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73 lines (53 loc) · 4.03 KB


ValetPress allows for the quick installation and configuration of WordPress install for local development and testing. The idea of this script was inspired by the script that @AaronRutley originally created ( but has been written from the ground up to provide cleaner code, as well as adding/removing features that I felt were or were not necessary for my daily usage.


The script itself uses Laravel Valet and WP-CLI to speed up the creation of a WordPress install on your local system. Before @AaronRutley demoed his script to me I was using MAMP, and/or manually setting up installs on my computer which was far more time-consuming than his script was.


While the original script works great… I got bored and decided to rewrite it for my own needs.


  • Create a fresh WordPress site in a few seconds
  • Download, Install and activate WordPress
  • Auto-login to the new WordPress install
  • Easily delete the WordPress install(s)

To install

  1. Setup Laravel Valet / MySQL Instructions
  2. Download / Clone this repo into a directory such as ~/Scripts/valetpress
  3. Include the vp script in your .bash_profile or .zshrc file
  4. A Brewfile is included to help with the dependencies that are needed. brew bundle
  5. Update the config.json file to reflect your needed settings. (see the 'Config Explained' section below)

Available Commands:

vp create or vp -c

  • Download WordPress into a directory like ~/Sites/myproject as specified in the config.json
  • Setup the database called myproject & configure the install
  • Create a user admin with the password password
  • Have myproject.test running in just a few seconds

vp delete or vp -d

  • Lists all ValetPress installations
  • Will ask for the name of the project you would like to delete
  • Ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the project
  • Deletes the database for that project
  • Deletes the directory for that project

vp help of vp -h

  • Will display a summary of available commands

Config Explained

  • wp_admin_email is used as the admin email address for new WP installs.
  • wp_admin_user is used as the username for new WP installs. If changed you must update the username in the ValetPress plugin
  • wp_admin_password is used as the password for new WP installs. If changed you must update the password in the ValetPress plugin
  • sites_folder is a directory that you've run valet park in to serve sites.
  • open_browser if set to 1 a browser will auto-open after the install completes, 0 will make so that it doesn't
  • browser you can set the default browser such as Safari, Google Chrome, etc
  • valet_domain Default is set to test but you can change this to whatever you use for Valet, this can be adjusted by using valet domain TLDTOUSE
  • plugins_add Plugins that you wish to install/activate on each new install
  • plugins_remove Plugins that you wish to remove from the default installs
  • auto_update Enabled auto-updates to core, plugin and theme. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
  • php Specify the location of PHP
  • valet Specify the location of Laravel Valet
  • wpcli Specify the location of WP-CLI


Below you will find a list of all required system files in order for ValetPress to properly work.

  • Valet - With out this sites will not load
  • MySQL or MariaDB - Needed for WordPress
  • Homebrew - Used for installing MySQL/PHP/etc
  • jq - Used for reading the config file
  • WP-CLI - Needed to complete WordPress installs.

Note: You will need to add the ValetPress directory to your $PATH in your .bash_profile or .zshrc so that you can run the vp command from anywhere on your computer.