RequestDispatcher *
- could use isAssignableFrom to determine if pipeline behavior should be executed
- Look to see how spring does application event as it should be very similar in that
- you register application event listeners/handlers that can handle certain types
- and spring routes them appropriately
- ApplicationListener
- // TODO: Axon SimpleCommandBus has a subscribe method to register handlers for requests. // I should add that as the default with the others way to register via class scanning, etc. // That should likely into a default RequestHandlerProvider
Best way to handle handling subscriptions/registering handlers across different frameworks?
open issue for OutputCapture in junit-pioneering repo to see if its worth adding there
// @Test // public void t(OutputCapture outputCapture) { // // } -
Blog about testing logging AppenderList vs mocking
//import org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter;
public void setUp() {
behavior = new LoggingPipelineBehavior();
pipelineChain = mock(PipelineChain.class);
// Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingPipelineBehavior.class);
// Field loggerField = logger.getClass().getDeclaredField("logger");
// ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(loggerField);
// mockLogger = mock( org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ExtendedLogger.class);
// loggerField.set(logger, mockLogger);
public void canLogNullReturnValue() {
// PipelineChain pipelineChain = mock(PipelineChain.class);
// Logger logger = mock(Logger.class);
// LoggingPipelineBehavior behavior = new LoggingPipelineBehavior(logger);
// LoggingPipelineBehavior behavior = new LoggingPipelineBehavior();
Ping request = new Ping();
Object response = behavior.handle(request, pipelineChain);
// verify(logger, times(1)).info(any(String.class), eq(request));
// verify(logger, times(1)).info(any(String.class), eq(response));
// verifyNoMoreInteractions(logger);
verify(mockLogger, times(1)).info(any(String.class), eq(request));
verify(mockLogger, times(1)).info(any(String.class), eq(response));
// verify(mockLogger, atLeast(1)).isInfoEnabled();
// verify(mockLogger, times(2)).log(any(String.class), any(Priority.class), contains("[StubMessage]"),
// any());
// verify(mockLogger).log(any(String.class), any(Priority.class), and(contains("[StubMessage]"),
// contains("[null]")), any());
// verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockLogger);
public void canLogCustomReturnValue() {
Ping request = new Ping();
PipelineChain pipelineChain = mock(PipelineChain.class);
when(pipelineChain.doBehavior()).thenReturn(new Pong("Hello"));
Logger logger = mock(Logger.class);
LoggingPipelineBehavior behavior = new LoggingPipelineBehavior(logger);
Object response = behavior.handle(request, pipelineChain);
verify(logger, times(1)).info(any(String.class), eq(request));
verify(logger, times(1)).info(any(String.class), eq(response));
public void shouldNotLogReturnWhenExceptionOccurs() {
Ping request = new Ping();
PipelineChain pipelineChain = mock(PipelineChain.class);
when(pipelineChain.doBehavior()).thenThrow(new RuntimeException());
Logger logger = mock(Logger.class);
LoggingPipelineBehavior behavior = new LoggingPipelineBehavior(logger);
try {
behavior.handle(request, pipelineChain);
fail("exception should propagate to caller");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// expected
verify(logger, times(1)).info(any(String.class), eq(request));