Version 5.2 and greater have removed the non-essential options. See the changelog for details on what was removed.
This tutorial setups up a new Rails app with React on Rails, demonstrating Rails + React + Redux + Server Rendering.
You can find:
- Source code for this sample app (for an older version)
- Live on Heroku
By the time you read this, the latest may have changed. Be sure to check the versions here:
Trying out v4 is super easy, so long as you have the basic prerequisites. This includes the basics for Rails 4.x and node version 5+. I recommend rvm
and nvm
to install Ruby and Node.
cd <directory where you want to create your new Rails app>
# any name you like
rails new test-react-on-rails-3
cd test-react-on-rails-3
# git-extras command to make a new git repo and commit everything
git setup
vim Gemfile
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'react_on_rails'
bundle exec rails generate react_on_rails:install -R -S -H -L
bundle && npm i
npm run rails-server
- R => Redux
- S => Server Rendering
- H => Heroku setup
- L => Linters
Visit http://localhost:3000/hello_world and see your React On Rails app running!
npm run express-server
Visit http://localhost:4000 and see your React On Rails app running using the Webpack Dev server.
With this setup, you can make changes to your JS or CSS and the browser will hot reload the changes (no page refresh required).
I'm going to add this line to client/app/bundles/HelloWorld/HelloWorldWidget.jsx:
<h1>Welcome to React On Rails!</h1>
If you save, you'll soon see this screen:
If you're motivated to try the linting setup, you'll want to run the following commands:
bin/rake lint
You'll see a few rubocop errors.
rubocop -a
That will fix almost all the errors. However, the linter setup expects you to have rspec (small bug currently). These two commands address that issue:
rm -rf test
mkdir spec
bin/rake lint
The edit application.scss
. Delete the comment at the top.
bin/rake lint
You should see
bin/rake lint
Running via Spring preloader in process 26674
Running Rubocop Linters via `rubocop -S -D .`
rubocop -S -D .
Warning: Deprecated pattern style '/Users/justin/scratch/test-react-on-rails-3/client/node_modules/**/*' in /Users/justin/scratch/test-react-on-rails-3/.rubocop.yml
Inspecting 22 files
22 files inspected, no offenses detected
Running ruby-lint Linters via `ruby-lint app config spec lib`
ruby-lint app config spec lib
scss-lint found no lints
Running eslint via `cd client && npm run eslint . -- --ext .jsx,.js`
cd client && npm run eslint . -- --ext .jsx,.js
> react-webpack-rails-tutorial@1.1.0 eslint /Users/justin/scratch/test-react-on-rails-3/client
> eslint --ext .js,.jsx . "." "--ext" ".jsx,.js"
Running jscs via `cd client && npm run jscs .`
cd client && npm run jscs .
> react-webpack-rails-tutorial@1.1.0 jscs /Users/justin/scratch/test-react-on-rails-3/client
> jscs --verbose . "."
Completed running all JavaScript Linters
Completed all linting
It's super important to exclude certain directories from RubyMine or else it will slow to a crawl as it tries to parse all the npm files.
Assuming you can login to and have logged into to your shell for heroku.
- Visit and create an app, say named
Run this command that looks like this from your new heroku app
heroku git:remote -a my-name-react-on-rails
Set heroku to use multiple buildpacks:
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
- Delete the line with
and replace it with:
gem 'pg'
- Replace your
file with this (assuming your app name is "ror").
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
host: localhost
<<: *default
database: ror_development
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
<<: *default
database: ror_test
<<: *default
database: ror_production
Then you need to setup postgres so you can run locally:
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rake db:setup
I'd recommend adding this line to the top of your routes.rb
. That way, your root page will go to the Hello World page for React On Rails.
root "hello_world#index"
You can see the changes here on github.
Then push your app to Heroku!
git push heroku master
Here's mine:
Feedback is greatly appreciated! As are stars on github!