
# Security Policy

## Supported Versions

This project is a Git-image project, and doesn't have security issues like common repositories. They are still possible, and instructions will be listed below.

## Version history

| Version | Supported          | Support status |
| ------- | ------------------ |-----------------|
| Versions | not | listed yet |
| v1.0.0    | :heavy_check_mark: | NOT YET RELEASED |

## Reporting a Vulnerability


Please instead direct message me via GitHub. If there is no response within 90 days, you can post the vulnerability as an issue, as part of the standard 0 day security exploit reporting guidelines.

If a vulnerability is caused by an outdated dependancy, you can report it publicly, as it usually isn't that much of a problem.

Other security currently isn't available. If there are any further questions, message me via email at [seanpm2001-mailing-list@protonmail.com](mailto:seanpm2001-mailing-list@protonmail.com)


## File info

**File type:** `Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`

**File version:** `1 (2022, Thursday, May 19th at 3:05 pm PST)`

**Line count (including blank lines and compiler line):** `72`


## File history

<details><summary><p>Click/tap here to expand/collapse the history for this file</p></summary>

**Version 1 (2022, Thursday, May 19th at 3:05 pm PST)**

> Changes:

> * Started the file

> * Added the supported versions section

> * Added the version history section

> * Added the reporting a vulnerability section

> * Added the file info section

> * Added the file history section

> * No other changes in version 1

**Version 2 (Coming soon)**

> Changes:

> * Coming soon

> * No other changes in version 2

