Refactored and simplified tests while making them more thorough.
Updated tests to run under tox and separated the inherited runtime environment from the tests.
Tests currently pass on all the environments in which the project is supposed to run: 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6.
Updated docs to show how to run tests and how to work in development mode for anyone who wants to contribute to the project.
Add setup.cfg and rearrange to use current pytest conventions and pytest-runner plugin
Remove Bitdeli badge from, Bitdeli acquired and shut down
> Bitdeli was powered ... [Ville Tuulos] was the CEO.
> Bitdeli was acquired by AdRoll in June 2013.
Create add-unit-tests branch to add some unit tests in anticipation of full Python 3.x compatibility.
Add this file to keep track of changes for detail beyond commit messages.
Add specific Python versions to
Add test class and associated test_* support items to
Add version constraints to install_requires to ensure Python 3 compatible versions of dependencies.
Update .gitignore to skip .cache/, .eggs/, and .idea (PyCharm) files.
Add tests module at root level to contain test suite.