React application for API calls from OpenOpus and Spotify, created with TypeScript.
This application is hosted on and accessible with Netlify
The main learning point of this project was learning how to use TypeScript with React, and discovering the intricacies and details that I might have missed out on when it comes to typed variables and components, compared to JavaScript. I combined the use of TypeScript with two APIs:
- Open Opus API for classical music composers and works
- Spotify API for music data on results from Open Opus
The application makes use of three main technologies, along with create-react-app:
- Redux Toolkit
- React-Router
- styled-components
Dark / Light themes in this application is done with the useContext hook. API responses and the tracking of historical searches are stored using Redux. There is a main navbar accessible throughout the entire application, and a main component that routes to different Outlets.
- There is an issue deploying my application with Github Pages, as React-Router could not work well when hosted on it. Therefore, I had to use netlify, which provided a much smoother experience
- If the application were to be expanded, I will deploy a backend to store historical data from user events, so that the state in the application's Home component will not be re-initialized upon re-render.