for development install python/dev dependencies pip install -r requirements-dev.txt build js lib npm run build:lib test (python) TODO py.test test (js) TODO npm test develop with jupyterlab jupyter labextension install . develop with jupyter notebook jupyter nbextension install --sys-prefix --symlink --overwrite --py pandas_sanddance jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py pandas_sanddance release Makse sure install dev dependencies of python pip install -r requirements-dev.txt Make a release commit, where you remove the , 'dev' entry in Update the version in package.json Relase the npm packages: npm login npm publish Bundle the python package: python sdist bdist_wheel Publish the package to PyPI: twine upload dist/pandas_sanddance* Tag the release commit (git tag <python package version identifier>) Update the version in, and put it back to dev (e.g. 0.1.0 -> Update the versions of the npm packages (without publishing). Commit the changes. git push and git push --tags.