diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/chas/fsym.py b/src/sage/combinat/chas/fsym.py
index 7f63a24c798..10210028932 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/chas/fsym.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/chas/fsym.py
@@ -675,10 +675,9 @@ def product_on_basis(self, t1, t2):
             n = t1.size()
             m = n + t2.size()
-            tableaux = []
-            for t in StandardTableaux(m):
-                if t.restrict(n) == t1 and standardize(t.anti_restrict(n).rectify()) == t2:
-                    tableaux.append(t)
+            tableaux = [t for t in StandardTableaux(m)
+                        if t.restrict(n) == t1
+                        and standardize(t.anti_restrict(n).rectify()) == t2]
             return self.sum_of_monomials(tableaux)
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/cluster_algebra_quiver/mutation_type.py b/src/sage/combinat/cluster_algebra_quiver/mutation_type.py
index e49bc3d25e1..ef8aaab5e54 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/cluster_algebra_quiver/mutation_type.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/cluster_algebra_quiver/mutation_type.py
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def _triangles(dg):
     return trians
-def _all_induced_cycles_iter( dg ):
+def _all_induced_cycles_iter(dg):
     Return an iterator for all induced oriented cycles of length
     greater than or equal to 4 in the digraph ``dg``.
@@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ def _connected_mutation_type(dg):
     for edge in edges:
         label = edge[2]
         if label not in [(1,-1),(2,-2),(1,-2),(2,-1),(4,-1),(1,-4)]:
-    # _false_return(i) is a simple function that simply returns 'unknown'.  For debugging purposes, it
-    # can also output 'DEBUG: error i' if desired.
-    # this command is used many times in this code, something times without the argument i.
+            # _false_return(i) is a simple function that simply returns 'unknown'.  For debugging purposes, it
+            # can also output 'DEBUG: error i' if desired.
+            # this command is used many times in this code, something times without the argument i.
             return _false_return(2)
         elif label == (2,-2):
             dg.set_edge_label( edge[0], edge[1], 1 )
@@ -1023,17 +1023,17 @@ def _connected_mutation_type_AAtildeD(dg, ret_conn_vert=False):
         multiple_trian_edges = list(set(multiple_trian_edges))
         # test that there at most three edges appearing in exactly two oriented triangles
-        count = len( multiple_trian_edges )
+        count = len(multiple_trian_edges)
         if count >= 4:
             return _false_return(321)
         # if two edges appearing in exactly two oriented triangles, test that the two edges together
         # determine a unique triangle
         elif count > 1:
-            test_triangles = []
-            for edge in multiple_trian_edges:
-                test_triangles.append([ tuple(trian) for trian in oriented_trians if edge in trian ])
-            unique_triangle = set(test_triangles[0]).intersection( *test_triangles[1:] )
-            if len( unique_triangle ) != 1:
+            test_triangles = [[tuple(trian) for trian in oriented_trians
+                               if edge in trian]
+                              for edge in multiple_trian_edges]
+            unique_triangle = set.intersection(*map(set, test_triangles))
+            if len(unique_triangle) != 1:
                 return _false_return(19)
                 # if a long_cycle had previously been found, this unique oriented triangle is a second long_cycle, a contradiction.
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ def load_data(n, user=True):
     return data
-def _mutation_type_from_data( n, dig6, compute_if_necessary=True ):
+def _mutation_type_from_data(n, dig6, compute_if_necessary=True):
     Return the mutation type from the given dig6 data by looking into
     the precomputed mutation types
@@ -1506,7 +1506,7 @@ def _random_tests(mt, k, mut_class=None, nr_mut=5):
                     dg = dg_new
-def _random_multi_tests( n, k, nr_mut=5 ):
+def _random_multi_tests(n, k, nr_mut=5):
     Provide multiple random tests to find bugs in the mutation type methods.
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/composition.py b/src/sage/combinat/composition.py
index 8d01e9ac081..86e9d8ec1ec 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/composition.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/composition.py
@@ -1415,10 +1415,7 @@ def specht_module(self, base_ring=None):
             from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
             base_ring = QQ
         R = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(base_ring, sum(self))
-        cells = []
-        for i, row in enumerate(self):
-            for j in range(row):
-                cells.append((i, j))
+        cells = [(i, j) for i, row in enumerate(self) for j in range(row)]
         return SpechtModule(R, cells)
     def specht_module_dimension(self, base_ring=None):
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/designs/covering_design.py b/src/sage/combinat/designs/covering_design.py
index fd7172ac876..a855dc601dc 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/designs/covering_design.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/designs/covering_design.py
@@ -144,21 +144,14 @@ def trivial_covering_design(v, k, t):
     if t == 0:  # single block [0, ..., k-1]
-        blk = []
-        for i in range(k):
-            blk.append(i)
+        blk = list(range(k))
         return CoveringDesign(v, k, t, 1, range(v), [blk], 1, "Trivial")
     if t == 1:  # blocks [0, ..., k-1], [k, ..., 2k-1], ...
         size = Rational((v, k)).ceil()
-        blocks = []
-        for i in range(size - 1):
-            blk = []
-            for j in range(i * k, (i + 1) * k):
-                blk.append(j)
-            blocks.append(blk)
-        blk = []  # last block: if k does not divide v, wrap around
-        for j in range((size - 1) * k, v):
-            blk.append(j)
+        blocks = [list(range(i * k, (i + 1) * k))
+                  for i in range(size - 1)]
+        # last block: if k does not divide v, wrap around
+        blk = list(range((size - 1) * k, v))
         for j in range(k - len(blk)):
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/designs/database.py b/src/sage/combinat/designs/database.py
index f3e1ef73350..e4d80442f3c 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/designs/database.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/designs/database.py
@@ -3663,18 +3663,18 @@ def DM_51_6_1():
         [  34,  32,  36,  26,  20]
-    Mb = [[0,0,0,0,0]]
+    Mb = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
     for R in zip(*M):
         for i in range(5):
-            for RR in [list(R), [-x for x in R]]:
-                Mb.append(RR)
-            R = cyclic_shift(R,1)
+            Mb.extend([list(R), [-x for x in R]])
+            R = cyclic_shift(R, 1)
     for R in Mb:
-    return G,Mb
+    return G, Mb
 def DM_52_6_1():
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/diagram_algebras.py b/src/sage/combinat/diagram_algebras.py
index 15837e34128..9416bcaa387 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/diagram_algebras.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/diagram_algebras.py
@@ -4419,7 +4419,7 @@ def key_func(P):
         from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt
         d = [".", ".", "`", "`", "-", "|"]
-        #db = [".", ".", "`", "`", "=", "|"]
+        # db = [".", ".", "`", "`", "=", "|"]
         blob = '0'
         ret = [" o" * n]
         char_art = AsciiArt
@@ -4489,12 +4489,12 @@ def sgn(x):
         if x < 0:
             return -1
         return 0
     l1 = []  # list of blocks
     l2 = []  # list of nodes
     for i in list(diagram):
-        for j in list(i):
-            l2.append(j)
+        l2.extend(list(i))
     output = "\\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5,thick, baseline={(0,-1ex/2)}] \n\\tikzstyle{vertex} = [shape = circle, minimum size = 7pt, inner sep = 1pt] \n" #setup beginning of picture
     for i in l2: #add nodes
         output = output + "\\node[vertex] (G-{}) at ({}, {}) [shape = circle, draw{}] {{}}; \n".format(i, (abs(i)-1)*1.5, sgn(i), filled_str)
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/plane_partition.py b/src/sage/combinat/plane_partition.py
index b4f897b64f3..8f4ded21d16 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/plane_partition.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/plane_partition.py
@@ -314,22 +314,22 @@ def x_tableau(self, tableau=True) -> Tableau:
             return Tableau(X)
         return X
-    def cells(self) -> list[list[int]]:
+    def cells(self) -> list[tuple[int, int, int]]:
         Return the list of cells inside ``self``.
+        Each cell is a tuple.
             sage: PP = PlanePartition([[3,1],[2]])
             sage: PP.cells()
-            [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]]
-        """
-        L = []
-        for r in range(len(self)):
-            for c in range(len(self[r])):
-                for h in range(self[r][c]):
-                    L.append([r, c, h])
-        return L
+            [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1)]
+        """
+        return [(r, c, h)
+                for r in range(len(self))
+                for c in range(len(self[r]))
+                for h in range(self[r][c])]
     def number_of_boxes(self) -> Integer:
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/rigged_configurations/rigged_configuration_element.py b/src/sage/combinat/rigged_configurations/rigged_configuration_element.py
index 088dd64f20f..12950c78742 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/rigged_configurations/rigged_configuration_element.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/rigged_configurations/rigged_configuration_element.py
@@ -199,9 +199,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rigged_partitions=[], **options):
             if len(data) == 0:
                 # Create a size n array of empty rigged tableau since no tableau
                 #   were given
-                nu = []
-                for i in range(n):
-                    nu.append(RiggedPartition())
+                nu = [RiggedPartition() for _ in range(n)]
                 if len(data) != n:  # otherwise n should be equal to the number of tableaux
                     raise ValueError("incorrect number of partitions")
@@ -1308,9 +1306,8 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rigged_partitions=[], **options):
             shape_data = data[0]
             rigging_data = data[1]
             vac_data = data[2]
-            nu = []
-            for i in range(n):
-                nu.append(RiggedPartition(shape_data[i], rigging_data[i], vac_data[i]))
+            nu = [RiggedPartition(a, b, c)
+                  for a, b, c in zip(shape_data, rigging_data, vac_data)]
             # Special display case
             if parent.cartan_type().type() == 'B':
                 nu[-1] = RiggedPartitionTypeB(nu[-1])
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/set_partition.py b/src/sage/combinat/set_partition.py
index c08e1c7aef3..ed227aa57df 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/set_partition.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/set_partition.py
@@ -1873,8 +1873,7 @@ def arcs(self):
         arcs = []
         for p in self:
             p = sorted(p)
-            for i in range(len(p) - 1):
-                arcs.append((p[i], p[i + 1]))
+            arcs.extend((p[i], p[i + 1]) for i in range(len(p) - 1))
         return arcs
     def plot(self, angle=None, color='black', base_set_dict=None):
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/sf/new_kschur.py b/src/sage/combinat/sf/new_kschur.py
index e4c2abcc75a..7eca926406f 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/sf/new_kschur.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/sf/new_kschur.py
@@ -1595,10 +1595,8 @@ def _DualGrothMatrix(self, m):
         for i in range(m + 1):
             for x in Partitions(m - i, max_part=self.k):
                 f = mon(G(x, m))
-                vec = []
-                for j in range(m + 1):
-                    for y in Partitions(m - j, max_part=self.k):
-                        vec.append(f.coefficient(y))
+                vec = [f.coefficient(y) for j in range(m + 1)
+                       for y in Partitions(m - j, max_part=self.k)]
         from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix
         return Matrix(new_mat)
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/sf/ns_macdonald.py b/src/sage/combinat/sf/ns_macdonald.py
index a2340ab5f68..582e2f99568 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/sf/ns_macdonald.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/sf/ns_macdonald.py
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ def flip(self):
     def boxes_same_and_lower_right(self, ii, jj):
-        Return a list of the boxes of ``self`` that are in row ``jj``
+        Return an iterator of the boxes of ``self`` that are in row ``jj``
         but not identical with ``(ii, jj)``, or lie in the row
         ``jj - 1`` (the row directly below ``jj``; this might be the
         basement) and strictly to the right of ``(ii, jj)``.
@@ -168,26 +168,23 @@ def boxes_same_and_lower_right(self, ii, jj):
             sage: a = AugmentedLatticeDiagramFilling([[1,6],[2],[3,4,2],[],[],[5,5]])
             sage: a = a.shape()
-            sage: a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(1,1)
+            sage: list(a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(1,1))
             [(2, 1), (3, 1), (6, 1), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0), (5, 0), (6, 0)]
-            sage: a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(1,2)
+            sage: list(a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(1,2))
             [(3, 2), (6, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1), (6, 1)]
-            sage: a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(3,3)
+            sage: list(a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(3,3))
             [(6, 2)]
-            sage: a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(2,3)
+            sage: list(a.boxes_same_and_lower_right(2,3))
             [(3, 3), (3, 2), (6, 2)]
-        res = []
         # Add all of the boxes in the same row
         for i in range(1, len(self) + 1):
             if self[i] >= jj and i != ii:
-                res.append((i, jj))
+                yield (i, jj)
         for i in range(ii + 1, len(self) + 1):
             if self[i] >= jj - 1:
-                res.append((i, jj - 1))
-        return res
+                yield (i, jj - 1)
 class AugmentedLatticeDiagramFilling(CombinatorialObject):
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/tableau.py b/src/sage/combinat/tableau.py
index c4009853da6..d5ebaee709c 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/tableau.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/tableau.py
@@ -2613,16 +2613,12 @@ def slide_multiply(self, other):
             sage: t.slide_multiply(t2)
             [[1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [2, 2, 3, 5], [3, 4, 5], [4, 6, 6], [5]]
-        st = []
         if len(self) == 0:
             return other
-        else:
-            l = len(self[0])
-        for row in other:
-            st.append((None,)*l + row)
-        for row in self:
-            st.append(row)
+        l = len(self[0])
+        st = [(None,) * l + row for row in other]
+        st.extend(self)
         from sage.combinat.skew_tableau import SkewTableau
         return SkewTableau(st).rectify()
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/words/morphism.py b/src/sage/combinat/words/morphism.py
index abb99d9f685..4e842d19a0b 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/words/morphism.py
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/words/morphism.py
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ def _build_dict(self, s):
     def _build_codomain(self, data):
-        Return a Words domain containing all the letter in the keys of
+        Return a Words domain containing all the letters in the values of
         data (which must be a dictionary).
@@ -489,10 +489,10 @@ def _build_codomain(self, data):
             Finite words over {0, 1, 2}
         codom_alphabet = set()
-        for key, val in data.items():
+        for val in data.values():
                 it = iter(val)
-            except Exception:
+            except TypeError:
                 it = [val]