'model_class': 'illumina', # This tells Mitty which model class to use
'model_description': 'My model', # This will be printed in the one page figure describing the model. Good for record keeping
'bq_mat': None, # numpy.array with shape (2, L, 94) storing BQ distribution
'cum_bq_mat': None, # numpy.array with shape (2, L, 94) storing normalized cumulative BQ distribution
'tlen': None, # numpy.array with shape (tmax,) giving distribution of template lengthts
'cum_tlen': None, # numpy.array with shape (tmax,) storing normalized cumulative distribution of template lengthts
'mean_rlen': L, # These are all L, the length of the read
'max_rlen': L,
'min_rlen': L,
L = length of the read tmax = the maximum template length we allow
To gain an intuition of what these parameters mean please see the read model description
figures, study the synthetic model generator code (mitty/simulation/sequencing/syntheticsequencer.py
and the Illumina read model code (mitty/simulation/illumina.py