Genos is a Python tool to generate custom wordlists from files and URLs. Custom wordlists are important during pentesting or bug bounty hunting and this tool can generate target specific wordlists that can be used for multiple purposes, such as forced browsing, parameter mining etc.
git clone
cd genos
pip install -r requirements.txt
python [--url URL] [--list LIST] [--file FILE] [-o {w,a}] [--nojs] [output_filename]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL Give a single url with .js endpoint
--list LIST Give a list of URLs (urls.txt)
--file FILE Give one or more files (comma separated)
-o {w,a} Output mode: 'w' (write) or 'a' (append)
--nojs Mention if the provided URLs are non-js URLs
--no-num Set to exclude numbers from the wordlist
--min-len MINLEN Set the minimum length of a word
- Generate a wordlist from a single URL and save it in 'output.txt' using write mode:
python --url -o w output.txt
- Generate a wordlist from a list of URLs stored in 'urls.txt' and append it to 'output.txt':
python --list urls.txt -o a output.txt
- Generate a wordlist from a single JS file and print it in the terminal:
python --file script.js
- Generate a wordlist from multiple files and print it in the terminal:
python --file script.js,script2.js,
- Generate a wordlist from a non-js URL:
python --url --nojs
- Generate wordlist from a list of non js urls
python --list urls.txt --nojs