This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 1.0.x patch versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the commit hash. To get the diff between two versions, go to where XXX and YYY are the older and newer versions, respectively.
To generate a changelog summary since the last version, run
git log --no-merges --oneline XXX...1.0.x
- 74cc098 Respect $options when $server is null in Connection constructor
- f8a382d Add driver 1.4.5 and 1.5.1 to test matrix
- 251ae2b Add PHP 5.6 and no longer allow failures for 5.5 builds
- 30aa713 Collection::ensureIndex() should convert write options (fixes #168)
- f781f2b Update issues/releases links in README
- 8d697ad Fix Query construction in EagerCursor preparation test
- ac1ca70 Use current() in EagerCursor::getSingleResult()
- 91429c0 Revert "Allow string or array Cursor::hint() argument"
- 3bddf57 Fix getMockCursor doc blocks in EagerCursor and Query tests
- acf548c Allow string or array Cursor::hint() argument
- 5b85faf EagerCursor::getSingleResult() should return null for no results
- 204b326 EagerCursor::getSingleResult() should always return first element
- 0253ded Split EagerCursorTest into unit and functional tests
- 4f06d4c Fixed pre and post CreateCollection dispatching
- 4a8822b: Cursor::getSingleResult() should not use keys in toArray()
- fabcf49: Allow 1.5.x driver versions in composer.json
- c7b6ef9: Convert "safe" write option to "w" for drivers 1.3.0+
- 89c7f44: Check for null $mongo property in Connected::getStatus()
- 9b71337: Support MongoClient in Connection::isConnected()
- 009ea85: Remove executable bit from class files
- f70e2a7: Remove code duplication in LoggableCursor and make docs consistent
- d68f7bd: Make Cursor return values consistent with MongoCursor
- 8bf686d: Clean up Cursor and EagerCursor docs and tests
- 531dc00: Allow 1.4.x driver versions in composer.json
- bcdf464: Test driver 1.3.7 and PHP 5.5 in Travis
- cbd7ad9: Force driver install for Travis, and test against 1.3.4
- ec10f4d: Test MongoCursor read preferences via slaveOkay()
- 1592926: Add missing use statement in Cursor class
- 1432c87: Test latest Mongo driver in Travis CI builds
- 24a1e89: Make ReadPreferenceTest skip message consistent
- 51805f8: Skip test if mongo pecl extension is < 1.3.0
- adf94c7: Only convert tag sets if necessary for setReadPreference()
- a0534a0: Only convert numeric read preference types (driver <=1.3.2)
- b317c8e: Fix bad reference to exception class in ReadPreference