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File metadata and controls

27 lines (22 loc) · 1.72 KB


Some templates and basic engine structure using Lua, Love and Moonscript. Intended to be used specially in game jams such as Ludum Dare and for rapid game prototyping.

Getting Started

Install both Love and Moonscript and make sure they are both in your system PATH. You can check that by opening a console and typing "love" and "moon", they both should give message asking for paramenters. With that all set, open the Faststart.sublime-project file and select the "Compile my Project" build system (Tools > Build System > Compile My Project) and press Control + B to run your project!

Here's how the folders are supposed to work:

  • bin: This is where the .exe or similar will be placed when you pack your game for distribution.
  • game: Lua files that Löve will use will be placed here by the compiler.
  • game/assets: Images, sound and other asset files shoud be placed here.
  • game/lib: External libs are placed here.
  • src: Moon files that will be compiled into Lua files by sublime.


First add the root folder to Sublime (Project > Add Folder to Project). Then you can just make your game in the src/ folder, placing your .moon files in there. Select the build Compile Moon and Run Love build system (Tools > Build System > Compile Moon and Run Love) and press Control + B to run your game.


Other libraries included

  • Lume: An amazing library full of great utilities for games.

To Do

There is still a lot of things to improve here, here's the main ones for now:

  • Make a better engine framework
  • Scripts for packing your Love File
  • General utilities
  • Placeholder assets