diff --git a/src/librustc/README.md b/src/librustc/README.md
index c24d3d82b2f72..59d346db4af4d 100644
--- a/src/librustc/README.md
+++ b/src/librustc/README.md
@@ -13,162 +13,191 @@ https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues
 Your concerns are probably the same as someone else's.
+You may also be interested in the
+[Rust Forge](https://forge.rust-lang.org/), which includes a number of
+interesting bits of information.
+Finally, at the end of this file is a GLOSSARY defining a number of
+common (and not necessarily obvious!) names that are used in the Rust
+compiler code. If you see some funky name and you'd like to know what
+it stands for, check there!
 The crates of rustc
-Rustc consists of a number of crates, including `libsyntax`,
-`librustc`, `librustc_back`, `librustc_trans`, and `librustc_driver`
-(the names and divisions are not set in stone and may change;
-in general, a finer-grained division of crates is preferable):
-- [`libsyntax`][libsyntax] contains those things concerned purely with syntax –
-  that is, the AST, parser, pretty-printer, lexer, macro expander, and
-  utilities for traversing ASTs – are in a separate crate called
-  "syntax", whose files are in `./../libsyntax`, where `.` is the
-  current directory (that is, the parent directory of front/, middle/,
-  back/, and so on).
-- `librustc` (the current directory) contains the high-level analysis
-  passes, such as the type checker, borrow checker, and so forth.
-  It is the heart of the compiler.
-- [`librustc_back`][back] contains some very low-level details that are
-  specific to different LLVM targets and so forth.
-- [`librustc_trans`][trans] contains the code to convert from Rust IR into LLVM
-  IR, and then from LLVM IR into machine code, as well as the main
-  driver that orchestrates all the other passes and various other bits
-  of miscellany. In general it contains code that runs towards the
-  end of the compilation process.
-- [`librustc_driver`][driver] invokes the compiler from
-  [`libsyntax`][libsyntax], then the analysis phases from `librustc`, and
-  finally the lowering and codegen passes from [`librustc_trans`][trans].
-Roughly speaking the "order" of the three crates is as follows:
-              librustc_driver
-                      |
-    +-----------------+-------------------+
-    |                                     |
-    libsyntax -> librustc -> librustc_trans
-The compiler process:
-The Rust compiler is comprised of six main compilation phases.
-1. Parsing input
-2. Configuration & expanding (cfg rules & syntax extension expansion)
-3. Running analysis passes
-4. Translation to LLVM
-5. LLVM passes
-6. Linking
-Phase one is responsible for parsing & lexing the input to the compiler. The
-output of this phase is an abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST at this point
-includes all macro uses & attributes. This means code which will be later
-expanded and/or removed due to `cfg` attributes is still present in this
-version of the AST. Parsing abstracts away details about individual files which
-have been read into the AST.
-Phase two handles configuration and macro expansion. You can think of this
-phase as a function acting on the AST from the previous phase. The input for
-this phase is the unexpanded AST from phase one, and the output is an expanded
-version of the same AST. This phase will expand all macros & syntax
-extensions and will evaluate all `cfg` attributes, potentially removing some
-code. The resulting AST will not contain any macros or `macro_use` statements.
-The code for these first two phases is in [`libsyntax`][libsyntax].
-After this phase, the compiler allocates IDs to each node in the AST
-(technically not every node, but most of them). If we are writing out
-dependencies, that happens now.
-The third phase is analysis. This is the most complex phase in the compiler,
-and makes up much of the code. This phase included name resolution, type
-checking, borrow checking, type & lifetime inference, trait selection, method
-selection, linting and so on. Most of the error detection in the compiler comes
-from this phase (with the exception of parse errors which arise during
-parsing). The "output" of this phase is a set of side tables containing
-semantic information about the source program. The analysis code is in
-[`librustc`][rustc] and some other crates with the `librustc_` prefix.
-The fourth phase is translation. This phase translates the AST (and the side
-tables from the previous phase) into LLVM IR (intermediate representation).
-This is achieved by calling into the LLVM libraries. The code for this is in
-Phase five runs the LLVM backend. This runs LLVM's optimization passes on the
-generated IR and generates machine code resulting in object files. This phase
-is not really part of the Rust compiler, as LLVM carries out all the work.
-The interface between LLVM and Rust is in [`librustc_llvm`][llvm].
-The final phase, phase six, links the object files into an executable. This is
-again outsourced to other tools and not performed by the Rust compiler
-directly. The interface is in [`librustc_back`][back] (which also contains some
-things used primarily during translation).
-A module called the driver coordinates all these phases. It handles all the
-highest level coordination of compilation from parsing command line arguments
-all the way to invoking the linker to produce an executable.
-Modules in the librustc crate
-The librustc crate itself consists of the following submodules
-(mostly, but not entirely, in their own directories):
-- session: options and data that pertain to the compilation session as
-  a whole
-- middle: middle-end: name resolution, typechecking, LLVM code
-  generation
-- metadata: encoder and decoder for data required by separate
-  compilation
-- plugin: infrastructure for compiler plugins
-- lint: infrastructure for compiler warnings
-- util: ubiquitous types and helper functions
-- lib: bindings to LLVM
-The entry-point for the compiler is main() in the [`librustc_driver`][driver]
-The 3 central data structures:
-1. `./../libsyntax/ast.rs` defines the AST. The AST is treated as
-   immutable after parsing, but it depends on mutable context data
-   structures (mainly hash maps) to give it meaning.
-   - Many – though not all – nodes within this data structure are
-     wrapped in the type `spanned<T>`, meaning that the front-end has
-     marked the input coordinates of that node. The member `node` is
-     the data itself, the member `span` is the input location (file,
-     line, column; both low and high).
-   - Many other nodes within this data structure carry a
-     `def_id`. These nodes represent the 'target' of some name
-     reference elsewhere in the tree. When the AST is resolved, by
-     `middle/resolve.rs`, all names wind up acquiring a def that they
-     point to. So anything that can be pointed-to by a name winds
-     up with a `def_id`.
-2. `middle/ty.rs` defines the datatype `sty`. This is the type that
-   represents types after they have been resolved and normalized by
-   the middle-end. The typeck phase converts every ast type to a
-   `ty::sty`, and the latter is used to drive later phases of
-   compilation. Most variants in the `ast::ty` tag have a
-   corresponding variant in the `ty::sty` tag.
-3. `./../librustc_llvm/lib.rs` defines the exported types
-   `ValueRef`, `TypeRef`, `BasicBlockRef`, and several others.
-   Each of these is an opaque pointer to an LLVM type,
-   manipulated through the `lib::llvm` interface.
-[libsyntax]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/libsyntax/
-[trans]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/librustc_trans/
-[llvm]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/librustc_llvm/
-[back]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/librustc_back/
-[rustc]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/librustc/
-[driver]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/librustc_driver
+Rustc consists of a number of crates, including `syntax`,
+`rustc`, `rustc_back`, `rustc_trans`, `rustc_driver`, and
+many more. The source for each crate can be found in a directory
+like `src/libXXX`, where `XXX` is the crate name.
+(NB. The names and divisions of these crates are not set in
+stone and may change over time -- for the time being, we tend towards
+a finer-grained division to help with compilation time, though as
+incremental improves that may change.)
+The dependency structure of these crates is roughly a diamond:
+                  rustc_driver
+                /      |       \
+              /        |         \
+            /          |           \
+          /            v             \
+rustc_trans    rustc_borrowck   ...  rustc_metadata
+          \            |            /
+            \          |          /
+              \        |        /
+                \      v      /
+                    rustc
+                       |
+                       v
+                    syntax
+                    /    \
+                  /       \
+           syntax_pos  syntax_ext
+The `rustc_driver` crate, at the top of this lattice, is effectively
+the "main" function for the rust compiler. It doesn't have much "real
+code", but instead ties together all of the code defined in the other
+crates and defines the overall flow of execution. (As we transition
+more and more to the [query model](ty/maps/README.md), however, the
+"flow" of compilation is becoming less centrally defined.)
+At the other extreme, the `rustc` crate defines the common and
+pervasive data structures that all the rest of the compiler uses
+(e.g., how to represent types, traits, and the program itself). It
+also contains some amount of the compiler itself, although that is
+relatively limited.
+Finally, all the crates in the bulge in the middle define the bulk of
+the compiler -- they all depend on `rustc`, so that they can make use
+of the various types defined there, and they export public routines
+that `rustc_driver` will invoke as needed (more and more, what these
+crates export are "query definitions", but those are covered later
+Below `rustc` lie various crates that make up the parser and error
+reporting mechanism. For historical reasons, these crates do not have
+the `rustc_` prefix, but they are really just as much an internal part
+of the compiler and not intended to be stable (though they do wind up
+getting used by some crates in the wild; a practice we hope to
+gradually phase out).
+Each crate has a `README.md` file that describes, at a high-level,
+what it contains, and tries to give some kind of explanation (some
+better than others).
+The compiler process
+The Rust compiler is in a bit of transition right now. It used to be a
+purely "pass-based" compiler, where we ran a number of passes over the
+entire program, and each did a particular check of transformation.
+We are gradually replacing this pass-based code with an alternative
+setup based on on-demand **queries**. In the query-model, we work
+backwards, executing a *query* that expresses our ultimate goal (e.g.,
+"compiler this crate"). This query in turn may make other queries
+(e.g., "get me a list of all modules in the crate"). Those queries
+make other queries that ultimately bottom out in the base operations,
+like parsing the input, running the type-checker, and so forth. This
+on-demand model permits us to do exciting things like only do the
+minimal amount of work needed to type-check a single function. It also
+helps with incremental compilation. (For details on defining queries,
+check out `src/librustc/ty/maps/README.md`.)
+Regardless of the general setup, the basic operations that the
+compiler must perform are the same. The only thing that changes is
+whether these operations are invoked front-to-back, or on demand.  In
+order to compile a Rust crate, these are the general steps that we
+1. **Parsing input**
+    - this processes the `.rs` files and produces the AST ("abstract syntax tree")
+    - the AST is defined in `syntax/ast.rs`. It is intended to match the lexical
+      syntax of the Rust language quite closely.
+2. **Name resolution, macro expansion, and configuration**
+    - once parsing is complete, we process the AST recursively, resolving paths
+      and expanding macros. This same process also processes `#[cfg]` nodes, and hence
+      may strip things out of the AST as well.
+3. **Lowering to HIR**
+    - Once name resolution completes, we convert the AST into the HIR,
+      or "high-level IR". The HIR is defined in `src/librustc/hir/`; that module also includes
+      the lowering code.
+    - The HIR is a lightly desugared variant of the AST. It is more processed than the
+      AST and more suitable for the analyses that follow. It is **not** required to match
+      the syntax of the Rust language.
+    - As a simple example, in the **AST**, we preserve the parentheses
+      that the user wrote, so `((1 + 2) + 3)` and `1 + 2 + 3` parse
+      into distinct trees, even though they are equivalent. In the
+      HIR, however, parentheses nodes are removed, and those two
+      expressions are represented in the same way.
+3. **Type-checking and subsequent analyses**
+    - An important step in processing the HIR is to perform type
+      checking. This process assigns types to every HIR expression,
+      for example, and also is responsible for resolving some
+      "type-dependent" paths, such as field accesses (`x.f` -- we
+      can't know what field `f` is being accessed until we know the
+      type of `x`) and associated type references (`T::Item` -- we
+      can't know what type `Item` is until we know what `T` is).
+    - Type checking creates "side-tables" (`TypeckTables`) that include
+      the types of expressions, the way to resolve methods, and so forth.
+    - After type-checking, we can do other analyses, such as privacy checking.
+4. **Lowering to MIR and post-processing**
+    - Once type-checking is done, we can lower the HIR into MIR ("middle IR"), which
+      is a **very** desugared version of Rust, well suited to the borrowck but also
+      certain high-level optimizations. 
+5. **Translation to LLVM and LLVM optimizations**
+    - From MIR, we can produce LLVM IR.
+    - LLVM then runs its various optimizations, which produces a number of `.o` files
+      (one for each "codegen unit").
+6. **Linking**
+    - Finally, those `.o` files are linke together.
+The compiler uses a number of...idiosyncratic abbreviations and
+things. This glossary attempts to list them and give you a few
+pointers for understanding them better.
+- AST -- the **abstract syntax tree** produced the `syntax` crate; reflects user syntax
+  very closely. 
+- codegen unit -- when we produce LLVM IR, we group the Rust code into a number of codegen
+  units. Each of these units is processed by LLVM independently from one another,
+  enabling parallelism. They are also the unit of incremental re-use. 
+- cx -- we tend to use "cx" as an abbrevation for context. See also tcx, infcx, etc.
+- `DefId` -- an index identifying a **definition** (see `librustc/hir/def_id.rs`). Uniquely
+  identifies a `DefPath`.
+- HIR -- the **High-level IR**, created by lowering and desugaring the AST. See `librustc/hir`.
+- `HirId` -- identifies a particular node in the HIR by combining a
+  def-id with an "intra-definition offset".
+- `'gcx` -- the lifetime of the global arena (see `librustc/ty`).
+- generics -- the set of generic type parameters defined on a type or item
+- ICE -- internal compiler error. When the compiler crashes.
+- infcx -- the inference context (see `librustc/infer`)
+- MIR -- the **Mid-level IR** that is created after type-checking for use by borrowck and trans.
+  Defined in the `src/librustc/mir/` module, but much of the code that manipulates it is
+  found in `src/librustc_mir`.
+- obligation -- something that must be proven by the trait system; see `librustc/traits`.
+- local crate -- the crate currently being compiled.
+- node-id or `NodeId` -- an index identifying a particular node in the
+  AST or HIR; gradually being phased out and replaced with `HirId`.
+- query -- perhaps some sub-computation during compilation; see `librustc/maps`.
+- provider -- the function that executes a query; see `librustc/maps`.
+- sess -- the **compiler session**, which stores global data used throughout compilation
+- side tables -- because the AST and HIR are immutable once created, we often carry extra
+  information about them in the form of hashtables, indexed by the id of a particular node.
+- span -- a location in the user's source code, used for error
+  reporting primarily.  These are like a file-name/line-number/column
+  tuple on steroids: they carry a start/end point, and also track
+  macro expansions and compiler desugaring. All while being packed
+  into a few bytes (really, it's an index into a table). See the
+  `Span` datatype for more.
+- substs -- the **substitutions** for a given generic type or item
+  (e.g., the `i32, u32` in `HashMap<i32, u32>`)
+- tcx -- the "typing context", main data structure of the compiler (see `librustc/ty`).
+- trans -- the code to **translate** MIR into LLVM IR.
+- trait reference -- a trait and values for its type parameters (see `librustc/ty`).
+- ty -- the internal representation of a **type** (see `librustc/ty`).
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/README.md b/src/librustc/hir/README.md
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+++ b/src/librustc/hir/README.md
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+# Introduction to the HIR
+The HIR -- "High-level IR" -- is the primary IR used in most of
+rustc. It is a desugared version of the "abstract syntax tree" (AST)
+that is generated after parsing, macro expansion, and name resolution
+have completed. Many parts of HIR resemble Rust surface syntax quite
+closely, with the exception that some of Rust's expression forms have
+been desugared away (as an example, `for` loops are converted into a
+`loop` and do not appear in the HIR).
+This README covers the main concepts of the HIR.
+### Out-of-band storage and the `Crate` type
+The top-level data-structure in the HIR is the `Crate`, which stores
+the contents of the crate currently being compiled (we only ever
+construct HIR for the current crate). Whereas in the AST the crate
+data structure basically just contains the root module, the HIR
+`Crate` structure contains a number of maps and other things that
+serve to organize the content of the crate for easier access.
+For example, the contents of individual items (e.g., modules,
+functions, traits, impls, etc) in the HIR are not immediately
+accessible in the parents. So, for example, if had a module item `foo`
+containing a function `bar()`:
+mod foo {
+  fn bar() { }
+Then in the HIR the representation of module `foo` (the `Mod`
+stuct) would have only the **`ItemId`** `I` of `bar()`. To get the
+details of the function `bar()`, we would lookup `I` in the
+`items` map.
+One nice result from this representation is that one can iterate
+over all items in the crate by iterating over the key-value pairs
+in these maps (without the need to trawl through the IR in total).
+There are similar maps for things like trait items and impl items,
+as well as "bodies" (explained below).
+The other reason to setup the representation this way is for better
+integration with incremental compilation. This way, if you gain access
+to a `&hir::Item` (e.g. for the mod `foo`), you do not immediately
+gain access to the contents of the function `bar()`. Instead, you only
+gain access to the **id** for `bar()`, and you must invoke some
+function to lookup the contents of `bar()` given its id; this gives us
+a chance to observe that you accessed the data for `bar()` and record
+the dependency.
+### Identifiers in the HIR
+Most of the code that has to deal with things in HIR tends not to
+carry around references into the HIR, but rather to carry around
+*identifier numbers* (or just "ids"). Right now, you will find four
+sorts of identifiers in active use:
+- `DefId`, which primarily name "definitions" or top-level items.
+  - You can think of a `DefId` as being shorthand for a very explicit
+    and complete path, like `std::collections::HashMap`. However,
+    these paths are able to name things that are not nameable in
+    normal Rust (e.g., impls), and they also include extra information
+    about the crate (such as its version number, as two versions of
+    the same crate can co-exist).
+  - A `DefId` really consists of two parts, a `CrateNum` (which
+    identifies the crate) and a `DefIndex` (which indixes into a list
+    of items that is maintained per crate).
+- `HirId`, which combines the index of a particular item with an
+  offset within that item.
+  - the key point of a `HirId` is that it is *relative* to some item (which is named
+    via a `DefId`).
+- `BodyId`, this is an absolute identifier that refers to a specific
+  body (definition of a function or constant) in the crate. It is currently
+  effectively a "newtype'd" `NodeId`.
+- `NodeId`, which is an absolute id that identifies a single node in the HIR tree.
+  - While these are still in common use, **they are being slowly phased out**.
+  - Since they are absolute within the crate, adding a new node
+    anywhere in the tree causes the node-ids of all subsequent code in
+    the crate to change. This is terrible for incremental compilation,
+    as you can perhaps imagine.
+### HIR Map
+Most of the time when you are working with the HIR, you will do so via
+the **HIR Map**, accessible in the tcx via `tcx.hir` (and defined in
+the `hir::map` module). The HIR map contains a number of methods to
+convert between ids of various kinds and to lookup data associated
+with a HIR node.
+For example, if you have a `DefId`, and you would like to convert it
+to a `NodeId`, you can use `tcx.hir.as_local_node_id(def_id)`. This
+returns an `Option<NodeId>` -- this will be `None` if the def-id
+refers to something outside of the current crate (since then it has no
+HIR node), but otherwise returns `Some(n)` where `n` is the node-id of
+the definition.
+Similarly, you can use `tcx.hir.find(n)` to lookup the node for a
+`NodeId`. This returns a `Option<Node<'tcx>>`, where `Node` is an enum
+defined in the map; by matching on this you can find out what sort of
+node the node-id referred to and also get a pointer to the data
+itself. Often, you know what sort of node `n` is -- e.g., if you know
+that `n` must be some HIR expression, you can do
+`tcx.hir.expect_expr(n)`, which will extract and return the
+`&hir::Expr`, panicking if `n` is not in fact an expression.
+Finally, you can use the HIR map to find the parents of nodes, via
+calls like `tcx.hir.get_parent_node(n)`.
+### HIR Bodies
+A **body** represents some kind of executable code, such as the body
+of a function/closure or the definition of a constant. Bodies are
+associated with an **owner**, which is typically some kind of item
+(e.g., a `fn()` or `const`), but could also be a closure expression
+(e.g., `|x, y| x + y`). You can use the HIR map to find find the body
+associated with a given def-id (`maybe_body_owned_by()`) or to find
+the owner of a body (`body_owner_def_id()`).
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+The HIR map, accessible via `tcx.hir`, allows you to quickly navigate the
+HIR and convert between various forms of identifiers. See [the HIR README] for more information.
+[the HIR README]: ../README.md
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/mod.rs b/src/librustc/hir/mod.rs
index dd2a3978d8844..c250695f361a6 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/mod.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/mod.rs
@@ -413,6 +413,10 @@ pub struct WhereEqPredicate {
 pub type CrateConfig = HirVec<P<MetaItem>>;
+/// The top-level data structure that stores the entire contents of
+/// the crate currently being compiled.
+/// For more details, see [the module-level README](README.md).
 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
 pub struct Crate {
     pub module: Mod,
@@ -927,7 +931,27 @@ pub struct BodyId {
     pub node_id: NodeId,
-/// The body of a function or constant value.
+/// The body of a function, closure, or constant value. In the case of
+/// a function, the body contains not only the function body itself
+/// (which is an expression), but also the argument patterns, since
+/// those are something that the caller doesn't really care about.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// fn foo((x, y): (u32, u32)) -> u32 {
+///     x + y
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Here, the `Body` associated with `foo()` would contain:
+/// - an `arguments` array containing the `(x, y)` pattern
+/// - a `value` containing the `x + y` expression (maybe wrapped in a block)
+/// - `is_generator` would be false
+/// All bodies have an **owner**, which can be accessed via the HIR
+/// map using `body_owner_def_id()`.
 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug)]
 pub struct Body {
     pub arguments: HirVec<Arg>,
diff --git a/src/librustc/lib.rs b/src/librustc/lib.rs
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--- a/src/librustc/lib.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/lib.rs
@@ -8,7 +8,28 @@
 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
 // except according to those terms.
-//! The Rust compiler.
+//! The "main crate" of the Rust compiler. This crate contains common
+//! type definitions that are used by the other crates in the rustc
+//! "family". Some prominent examples (note that each of these modules
+//! has their own README with further details).
+//! - **HIR.** The "high-level (H) intermediate representation (IR)" is
+//!   defined in the `hir` module.
+//! - **MIR.** The "mid-level (M) intermediate representation (IR)" is
+//!   defined in the `mir` module. This module contains only the
+//!   *definition* of the MIR; the passes that transform and operate
+//!   on MIR are found in `librustc_mir` crate.
+//! - **Types.** The internal representation of types used in rustc is
+//!   defined in the `ty` module. This includes the **type context**
+//!   (or `tcx`), which is the central context during most of
+//!   compilation, containing the interners and other things.
+//! - **Traits.** Trait resolution is implemented in the `traits` module.
+//! - **Type inference.** The type inference code can be found in the `infer` module;
+//!   this code handles low-level equality and subtyping operations. The
+//!   type check pass in the compiler is found in the `librustc_typeck` crate.
+//! For a deeper explanation of how the compiler works and is
+//! organized, see the README.md file in this directory.
 //! # Note
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+# Types and the Type Context
+The `ty` module defines how the Rust compiler represents types
+internally. It also defines the *typing context* (`tcx` or `TyCtxt`),
+which is the central data structure in the compiler.
+## The tcx and how it uses lifetimes
+The `tcx` ("typing context") is the central data structure in the
+compiler. It is the context that you use to perform all manner of
+queries. The struct `TyCtxt` defines a reference to this shared context:
+tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>
+//          --  ----  ----
+//          |   |     |
+//          |   |     innermost arena lifetime (if any)
+//          |   "global arena" lifetime
+//          lifetime of this reference
+As you can see, the `TyCtxt` type takes three lifetime parameters.
+These lifetimes are perhaps the most complex thing to understand about
+the tcx. During Rust compilation, we allocate most of our memory in
+**arenas**, which are basically pools of memory that get freed all at
+once. When you see a reference with a lifetime like `'tcx` or `'gcx`,
+you know that it refers to arena-allocated data (or data that lives as
+long as the arenas, anyhow).
+We use two distinct levels of arenas. The outer level is the "global
+arena". This arena lasts for the entire compilation: so anything you
+allocate in there is only freed once compilation is basically over
+(actually, when we shift to executing LLVM).
+To reduce peak memory usage, when we do type inference, we also use an
+inner level of arena. These arenas get thrown away once type inference
+is over. This is done because type inference generates a lot of
+"throw-away" types that are not particularly interesting after type
+inference completes, so keeping around those allocations would be
+Often, we wish to write code that explicitly asserts that it is not
+taking place during inference. In that case, there is no "local"
+arena, and all the types that you can access are allocated in the
+global arena.  To express this, the idea is to us the same lifetime
+for the `'gcx` and `'tcx` parameters of `TyCtxt`. Just to be a touch
+confusing, we tend to use the name `'tcx` in such contexts. Here is an
+fn not_in_inference<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, def_id: DefId) {
+    //                                        ----  ----
+    //                                        Using the same lifetime here asserts
+    //                                        that the innermost arena accessible through
+    //                                        this reference *is* the global arena.
+In contrast, if we want to code that can be usable during type inference, then you
+need to declare a distinct `'gcx` and `'tcx` lifetime parameter:
+fn maybe_in_inference<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, def_id: DefId) {
+    //                                                ----  ----
+    //                                        Using different lifetimes here means that
+    //                                        the innermost arena *may* be distinct
+    //                                        from the global arena (but doesn't have to be).
+### Allocating and working with types
+Rust types are represented using the `Ty<'tcx>` defined in the `ty`
+module (not to be confused with the `Ty` struct from [the HIR]). This
+is in fact a simple type alias for a reference with `'tcx` lifetime:
+pub type Ty<'tcx> = &'tcx TyS<'tcx>;
+[the HIR]: ../hir/README.md
+You can basically ignore the `TyS` struct -- you will basically never
+access it explicitly. We always pass it by reference using the
+`Ty<'tcx>` alias -- the only exception I think is to define inherent
+methods on types. Instances of `TyS` are only ever allocated in one of
+the rustc arenas (never e.g. on the stack).
+One common operation on types is to **match** and see what kinds of
+types they are. This is done by doing `match ty.sty`, sort of like this:
+fn test_type<'tcx>(ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
+    match ty.sty {
+        ty::TyArray(elem_ty, len) => { ... }
+        ...
+    }
+The `sty` field (the origin of this name is unclear to me; perhaps
+structural type?) is of type `TypeVariants<'tcx>`, which is an enum
+definined all of the different kinds of types in the compiler.
+> NB: inspecting the `sty` field on types during type inference can be
+> risky, as there are may be inference variables and other things to
+> consider, or sometimes types are not yet known that will become
+> known later.).
+To allocate a new type, you can use the various `mk_` methods defined
+on the `tcx`. These have names that correpond mostly to the various kinds
+of type variants. For example:
+let array_ty = tcx.mk_array(elem_ty, len * 2);
+These methods all return a `Ty<'tcx>` -- note that the lifetime you
+get back is the lifetime of the innermost arena that this `tcx` has
+access to. In fact, types are always canonicalized and interned (so we
+never allocate exactly the same type twice) and are always allocated
+in the outermost arena where they can be (so, if they do not contain
+any inference variables or other "temporary" types, they will be
+allocated in the global arena). However, the lifetime `'tcx` is always
+a safe approximation, so that is what you get back.
+> NB. Because types are interned, it is possible to compare them for
+> equality efficiently using `==` -- however, this is almost never what
+> you want to do unless you happen to be hashing and looking for
+> duplicates. This is because often in Rust there are multiple ways to
+> represent the same type, particularly once inference is involved. If
+> you are going to be testing for type equality, you probably need to
+> start looking into the inference code to do it right.
+You can also find various common types in the tcx itself by accessing
+`tcx.types.bool`, `tcx.types.char`, etc (see `CommonTypes` for more).
+### Beyond types: Other kinds of arena-allocated data structures
+In addition to types, there are a number of other arena-allocated data
+structures that you can allocate, and which are found in this
+module. Here are a few examples:
+- `Substs`, allocated with `mk_substs` -- this will intern a slice of types, often used to
+  specify the values to be substituted for generics (e.g., `HashMap<i32, u32>`
+  would be represented as a slice `&'tcx [tcx.types.i32, tcx.types.u32]`.
+- `TraitRef`, typically passed by value -- a **trait reference**
+  consists of a reference to a trait along with its various type
+  parameters (including `Self`), like `i32: Display` (here, the def-id
+  would reference the `Display` trait, and the substs would contain
+  `i32`).
+- `Predicate` defines something the trait system has to prove (see `traits` module).
+### Import conventions
+Although there is no hard and fast rule, the `ty` module tends to be used like so:
+use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
+In particular, since they are so common, the `Ty` and `TyCtxt` types
+are imported directly. Other types are often referenced with an
+explicit `ty::` prefix (e.g., `ty::TraitRef<'tcx>`). But some modules
+choose to import a larger or smaller set of names explicitly.
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/context.rs b/src/librustc/ty/context.rs
index 8005714433f5e..874bb426dc509 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/context.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/context.rs
@@ -793,9 +793,10 @@ impl<'tcx> CommonTypes<'tcx> {
-/// The data structure to keep track of all the information that typechecker
-/// generates so that so that it can be reused and doesn't have to be redone
-/// later on.
+/// The central data structure of the compiler. It stores references
+/// to the various **arenas** and also houses the results of the
+/// various **compiler queries** that have been performed. See [the
+/// README](README.md) for more deatils.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
 pub struct TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
     gcx: &'a GlobalCtxt<'gcx>,
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/maps.rs b/src/librustc/ty/maps.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c0045483ced47..0000000000000
--- a/src/librustc/ty/maps.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1551 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-use dep_graph::{DepConstructor, DepNode, DepNodeIndex};
-use errors::{Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder};
-use hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, LOCAL_CRATE, DefIndex};
-use hir::def::{Def, Export};
-use hir::{self, TraitCandidate, ItemLocalId};
-use hir::svh::Svh;
-use lint;
-use middle::const_val;
-use middle::cstore::{ExternCrate, LinkagePreference, NativeLibrary,
-                     ExternBodyNestedBodies};
-use middle::cstore::{NativeLibraryKind, DepKind, CrateSource, ExternConstBody};
-use middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
-use middle::reachable::ReachableSet;
-use middle::region;
-use middle::resolve_lifetime::{Region, ObjectLifetimeDefault};
-use middle::stability::{self, DeprecationEntry};
-use middle::lang_items::{LanguageItems, LangItem};
-use middle::exported_symbols::SymbolExportLevel;
-use middle::trans::{CodegenUnit, Stats};
-use mir;
-use mir::transform::{MirSuite, MirPassIndex};
-use session::CompileResult;
-use session::config::OutputFilenames;
-use traits::specialization_graph;
-use ty::{self, CrateInherentImpls, Ty, TyCtxt};
-use ty::layout::{Layout, LayoutError};
-use ty::item_path;
-use ty::steal::Steal;
-use ty::subst::Substs;
-use ty::fast_reject::SimplifiedType;
-use util::nodemap::{DefIdSet, DefIdMap};
-use util::common::{profq_msg, ProfileQueriesMsg};
-use rustc_data_structures::indexed_set::IdxSetBuf;
-use rustc_back::PanicStrategy;
-use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::IndexVec;
-use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
-use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut, Cell};
-use std::fmt::Debug;
-use std::hash::Hash;
-use std::marker::PhantomData;
-use std::mem;
-use std::ops::Deref;
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
-use syntax_pos::symbol::InternedString;
-use syntax::attr;
-use syntax::ast;
-use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
-pub trait Key: Clone + Hash + Eq + Debug {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum;
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span;
-impl<'tcx> Key for ty::InstanceDef<'tcx> {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        LOCAL_CRATE
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        tcx.def_span(self.def_id())
-    }
-impl<'tcx> Key for ty::Instance<'tcx> {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        LOCAL_CRATE
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        tcx.def_span(self.def_id())
-    }
-impl Key for CrateNum {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        *self
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, _: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        DUMMY_SP
-    }
-impl Key for DefIndex {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        LOCAL_CRATE
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, _tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        DUMMY_SP
-    }
-impl Key for DefId {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.krate
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        tcx.def_span(*self)
-    }
-impl Key for (DefId, DefId) {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.0.krate
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        self.1.default_span(tcx)
-    }
-impl Key for (CrateNum, DefId) {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.0
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        self.1.default_span(tcx)
-    }
-impl Key for (DefId, SimplifiedType) {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.0.krate
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        self.0.default_span(tcx)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> Key for (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>) {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.0.krate
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        self.0.default_span(tcx)
-    }
-impl Key for (MirSuite, DefId) {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.1.map_crate()
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        self.1.default_span(tcx)
-    }
-impl Key for (MirSuite, MirPassIndex, DefId) {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.2.map_crate()
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        self.2.default_span(tcx)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> Key for Ty<'tcx> {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        LOCAL_CRATE
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, _: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        DUMMY_SP
-    }
-impl<'tcx, T: Key> Key for ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, T> {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        self.value.map_crate()
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        self.value.default_span(tcx)
-    }
-impl Key for InternedString {
-    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
-        LOCAL_CRATE
-    }
-    fn default_span(&self, _tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
-        DUMMY_SP
-    }
-trait Value<'tcx>: Sized {
-    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Self;
-impl<'tcx, T> Value<'tcx> for T {
-    default fn from_cycle_error<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> T {
-        tcx.sess.abort_if_errors();
-        bug!("Value::from_cycle_error called without errors");
-    }
-impl<'tcx, T: Default> Value<'tcx> for T {
-    default fn from_cycle_error<'a>(_: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> T {
-        T::default()
-    }
-impl<'tcx> Value<'tcx> for Ty<'tcx> {
-    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
-        tcx.types.err
-    }
-impl<'tcx> Value<'tcx> for ty::DtorckConstraint<'tcx> {
-    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(_: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Self {
-        Self::empty()
-    }
-impl<'tcx> Value<'tcx> for ty::SymbolName {
-    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(_: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Self {
-        ty::SymbolName { name: Symbol::intern("<error>").as_str() }
-    }
-struct QueryMap<D: QueryDescription> {
-    phantom: PhantomData<D>,
-    map: FxHashMap<D::Key, QueryValue<D::Value>>,
-struct QueryValue<T> {
-    value: T,
-    index: DepNodeIndex,
-    diagnostics: Option<Box<QueryDiagnostics>>,
-struct QueryDiagnostics {
-    diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>,
-    emitted_diagnostics: Cell<bool>,
-impl<M: QueryDescription> QueryMap<M> {
-    fn new() -> QueryMap<M> {
-        QueryMap {
-            phantom: PhantomData,
-            map: FxHashMap(),
-        }
-    }
-struct CycleError<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
-    span: Span,
-    cycle: RefMut<'a, [(Span, Query<'tcx>)]>,
-impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
-    fn report_cycle(self, CycleError { span, cycle }: CycleError)
-        -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a>
-    {
-        // Subtle: release the refcell lock before invoking `describe()`
-        // below by dropping `cycle`.
-        let stack = cycle.to_vec();
-        mem::drop(cycle);
-        assert!(!stack.is_empty());
-        // Disable naming impls with types in this path, since that
-        // sometimes cycles itself, leading to extra cycle errors.
-        // (And cycle errors around impls tend to occur during the
-        // collect/coherence phases anyhow.)
-        item_path::with_forced_impl_filename_line(|| {
-            let mut err =
-                struct_span_err!(self.sess, span, E0391,
-                                 "unsupported cyclic reference between types/traits detected");
-            err.span_label(span, "cyclic reference");
-            err.span_note(stack[0].0, &format!("the cycle begins when {}...",
-                                               stack[0].1.describe(self)));
-            for &(span, ref query) in &stack[1..] {
-                err.span_note(span, &format!("...which then requires {}...",
-                                             query.describe(self)));
-            }
-            err.note(&format!("...which then again requires {}, completing the cycle.",
-                              stack[0].1.describe(self)));
-            return err
-        })
-    }
-    fn cycle_check<F, R>(self, span: Span, query: Query<'gcx>, compute: F)
-                         -> Result<R, CycleError<'a, 'gcx>>
-        where F: FnOnce() -> R
-    {
-        {
-            let mut stack = self.maps.query_stack.borrow_mut();
-            if let Some((i, _)) = stack.iter().enumerate().rev()
-                                       .find(|&(_, &(_, ref q))| *q == query) {
-                return Err(CycleError {
-                    span,
-                    cycle: RefMut::map(stack, |stack| &mut stack[i..])
-                });
-            }
-            stack.push((span, query));
-        }
-        let result = compute();
-        self.maps.query_stack.borrow_mut().pop();
-        Ok(result)
-    }
-pub trait QueryConfig {
-    type Key: Eq + Hash + Clone;
-    type Value;
-trait QueryDescription: QueryConfig {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, key: Self::Key) -> String;
-impl<M: QueryConfig<Key=DefId>> QueryDescription for M {
-    default fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("processing `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_copy_raw<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
-        format!("computing whether `{}` is `Copy`", env.value)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_sized_raw<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
-        format!("computing whether `{}` is `Sized`", env.value)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_freeze_raw<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
-        format!("computing whether `{}` is freeze", env.value)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::needs_drop_raw<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
-        format!("computing whether `{}` needs drop", env.value)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::layout_raw<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
-        format!("computing layout of `{}`", env.value)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::super_predicates_of<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("computing the supertraits of `{}`",
-                tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::type_param_predicates<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, (_, def_id): (DefId, DefId)) -> String {
-        let id = tcx.hir.as_local_node_id(def_id).unwrap();
-        format!("computing the bounds for type parameter `{}`",
-                tcx.hir.ty_param_name(id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::coherent_trait<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, (_, def_id): (CrateNum, DefId)) -> String {
-        format!("coherence checking all impls of trait `{}`",
-                tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_inherent_impls<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, k: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("all inherent impls defined in crate `{:?}`", k)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("check for overlap between inherent impls defined in this crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_variances<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("computing the variances for items in this crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::mir_shims<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> String {
-        format!("generating MIR shim for `{}`",
-                tcx.item_path_str(def.def_id()))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::privacy_access_levels<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("privacy access levels")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::typeck_item_bodies<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("type-checking all item bodies")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::reachable_set<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("reachability")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::const_eval<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, key: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>) -> String {
-        format!("const-evaluating `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(key.value.0))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::mir_keys<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("getting a list of all mir_keys")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::symbol_name<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> String {
-        format!("computing the symbol for `{}`", instance)
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::describe_def<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("describe_def")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::def_span<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("def_span")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::lookup_stability<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("stability")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::lookup_deprecation_entry<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("deprecation")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::item_attrs<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("item_attrs")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_exported_symbol<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("is_exported_symbol")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::fn_arg_names<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("fn_arg_names")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::impl_parent<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("impl_parent")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::trait_of_item<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        bug!("trait_of_item")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::item_body_nested_bodies<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("nested item bodies of `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("const checking if rvalue is promotable to static `{}`",
-            tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_mir_available<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("checking if item is mir available: `{}`",
-            tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::trait_impls_of<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("trait impls of `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_object_safe<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("determine object safety of trait `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_const_fn<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
-        format!("checking if item is const fn: `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::dylib_dependency_formats<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        "dylib dependency formats of crate".to_string()
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_panic_runtime<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        "checking if the crate is_panic_runtime".to_string()
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_compiler_builtins<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        "checking if the crate is_compiler_builtins".to_string()
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::has_global_allocator<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        "checking if the crate has_global_allocator".to_string()
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::extern_crate<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
-        "getting crate's ExternCrateData".to_string()
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::lint_levels<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("computing the lint levels for items in this crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::specializes<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: (DefId, DefId)) -> String {
-        format!("computing whether impls specialize one another")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::in_scope_traits_map<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
-        format!("traits in scope at a block")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_no_builtins<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("test whether a crate has #![no_builtins]")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::panic_strategy<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("query a crate's configured panic strategy")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_profiler_runtime<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("query a crate is #![profiler_runtime]")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_sanitizer_runtime<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("query a crate is #![sanitizer_runtime]")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::exported_symbol_ids<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up the exported symbols of a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::native_libraries<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up the native libraries of a linked crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::plugin_registrar_fn<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up the plugin registrar for a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::derive_registrar_fn<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up the derive registrar for a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_disambiguator<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up the disambiguator a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_hash<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up the hash a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::original_crate_name<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up the original name a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::implementations_of_trait<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: (CrateNum, DefId)) -> String {
-        format!("looking up implementations of a trait in a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::all_trait_implementations<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up all (?) trait implementations")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::link_args<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up link arguments for a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::named_region_map<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
-        format!("looking up a named region")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_late_bound_map<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
-        format!("testing if a region is late boudn")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::object_lifetime_defaults_map<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
-        format!("looking up lifetime defaults for a region")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::dep_kind<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("fetching what a dependency looks like")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_name<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("fetching what a crate is named")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::get_lang_items<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("calculating the lang items map")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::defined_lang_items<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("calculating the lang items defined in a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::missing_lang_items<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("calculating the missing lang items in a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::visible_parent_map<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("calculating the visible parent map")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::missing_extern_crate_item<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("seeing if we're missing an `extern crate` item for this crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::used_crate_source<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking at the source for a crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::postorder_cnums<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("generating a postorder list of CrateNums")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::maybe_unused_extern_crates<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("looking up all possibly unused extern crates")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::stability_index<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("calculating the stability index for the local crate")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::all_crate_nums<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("fetching all foreign CrateNum instances")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::exported_symbols<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("exported_symbols")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::collect_and_partition_translation_items<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("collect_and_partition_translation_items")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::codegen_unit<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: InternedString) -> String {
-        format!("codegen_unit")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::compile_codegen_unit<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: InternedString) -> String {
-        format!("compile_codegen_unit")
-    }
-impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::output_filenames<'tcx> {
-    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
-        format!("output_filenames")
-    }
-// If enabled, send a message to the profile-queries thread
-macro_rules! profq_msg {
-    ($tcx:expr, $msg:expr) => {
-        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
-            if  $tcx.sess.profile_queries() {
-                profq_msg($msg)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// If enabled, format a key using its debug string, which can be
-// expensive to compute (in terms of time).
-macro_rules! profq_key {
-    ($tcx:expr, $key:expr) => {
-        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
-            if $tcx.sess.profile_queries_and_keys() {
-                Some(format!("{:?}", $key))
-            } else { None }
-        } else { None }
-    }
-macro_rules! define_maps {
-    (<$tcx:tt>
-     $($(#[$attr:meta])*
-       [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
-        define_map_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$($attr)*] [$name]))*)
-        }
-        impl<$tcx> Maps<$tcx> {
-            pub fn new(providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>)
-                       -> Self {
-                Maps {
-                    providers,
-                    query_stack: RefCell::new(vec![]),
-                    $($name: RefCell::new(QueryMap::new())),*
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        #[allow(bad_style)]
-        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-        pub enum Query<$tcx> {
-            $($(#[$attr])* $name($K)),*
-        }
-        #[allow(bad_style)]
-        #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-        pub enum QueryMsg {
-            $($name(Option<String>)),*
-        }
-        impl<$tcx> Query<$tcx> {
-            pub fn describe(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> String {
-                let (r, name) = match *self {
-                    $(Query::$name(key) => {
-                        (queries::$name::describe(tcx, key), stringify!($name))
-                    })*
-                };
-                if tcx.sess.verbose() {
-                    format!("{} [{}]", r, name)
-                } else {
-                    r
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        pub mod queries {
-            use std::marker::PhantomData;
-            $(#[allow(bad_style)]
-            pub struct $name<$tcx> {
-                data: PhantomData<&$tcx ()>
-            })*
-        }
-        $(impl<$tcx> QueryConfig for queries::$name<$tcx> {
-            type Key = $K;
-            type Value = $V;
-        }
-        impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> queries::$name<$tcx> {
-            #[allow(unused)]
-            fn to_dep_node(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>, key: &$K) -> DepNode {
-                use dep_graph::DepConstructor::*;
-                DepNode::new(tcx, $node(*key))
-            }
-            fn try_get_with<F, R>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>,
-                                  mut span: Span,
-                                  key: $K,
-                                  f: F)
-                                  -> Result<R, CycleError<'a, $tcx>>
-                where F: FnOnce(&$V) -> R
-            {
-                debug!("ty::queries::{}::try_get_with(key={:?}, span={:?})",
-                       stringify!($name),
-                       key,
-                       span);
-                profq_msg!(tcx,
-                    ProfileQueriesMsg::QueryBegin(
-                        span.clone(),
-                        QueryMsg::$name(profq_key!(tcx, key))
-                    )
-                );
-                if let Some(value) = tcx.maps.$name.borrow().map.get(&key) {
-                    if let Some(ref d) = value.diagnostics {
-                        if !d.emitted_diagnostics.get() {
-                            d.emitted_diagnostics.set(true);
-                            let handle = tcx.sess.diagnostic();
-                            for diagnostic in d.diagnostics.iter() {
-                                DiagnosticBuilder::new_diagnostic(handle, diagnostic.clone())
-                                    .emit();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    profq_msg!(tcx, ProfileQueriesMsg::CacheHit);
-                    tcx.dep_graph.read_index(value.index);
-                    return Ok(f(&value.value));
-                }
-                // else, we are going to run the provider:
-                profq_msg!(tcx, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderBegin);
-                // FIXME(eddyb) Get more valid Span's on queries.
-                // def_span guard is necessary to prevent a recursive loop,
-                // default_span calls def_span query internally.
-                if span == DUMMY_SP && stringify!($name) != "def_span" {
-                    span = key.default_span(tcx)
-                }
-                let dep_node = Self::to_dep_node(tcx, &key);
-                let res = tcx.cycle_check(span, Query::$name(key), || {
-                    tcx.sess.diagnostic().track_diagnostics(|| {
-                        if dep_node.kind.is_anon() {
-                            tcx.dep_graph.with_anon_task(dep_node.kind, || {
-                                let provider = tcx.maps.providers[key.map_crate()].$name;
-                                provider(tcx.global_tcx(), key)
-                            })
-                        } else {
-                            fn run_provider<'a, 'tcx, 'lcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'lcx>,
-                                                            key: $K)
-                                                            -> $V {
-                                let provider = tcx.maps.providers[key.map_crate()].$name;
-                                provider(tcx.global_tcx(), key)
-                            }
-                            tcx.dep_graph.with_task(dep_node, tcx, key, run_provider)
-                        }
-                    })
-                })?;
-                profq_msg!(tcx, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderEnd);
-                let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = res;
-                tcx.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
-                let value = QueryValue {
-                    value: result,
-                    index: dep_node_index,
-                    diagnostics: if diagnostics.len() == 0 {
-                        None
-                    } else {
-                        Some(Box::new(QueryDiagnostics {
-                            diagnostics,
-                            emitted_diagnostics: Cell::new(true),
-                        }))
-                    },
-                };
-                Ok(f(&tcx.maps
-                         .$name
-                         .borrow_mut()
-                         .map
-                         .entry(key)
-                         .or_insert(value)
-                         .value))
-            }
-            pub fn try_get(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>, span: Span, key: $K)
-                           -> Result<$V, DiagnosticBuilder<'a>> {
-                match Self::try_get_with(tcx, span, key, Clone::clone) {
-                    Ok(e) => Ok(e),
-                    Err(e) => Err(tcx.report_cycle(e)),
-                }
-            }
-            pub fn force(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>, span: Span, key: $K) {
-                // Ignore dependencies, since we not reading the computed value
-                let _task = tcx.dep_graph.in_ignore();
-                match Self::try_get_with(tcx, span, key, |_| ()) {
-                    Ok(()) => {}
-                    Err(e) => tcx.report_cycle(e).emit(),
-                }
-            }
-        })*
-        #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-        pub struct TyCtxtAt<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
-            pub tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
-            pub span: Span,
-        }
-        impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> Deref for TyCtxtAt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
-            type Target = TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>;
-            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
-                &self.tcx
-            }
-        }
-        impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
-            /// Return a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt` which uses
-            /// `span` as the location of queries performed through it.
-            pub fn at(self, span: Span) -> TyCtxtAt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
-                TyCtxtAt {
-                    tcx: self,
-                    span
-                }
-            }
-            $($(#[$attr])*
-            pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {
-                self.at(DUMMY_SP).$name(key)
-            })*
-        }
-        impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> TyCtxtAt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
-            $($(#[$attr])*
-            pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {
-                queries::$name::try_get(self.tcx, self.span, key).unwrap_or_else(|mut e| {
-                    e.emit();
-                    Value::from_cycle_error(self.global_tcx())
-                })
-            })*
-        }
-        define_provider_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$name] [$K] [$V]))*),
-            output: ()
-        }
-        impl<$tcx> Copy for Providers<$tcx> {}
-        impl<$tcx> Clone for Providers<$tcx> {
-            fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
-        }
-    }
-macro_rules! define_map_struct {
-    // Initial state
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     input: $input:tt) => {
-        define_map_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: $input,
-            output: ()
-        }
-    };
-    // Final output
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     input: (),
-     output: ($($output:tt)*)) => {
-        pub struct Maps<$tcx> {
-            providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>,
-            query_stack: RefCell<Vec<(Span, Query<$tcx>)>>,
-            $($output)*
-        }
-    };
-    // Field recognized and ready to shift into the output
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     ready: ([$($pub:tt)*] [$($attr:tt)*] [$name:ident]),
-     input: $input:tt,
-     output: ($($output:tt)*)) => {
-        define_map_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: $input,
-            output: ($($output)*
-                     $(#[$attr])* $($pub)* $name: RefCell<QueryMap<queries::$name<$tcx>>>,)
-        }
-    };
-    // No modifiers left? This is a private item.
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     input: (([] $attrs:tt $name:tt) $($input:tt)*),
-     output: $output:tt) => {
-        define_map_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            ready: ([] $attrs $name),
-            input: ($($input)*),
-            output: $output
-        }
-    };
-    // Skip other modifiers
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     input: (([$other_modifier:tt $($modifiers:tt)*] $($fields:tt)*) $($input:tt)*),
-     output: $output:tt) => {
-        define_map_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: (([$($modifiers)*] $($fields)*) $($input)*),
-            output: $output
-        }
-    };
-macro_rules! define_provider_struct {
-    // Initial state:
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt, input: $input:tt) => {
-        define_provider_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: $input,
-            output: ()
-        }
-    };
-    // Final state:
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     input: (),
-     output: ($(([$name:ident] [$K:ty] [$R:ty]))*)) => {
-        pub struct Providers<$tcx> {
-            $(pub $name: for<'a> fn(TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, $tcx>, $K) -> $R,)*
-        }
-        impl<$tcx> Default for Providers<$tcx> {
-            fn default() -> Self {
-                $(fn $name<'a, $tcx>(_: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, $tcx>, key: $K) -> $R {
-                    bug!("tcx.maps.{}({:?}) unsupported by its crate",
-                         stringify!($name), key);
-                })*
-                Providers { $($name),* }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    // Something ready to shift:
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     ready: ($name:tt $K:tt $V:tt),
-     input: $input:tt,
-     output: ($($output:tt)*)) => {
-        define_provider_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: $input,
-            output: ($($output)* ($name $K $V))
-        }
-    };
-    // Regular queries produce a `V` only.
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     input: (([] $name:tt $K:tt $V:tt) $($input:tt)*),
-     output: $output:tt) => {
-        define_provider_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            ready: ($name $K $V),
-            input: ($($input)*),
-            output: $output
-        }
-    };
-    // Skip modifiers.
-    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
-     input: (([$other_modifier:tt $($modifiers:tt)*] $($fields:tt)*) $($input:tt)*),
-     output: $output:tt) => {
-        define_provider_struct! {
-            tcx: $tcx,
-            input: (([$($modifiers)*] $($fields)*) $($input)*),
-            output: $output
-        }
-    };
-// Each of these maps also corresponds to a method on a
-// `Provider` trait for requesting a value of that type,
-// and a method on `Maps` itself for doing that in a
-// a way that memoizes and does dep-graph tracking,
-// wrapping around the actual chain of providers that
-// the driver creates (using several `rustc_*` crates).
-define_maps! { <'tcx>
-    /// Records the type of every item.
-    [] fn type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
-    /// Maps from the def-id of an item (trait/struct/enum/fn) to its
-    /// associated generics and predicates.
-    [] fn generics_of: GenericsOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::Generics,
-    [] fn predicates_of: PredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
-    /// Maps from the def-id of a trait to the list of
-    /// super-predicates. This is a subset of the full list of
-    /// predicates. We store these in a separate map because we must
-    /// evaluate them even during type conversion, often before the
-    /// full predicates are available (note that supertraits have
-    /// additional acyclicity requirements).
-    [] fn super_predicates_of: SuperPredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
-    /// To avoid cycles within the predicates of a single item we compute
-    /// per-type-parameter predicates for resolving `T::AssocTy`.
-    [] fn type_param_predicates: type_param_predicates((DefId, DefId))
-        -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
-    [] fn trait_def: TraitDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TraitDef,
-    [] fn adt_def: AdtDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::AdtDef,
-    [] fn adt_destructor: AdtDestructor(DefId) -> Option<ty::Destructor>,
-    [] fn adt_sized_constraint: SizedConstraint(DefId) -> &'tcx [Ty<'tcx>],
-    [] fn adt_dtorck_constraint: DtorckConstraint(DefId) -> ty::DtorckConstraint<'tcx>,
-    /// True if this is a const fn
-    [] fn is_const_fn: IsConstFn(DefId) -> bool,
-    /// True if this is a foreign item (i.e., linked via `extern { ... }`).
-    [] fn is_foreign_item: IsForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,
-    /// True if this is a default impl (aka impl Foo for ..)
-    [] fn is_default_impl: IsDefaultImpl(DefId) -> bool,
-    /// Get a map with the variance of every item; use `item_variance`
-    /// instead.
-    [] fn crate_variances: crate_variances(CrateNum) -> Rc<ty::CrateVariancesMap>,
-    /// Maps from def-id of a type or region parameter to its
-    /// (inferred) variance.
-    [] fn variances_of: ItemVariances(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<ty::Variance>>,
-    /// Maps from an impl/trait def-id to a list of the def-ids of its items
-    [] fn associated_item_def_ids: AssociatedItemDefIds(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
-    /// Maps from a trait item to the trait item "descriptor"
-    [] fn associated_item: AssociatedItems(DefId) -> ty::AssociatedItem,
-    [] fn impl_trait_ref: ImplTraitRef(DefId) -> Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
-    [] fn impl_polarity: ImplPolarity(DefId) -> hir::ImplPolarity,
-    /// Maps a DefId of a type to a list of its inherent impls.
-    /// Contains implementations of methods that are inherent to a type.
-    /// Methods in these implementations don't need to be exported.
-    [] fn inherent_impls: InherentImpls(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
-    /// Set of all the def-ids in this crate that have MIR associated with
-    /// them. This includes all the body owners, but also things like struct
-    /// constructors.
-    [] fn mir_keys: mir_keys(CrateNum) -> Rc<DefIdSet>,
-    /// Maps DefId's that have an associated Mir to the result
-    /// of the MIR qualify_consts pass. The actual meaning of
-    /// the value isn't known except to the pass itself.
-    [] fn mir_const_qualif: MirConstQualif(DefId) -> (u8, Rc<IdxSetBuf<mir::Local>>),
-    /// Fetch the MIR for a given def-id up till the point where it is
-    /// ready for const evaluation.
-    ///
-    /// See the README for the `mir` module for details.
-    [] fn mir_const: MirConst(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,
-    [] fn mir_validated: MirValidated(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,
-    /// MIR after our optimization passes have run. This is MIR that is ready
-    /// for trans. This is also the only query that can fetch non-local MIR, at present.
-    [] fn optimized_mir: MirOptimized(DefId) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,
-    /// Type of each closure. The def ID is the ID of the
-    /// expression defining the closure.
-    [] fn closure_kind: ClosureKind(DefId) -> ty::ClosureKind,
-    /// The signature of functions and closures.
-    [] fn fn_sig: FnSignature(DefId) -> ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
-    /// Records the signature of each generator. The def ID is the ID of the
-    /// expression defining the closure.
-    [] fn generator_sig: GenSignature(DefId) -> Option<ty::PolyGenSig<'tcx>>,
-    /// Caches CoerceUnsized kinds for impls on custom types.
-    [] fn coerce_unsized_info: CoerceUnsizedInfo(DefId)
-        -> ty::adjustment::CoerceUnsizedInfo,
-    [] fn typeck_item_bodies: typeck_item_bodies_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CompileResult,
-    [] fn typeck_tables_of: TypeckTables(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TypeckTables<'tcx>,
-    [] fn has_typeck_tables: HasTypeckTables(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn coherent_trait: coherent_trait_dep_node((CrateNum, DefId)) -> (),
-    [] fn borrowck: BorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),
-    // FIXME: shouldn't this return a `Result<(), BorrowckErrors>` instead?
-    [] fn mir_borrowck: MirBorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),
-    /// Gets a complete map from all types to their inherent impls.
-    /// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
-    /// (Defined only for LOCAL_CRATE)
-    [] fn crate_inherent_impls: crate_inherent_impls_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CrateInherentImpls,
-    /// Checks all types in the krate for overlap in their inherent impls. Reports errors.
-    /// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
-    /// (Defined only for LOCAL_CRATE)
-    [] fn crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check: inherent_impls_overlap_check_dep_node(CrateNum) -> (),
-    /// Results of evaluating const items or constants embedded in
-    /// other items (such as enum variant explicit discriminants).
-    [] fn const_eval: const_eval_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>)
-        -> const_val::EvalResult<'tcx>,
-    /// Performs the privacy check and computes "access levels".
-    [] fn privacy_access_levels: PrivacyAccessLevels(CrateNum) -> Rc<AccessLevels>,
-    [] fn reachable_set: reachability_dep_node(CrateNum) -> ReachableSet,
-    /// Per-body `region::ScopeTree`. The `DefId` should be the owner-def-id for the body;
-    /// in the case of closures, this will be redirected to the enclosing function.
-    [] fn region_scope_tree: RegionScopeTree(DefId) -> Rc<region::ScopeTree>,
-    [] fn mir_shims: mir_shim_dep_node(ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,
-    [] fn def_symbol_name: SymbolName(DefId) -> ty::SymbolName,
-    [] fn symbol_name: symbol_name_dep_node(ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> ty::SymbolName,
-    [] fn describe_def: DescribeDef(DefId) -> Option<Def>,
-    [] fn def_span: DefSpan(DefId) -> Span,
-    [] fn lookup_stability: LookupStability(DefId) -> Option<&'tcx attr::Stability>,
-    [] fn lookup_deprecation_entry: LookupDeprecationEntry(DefId) -> Option<DeprecationEntry>,
-    [] fn item_attrs: ItemAttrs(DefId) -> Rc<[ast::Attribute]>,
-    [] fn fn_arg_names: FnArgNames(DefId) -> Vec<ast::Name>,
-    [] fn impl_parent: ImplParent(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
-    [] fn trait_of_item: TraitOfItem(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
-    [] fn is_exported_symbol: IsExportedSymbol(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn item_body_nested_bodies: ItemBodyNestedBodies(DefId) -> ExternBodyNestedBodies,
-    [] fn const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static: ConstIsRvaluePromotableToStatic(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_mir_available: IsMirAvailable(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn trait_impls_of: TraitImpls(DefId) -> Rc<ty::trait_def::TraitImpls>,
-    [] fn specialization_graph_of: SpecializationGraph(DefId) -> Rc<specialization_graph::Graph>,
-    [] fn is_object_safe: ObjectSafety(DefId) -> bool,
-    // Get the ParameterEnvironment for a given item; this environment
-    // will be in "user-facing" mode, meaning that it is suitabe for
-    // type-checking etc, and it does not normalize specializable
-    // associated types. This is almost always what you want,
-    // unless you are doing MIR optimizations, in which case you
-    // might want to use `reveal_all()` method to change modes.
-    [] fn param_env: ParamEnv(DefId) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
-    // Trait selection queries. These are best used by invoking `ty.moves_by_default()`,
-    // `ty.is_copy()`, etc, since that will prune the environment where possible.
-    [] fn is_copy_raw: is_copy_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_sized_raw: is_sized_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_freeze_raw: is_freeze_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
-    [] fn needs_drop_raw: needs_drop_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
-    [] fn layout_raw: layout_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>)
-                                  -> Result<&'tcx Layout, LayoutError<'tcx>>,
-    [] fn dylib_dependency_formats: DylibDepFormats(CrateNum)
-                                    -> Rc<Vec<(CrateNum, LinkagePreference)>>,
-    [] fn is_panic_runtime: IsPanicRuntime(CrateNum) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_compiler_builtins: IsCompilerBuiltins(CrateNum) -> bool,
-    [] fn has_global_allocator: HasGlobalAllocator(CrateNum) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_sanitizer_runtime: IsSanitizerRuntime(CrateNum) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_profiler_runtime: IsProfilerRuntime(CrateNum) -> bool,
-    [] fn panic_strategy: GetPanicStrategy(CrateNum) -> PanicStrategy,
-    [] fn is_no_builtins: IsNoBuiltins(CrateNum) -> bool,
-    [] fn extern_crate: ExternCrate(DefId) -> Rc<Option<ExternCrate>>,
-    [] fn specializes: specializes_node((DefId, DefId)) -> bool,
-    [] fn in_scope_traits_map: InScopeTraits(DefIndex)
-        -> Option<Rc<FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Rc<Vec<TraitCandidate>>>>>,
-    [] fn module_exports: ModuleExports(DefId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<Export>>>,
-    [] fn lint_levels: lint_levels_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<lint::LintLevelMap>,
-    [] fn impl_defaultness: ImplDefaultness(DefId) -> hir::Defaultness,
-    [] fn exported_symbol_ids: ExportedSymbolIds(CrateNum) -> Rc<DefIdSet>,
-    [] fn native_libraries: NativeLibraries(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<NativeLibrary>>,
-    [] fn plugin_registrar_fn: PluginRegistrarFn(CrateNum) -> Option<DefId>,
-    [] fn derive_registrar_fn: DeriveRegistrarFn(CrateNum) -> Option<DefId>,
-    [] fn crate_disambiguator: CrateDisambiguator(CrateNum) -> Symbol,
-    [] fn crate_hash: CrateHash(CrateNum) -> Svh,
-    [] fn original_crate_name: OriginalCrateName(CrateNum) -> Symbol,
-    [] fn implementations_of_trait: implementations_of_trait_node((CrateNum, DefId))
-        -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
-    [] fn all_trait_implementations: AllTraitImplementations(CrateNum)
-        -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
-    [] fn is_dllimport_foreign_item: IsDllimportForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_statically_included_foreign_item: IsStaticallyIncludedForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn native_library_kind: NativeLibraryKind(DefId)
-        -> Option<NativeLibraryKind>,
-    [] fn link_args: link_args_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<String>>,
-    [] fn named_region_map: NamedRegion(DefIndex) ->
-        Option<Rc<FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Region>>>,
-    [] fn is_late_bound_map: IsLateBound(DefIndex) ->
-        Option<Rc<FxHashSet<ItemLocalId>>>,
-    [] fn object_lifetime_defaults_map: ObjectLifetimeDefaults(DefIndex)
-        -> Option<Rc<FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Rc<Vec<ObjectLifetimeDefault>>>>>,
-    [] fn visibility: Visibility(DefId) -> ty::Visibility,
-    [] fn dep_kind: DepKind(CrateNum) -> DepKind,
-    [] fn crate_name: CrateName(CrateNum) -> Symbol,
-    [] fn item_children: ItemChildren(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<Export>>,
-    [] fn extern_mod_stmt_cnum: ExternModStmtCnum(DefId) -> Option<CrateNum>,
-    [] fn get_lang_items: get_lang_items_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<LanguageItems>,
-    [] fn defined_lang_items: DefinedLangItems(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<(DefId, usize)>>,
-    [] fn missing_lang_items: MissingLangItems(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<LangItem>>,
-    [] fn extern_const_body: ExternConstBody(DefId) -> ExternConstBody<'tcx>,
-    [] fn visible_parent_map: visible_parent_map_node(CrateNum)
-        -> Rc<DefIdMap<DefId>>,
-    [] fn missing_extern_crate_item: MissingExternCrateItem(CrateNum) -> bool,
-    [] fn used_crate_source: UsedCrateSource(CrateNum) -> Rc<CrateSource>,
-    [] fn postorder_cnums: postorder_cnums_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<CrateNum>>,
-    [] fn freevars: Freevars(DefId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<hir::Freevar>>>,
-    [] fn maybe_unused_trait_import: MaybeUnusedTraitImport(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn maybe_unused_extern_crates: maybe_unused_extern_crates_node(CrateNum)
-        -> Rc<Vec<(DefId, Span)>>,
-    [] fn stability_index: stability_index_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<stability::Index<'tcx>>,
-    [] fn all_crate_nums: all_crate_nums_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<CrateNum>>,
-    [] fn exported_symbols: ExportedSymbols(CrateNum)
-        -> Arc<Vec<(String, Option<DefId>, SymbolExportLevel)>>,
-    [] fn collect_and_partition_translation_items:
-        collect_and_partition_translation_items_node(CrateNum)
-        -> (Arc<DefIdSet>, Arc<Vec<Arc<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>>>),
-    [] fn export_name: ExportName(DefId) -> Option<Symbol>,
-    [] fn contains_extern_indicator: ContainsExternIndicator(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn is_translated_function: IsTranslatedFunction(DefId) -> bool,
-    [] fn codegen_unit: CodegenUnit(InternedString) -> Arc<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>,
-    [] fn compile_codegen_unit: CompileCodegenUnit(InternedString) -> Stats,
-    [] fn output_filenames: output_filenames_node(CrateNum)
-        -> Arc<OutputFilenames>,
-fn type_param_predicates<'tcx>((item_id, param_id): (DefId, DefId)) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::TypeParamPredicates {
-        item_id,
-        param_id
-    }
-fn coherent_trait_dep_node<'tcx>((_, def_id): (CrateNum, DefId)) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::CoherenceCheckTrait(def_id)
-fn crate_inherent_impls_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::Coherence
-fn inherent_impls_overlap_check_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::CoherenceInherentImplOverlapCheck
-fn reachability_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::Reachability
-fn mir_shim_dep_node<'tcx>(instance_def: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::MirShim {
-        instance_def
-    }
-fn symbol_name_dep_node<'tcx>(instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::InstanceSymbolName { instance }
-fn typeck_item_bodies_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::TypeckBodiesKrate
-fn const_eval_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>)
-                             -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::ConstEval
-fn mir_keys<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::MirKeys
-fn crate_variances<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::CrateVariances
-fn is_copy_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::IsCopy
-fn is_sized_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::IsSized
-fn is_freeze_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::IsFreeze
-fn needs_drop_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::NeedsDrop
-fn layout_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::Layout
-fn lint_levels_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::LintLevels
-fn specializes_node<'tcx>((a, b): (DefId, DefId)) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::Specializes { impl1: a, impl2: b }
-fn implementations_of_trait_node<'tcx>((krate, trait_id): (CrateNum, DefId))
-    -> DepConstructor<'tcx>
-    DepConstructor::ImplementationsOfTrait { krate, trait_id }
-fn link_args_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::LinkArgs
-fn get_lang_items_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::GetLangItems
-fn visible_parent_map_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::VisibleParentMap
-fn postorder_cnums_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::PostorderCnums
-fn maybe_unused_extern_crates_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::MaybeUnusedExternCrates
-fn stability_index_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::StabilityIndex
-fn all_crate_nums_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::AllCrateNums
-fn collect_and_partition_translation_items_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::CollectAndPartitionTranslationItems
-fn output_filenames_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
-    DepConstructor::OutputFilenames
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+# The Rust Compiler Query System
+The Compiler Query System is the key to our new demand-driven
+organization.  The idea is pretty simple. You have various queries
+that compute things about the input -- for example, there is a query
+called `type_of(def_id)` that, given the def-id of some item, will
+compute the type of that item and return it to you.
+Query execution is **memoized** -- so the first time you invoke a
+query, it will go do the computation, but the next time, the result is
+returned from a hashtable. Moreover, query execution fits nicely into
+**incremental computation**; the idea is roughly that, when you do a
+query, the result **may** be returned to you by loading stored data
+from disk (but that's a separate topic we won't discuss further here).
+The overall vision is that, eventually, the entire compiler
+control-flow will be query driven. There will effectively be one
+top-level query ("compile") that will run compilation on a crate; this
+will in turn demand information about that crate, starting from the
+*end*.  For example:
+- This "compile" query might demand to get a list of codegen-units
+  (i.e., modules that need to be compiled by LLVM).
+- But computing the list of codegen-units would invoke some subquery
+  that returns the list of all modules defined in the Rust source.
+- That query in turn would invoke something asking for the HIR.
+- This keeps going further and further back until we wind up doing the
+  actual parsing.
+However, that vision is not fully realized. Still, big chunks of the
+compiler (for example, generating MIR) work exactly like this.
+### Invoking queries
+To invoke a query is simple. The tcx ("type context") offers a method
+for each defined query. So, for example, to invoke the `type_of`
+query, you would just do this:
+let ty = tcx.type_of(some_def_id);
+### Cycles between queries
+Currently, cycles during query execution should always result in a
+compilation error. Typically, they arise because of illegal programs
+that contain cyclic references they shouldn't (though sometimes they
+arise because of compiler bugs, in which case we need to factor our
+queries in a more fine-grained fashion to avoid them).
+However, it is nonetheless often useful to *recover* from a cycle
+(after reporting an error, say) and try to soldier on, so as to give a
+better user experience. In order to recover from a cycle, you don't
+get to use the nice method-call-style syntax. Instead, you invoke
+using the `try_get` method, which looks roughly like this:
+use ty::maps::queries;
+match queries::type_of::try_get(tcx, DUMMY_SP, self.did) {
+  Ok(result) => {
+    // no cycle occurred! You can use `result`
+  }
+  Err(err) => {
+    // A cycle occurred! The error value `err` is a `DiagnosticBuilder`,
+    // meaning essentially an "in-progress", not-yet-reported error message.
+    // See below for more details on what to do here.
+  }
+So, if you get back an `Err` from `try_get`, then a cycle *did* occur. This means that
+you must ensure that a compiler error message is reported. You can do that in two ways:
+The simplest is to invoke `err.emit()`. This will emit the cycle error to the user.
+However, often cycles happen because of an illegal program, and you
+know at that point that an error either already has been reported or
+will be reported due to this cycle by some other bit of code. In that
+case, you can invoke `err.cancel()` to not emit any error. It is
+traditional to then invoke:
+tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(some_span, "some message")
+`delay_span_bug()` is a helper that says: we expect a compilation
+error to have happened or to happen in the future; so, if compilation
+ultimately succeeds, make an ICE with the message `"some
+message"`. This is basically just a precaution in case you are wrong.
+### How the compiler executes a query
+So you may be wondering what happens when you invoke a query
+method. The answer is that, for each query, the compiler maintains a
+cache -- if your query has already been executed, then, the answer is
+simple: we clone the return value out of the cache and return it
+(therefore, you should try to ensure that the return types of queries
+are cheaply cloneable; insert a `Rc` if necessary).
+#### Providers
+If, however, the query is *not* in the cache, then the compiler will
+try to find a suitable **provider**. A provider is a function that has
+been defined and linked into the compiler somewhere that contains the
+code to compute the result of the query.
+**Providers are defined per-crate.** The compiler maintains,
+internally, a table of providers for every crate, at least
+conceptually. Right now, there are really two sets: the providers for
+queries about the **local crate** (that is, the one being compiled)
+and providers for queries about **external crates** (that is,
+dependencies of the local crate). Note that what determines the crate
+that a query is targeting is not the *kind* of query, but the *key*.
+For example, when you invoke `tcx.type_of(def_id)`, that could be a
+local query or an external query, depending on what crate the `def_id`
+is referring to (see the `self::keys::Key` trait for more information
+on how that works).
+Providers always have the same signature:
+fn provider<'cx, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'cx, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
+                       key: QUERY_KEY)
+                       -> QUERY_RESULT
+    ...
+Providers take two arguments: the `tcx` and the query key. Note also
+that they take the *global* tcx (i.e., they use the `'tcx` lifetime
+twice), rather than taking a tcx with some active inference context.
+They return the result of the query.
+####  How providers are setup
+When the tcx is created, it is given the providers by its creator using
+the `Providers` struct. This struct is generate by the macros here, but it
+is basically a big list of function pointers:
+struct Providers {
+    type_of: for<'cx, 'tcx> fn(TyCtxt<'cx, 'tcx, 'tcx>, DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
+    ...
+At present, we have one copy of the struct for local crates, and one
+for external crates, though the plan is that we may eventually have
+one per crate.
+These `Provider` structs are ultimately created and populated by
+`librustc_driver`, but it does this by distributing the work
+throughout the other `rustc_*` crates. This is done by invoking
+various `provide` functions. These functions tend to look something
+like this:
+pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
+    *providers = Providers {
+        type_of,
+        ..*providers
+    };
+That is, they take an `&mut Providers` and mutate it in place. Usually
+we use the formulation above just because it looks nice, but you could
+as well do `providers.type_of = type_of`, which would be equivalent.
+(Here, `type_of` would be a top-level function, defined as we saw
+before.) So, if we wanted to have add a provider for some other query,
+let's call it `fubar`, into the crate above, we might modify the `provide()`
+function like so:
+pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
+    *providers = Providers {
+        type_of,
+        fubar,
+        ..*providers
+    };
+fn fubar<'cx, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'cx, 'tcx>, key: DefId) -> Fubar<'tcx> { .. }
+NB. Most of the `rustc_*` crate only provide **local
+providers**. Almost all **extern providers** wind up going through the
+`rustc_metadata` crate, which loads the information from the crate
+metadata.  But in some cases there are crates that provide queries for
+*both* local and external crates, in which case they define both a
+`provide` and a `provide_extern` function that `rustc_driver` can
+### Adding a new kind of query
+So suppose you want to add a new kind of query, how do you do so?
+Well, defining a query takes place in two steps:
+1. first, you have to specify the query name and arguments; and then,
+2. you have to supply query providers where needed.
+The specify the query name and arguments, you simply add an entry
+to the big macro invocation in `mod.rs`. This will probably have changed
+by the time you read this README, but at present it looks something
+define_maps! { <'tcx>
+    /// Records the type of every item.
+    [] fn type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
+    ...
+Each line of the macro defines one query. The name is broken up like this:
+[] fn type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
+^^    ^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^
+|     |        |          |         |
+|     |        |          |         result type of query
+|     |        |          query key type
+|     |        dep-node constructor
+|     name of query
+query flags
+Let's go over them one by one:
+- **Query flags:** these are largely unused right now, but the intention
+  is that we'll be able to customize various aspects of how the query is
+  processed.
+- **Name of query:** the name of the query method
+  (`tcx.type_of(..)`). Also used as the name of a struct
+  (`ty::maps::queries::type_of`) that will be generated to represent
+  this query.
+- **Dep-node constructor:** indicates the constructor function that
+  connects this query to incremental compilation. Typically, this is a
+  `DepNode` variant, which can be added by modifying the
+  `define_dep_nodes!` macro invocation in
+  `librustc/dep_graph/dep_node.rs`.
+  - However, sometimes we use a custom function, in which case the
+    name will be in snake case and the function will be defined at the
+    bottom of the file. This is typically used when the query key is
+    not a def-id, or just not the type that the dep-node expects.
+- **Query key type:** the type of the argument to this query.
+  This type must implement the `ty::maps::keys::Key` trait, which
+  defines (for example) how to map it to a crate, and so forth.
+- **Result type of query:** the type produced by this query. This type
+  should (a) not use `RefCell` or other interior mutability and (b) be
+  cheaply cloneable. Interning or using `Rc` or `Arc` is recommended for
+  non-trivial data types.
+  - The one exception to those rules is the `ty::steal::Steal` type,
+    which is used to cheaply modify MIR in place. See the definition
+    of `Steal` for more details. New uses of `Steal` should **not** be
+    added without alerting `@rust-lang/compiler`.
+So, to add a query:
+- Add an entry to `define_maps!` using the format above.
+- Possibly add a corresponding entry to the dep-node macro.
+- Link the provider by modifying the appropriate `provide` method;
+  or add a new one if needed and ensure that `rustc_driver` is invoking it.
+#### Query structs and descriptions
+For each kind, the `define_maps` macro will generate a "query struct"
+named after the query. This struct is a kind of a place-holder
+describing the query. Each such struct implements the
+`self::config::QueryConfig` trait, which has associated types for the
+key/value of that particular query. Basically the code generated looks something
+like this:
+// Dummy struct representing a particular kind of query:
+pub struct type_of<'tcx> { phantom: PhantomData<&'tcx ()> }
+impl<'tcx> QueryConfig for type_of<'tcx> {
+  type Key = DefId;
+  type Value = Ty<'tcx>;
+There is an additional trait that you may wish to implement called
+`self::config::QueryDescription`. This trait is used during cycle
+errors to give a "human readable" name for the query, so that we can
+summarize what was happening when the cycle occurred. Implementing
+this trait is optional if the query key is `DefId`, but if you *don't*
+implement it, you get a pretty generic error ("processing `foo`...").
+You can put new impls into the `config` module. They look something like this:
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::type_of<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, key: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("computing the type of `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(key))
+    }
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/maps/config.rs b/src/librustc/ty/maps/config.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..461b81a5c055f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/maps/config.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+use hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, DefIndex};
+use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
+use ty::maps::queries;
+use ty::subst::Substs;
+use std::hash::Hash;
+use syntax_pos::symbol::InternedString;
+/// Query configuration and description traits.
+pub trait QueryConfig {
+    type Key: Eq + Hash + Clone;
+    type Value;
+pub(super) trait QueryDescription: QueryConfig {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, key: Self::Key) -> String;
+impl<M: QueryConfig<Key=DefId>> QueryDescription for M {
+    default fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("processing `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_copy_raw<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
+        format!("computing whether `{}` is `Copy`", env.value)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_sized_raw<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
+        format!("computing whether `{}` is `Sized`", env.value)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_freeze_raw<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
+        format!("computing whether `{}` is freeze", env.value)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::needs_drop_raw<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
+        format!("computing whether `{}` needs drop", env.value)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::layout_raw<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> String {
+        format!("computing layout of `{}`", env.value)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::super_predicates_of<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("computing the supertraits of `{}`",
+                tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::type_param_predicates<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, (_, def_id): (DefId, DefId)) -> String {
+        let id = tcx.hir.as_local_node_id(def_id).unwrap();
+        format!("computing the bounds for type parameter `{}`",
+                tcx.hir.ty_param_name(id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::coherent_trait<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, (_, def_id): (CrateNum, DefId)) -> String {
+        format!("coherence checking all impls of trait `{}`",
+                tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_inherent_impls<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, k: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("all inherent impls defined in crate `{:?}`", k)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("check for overlap between inherent impls defined in this crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_variances<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("computing the variances for items in this crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::mir_shims<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> String {
+        format!("generating MIR shim for `{}`",
+                tcx.item_path_str(def.def_id()))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::privacy_access_levels<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("privacy access levels")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::typeck_item_bodies<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("type-checking all item bodies")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::reachable_set<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("reachability")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::const_eval<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, key: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>) -> String {
+        format!("const-evaluating `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(key.value.0))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::mir_keys<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("getting a list of all mir_keys")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::symbol_name<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> String {
+        format!("computing the symbol for `{}`", instance)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::describe_def<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("describe_def")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::def_span<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("def_span")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::lookup_stability<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("stability")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::lookup_deprecation_entry<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("deprecation")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::item_attrs<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("item_attrs")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_exported_symbol<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("is_exported_symbol")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::fn_arg_names<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("fn_arg_names")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::impl_parent<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("impl_parent")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::trait_of_item<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        bug!("trait_of_item")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::item_body_nested_bodies<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("nested item bodies of `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("const checking if rvalue is promotable to static `{}`",
+            tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_mir_available<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("checking if item is mir available: `{}`",
+            tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::trait_impls_of<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("trait impls of `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_object_safe<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("determine object safety of trait `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_const_fn<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> String {
+        format!("checking if item is const fn: `{}`", tcx.item_path_str(def_id))
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::dylib_dependency_formats<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        "dylib dependency formats of crate".to_string()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_panic_runtime<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        "checking if the crate is_panic_runtime".to_string()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_compiler_builtins<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        "checking if the crate is_compiler_builtins".to_string()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::has_global_allocator<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        "checking if the crate has_global_allocator".to_string()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::extern_crate<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_: TyCtxt, _: DefId) -> String {
+        "getting crate's ExternCrateData".to_string()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::lint_levels<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("computing the lint levels for items in this crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::specializes<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: (DefId, DefId)) -> String {
+        format!("computing whether impls specialize one another")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::in_scope_traits_map<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
+        format!("traits in scope at a block")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_no_builtins<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("test whether a crate has #![no_builtins]")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::panic_strategy<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("query a crate's configured panic strategy")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_profiler_runtime<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("query a crate is #![profiler_runtime]")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_sanitizer_runtime<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("query a crate is #![sanitizer_runtime]")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::exported_symbol_ids<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up the exported symbols of a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::native_libraries<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up the native libraries of a linked crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::plugin_registrar_fn<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up the plugin registrar for a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::derive_registrar_fn<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up the derive registrar for a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_disambiguator<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up the disambiguator a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_hash<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up the hash a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::original_crate_name<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up the original name a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::implementations_of_trait<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: (CrateNum, DefId)) -> String {
+        format!("looking up implementations of a trait in a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::all_trait_implementations<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up all (?) trait implementations")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::link_args<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up link arguments for a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::named_region_map<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
+        format!("looking up a named region")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::is_late_bound_map<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
+        format!("testing if a region is late boudn")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::object_lifetime_defaults_map<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: DefIndex) -> String {
+        format!("looking up lifetime defaults for a region")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::dep_kind<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("fetching what a dependency looks like")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::crate_name<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("fetching what a crate is named")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::get_lang_items<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("calculating the lang items map")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::defined_lang_items<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("calculating the lang items defined in a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::missing_lang_items<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("calculating the missing lang items in a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::visible_parent_map<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("calculating the visible parent map")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::missing_extern_crate_item<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("seeing if we're missing an `extern crate` item for this crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::used_crate_source<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking at the source for a crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::postorder_cnums<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("generating a postorder list of CrateNums")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::maybe_unused_extern_crates<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("looking up all possibly unused extern crates")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::stability_index<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("calculating the stability index for the local crate")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::all_crate_nums<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("fetching all foreign CrateNum instances")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::exported_symbols<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("exported_symbols")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::collect_and_partition_translation_items<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("collect_and_partition_translation_items")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::codegen_unit<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: InternedString) -> String {
+        format!("codegen_unit")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::compile_codegen_unit<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: InternedString) -> String {
+        format!("compile_codegen_unit")
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription for queries::output_filenames<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt, _: CrateNum) -> String {
+        format!("output_filenames")
+    }
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/maps/keys.rs b/src/librustc/ty/maps/keys.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e37cf66979781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/maps/keys.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! Defines the set of legal keys that can be used in queries.
+use hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, LOCAL_CRATE, DefIndex};
+use mir::transform::{MirSuite, MirPassIndex};
+use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
+use ty::subst::Substs;
+use ty::fast_reject::SimplifiedType;
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+use std::hash::Hash;
+use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
+use syntax_pos::symbol::InternedString;
+/// The `Key` trait controls what types can legally be used as the key
+/// for a query.
+pub trait Key: Clone + Hash + Eq + Debug {
+    /// Given an instance of this key, what crate is it referring to?
+    /// This is used to find the provider.
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum;
+    /// In the event that a cycle occurs, if no explicit span has been
+    /// given for a query with key `self`, what span should we use?
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span;
+impl<'tcx> Key for ty::InstanceDef<'tcx> {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        LOCAL_CRATE
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        tcx.def_span(self.def_id())
+    }
+impl<'tcx> Key for ty::Instance<'tcx> {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        LOCAL_CRATE
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        tcx.def_span(self.def_id())
+    }
+impl Key for CrateNum {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        *self
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, _: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        DUMMY_SP
+    }
+impl Key for DefIndex {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        LOCAL_CRATE
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, _tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        DUMMY_SP
+    }
+impl Key for DefId {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.krate
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        tcx.def_span(*self)
+    }
+impl Key for (DefId, DefId) {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.0.krate
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        self.1.default_span(tcx)
+    }
+impl Key for (CrateNum, DefId) {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.0
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        self.1.default_span(tcx)
+    }
+impl Key for (DefId, SimplifiedType) {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.0.krate
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        self.0.default_span(tcx)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> Key for (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>) {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.0.krate
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        self.0.default_span(tcx)
+    }
+impl Key for (MirSuite, DefId) {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.1.map_crate()
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        self.1.default_span(tcx)
+    }
+impl Key for (MirSuite, MirPassIndex, DefId) {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.2.map_crate()
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        self.2.default_span(tcx)
+    }
+impl<'tcx> Key for Ty<'tcx> {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        LOCAL_CRATE
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, _: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        DUMMY_SP
+    }
+impl<'tcx, T: Key> Key for ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, T> {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        self.value.map_crate()
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        self.value.default_span(tcx)
+    }
+impl Key for InternedString {
+    fn map_crate(&self) -> CrateNum {
+        LOCAL_CRATE
+    }
+    fn default_span(&self, _tcx: TyCtxt) -> Span {
+        DUMMY_SP
+    }
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/maps/mod.rs b/src/librustc/ty/maps/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c08ad68eddd06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/maps/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+use dep_graph::{DepConstructor, DepNode};
+use errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
+use hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, DefIndex};
+use hir::def::{Def, Export};
+use hir::{self, TraitCandidate, ItemLocalId};
+use hir::svh::Svh;
+use lint;
+use middle::const_val;
+use middle::cstore::{ExternCrate, LinkagePreference, NativeLibrary,
+                     ExternBodyNestedBodies};
+use middle::cstore::{NativeLibraryKind, DepKind, CrateSource, ExternConstBody};
+use middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
+use middle::reachable::ReachableSet;
+use middle::region;
+use middle::resolve_lifetime::{Region, ObjectLifetimeDefault};
+use middle::stability::{self, DeprecationEntry};
+use middle::lang_items::{LanguageItems, LangItem};
+use middle::exported_symbols::SymbolExportLevel;
+use middle::trans::{CodegenUnit, Stats};
+use mir;
+use session::CompileResult;
+use session::config::OutputFilenames;
+use traits::specialization_graph;
+use ty::{self, CrateInherentImpls, Ty, TyCtxt};
+use ty::layout::{Layout, LayoutError};
+use ty::steal::Steal;
+use ty::subst::Substs;
+use util::nodemap::{DefIdSet, DefIdMap};
+use util::common::{profq_msg, ProfileQueriesMsg};
+use rustc_data_structures::indexed_set::IdxSetBuf;
+use rustc_back::PanicStrategy;
+use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::IndexVec;
+use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
+use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
+use std::ops::Deref;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
+use syntax_pos::symbol::InternedString;
+use syntax::attr;
+use syntax::ast;
+use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
+mod plumbing;
+use self::plumbing::*;
+mod keys;
+pub use self::keys::Key;
+mod values;
+use self::values::Value;
+mod config;
+pub use self::config::QueryConfig;
+use self::config::QueryDescription;
+// Each of these maps also corresponds to a method on a
+// `Provider` trait for requesting a value of that type,
+// and a method on `Maps` itself for doing that in a
+// a way that memoizes and does dep-graph tracking,
+// wrapping around the actual chain of providers that
+// the driver creates (using several `rustc_*` crates).
+define_maps! { <'tcx>
+    /// Records the type of every item.
+    [] fn type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
+    /// Maps from the def-id of an item (trait/struct/enum/fn) to its
+    /// associated generics and predicates.
+    [] fn generics_of: GenericsOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::Generics,
+    [] fn predicates_of: PredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
+    /// Maps from the def-id of a trait to the list of
+    /// super-predicates. This is a subset of the full list of
+    /// predicates. We store these in a separate map because we must
+    /// evaluate them even during type conversion, often before the
+    /// full predicates are available (note that supertraits have
+    /// additional acyclicity requirements).
+    [] fn super_predicates_of: SuperPredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
+    /// To avoid cycles within the predicates of a single item we compute
+    /// per-type-parameter predicates for resolving `T::AssocTy`.
+    [] fn type_param_predicates: type_param_predicates((DefId, DefId))
+        -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
+    [] fn trait_def: TraitDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TraitDef,
+    [] fn adt_def: AdtDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::AdtDef,
+    [] fn adt_destructor: AdtDestructor(DefId) -> Option<ty::Destructor>,
+    [] fn adt_sized_constraint: SizedConstraint(DefId) -> &'tcx [Ty<'tcx>],
+    [] fn adt_dtorck_constraint: DtorckConstraint(DefId) -> ty::DtorckConstraint<'tcx>,
+    /// True if this is a const fn
+    [] fn is_const_fn: IsConstFn(DefId) -> bool,
+    /// True if this is a foreign item (i.e., linked via `extern { ... }`).
+    [] fn is_foreign_item: IsForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,
+    /// True if this is a default impl (aka impl Foo for ..)
+    [] fn is_default_impl: IsDefaultImpl(DefId) -> bool,
+    /// Get a map with the variance of every item; use `item_variance`
+    /// instead.
+    [] fn crate_variances: crate_variances(CrateNum) -> Rc<ty::CrateVariancesMap>,
+    /// Maps from def-id of a type or region parameter to its
+    /// (inferred) variance.
+    [] fn variances_of: ItemVariances(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<ty::Variance>>,
+    /// Maps from an impl/trait def-id to a list of the def-ids of its items
+    [] fn associated_item_def_ids: AssociatedItemDefIds(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
+    /// Maps from a trait item to the trait item "descriptor"
+    [] fn associated_item: AssociatedItems(DefId) -> ty::AssociatedItem,
+    [] fn impl_trait_ref: ImplTraitRef(DefId) -> Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
+    [] fn impl_polarity: ImplPolarity(DefId) -> hir::ImplPolarity,
+    /// Maps a DefId of a type to a list of its inherent impls.
+    /// Contains implementations of methods that are inherent to a type.
+    /// Methods in these implementations don't need to be exported.
+    [] fn inherent_impls: InherentImpls(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
+    /// Set of all the def-ids in this crate that have MIR associated with
+    /// them. This includes all the body owners, but also things like struct
+    /// constructors.
+    [] fn mir_keys: mir_keys(CrateNum) -> Rc<DefIdSet>,
+    /// Maps DefId's that have an associated Mir to the result
+    /// of the MIR qualify_consts pass. The actual meaning of
+    /// the value isn't known except to the pass itself.
+    [] fn mir_const_qualif: MirConstQualif(DefId) -> (u8, Rc<IdxSetBuf<mir::Local>>),
+    /// Fetch the MIR for a given def-id up till the point where it is
+    /// ready for const evaluation.
+    ///
+    /// See the README for the `mir` module for details.
+    [] fn mir_const: MirConst(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,
+    [] fn mir_validated: MirValidated(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,
+    /// MIR after our optimization passes have run. This is MIR that is ready
+    /// for trans. This is also the only query that can fetch non-local MIR, at present.
+    [] fn optimized_mir: MirOptimized(DefId) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,
+    /// Type of each closure. The def ID is the ID of the
+    /// expression defining the closure.
+    [] fn closure_kind: ClosureKind(DefId) -> ty::ClosureKind,
+    /// The signature of functions and closures.
+    [] fn fn_sig: FnSignature(DefId) -> ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
+    /// Records the signature of each generator. The def ID is the ID of the
+    /// expression defining the closure.
+    [] fn generator_sig: GenSignature(DefId) -> Option<ty::PolyGenSig<'tcx>>,
+    /// Caches CoerceUnsized kinds for impls on custom types.
+    [] fn coerce_unsized_info: CoerceUnsizedInfo(DefId)
+        -> ty::adjustment::CoerceUnsizedInfo,
+    [] fn typeck_item_bodies: typeck_item_bodies_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CompileResult,
+    [] fn typeck_tables_of: TypeckTables(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TypeckTables<'tcx>,
+    [] fn has_typeck_tables: HasTypeckTables(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn coherent_trait: coherent_trait_dep_node((CrateNum, DefId)) -> (),
+    [] fn borrowck: BorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),
+    // FIXME: shouldn't this return a `Result<(), BorrowckErrors>` instead?
+    [] fn mir_borrowck: MirBorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),
+    /// Gets a complete map from all types to their inherent impls.
+    /// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
+    /// (Defined only for LOCAL_CRATE)
+    [] fn crate_inherent_impls: crate_inherent_impls_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CrateInherentImpls,
+    /// Checks all types in the krate for overlap in their inherent impls. Reports errors.
+    /// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
+    /// (Defined only for LOCAL_CRATE)
+    [] fn crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check: inherent_impls_overlap_check_dep_node(CrateNum) -> (),
+    /// Results of evaluating const items or constants embedded in
+    /// other items (such as enum variant explicit discriminants).
+    [] fn const_eval: const_eval_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>)
+        -> const_val::EvalResult<'tcx>,
+    /// Performs the privacy check and computes "access levels".
+    [] fn privacy_access_levels: PrivacyAccessLevels(CrateNum) -> Rc<AccessLevels>,
+    [] fn reachable_set: reachability_dep_node(CrateNum) -> ReachableSet,
+    /// Per-body `region::ScopeTree`. The `DefId` should be the owner-def-id for the body;
+    /// in the case of closures, this will be redirected to the enclosing function.
+    [] fn region_scope_tree: RegionScopeTree(DefId) -> Rc<region::ScopeTree>,
+    [] fn mir_shims: mir_shim_dep_node(ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,
+    [] fn def_symbol_name: SymbolName(DefId) -> ty::SymbolName,
+    [] fn symbol_name: symbol_name_dep_node(ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> ty::SymbolName,
+    [] fn describe_def: DescribeDef(DefId) -> Option<Def>,
+    [] fn def_span: DefSpan(DefId) -> Span,
+    [] fn lookup_stability: LookupStability(DefId) -> Option<&'tcx attr::Stability>,
+    [] fn lookup_deprecation_entry: LookupDeprecationEntry(DefId) -> Option<DeprecationEntry>,
+    [] fn item_attrs: ItemAttrs(DefId) -> Rc<[ast::Attribute]>,
+    [] fn fn_arg_names: FnArgNames(DefId) -> Vec<ast::Name>,
+    [] fn impl_parent: ImplParent(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
+    [] fn trait_of_item: TraitOfItem(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
+    [] fn is_exported_symbol: IsExportedSymbol(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn item_body_nested_bodies: ItemBodyNestedBodies(DefId) -> ExternBodyNestedBodies,
+    [] fn const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static: ConstIsRvaluePromotableToStatic(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_mir_available: IsMirAvailable(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn trait_impls_of: TraitImpls(DefId) -> Rc<ty::trait_def::TraitImpls>,
+    [] fn specialization_graph_of: SpecializationGraph(DefId) -> Rc<specialization_graph::Graph>,
+    [] fn is_object_safe: ObjectSafety(DefId) -> bool,
+    // Get the ParameterEnvironment for a given item; this environment
+    // will be in "user-facing" mode, meaning that it is suitabe for
+    // type-checking etc, and it does not normalize specializable
+    // associated types. This is almost always what you want,
+    // unless you are doing MIR optimizations, in which case you
+    // might want to use `reveal_all()` method to change modes.
+    [] fn param_env: ParamEnv(DefId) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
+    // Trait selection queries. These are best used by invoking `ty.moves_by_default()`,
+    // `ty.is_copy()`, etc, since that will prune the environment where possible.
+    [] fn is_copy_raw: is_copy_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_sized_raw: is_sized_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_freeze_raw: is_freeze_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
+    [] fn needs_drop_raw: needs_drop_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
+    [] fn layout_raw: layout_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>)
+                                  -> Result<&'tcx Layout, LayoutError<'tcx>>,
+    [] fn dylib_dependency_formats: DylibDepFormats(CrateNum)
+                                    -> Rc<Vec<(CrateNum, LinkagePreference)>>,
+    [] fn is_panic_runtime: IsPanicRuntime(CrateNum) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_compiler_builtins: IsCompilerBuiltins(CrateNum) -> bool,
+    [] fn has_global_allocator: HasGlobalAllocator(CrateNum) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_sanitizer_runtime: IsSanitizerRuntime(CrateNum) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_profiler_runtime: IsProfilerRuntime(CrateNum) -> bool,
+    [] fn panic_strategy: GetPanicStrategy(CrateNum) -> PanicStrategy,
+    [] fn is_no_builtins: IsNoBuiltins(CrateNum) -> bool,
+    [] fn extern_crate: ExternCrate(DefId) -> Rc<Option<ExternCrate>>,
+    [] fn specializes: specializes_node((DefId, DefId)) -> bool,
+    [] fn in_scope_traits_map: InScopeTraits(DefIndex)
+        -> Option<Rc<FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Rc<Vec<TraitCandidate>>>>>,
+    [] fn module_exports: ModuleExports(DefId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<Export>>>,
+    [] fn lint_levels: lint_levels_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<lint::LintLevelMap>,
+    [] fn impl_defaultness: ImplDefaultness(DefId) -> hir::Defaultness,
+    [] fn exported_symbol_ids: ExportedSymbolIds(CrateNum) -> Rc<DefIdSet>,
+    [] fn native_libraries: NativeLibraries(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<NativeLibrary>>,
+    [] fn plugin_registrar_fn: PluginRegistrarFn(CrateNum) -> Option<DefId>,
+    [] fn derive_registrar_fn: DeriveRegistrarFn(CrateNum) -> Option<DefId>,
+    [] fn crate_disambiguator: CrateDisambiguator(CrateNum) -> Symbol,
+    [] fn crate_hash: CrateHash(CrateNum) -> Svh,
+    [] fn original_crate_name: OriginalCrateName(CrateNum) -> Symbol,
+    [] fn implementations_of_trait: implementations_of_trait_node((CrateNum, DefId))
+        -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
+    [] fn all_trait_implementations: AllTraitImplementations(CrateNum)
+        -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
+    [] fn is_dllimport_foreign_item: IsDllimportForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_statically_included_foreign_item: IsStaticallyIncludedForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn native_library_kind: NativeLibraryKind(DefId)
+        -> Option<NativeLibraryKind>,
+    [] fn link_args: link_args_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<String>>,
+    [] fn named_region_map: NamedRegion(DefIndex) ->
+        Option<Rc<FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Region>>>,
+    [] fn is_late_bound_map: IsLateBound(DefIndex) ->
+        Option<Rc<FxHashSet<ItemLocalId>>>,
+    [] fn object_lifetime_defaults_map: ObjectLifetimeDefaults(DefIndex)
+        -> Option<Rc<FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Rc<Vec<ObjectLifetimeDefault>>>>>,
+    [] fn visibility: Visibility(DefId) -> ty::Visibility,
+    [] fn dep_kind: DepKind(CrateNum) -> DepKind,
+    [] fn crate_name: CrateName(CrateNum) -> Symbol,
+    [] fn item_children: ItemChildren(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<Export>>,
+    [] fn extern_mod_stmt_cnum: ExternModStmtCnum(DefId) -> Option<CrateNum>,
+    [] fn get_lang_items: get_lang_items_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<LanguageItems>,
+    [] fn defined_lang_items: DefinedLangItems(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<(DefId, usize)>>,
+    [] fn missing_lang_items: MissingLangItems(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<LangItem>>,
+    [] fn extern_const_body: ExternConstBody(DefId) -> ExternConstBody<'tcx>,
+    [] fn visible_parent_map: visible_parent_map_node(CrateNum)
+        -> Rc<DefIdMap<DefId>>,
+    [] fn missing_extern_crate_item: MissingExternCrateItem(CrateNum) -> bool,
+    [] fn used_crate_source: UsedCrateSource(CrateNum) -> Rc<CrateSource>,
+    [] fn postorder_cnums: postorder_cnums_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<CrateNum>>,
+    [] fn freevars: Freevars(DefId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<hir::Freevar>>>,
+    [] fn maybe_unused_trait_import: MaybeUnusedTraitImport(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn maybe_unused_extern_crates: maybe_unused_extern_crates_node(CrateNum)
+        -> Rc<Vec<(DefId, Span)>>,
+    [] fn stability_index: stability_index_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<stability::Index<'tcx>>,
+    [] fn all_crate_nums: all_crate_nums_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<Vec<CrateNum>>,
+    [] fn exported_symbols: ExportedSymbols(CrateNum)
+        -> Arc<Vec<(String, Option<DefId>, SymbolExportLevel)>>,
+    [] fn collect_and_partition_translation_items:
+        collect_and_partition_translation_items_node(CrateNum)
+        -> (Arc<DefIdSet>, Arc<Vec<Arc<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>>>),
+    [] fn export_name: ExportName(DefId) -> Option<Symbol>,
+    [] fn contains_extern_indicator: ContainsExternIndicator(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn is_translated_function: IsTranslatedFunction(DefId) -> bool,
+    [] fn codegen_unit: CodegenUnit(InternedString) -> Arc<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>,
+    [] fn compile_codegen_unit: CompileCodegenUnit(InternedString) -> Stats,
+    [] fn output_filenames: output_filenames_node(CrateNum)
+        -> Arc<OutputFilenames>,
+// These functions are little shims used to find the dep-node for a
+// given query when there is not a *direct* mapping:
+fn type_param_predicates<'tcx>((item_id, param_id): (DefId, DefId)) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::TypeParamPredicates {
+        item_id,
+        param_id
+    }
+fn coherent_trait_dep_node<'tcx>((_, def_id): (CrateNum, DefId)) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::CoherenceCheckTrait(def_id)
+fn crate_inherent_impls_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::Coherence
+fn inherent_impls_overlap_check_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::CoherenceInherentImplOverlapCheck
+fn reachability_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::Reachability
+fn mir_shim_dep_node<'tcx>(instance_def: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::MirShim {
+        instance_def
+    }
+fn symbol_name_dep_node<'tcx>(instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::InstanceSymbolName { instance }
+fn typeck_item_bodies_dep_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::TypeckBodiesKrate
+fn const_eval_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>)
+                             -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::ConstEval
+fn mir_keys<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::MirKeys
+fn crate_variances<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::CrateVariances
+fn is_copy_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::IsCopy
+fn is_sized_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::IsSized
+fn is_freeze_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::IsFreeze
+fn needs_drop_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::NeedsDrop
+fn layout_dep_node<'tcx>(_: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::Layout
+fn lint_levels_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::LintLevels
+fn specializes_node<'tcx>((a, b): (DefId, DefId)) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::Specializes { impl1: a, impl2: b }
+fn implementations_of_trait_node<'tcx>((krate, trait_id): (CrateNum, DefId))
+    -> DepConstructor<'tcx>
+    DepConstructor::ImplementationsOfTrait { krate, trait_id }
+fn link_args_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::LinkArgs
+fn get_lang_items_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::GetLangItems
+fn visible_parent_map_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::VisibleParentMap
+fn postorder_cnums_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::PostorderCnums
+fn maybe_unused_extern_crates_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::MaybeUnusedExternCrates
+fn stability_index_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::StabilityIndex
+fn all_crate_nums_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::AllCrateNums
+fn collect_and_partition_translation_items_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::CollectAndPartitionTranslationItems
+fn output_filenames_node<'tcx>(_: CrateNum) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
+    DepConstructor::OutputFilenames
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/maps/plumbing.rs b/src/librustc/ty/maps/plumbing.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..87a9eef0de532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/maps/plumbing.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! The implementation of the query system itself. Defines the macros
+//! that generate the actual methods on tcx which find and execute the
+//! provider, manage the caches, and so forth.
+use dep_graph::{DepNodeIndex};
+use errors::{Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder};
+use ty::{TyCtxt};
+use ty::maps::Query; // NB: actually generated by the macros in this file
+use ty::maps::config::QueryDescription;
+use ty::item_path;
+use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap};
+use std::cell::{RefMut, Cell};
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::mem;
+use syntax_pos::Span;
+pub(super) struct QueryMap<D: QueryDescription> {
+    phantom: PhantomData<D>,
+    pub(super) map: FxHashMap<D::Key, QueryValue<D::Value>>,
+pub(super) struct QueryValue<T> {
+    pub(super) value: T,
+    pub(super) index: DepNodeIndex,
+    pub(super) diagnostics: Option<Box<QueryDiagnostics>>,
+pub(super) struct QueryDiagnostics {
+    pub(super) diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>,
+    pub(super) emitted_diagnostics: Cell<bool>,
+impl<M: QueryDescription> QueryMap<M> {
+    pub(super) fn new() -> QueryMap<M> {
+        QueryMap {
+            phantom: PhantomData,
+            map: FxHashMap(),
+        }
+    }
+pub(super) struct CycleError<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
+    span: Span,
+    cycle: RefMut<'a, [(Span, Query<'tcx>)]>,
+impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
+    pub(super) fn report_cycle(self, CycleError { span, cycle }: CycleError)
+        -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a>
+    {
+        // Subtle: release the refcell lock before invoking `describe()`
+        // below by dropping `cycle`.
+        let stack = cycle.to_vec();
+        mem::drop(cycle);
+        assert!(!stack.is_empty());
+        // Disable naming impls with types in this path, since that
+        // sometimes cycles itself, leading to extra cycle errors.
+        // (And cycle errors around impls tend to occur during the
+        // collect/coherence phases anyhow.)
+        item_path::with_forced_impl_filename_line(|| {
+            let mut err =
+                struct_span_err!(self.sess, span, E0391,
+                                 "unsupported cyclic reference between types/traits detected");
+            err.span_label(span, "cyclic reference");
+            err.span_note(stack[0].0, &format!("the cycle begins when {}...",
+                                               stack[0].1.describe(self)));
+            for &(span, ref query) in &stack[1..] {
+                err.span_note(span, &format!("...which then requires {}...",
+                                             query.describe(self)));
+            }
+            err.note(&format!("...which then again requires {}, completing the cycle.",
+                              stack[0].1.describe(self)));
+            return err
+        })
+    }
+    pub(super) fn cycle_check<F, R>(self, span: Span, query: Query<'gcx>, compute: F)
+                                    -> Result<R, CycleError<'a, 'gcx>>
+        where F: FnOnce() -> R
+    {
+        {
+            let mut stack = self.maps.query_stack.borrow_mut();
+            if let Some((i, _)) = stack.iter().enumerate().rev()
+                                       .find(|&(_, &(_, ref q))| *q == query) {
+                return Err(CycleError {
+                    span,
+                    cycle: RefMut::map(stack, |stack| &mut stack[i..])
+                });
+            }
+            stack.push((span, query));
+        }
+        let result = compute();
+        self.maps.query_stack.borrow_mut().pop();
+        Ok(result)
+    }
+// If enabled, send a message to the profile-queries thread
+macro_rules! profq_msg {
+    ($tcx:expr, $msg:expr) => {
+        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+            if  $tcx.sess.profile_queries() {
+                profq_msg($msg)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// If enabled, format a key using its debug string, which can be
+// expensive to compute (in terms of time).
+macro_rules! profq_key {
+    ($tcx:expr, $key:expr) => {
+        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+            if $tcx.sess.profile_queries_and_keys() {
+                Some(format!("{:?}", $key))
+            } else { None }
+        } else { None }
+    }
+macro_rules! define_maps {
+    (<$tcx:tt>
+     $($(#[$attr:meta])*
+       [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
+        define_map_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$($attr)*] [$name]))*)
+        }
+        impl<$tcx> Maps<$tcx> {
+            pub fn new(providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>)
+                       -> Self {
+                Maps {
+                    providers,
+                    query_stack: RefCell::new(vec![]),
+                    $($name: RefCell::new(QueryMap::new())),*
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        #[allow(bad_style)]
+        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+        pub enum Query<$tcx> {
+            $($(#[$attr])* $name($K)),*
+        }
+        #[allow(bad_style)]
+        #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+        pub enum QueryMsg {
+            $($name(Option<String>)),*
+        }
+        impl<$tcx> Query<$tcx> {
+            pub fn describe(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> String {
+                let (r, name) = match *self {
+                    $(Query::$name(key) => {
+                        (queries::$name::describe(tcx, key), stringify!($name))
+                    })*
+                };
+                if tcx.sess.verbose() {
+                    format!("{} [{}]", r, name)
+                } else {
+                    r
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        pub mod queries {
+            use std::marker::PhantomData;
+            $(#[allow(bad_style)]
+            pub struct $name<$tcx> {
+                data: PhantomData<&$tcx ()>
+            })*
+        }
+        $(impl<$tcx> QueryConfig for queries::$name<$tcx> {
+            type Key = $K;
+            type Value = $V;
+        }
+        impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> queries::$name<$tcx> {
+            #[allow(unused)]
+            fn to_dep_node(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>, key: &$K) -> DepNode {
+                use dep_graph::DepConstructor::*;
+                DepNode::new(tcx, $node(*key))
+            }
+            fn try_get_with<F, R>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>,
+                                  mut span: Span,
+                                  key: $K,
+                                  f: F)
+                                  -> Result<R, CycleError<'a, $tcx>>
+                where F: FnOnce(&$V) -> R
+            {
+                debug!("ty::queries::{}::try_get_with(key={:?}, span={:?})",
+                       stringify!($name),
+                       key,
+                       span);
+                profq_msg!(tcx,
+                    ProfileQueriesMsg::QueryBegin(
+                        span.clone(),
+                        QueryMsg::$name(profq_key!(tcx, key))
+                    )
+                );
+                if let Some(value) = tcx.maps.$name.borrow().map.get(&key) {
+                    if let Some(ref d) = value.diagnostics {
+                        if !d.emitted_diagnostics.get() {
+                            d.emitted_diagnostics.set(true);
+                            let handle = tcx.sess.diagnostic();
+                            for diagnostic in d.diagnostics.iter() {
+                                DiagnosticBuilder::new_diagnostic(handle, diagnostic.clone())
+                                    .emit();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    profq_msg!(tcx, ProfileQueriesMsg::CacheHit);
+                    tcx.dep_graph.read_index(value.index);
+                    return Ok(f(&value.value));
+                }
+                // else, we are going to run the provider:
+                profq_msg!(tcx, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderBegin);
+                // FIXME(eddyb) Get more valid Span's on queries.
+                // def_span guard is necessary to prevent a recursive loop,
+                // default_span calls def_span query internally.
+                if span == DUMMY_SP && stringify!($name) != "def_span" {
+                    span = key.default_span(tcx)
+                }
+                let dep_node = Self::to_dep_node(tcx, &key);
+                let res = tcx.cycle_check(span, Query::$name(key), || {
+                    tcx.sess.diagnostic().track_diagnostics(|| {
+                        if dep_node.kind.is_anon() {
+                            tcx.dep_graph.with_anon_task(dep_node.kind, || {
+                                let provider = tcx.maps.providers[key.map_crate()].$name;
+                                provider(tcx.global_tcx(), key)
+                            })
+                        } else {
+                            fn run_provider<'a, 'tcx, 'lcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'lcx>,
+                                                            key: $K)
+                                                            -> $V {
+                                let provider = tcx.maps.providers[key.map_crate()].$name;
+                                provider(tcx.global_tcx(), key)
+                            }
+                            tcx.dep_graph.with_task(dep_node, tcx, key, run_provider)
+                        }
+                    })
+                })?;
+                profq_msg!(tcx, ProfileQueriesMsg::ProviderEnd);
+                let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = res;
+                tcx.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
+                let value = QueryValue {
+                    value: result,
+                    index: dep_node_index,
+                    diagnostics: if diagnostics.len() == 0 {
+                        None
+                    } else {
+                        Some(Box::new(QueryDiagnostics {
+                            diagnostics,
+                            emitted_diagnostics: Cell::new(true),
+                        }))
+                    },
+                };
+                Ok(f(&tcx.maps
+                         .$name
+                         .borrow_mut()
+                         .map
+                         .entry(key)
+                         .or_insert(value)
+                         .value))
+            }
+            pub fn try_get(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>, span: Span, key: $K)
+                           -> Result<$V, DiagnosticBuilder<'a>> {
+                match Self::try_get_with(tcx, span, key, Clone::clone) {
+                    Ok(e) => Ok(e),
+                    Err(e) => Err(tcx.report_cycle(e)),
+                }
+            }
+            pub fn force(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx>, span: Span, key: $K) {
+                // Ignore dependencies, since we not reading the computed value
+                let _task = tcx.dep_graph.in_ignore();
+                match Self::try_get_with(tcx, span, key, |_| ()) {
+                    Ok(()) => {}
+                    Err(e) => tcx.report_cycle(e).emit(),
+                }
+            }
+        })*
+        #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+        pub struct TyCtxtAt<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
+            pub tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
+            pub span: Span,
+        }
+        impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> Deref for TyCtxtAt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
+            type Target = TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>;
+            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+                &self.tcx
+            }
+        }
+        impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
+            /// Return a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt` which uses
+            /// `span` as the location of queries performed through it.
+            pub fn at(self, span: Span) -> TyCtxtAt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
+                TyCtxtAt {
+                    tcx: self,
+                    span
+                }
+            }
+            $($(#[$attr])*
+            pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {
+                self.at(DUMMY_SP).$name(key)
+            })*
+        }
+        impl<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> TyCtxtAt<'a, $tcx, 'lcx> {
+            $($(#[$attr])*
+            pub fn $name(self, key: $K) -> $V {
+                queries::$name::try_get(self.tcx, self.span, key).unwrap_or_else(|mut e| {
+                    e.emit();
+                    Value::from_cycle_error(self.global_tcx())
+                })
+            })*
+        }
+        define_provider_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$name] [$K] [$V]))*),
+            output: ()
+        }
+        impl<$tcx> Copy for Providers<$tcx> {}
+        impl<$tcx> Clone for Providers<$tcx> {
+            fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! define_map_struct {
+    // Initial state
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     input: $input:tt) => {
+        define_map_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: $input,
+            output: ()
+        }
+    };
+    // Final output
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     input: (),
+     output: ($($output:tt)*)) => {
+        pub struct Maps<$tcx> {
+            providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>,
+            query_stack: RefCell<Vec<(Span, Query<$tcx>)>>,
+            $($output)*
+        }
+    };
+    // Field recognized and ready to shift into the output
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     ready: ([$($pub:tt)*] [$($attr:tt)*] [$name:ident]),
+     input: $input:tt,
+     output: ($($output:tt)*)) => {
+        define_map_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: $input,
+            output: ($($output)*
+                     $(#[$attr])* $($pub)* $name: RefCell<QueryMap<queries::$name<$tcx>>>,)
+        }
+    };
+    // No modifiers left? This is a private item.
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     input: (([] $attrs:tt $name:tt) $($input:tt)*),
+     output: $output:tt) => {
+        define_map_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            ready: ([] $attrs $name),
+            input: ($($input)*),
+            output: $output
+        }
+    };
+    // Skip other modifiers
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     input: (([$other_modifier:tt $($modifiers:tt)*] $($fields:tt)*) $($input:tt)*),
+     output: $output:tt) => {
+        define_map_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: (([$($modifiers)*] $($fields)*) $($input)*),
+            output: $output
+        }
+    };
+macro_rules! define_provider_struct {
+    // Initial state:
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt, input: $input:tt) => {
+        define_provider_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: $input,
+            output: ()
+        }
+    };
+    // Final state:
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     input: (),
+     output: ($(([$name:ident] [$K:ty] [$R:ty]))*)) => {
+        pub struct Providers<$tcx> {
+            $(pub $name: for<'a> fn(TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, $tcx>, $K) -> $R,)*
+        }
+        impl<$tcx> Default for Providers<$tcx> {
+            fn default() -> Self {
+                $(fn $name<'a, $tcx>(_: TyCtxt<'a, $tcx, $tcx>, key: $K) -> $R {
+                    bug!("tcx.maps.{}({:?}) unsupported by its crate",
+                         stringify!($name), key);
+                })*
+                Providers { $($name),* }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    // Something ready to shift:
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     ready: ($name:tt $K:tt $V:tt),
+     input: $input:tt,
+     output: ($($output:tt)*)) => {
+        define_provider_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: $input,
+            output: ($($output)* ($name $K $V))
+        }
+    };
+    // Regular queries produce a `V` only.
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     input: (([] $name:tt $K:tt $V:tt) $($input:tt)*),
+     output: $output:tt) => {
+        define_provider_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            ready: ($name $K $V),
+            input: ($($input)*),
+            output: $output
+        }
+    };
+    // Skip modifiers.
+    (tcx: $tcx:tt,
+     input: (([$other_modifier:tt $($modifiers:tt)*] $($fields:tt)*) $($input:tt)*),
+     output: $output:tt) => {
+        define_provider_struct! {
+            tcx: $tcx,
+            input: (([$($modifiers)*] $($fields)*) $($input)*),
+            output: $output
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/maps/values.rs b/src/librustc/ty/maps/values.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..165798d19f196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/maps/values.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
+use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
+pub(super) trait Value<'tcx>: Sized {
+    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Self;
+impl<'tcx, T> Value<'tcx> for T {
+    default fn from_cycle_error<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> T {
+        tcx.sess.abort_if_errors();
+        bug!("Value::from_cycle_error called without errors");
+    }
+impl<'tcx, T: Default> Value<'tcx> for T {
+    default fn from_cycle_error<'a>(_: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> T {
+        T::default()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> Value<'tcx> for Ty<'tcx> {
+    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
+        tcx.types.err
+    }
+impl<'tcx> Value<'tcx> for ty::DtorckConstraint<'tcx> {
+    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(_: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Self {
+        Self::empty()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> Value<'tcx> for ty::SymbolName {
+    fn from_cycle_error<'a>(_: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Self {
+        ty::SymbolName { name: Symbol::intern("<error>").as_str() }
+    }
diff --git a/src/librustc_back/README.md b/src/librustc_back/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..bd99c687bb6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc_back/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+NB: This crate is part of the Rust compiler. For an overview of the
+compiler as a whole, see
+[the README.md file found in `librustc`](../librustc/README.md).
+`librustc_back` contains some very low-level details that are
+specific to different LLVM targets and so forth.
diff --git a/src/librustc_driver/README.md b/src/librustc_driver/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5331a05b5cd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc_driver/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+NB: This crate is part of the Rust compiler. For an overview of the
+compiler as a whole, see
+[the README.md file found in `librustc`](../librustc/README.md).
+The `driver` crate is effectively the "main" function for the rust
+compiler.  It orchstrates the compilation process and "knits together"
+the code from the other crates within rustc. This crate itself does
+not contain any of the "main logic" of the compiler (though it does
+have some code related to pretty printing or other minor compiler
diff --git a/src/librustc_trans/README.md b/src/librustc_trans/README.md
index cd43cbd705282..b69d632a6a0df 100644
--- a/src/librustc_trans/README.md
+++ b/src/librustc_trans/README.md
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
-See [librustc/README.md](../librustc/README.md).
+NB: This crate is part of the Rust compiler. For an overview of the
+compiler as a whole, see
+[the README.md file found in `librustc`](../librustc/README.md).
+The `trans` crate contains the code to convert from MIR into LLVM IR,
+and then from LLVM IR into machine code. In general it contains code
+that runs towards the end of the compilation process.
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/README.md b/src/librustc_typeck/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a38f04e304b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+NB: This crate is part of the Rust compiler. For an overview of the
+compiler as a whole, see
+[the README.md file found in `librustc`](../librustc/README.md).
+The `rustc_typeck` crate contains the source for "type collection" and
+"type checking", as well as a few other bits of related functionality.
+(It draws heavily on the [type inferencing][infer] and
+[trait solving][traits] code found in librustc.)
+[infer]: ../librustc/infer/README.md
+[traits]: ../librustc/traits/README.md
+## Type collection
+Type "collection" is the process of convering the types found in the
+HIR (`hir::Ty`), which represent the syntactic things that the user
+wrote, into the **internal representation** used by the compiler
+(`Ty<'tcx>`) -- we also do similar conversions for where-clauses and
+other bits of the function signature.
+To try and get a sense for the difference, consider this function:
+struct Foo { }
+fn foo(x: Foo, y: self::Foo) { .. }
+//        ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^
+Those two parameters `x` and `y` each have the same type: but they
+will have distinct `hir::Ty` nodes. Those nodes will have different
+spans, and of course they encode the path somewhat differently. But
+once they are "collected" into `Ty<'tcx>` nodes, they will be
+represented by the exact same internal type.
+Collection is defined as a bundle of queries (e.g., `type_of`) for
+computing information about the various functions, traits, and other
+items in the crate being compiled. Note that each of these queries is
+concerned with *interprocedural* things -- for example, for a function
+definition, collection will figure out the type and signature of the
+function, but it will not visit the *body* of the function in any way,
+nor examine type annotations on local variables (that's the job of
+type *checking*).
+For more details, see the `collect` module.
+## Type checking
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/collect.rs b/src/librustc_typeck/collect.rs
index b0f3ff3ef35bf..79cb9147c185b 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/collect.rs
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 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
 // except according to those terms.
-# Collect phase
-The collect phase of type check has the job of visiting all items,
-determining their type, and writing that type into the `tcx.types`
-table.  Despite its name, this table does not really operate as a
-*cache*, at least not for the types of items defined within the
-current crate: we assume that after the collect phase, the types of
-all local items will be present in the table.
-Unlike most of the types that are present in Rust, the types computed
-for each item are in fact type schemes. This means that they are
-generic types that may have type parameters. TypeSchemes are
-represented by a pair of `Generics` and `Ty`.  Type
-parameters themselves are represented as `ty_param()` instances.
-The phasing of type conversion is somewhat complicated. There is no
-clear set of phases we can enforce (e.g., converting traits first,
-then types, or something like that) because the user can introduce
-arbitrary interdependencies. So instead we generally convert things
-lazilly and on demand, and include logic that checks for cycles.
-Demand is driven by calls to `AstConv::get_item_type_scheme` or
-Currently, we "convert" types and traits in two phases (note that
-conversion only affects the types of items / enum variants / methods;
-it does not e.g. compute the types of individual expressions):
-0. Intrinsics
-1. Trait/Type definitions
-Conversion itself is done by simply walking each of the items in turn
-and invoking an appropriate function (e.g., `trait_def_of_item` or
-`convert_item`). However, it is possible that while converting an
-item, we may need to compute the *type scheme* or *trait definition*
-for other items.
-There are some shortcomings in this design:
-- Because the item generics include defaults, cycles through type
-  parameter defaults are illegal even if those defaults are never
-  employed. This is not necessarily a bug.
+//! "Collection" is the process of determining the type and other external
+//! details of each item in Rust. Collection is specifically concerned
+//! with *interprocedural* things -- for example, for a function
+//! definition, collection will figure out the type and signature of the
+//! function, but it will not visit the *body* of the function in any way,
+//! nor examine type annotations on local variables (that's the job of
+//! type *checking*).
+//! Collecting is ultimately defined by a bundle of queries that
+//! inquire after various facts about the items in the crate (e.g.,
+//! `type_of`, `generics_of`, `predicates_of`, etc). See the `provide` function
+//! for the full set.
+//! At present, however, we do run collection across all items in the
+//! crate as a kind of pass. This should eventually be factored away.
 use astconv::{AstConv, Bounds};
 use lint;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/README.md b/src/libsyntax/README.md
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+NB: This crate is part of the Rust compiler. For an overview of the
+compiler as a whole, see
+[the README.md file found in `librustc`](../librustc/README.md).
+The `syntax` crate contains those things concerned purely with syntax
+– that is, the AST ("abstract syntax tree"), parser, pretty-printer,
+lexer, macro expander, and utilities for traversing ASTs.