CommCareHQ is primarily developed by Dimagi, but we welcome contributions.
Dimagi tracks many issues internally, but we use github's issue tracker for public facing issues. Feel free to browse the issues there and tackle any you feel equipped to do. When you update or add comments to an issue please mention @dimagi/dimagi-dev to send an alert to our internal issue tracking system.
Please keep in mind that we hold the standard of quality in contributions to a very high level regardless of source. Contributions which have very limited scope, come with rigorous tests, and have their purpose outlined in a Github issue are much more likely to be reviewed for inclusion.
You should ensure the following are true for any PR before it will be considered for review or re-review
- The code and architecture comply with Standards and Best Practices
- Any UI components comply with the project Style Guide
- Contributions follow any subsystem specific practices (example: Javascript Guide)
- Automated regression and integration tests are passing
- Any automated feedback (label bot, lint bot, etc) is addressed
- Any previous developer feedback is addressed
Before submitting a PR, review our Guide to Authoring Pull Requests. You may also be interested in the Developers category of the CommCare Forum if you have questions or need feedback.
For larger changes or new features we encourage the use of the CommCare Enhancement Proposal process which gives the team a chance to give feedback on ideas before the code work begins.
To file a bug report, please follow the system outlined in our bug reports wiki page. You are also welcome to submit an accompanying pull request if you are able to resolve the issue.
CommCare HQ's technical documentation is available at Read the Docs. It is written in reStructuredText.
When documenting features, it is good practice to keep the documentation close to its code, so that it can easily be found. A good example of this is the documentation for User Configurable Reporting. The code is situated in the corehq/apps/userreports/ directory, and its documentation is in corehq/apps/userreports/README.rst. In general, corehq/apps/[myapp]/README.rst is typically a good starting point for documentation.
The User Configurable Reporting documentation also shows another good practice; it uses reStructuredText's autoclass directive to include the documentation written as docstrings in the codebase. This avoids duplication, and means that when the codebase is changed, the documentation is updated automatically with it.
Add a file to the docs/ directory, and a reference to it in
docs/index.rst under the toctree
directive, to include it with the
rest of CommCare HQ's documentation. Again, you can refer to docs/ucr.rst
to see how that works.
To update requirements edit:
for packages for all environmentsrequirements/
for packages for production environments onlyrequirements/
for packages for test environment onlyrequirements/
for packages for dev environment only
and run make requirements
To upgrade all requirements to their latest allowed version you can run
make upgrade-requirements
—this usually results in a large number of upgrades
and is not something we can merge easily, but it is sometimes a useful exploratory first step.
All PRs must be tagged with one of the following PR labels. For PRs from external contributors the onus is on the reviewer to add the labels.
- product/all-users-all-environments
- product/prod-india-all-users
- product/custom
- product/feature-flag
- product/invisible
- product/admin
Label descriptions can be seen on the GitHub labels page or in the .github/labels.yml configuration file.
Any PR that will require a database migration or some kind of data reindexing to be done must be labeled with the reindex/migration label. This label will get automatically applied if the PR changes certain files but it can also be added manually.
Any PR with this label will fail the required-labels check. This is intentional to prevent premature merging of the PR.
PRs that touch certain files will be automatically flagged with a "Risk" label, either medium or high. This includes heavily-used workflows where a bug would have a high impact and also areas that are technically complex, difficult to roll back, etc. These PRs will receive extra scrutiny and should have especially solid test coverage and/or manual testing. Alternatively, the PR description may explain why the PR is not genuinely high risk.
PRs that are not ready to be merged can be labeled with one of the following labels:
- awaiting QA
- Open for review: do not merge
As long as either of these labels are present on the PR it will have a pending status.