### :exclamation: [Note] This project is deprecated and will be continued by [https://github.com/VitaliiBlagodir/cordova-plugin-datepicker](https://github.com/VitaliiBlagodir/cordova-plugin-datepicker) # DatePicker iOS Plugin for using PhoneGap / Cordova 3.0 This is a re-write of the iOS DatePicker plugin hosted on [https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iOS/DatePicker](https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iOS/DatePicker) to run with PhoneGap/Cordova 3.0. It includes [more options](#options) and it is ready for using on iPhone and iPad. _Note:_ iOS6 only! For using iOS7 checkout the [ios7 branch](https://github.com/sectore/phonegap3-ios-datepicker-plugin/tree/ios7) ## Screen shots ### iPhone  ### iPad  ## Installation 1) Make sure that you have [Node](http://nodejs.org/) and [Cordova CLI](https://github.com/apache/cordova-cli) or [PhoneGap's CLI](https://github.com/mwbrooks/phonegap-cli) or [Cordova Plugman](https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugman/) installed on your machine. Also you will need Xcode v.4.2 or newer to support the feature called ["Automatic Reference Counting"](http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/WhatsNewXcode/Articles/xcode_4_2.html) 2) Add a plugin to your project using [Cordova CLI](https://github.com/apache/cordova-cli): ```bash cordova plugin add https://github.com/sectore/phonegap3-ios-datepicker-plugin ``` Or using [PhoneGap CLI](https://github.com/mwbrooks/phonegap-cli): ```bash phonegap local plugin add https://github.com/sectore/phonegap3-ios-datepicker-plugin ``` Or using [plugman CLI](https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugman#command-line-usage): ```bash plugman --platform ios --project ./platforms/ios --plugin https://github.com/sectore/phonegap3-ios-datepicker-plugin ``` 3a) Register plugin within `config.xml` of your app ```xml <feature name="DatePicker"> <param name="ios-package" value="DatePicker"/> </feature> ``` 3b) If you are using [PhoneGap build service](https://build.phonegap.com/) add to `config.xml` ```xml <gap:plugin name="de.websector.datepicker" /> ``` 4) The `clobber` definition of the plugin is called `datePicker`. So you can reference to the plugin from anywhere in your code. Example: ```js // defining options var options = { date: new Date(), mode: 'date' }; // calling show() function with options and a result handler datePicker.show(options, function(date){ console.log("date result " + date); }); ``` Check section ["Options"](#options) below to see all options. ## Options ### mode The mode of the date picker. Typ: `String` Values: `"date"` / `"time"` / `"datetime"` Default: `'datetime'` ### date Selected date. Typ: `String` Default: `new Date()` ### allowOldDates Shows or hide dates earlier then selected date. Typ: `Boolean` Values: `true` / `false` Default: `true` ### allowFutureDates Shows or hide dates after selected date. Typ: `Boolean` Values: `true` / `false` Default: `true` ### minDate (new) Minimum date. Typ: `Date` or empty `String` Default: `''` (empty String) ### maxDate (new) Maximum date. Typ: `Date` or empty `String` Default: `''` (empty String) ### doneButtonLabel (new) Label of done button. Typ: `String` Default: `'Done'` ### doneButtonColor (new) Hex color of done button. Typ: `String` Default: `'#0000FF'` ### cancelButtonLabel (new) Label of cancel button. Typ: `String` Default: `'Cancel'` ### cancelButtonColor (new) Hex color of cancel button. Typ: `String` Default: `'#000000'` ### x (new) X position of date picker (iPad only). The position is absolute to the root view of the application. Typ: `String` Default: `'0'` ### y (new) Y position of date picker (iPad only). The position is absolute to the root view of the application. Typ: `String` Default: `'0'` ## Requirements - PhoneGap 3.0 or newer /Cordova 3.0 or newer - iOS 5/6 ## Author of migration to PhoneGap 3.0 Jens Krause // [WEBSECTOR.DE](http://www.websector.de) [](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")