Development Source: [Unknown]
APFS (Apple File System) is one of the 5 default file systems used in WacOS. If you intend to switch to MacOS 11.0 or higher, this is a recommended file system.
It is recommended to only use this file system if you intend a possibility to switch to MacOS 11.0 or higher and still want to remain Linux compatible.
The current limitations of this file system is the 8 Exbibytes limit, which is fine for most systems, but it also isn't compatible with MacOS 10.11 and below, and Windows 10.
The file system is currently proprietary, and will need to be reverse-engineered to be able to work with Linux.
Written on: 2021 Saturday September 18th at 9:51 pm
Last revised on: 2021 Saturday September 18th at 9:51 pm
File format Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)
Article version: 1 (Saturday September 18th at 9:51 pm)