To document the Cloud Foundry user experience.
- Make a plan for regular reviews and updates
- Update and maintain READMEs for all docs repos
- Update and maintain CF book repo/Table of Contents
- Update and maintain contribution guidelines
- Merge and edit all doc changes
- Update with the latest best practices for SEO and inclusive language
- Maintain internal consistency of doc style, including Notes and tables, for example
- Remove out-dated information (ongoing)
- Advise contributors on best practices
- Be responsible for component level documentation (e.g. Cloud Controller v3 docs).
name: Documentation
- name: Anita Flegg
github: anita-flegg
- name: Anita Flegg
github: anita-flegg
bots: []
- name: Docs
- name: Anita Flegg
github: anita-flegg
- name: Samia Nneji
github: snneji
- name: Paul Spinrad
github: pspinrad
- cloudfoundry/docs-book-cloudfoundry
- cloudfoundry/docs-cf-admin
- cloudfoundry/docs-loggregator
- cloudfoundry/docs-running-cf
- cloudfoundry/docs-bbr
- cloudfoundry/docs-credhub
- cloudfoundry/docs-uaa
- cloudfoundry/docs-buildpacks
- cloudfoundry/docs-cf-cli
- cloudfoundry/docs-cloudfoundry-concepts
- cloudfoundry/docs-dev-guide
- cloudfoundry/docs-services
- cloudfoundry/docs-credhub
- cloudfoundry/docs-dotnet-core-tutorial