- Microsoft Office Installation
For recording Windows Performance
- Install Windows Performance kit and Windows Performance Recorder
Compilation Script
Set two paths via in command prompt.
- For VS Tools
- For nuget.exe
- set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools;
- set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\amduser...\msoffice_test_suite; (if nuget.exe is placed in msoffice_test_suite)
Navigate VSTools path in command prompt and execute VsMSBuildCmd.bat from
Run Compile_testsuite.bat from root folder
Boss Script
Open Admin cmd prompt , Go to root folder
Run MSOffice_Test_Automation.bat
- If you want to run a specific workload use MSOffice_Test_Automation.bat Excel_FormatTable - common columns will be logged in root folder csv
- if you want a specific set of workloads use MSOffice_Test_Automation.bat Excel_FormatTable,Excel_AppendTable - common columns will be logged in root folder csv
- if you want to run all workloads use MSOffice_Test_Automation.bat
- if you want run default case for all workloads you can set "set default=1" in MSOffice_Test_Automation.bat
- if you want run custom case for all workloads you can set "set default=2" in MSOffice_Test_Automation.bat
Release #2 - Features
- Common files are created for all workloads - CSVlogger - Logs csv information and created csv file EtwLogger - Etw event functions Logger.cs - Functions required for time calculation and json file creation Utility.cs - Validated input,outputfiles, Initalizes and deinitalizes application Helper.cs - Common Commandline parameters are added here
- User can chose to set full screen or specific window size for all workloads "Display", "DisplayHeight", "DisplayWidth"
- "StartupPause" thread sleep is added after each type of workload(Excel,Word,Powerpoint,Outlook) application opening
- Version for all workloads are initalized as 1.00 and it is logged in all results.
Release #3 - Features
Compilation Script
- After running compilation script we will get a release directory(with version suffix) with which user can independently test all workloads without .dll files and project files.
Added new Top Level CommandLine arguments
- Following arguments were added --> --runs(-r), --scriptversion(-V), --help(-h), --verbose(-v), --on-measure-start(-a), --on-measure-stop(-b), --results-directory(-R)
Added manifest file
Removed other branches