the following tests compiled, and run in nodejs without any errors
from runtime import *
"""get/set remote attributes"""
def main():
x = set([1,2,3])
y = set([1,2,3,4])
assert( x.issubset(y)==True )
assert( y.issubset(x)==False )
var main = function main()
/***/ if (main.__recompile !== undefined) { eval("main.__redef="+main.__recompile); main.__recompile=undefined; };
/***/ if (main.__redef !== undefined) { return main.__redef.apply(this,arguments); };
var y,x;
arguments.callee.locals.x=x = set([1, 2, 3]);
arguments.callee.locals.y=y = set([1, 2, 3, 4]);
if (!(x.issubset(y) === true)) {throw new Error("assertion failed"); }
if (!(y.issubset(x) === false)) {throw new Error("assertion failed"); }
}/*end-> `main` */