# Specify the base docker image FROM rcarmo/ubuntu-python # Upgrade pip RUN /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip # Install pipenv to manage python libraries and dependencies RUN pip install pipenv # Create app directory WORKDIR ../app # Copy pipenv files COPY ["Pipfile", "Pipfile.lock", "./"] # Install python libraries RUN pipenv install --system --deploy # Download and install Pfeature Python library, which is used to calculate # molecular features RUN apt clean && apt update && apt install unzip -y RUN wget https://github.com/raghavagps/Pfeature/raw/master/PyLib/Pfeature.zip RUN unzip Pfeature.zip WORKDIR Pfeature RUN python setup.py install # Copy files required to run the model WORKDIR ../ COPY ["predict.py", "ExtraTreesClassifier_maxdepth50_nestimators200.bin", "./"] # Expose port to run the app EXPOSE 9696 # Run gunicorn to manage web service in deployment properly ENTRYPOINT ["gunicorn", "--bind=", "predict:app"]