From 245492e8ac87974f2d877a610c4d8912959cb7f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ayesha Mazumdar Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2018 15:11:39 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] feat(summary-detail): Create new summary detail component (#3097) --- ui/components/_index.scss | 5 +- ...enders_a_closed_summary_detail_action.json | 10 ++ ...renders_an_open_summary_detail_action.json | 10 ++ ...enders_the_detail_content_when_closed.json | 8 + ..._renders_the_detail_content_when_open.json | 8 + ...mary_Detail_renders_the_summary_title.json | 9 + .../summary-detail/__tests__/index.spec.js | 41 +++++ ui/components/summary-detail/_doc.scss | 16 ++ ui/components/summary-detail/base/_index.scss | 63 +++++++ ui/components/summary-detail/base/example.jsx | 164 ++++++++++++++++++ 10 files changed, 333 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_a_closed_summary_detail_action.json create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_an_open_summary_detail_action.json create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_the_detail_content_when_closed.json create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_the_detail_content_when_open.json create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_the_summary_title.json create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/index.spec.js create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/_doc.scss create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/base/_index.scss create mode 100644 ui/components/summary-detail/base/example.jsx diff --git a/ui/components/_index.scss b/ui/components/_index.scss index d01cb7bcb8..239a38c75d 100644 --- a/ui/components/_index.scss +++ b/ui/components/_index.scss @@ -243,4 +243,7 @@ // Welcome Mat 'welcome-mat/base/index', - 'welcome-mat/trailhead-connected/index'; + 'welcome-mat/trailhead-connected/index', + + // Summary Detail + 'summary-detail/base/index'; diff --git a/ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_a_closed_summary_detail_action.json b/ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_a_closed_summary_detail_action.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a362b1680 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/components/summary-detail/__tests__/__snapshots__/Summary_Detail_renders_a_closed_summary_detail_action.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "snapshot": { + "html": "", + "style": [ + "animation-delay: 0s; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0s; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-name: none; animation-play-state: running; animation-timing-function: ease; background-attachment: scroll; background-blend-mode: normal; background-clip: border-box; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); background-image: none; background-origin: padding-box; background-position: 0px 0px; 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Lorem ipsum content
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Lorem ipsum content
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Summary Title

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+import createHelpers from '../../../../jest.setup'; + +const { matchesMarkupAndStyle } = createHelpers(__dirname); + +describe('Summary-Detail', () => { + it('renders the detail content when closed', () => + matchesMarkupAndStyle( + + Lorem ipsum content + + )); + + it('renders the detail content when open', () => + matchesMarkupAndStyle( + + Lorem ipsum content + + )); + + it('renders the summary title', () => + matchesMarkupAndStyle( + +

Summary Title

+ )); + + it('renders an open summary-detail action', () => + matchesMarkupAndStyle( + + )); + + it('renders a closed summary-detail action', () => + matchesMarkupAndStyle()); +}); diff --git a/ui/components/summary-detail/_doc.scss b/ui/components/summary-detail/_doc.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8a6f518fd --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/components/summary-detail/_doc.scss @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2015-present,, inc. All rights reserved +// Licensed under BSD 3-Clause - see LICENSE.txt or + +/** + * The summary detail component uses a button to show and hide content while showing an overall summary + * + * @summary Use Summary Detail to show and hide details while always showing a summary + * + * @base + * @name summary-detail + * @selector .slds-summary-detail + * @category experience + * @type data-display + * @support dev-ready + * @layout responsive + */ diff --git a/ui/components/summary-detail/base/_index.scss b/ui/components/summary-detail/base/_index.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57eb232952 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/components/summary-detail/base/_index.scss @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2015-present,, inc. All rights reserved +// Licensed under BSD 3-Clause - see LICENSE.txt or + +/** + * + * @summary Initializes a summary detail + * + * @name base + * @selector .slds-summary-detail + * @restrict div + * @variant + */ +.slds-summary-detail { + display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; + + /** + * @summary Styles the position of the toggle icon + * + * @selector .slds-summary-detail__content + * @restrict .slds-summary-detail div + */ + .slds-summary-detail__action-icon { + transform: rotate(-90deg); + } + + /** + * @summary Styles the visibility of the detail content + * + * @selector .slds-summary-detail__content + * @restrict .slds-summary-detail div + */ + .slds-summary-detail__content { + overflow: hidden; + visibility: hidden; + opacity: 0; + height: 0; + } +} + + +/** + * Toggle visibility of the detail section + rotate icon + * + * @selector .slds-is-open + * @restrict .slds-summary-detail + * @modifier + */ +.slds-summary-detail.slds-is-open { + + .slds-summary-detail__action-icon { + transform: rotate(0deg); + transform-origin: 45%; + } + + .slds-summary-detail__content { + padding-top: $spacing-small; + overflow: visible; + visibility: visible; + opacity: 1; + height: auto; + } +} diff --git a/ui/components/summary-detail/base/example.jsx b/ui/components/summary-detail/base/example.jsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5fb37b0eef --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/components/summary-detail/base/example.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2015-present,, inc. All rights reserved +// Licensed under BSD 3-Clause - see LICENSE.txt or + +import React from 'react'; +import SvgIcon from '../../../shared/svg-icon'; +import classNames from 'classnames'; +import { Badge } from '../../badges'; +import { ButtonIcon } from '../../button-icons'; + +/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Variables +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +const referenceId = 'expando-unique-id'; +const loremText = + 'Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.'; + +/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Public +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +export const SummaryDetail = props => ( +
+ {props.children} +
+); + +export const SummaryDetailContent = props => ( +
+ {props.children} +
+); + +export const SummaryDetailTitle = props => ( +
+ {props.children} +
+); + +export const SummaryDetailAction = props => ( + +); + +/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Exports +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +export const Context = props => ( +
+ {props.children} +
+); + +export default ( + + +
+ +

+ Summary Title +

+ +


+); + +export let examples = [ + { + id: 'closed-with-complex-title', + label: 'Closed with Complex title', + element: ( + + +
+ +

+ Summary Title +

+ In Progress +

Additional information about this step

+ +


+ ) + }, + { + id: 'open-with-complex-title', + label: 'Open with Complex title', + element: ( + + +
+ +

+ Summary Title +

+ In Progress +

Additional information about this step

+ +


+ ) + } +]; + +export let states = [ + { + id: 'closed', + label: 'Closed', + element: ( + + +
+ +

+ Summary Title +

+ +


+ ) + } +];