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Release Editor FAQ

qinwf edited this page Jan 15, 2019 · 14 revisions


Step by step

Step 1: aggregate links to draft

  • Create a draft with links gathered from GitHub PRs, R Weekly Live, Slack #links-api channel posts, Twitter, Reddit, and other sources

on Saturday or Friday.

Step 2: highlight

on Saturday or Friday.

Step 3: realease

  • Release a new issue on Monday, by creating a new article in _posts.

This post should be name YYYY-MM-DD-YYYY-NN where the three first are the date, the second part being the ID of the release (year + number of the release). The header should be

title: R Weekly YYYY-NN TITLE
description: Weekly News in the R Community.

Just change YYYY-NN TITLE

Release a new draft

  • copy and paste this template into the draft. Change the references (date and number of the release)
  • or copy and rename for-editor-only-draft.txt to
layout: draft
title: R Weekly 2019-00
description: Draft of the R Weekly

Release Date: 2019-00-00

###  Highlight

### Insights

### R in the Real World

###  R in Organizations

###  Resources

###  New Packages

<p class="added-hostname"><a href="" target="_blank" class="externalLink">📦 <i>Go Live for More New Pkgs</i> 📦</a></p>



**GitHub or Bitbucket**

### Updated Packages

### R Internationally

###  Tutorials

<!--<div class="post-more-begi
n"></div><div class="post-more-end"></div>-->

###  R Project Updates

Updates from [R Core](

###  Upcoming Events in 3 Months

Events in 3 Months:

+ [A list of R conferences and meetings](

+ [This week's local R-User and applied stats events](

More past events at [R conferences & meetups](

###  Call for Participation

<p class="hide-support added-hostname support-rweekly" style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;">Your <a class="non-visited externalLink" href="" onclick="pas(this)">support</a> will keep R Weekly team moving! 💡</p>

###  Quotes of the Week

Be careful to migrate "upcoming event" to the new draft (if still in the time span)

Related Tools

Generate Links from R Weekly Live

talk to @rbot


live-range-md 2018-12-22 2018-12-31

Generate R Weekly Highlights Poll

Clone this wiki locally