everything at one place😎
- Awesome-hackathon-projects: This is a curated list of amazing hackathon projects
- Awesome-python: A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- Awesome Deep Learning
- Awesome Software and Architectural Design Patterns - A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
- Awesome CV - Create CV's.
- Awesome Remote Job - A curated list of awesome remote working resources.
- Awesome-raspberry-pi
- Awesome-osint - useful websites: A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
- Awesome-Windows/Awesome: 🎉 An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.
- Awesome-android: A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
- Awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- Awesome-github-profile-readme: 😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile READMEs 📝
- Awesome CTO - A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups
- Awesome TPM - A curated and opinionated list of resources for Technical Program Managers
- kamranahmedse/githunt: Hunt the most starred projects on any date on GitHub
- tandpfun/skill-icons: Showcase your skills on your Github readme or resumé with ease ✨
- git-tips/tips: Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
- ossu/computer-science - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- cs-video-courses
- ForrestKnight/open-source-cs: The Open Source Computer Science Degree
- Free Courses - Awesome CS Courses.
- degoogle - A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links.
- agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps: 🖥 📊 🕹 🛠 A curated list of command line apps
- k4m4/terminals-are-sexy: 💥 A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.
- rzashakeri/beautify-github-profile at producthunt
- iptv-org/iptv: Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
- Hash node blog card
- Selenium Documentation
- Selenium Documentation Example
- Automatic-Udemy-Course-Enroller Code for scraping
- Awesome-regression-testing
- java-multithreading
- MultithreadRestaurant
- MultiThreading-Codes
- Vedenin/useful-java-links: A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples
- Testing bookmarks
- Open source test scripter and more in its repositories.
- Mastering Ethereum - Book
- A Decentralised Privacy-Preserving Communication Protocol
- Web 3.0 vault
- Web 3 Newbies
- Web 3.0 Resources and Road to 3.0
- A list of tools, libs and resources to help you build awesome dapps
- Twitter like Web 3 project
- Learn Blockchains by Building One
- Blockchain Solidity Course
- list of resources for the development and applications of block chain
- Mist browser is the tool of choice to browse and use Ðapps.
- Blockchain Learning Path
- Blockchain Papers
- A collection of peer-to-peer decentralized projects
- Learn_Blockchain_in_2_months
- dappuniversity/music_nfts
- themanavshah/DApp-template: A DApp template created based on my instagram post.
- themanavshah/BlockChain-Security-List: BlockChain-Security-List
- irungentoo/toxcore: The future of online communications.
- hackerkid/Awesome-P2P: Curated list of awesome Peer to Peer projects
- Awesome-ipfs: Useful resources for using IPFS and building things on top of it
- Anonymous chatting and many more security related items.
- how-to-secure-anything: A repository about security engineering.
- Awesome-hacking: A curated list of awesome Hacking tutorials, tools and resources
- Awesome-honeypots: an awesome list of honeypot resources
- Awesome-malware-analysis: Defund the Police.
- Awesome-pentest: A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
- Awesome-raspberry-pi: 📝 A curated list of awesome Raspberry Pi tools, projects, images and resources
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- Awesome-web-security: 🐶 A curated list of Web Security materials and resources.
- ashishb/android-security-awesome: A collection of android security related resources
- Lissy93/personal-security-checklist: 🔒 A curated checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2021
- Awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam: 🛡️ A curated collection of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for cybersecurity blue teams.
- Free-Security-eBooks: Free Security and Hacking eBooks
- aydinnyunus/Keylogger: Get Keyboard,Mouse,ScreenShot,Microphone Inputs from Target Computer and Send to your Mail.
- Awesome-security-hardening: A collection of awesome security hardening guides, tools and other resources
- Awesome-cyber-security: A collection of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cools stuffs about security.
- WifiPassword-Stealer: Get All Registered Wifi Passwords from Target Computer.
- Hacking Tool: All in One.
- Awesome Hacking - A collection of awesome lists for hackers, pentesters & security researchers.
- Awesome Penetration Testing - A collection of awesome penetration testing and offensive cybersecurity resources.
- PayloadsAllTheThings - A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF.
- ismailyyildirim/Security_list
- Awesome-forensics: A curated list of awesome forensic analysis tools and resources
- WebHackersWeapons: ⚔️ Web Hacker's Weapons / A collection of cool tools used by Web hackers.
- Ethical-Hacking-Tools: Complete Listing and Usage of Tools used for Ethical Hacking
- shubhamg0sai/phone-number-tracker
- The-Complete-Practical-Certified-Ethical-Hacking-Course-in-English
- Hacker-roadmap: A collection of hacking tools, resources and references to practice ethical hacking.
- Be-a-hacker: roadmap for being a self-taught hacker
- Awesome-Ethical-Hacking-Resources: 🔗 All the resources I could find for learning Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.
- Manisso/fsociety: fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
- naimkowshik/LBFH: All in one tool for Information Gathering, Vulnerability Scanning and Crawling. A must have tool for all penetration testers
- Awesome-hacker-search-engines: A list of search engines useful during Penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, red team operations, bug bounty and more
- ytdl-org/youtube-dl: Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
- Hacker-laws: 💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws
- Awesome-mobile-security: An effort to build a single place for all useful android and iOS security related stuff.