- build - Runs the rust compiler.
- build-flow - Full sanity testing flow.
- build-release - Runs release build.
- end-build-flow - No Description.
- init-build-flow - No Description.
- post-build - No Description.
- pre-build - No Description.
- workspace-build-flow - Full sanity testing flow.
- audit - Runs audit cargo plugin.
- audit-flow - Runs audit flow.
- bench-ci-flow - Runs/Compiles the benches if conditions are met.
- ci-coverage-flow - Runs the coverage flow and uploads the results to codecov.
- ci-flow - CI task will run cargo build and cargo test with verbose output
- clippy-ci-flow - Runs clippy code linter if conditions are met.
- examples-ci-flow - Compiles the examples if conditions are met.
- outdated - Runs cargo-outdated cargo plugin.
- outdated-ci-flow - Runs outdated cargo conditioned CI flow.
- outdated-flow - Runs outdated cargo flow.
- post-audit - No Description.
- post-ci-flow - No Description.
- post-outdated - No Description.
- post-unused-dependencies - No Description.
- post-verify-project - No Description.
- post-workspace-ci-flow - No Description.
- pre-audit - No Description.
- pre-ci-flow - No Description.
- pre-outdated - No Description.
- pre-unused-dependencies - No Description.
- pre-verify-project - No Description.
- pre-workspace-ci-flow - No Description.
- unused-dependencies - Checks for unused dependencies.
- unused-dependencies-flow - Checks for unused dependencies.
- verify-project - Runs verify-project cargo plugin.
- workspace-ci-flow - CI task will run CI flow for each member and merge coverage reports
- workspace-members-ci - Runs the ci-flow for every workspace member.
- zip-release-ci-flow - Compiles the binary in release mode and zips it up
- clean - Runs the cargo clean command.
- delete-lock - Deletes the Cargo.lock file.
- post-clean - No Description.
- pre-clean - No Description.
- bintray-upload - Uploads the binary artifact from the cargo package/publish output to bintray. (deprecated)
- build-verbose - Runs the rust compiler with verbose output. (deprecated - Use build task with CARGO_MAKE_CARGO_VERBOSE_FLAGS set to --verbose instead.)
- conditioned-check-format - No Description. (deprecated - Please use task: check-format-ci-flow)
- conditioned-clippy - No Description. (deprecated - Please use task: clippy-ci-flow)
- test-verbose - Runs all available tests with verbose output. (deprecated - Use test task with CARGO_MAKE_CARGO_VERBOSE_FLAGS set to --verbose instead.)
- dev-test-flow - Development testing flow will first format the code, and than run cargo build and test [aliases: default]
- format - Runs the cargo rustfmt plugin.
- format-flow - Runs the cargo rustfmt plugin as part of a flow.
- format-toml - Formats all toml files defined in the CARGO_MAKE_FORMAT_TOML_FILES environment variable.
- format-toml-conditioned-flow - Runs the format toml tasks if conditions are met.
- format-toml-flow - Runs the format toml tasks.
- install-rustfmt - Installs cargo rustfmt plugin.
- post-format - No Description.
- post-format-toml - No Description.
- pre-format - No Description.
- pre-format-toml - No Description.
- upgrade-dependencies - Rebuilds the crate with most updated dependencies.
- watch-flow - Watches for any file change and if any change is detected, it will invoke the default flow.
- clean-apidocs - Delete API docs.
- copy-apidocs - Copies the generated documentation to the docs/api directory.
- docs - Generate rust documentation.
- docs-flow - Generate rust documentation.
- markdown-include-files - Modifies the markdown file defined by the CARGO_MAKE_DOCS_INCLUDE_FILES_MARKDOWN_FILE environment variable, by including external files.
- post-docs - No Description.
- post-workspace-docs - No Description.
- pre-docs - No Description.
- pre-workspace-docs - No Description.
- readme-include-files - Modifies the current README.md by including external files.
- readme-set-crate-version - Modifies the current README.md file with the current crate version.
- workspace-docs - Generate workspace level rust documentation.
- workspace-docs-flow - Generate workspace level rust documentation.
- git-add - Runs the git add command.
- git-commit - Runs git commit command.
- git-commit-message - Runs git commit command with the message defined in the COMMIT_MSG environment variable.
- git-delete-merged-branches - Deletes any merged git branches
- git-pull - Runs git pull command.
- git-push - Runs git push command.
- git-status - Runs git status command.
- post-git-add - No Description.
- post-git-commit - No Description.
- post-git-push - No Description.
- post-git-status - No Description.
- pre-git-add - No Description.
- pre-git-commit - No Description.
- pre-git-push - No Description.
- pre-git-status - No Description.
- end - By default this task is invoked at the end of every cargo-make run.
- init - By default this task is invoked at the start of every cargo-make run.
- build-release-for-binary-upload - No Description.
- build-publish-flow - Runs full sanity, generates github release and publishes the crate.
- github-publish - Creates a new github release.
- github-publish-curl - Creates a new github release using curl.
- github-publish-custom-name - Creates a new github release.
- github-publish-hub - Creates a new github release using hub.
- github-publish-hublish - Creates a new github release using cargo-hublish.
- package - Runs the cargo package command.
- post-package - No Description.
- post-publish - No Description.
- pre-package - No Description.
- pre-publish - No Description.
- pre-publish-clean-flow - Clears old artifactes before publishing
- pre-publish-conditioned-clean-flow - Clears old artifactes before publishing
- pre-publish-delete-lock - Deletes lock file before publishing
- publish - Runs the cargo publish command.
- publish-flow - Publish flow - First clean the target directory of any old leftovers, package and publish
- upload-artifacts - Uploads the binary artifact from the cargo package/publish output (hook only).
- workspace-publish-flow - Publish flow - First clean the target directory of any old leftovers, package and publish
- zip-release-binary-for-target - Zips up the release binary, README, and license(s)
- bench - Runs all available bench files.
- bench-compile - Compiles all available bench files.
- bench-conditioned-compile - Compiles all available bench files if conditions are met.
- bench-conditioned-flow - Runs the bench flow if conditions are met.
- bench-flow - Runs a bench flow.
- check - Runs cargo check.
- check-examples - Runs cargo check for project examples.
- check-flow - Runs cargo check flow.
- check-format - Runs cargo fmt to check appropriate code format.
- check-format-ci-flow - Runs cargo fmt --check if conditions are met.
- check-format-flow - Runs cargo fmt check flow.
- check-tests - Runs cargo check for project tests.
- clippy - Runs clippy code linter.
- clippy-allow-fail - Runs clippy code linter.
- clippy-flow - Runs clippy flow.
- clippy-router - Selects clippy task based on current environment.
- codecov - Runs codecov script to upload coverage results to codecov. [aliases: workspace-coverage-pack]
- codecov-flow - Runs the full coverage flow and uploads the results to codecov.
- coverage - Runs coverage (by default using kcov).
- coverage-flow - Runs the full coverage flow.
- coverage-kcov - Installs (if missing) and runs coverage using kcov (not supported on windows)
- coverage-tarpaulin - Runs coverage using tarpaulin rust crate (linux only)
- examples-compile - Runs cargo build for project examples.
- examples-conditioned-compile - Runs cargo build for project examples if conditions are met.
- install-clippy - Installs the clippy code linter.
- install-clippy-any - Installs the latest clippy code linter via cargo install via rustup or directly from github.
- install-clippy-rustup - Installs the clippy code linter via rustup.
- post-bench - No Description.
- post-check - No Description.
- post-check-format - No Description.
- post-clippy - No Description.
- post-coverage - No Description.
- post-test - No Description.
- pre-bench - No Description.
- pre-check - No Description.
- pre-check-format - No Description.
- pre-clippy - No Description.
- pre-coverage - No Description.
- pre-test - No Description.
- test - Runs all available tests.
- test-custom - Runs custom test command.
- test-flow - Runs pre/post hooks and cargo test. [aliases: dev-watch-flow]
- test-multi-phases-flow - Runs single/multi and custom test tasks.
- test-single-threaded - Runs all ignored tests with a single test thread.
- test-thread-safe - Runs all available tests without limiting test threads.
- test-with-args - Runs cargo test with command line arguments.
- workspace-coverage - Runs coverage task for all members and packages all of them (by default the codecov flow).
- workspace-members-coverage - Runs the ci-flow for every workspace member.
- build-file-increment - Increments (or creates) the build number in the build file, defined in CARGO_MAKE_BUILD_NUMBER_FILE environment variable.
- build-file-increment-flow - Increments (or creates) the build number in the build file, defined in CARGO_MAKE_BUILD_NUMBER_FILE environment variable.
- do-on-members - Runs the requested task for every workspace member.
- empty - Empty Task
- git-diff-files - Run diff on two provided files. [aliases: diff-files]
- github-hub-find - Sets the CARGO_MAKE_GITHUB_HUB_CLI_FOUND environment variable with the current hub executable location (if found).
- install-rls - Installs rust Language server rustup component.
- install-rust-src - Installs rust-src rustup component.
- install-zip - Installs zip executable
- post-build-file-increment - No Description.
- post-print-env - No Description.
- pre-build-file-increment - No Description.
- pre-print-env - No Description.
- print-cargo-env - No Description.
- print-cargo-make-env - No Description.
- print-ci-env - No Description.
- print-crate-env - No Description.
- print-duckscript-env - No Description.
- print-env-flow - No Description.
- print-git-env - No Description.
- print-project-env - No Description.
- print-rust-env - No Description.
- setup-sudo-env - Sets the sudo enable/disable environment variables.
- wait - Waits based on the CARGO_MAKE_WAIT_MILLISECONDS environment variable value
- install-wasm-pack - Installs wasm-pack crate.
- wasm-pack-base - No Description.
- wasm-pack-pack - Run wasm-pack pack command.
- wasm-pack-publish - Run wasm-pack publish command.
- wasm-pack-test - Run wasm-pack test command.