The Combat Covid Application -
Runs on Dart, Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Avinash -
Sanskriti -
Venkat R -
Srujan -
The API Calls are listed as follows
Method: GET/POST
Request: Empty
Return: Displays the image at url
Method: POST
Request: Image, phone number
Return: Authenticates image
Method: GET/POST
Request: Empty
Return: EMA Login Page
Method: GET/POST
Request: Empty
Return: EMA Login Page
Also removes the current user from Session
Method: POST
Request: Form data from EMA Login HTML Page
"phone_number": number,
"password": password
Return: Shows the corresponding dashboard according to user level
Method: GET/POST
Request: Empty
Return: Dashboard if logged in, else login page
Method: GET/POST
Request: Empty
Return: Add new user page
Method: POST
Request: Message
Return: Add new user page
Method: GET/POST
Request: Empty
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e79fe0d1c9d440000ab3594"
"gps_frequency": "30 Minutes",
"picture_frequency": "6 Hours",
"temperature_frequency": "2 Hours"
returns all the required frequency data
Method: POST
Request: phone_number and password
"phone_number": number,
"password": string
"success": boolean,
"ema_role": string
success tells if the ema user logged in or not
Method: POST
Request: phone_number and password
"phone_number": number,
"password": string
"success": boolean
success tells if the user was successfully logged in or not
Method: POST
Request: phone_number and password
"phone_number": number,
"password": string
"success": boolean
success tells if the user was successfully logged in or not
Method: POST
Request: Takes name, phone number, date,
"success": boolean,
"userobjid": object (string)
success tells if the user was successfully added or not
userobjid return the object ID (as a string) if successfully added
Method: POST
Request: Takes name, phone number, date,
"first_name": string,
"last_name": string,
"currently_under_quarantine": boolean,
"date_time_quarantined": datetime,
"phone_number": number,
"success": boolean,
"userobjid": object (string),
"password": string
success tells if the user was successfully added or not
userobjid return the object ID (as a string) if successfully added
password is password for user
Method: POST
Request: Rest of the User Data as JSON
"phone_number": number,
"dob": date,
"email_address": string,
"home_coordinates": string,
"address": string,
"city": string,
"state": string,
"pincode": number
"success": boolean
success tells if the user was successfully added or not
userobjid return the object ID (as a string) if successfully added
Method: POST
Request: Test Data as JSON
data taken from checklist
"success": boolean,
"checklistobjid": object (string)
success tells if the test data was added successfully
checklistobjid gives the object ID (as string) of the checklist added
Method: POST
Request: Test Data as JSON
"phone_number": string,
"date_time": datetime,
"test_result": boolean,
"other_data": string
"success": boolean,
"testobjid": object (string)
success tells if the test data was added successfully
testobjid gives the object ID (as string) of the test if successfully added
Method: POST
Request: Contact Data as JSON
"user_id": object (string),
"contact_name": string,
"contact_phone": number,
"contact_user_id": string,
"contact_other_info": string
"success": boolean,
"ccobjid": object (string)
success tells if the close contact data was added successfully
ccobjid gives the object ID (as string) of the record added
Method: POST
Request: Temperature Data as JSON
"user_id": object (string),
"date_time": datetime,
"temperature": number,
"additional_info": string
"success": boolean,
"tempobjid": object (string)
success tells if the temperature data was added successfully
tempobjid gives the object ID (as string) of the record added
Method: POST
Request: CHC Data as JSON
"name": string,
"phone_number": number,
"district": string,
"state": string
"success": true,
"chcobjid": object (string)
"success": false,
"error": string
success tells if the CHC was added successfully
chcobjid gives the CHC ID (as string) if added
Method: POST
Request: PHC Data as JSON
"name": string,
"phone_number": number,
"district": string,
"state": string
"success": true,
"phcobjid": object (string)
"success": false,
"error": string
success tells if the PHC was added successfully
phcobjid gives the PHC ID (as string) if added